Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 286: relax

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When the two walked up to the guards who couldn't hide their tension, the other side asked politely in an extremely nervous tone:

"Excuse me, the adventurer of steel grade. I'm rude, can you show me your proof?"

The two took the nameplate off his neck and showed him.

Anz asked: "Does this hotel refuse new guests?"

"Yes. In order to maintain the style of this hotel, unfortunately, we did refuse the accommodation of passengers who are not introduced by regular customers. However, of course, the exception of stainless steel adventurers.

A security guard wiped his hands on his clothes, bowed deeply, and then took the certificate carefully like he touched fragile objects.

Then he turned to the back and read the words written on the back.

"Master Feifei and Master Ma Yuan?"


"Acknowledged! Thank you for your proof of steel grade!"

The guards were still the same, carefully returning the sign to Ma Yuan. The brand that shows the status of the adventurer is made of metal with the same name as the status. This small brand of stainless steel level is already a big fortune. Stainless steel is a very hard metal, so even if it falls on the ground, it is impossible to scratch, but if it is lost, it will have to pay a huge amount of compensation. When the gold medals were returned, they were stolen by Cramberat, a crow-like bird, or similar events.

This is not a story broken out to remind everyone to handle expensive items carefully. It's a real case.

To enter the hotel, walk through the marble entrance hall and go directly to the service counter.

"I'm bringing the steel-level adventurer Feifei and Mayuan."

After the gentleman sitting at the counter gave a look at the guard, the guard paid a respectful salute to Anz and went back to his post.

"Sorry, just give us a room that suits us... yes, can you pay with Kingdom Gold coins instead of trading common coins?"

"Yes. Kingdom gold coins and imperial gold coins are originally one to one."

"That's it, then trouble you."

"Okay, then we will prepare a suitable room for you. Can the two adults please wait in the bar for a moment?"

Ma Yuanwang made every chair space is very spacious, full of high-level sense, can sit in a bar of about fifty people. The chair should be comfortable to sit up. The bard is playing a quiet music.

"All the food there is free. Please go there to relax."

The more money you pay, the better the service, which is the same in every world.

The two found a chair nearby and sat down.

There are a few more guests in the bar, and it seems almost all adventurers.

High-end adventurers can receive huge pay for a single job, and of course their living standards have risen. It is not a good thing to live in such a hotel.

This is probably the same in any town. This is true whether it is in Wangdu or Ye Lantier.

Anz checked to make sure that the stainless steel brand hanging around his neck could be clearly seen. It's not bad to be a topic for these guests to increase their popularity.

Anz opened the wine list in front of him while feeling he was getting attention.

——I don’t understand it at all.

Anz touched his nose a little awkwardly, knowing that he couldn't understand but opened the wine list in order to avoid suspicion.

Anz brought the interpretation props lent to Sebastian just in case, but he couldn't take them out in this place and use them slowly.

He looked up and saw that Ma Yuan was flipping through another list.

"Do you understand?" Anz asked quietly.

"Well." Ma Yuan understands it naturally. His body is native to the world, no matter what the text is for him.

"Awesome, how to do it, props?" Anz was surprised, he carefully looked at the decoration on Ma Yuan's body, and did not see anything similar to props.

"...Talent skills."

"Is there such a skill?" Anz was surprised. He didn't think there would be language conversion skills in a game.

Ma Yuan pointed to himself and said, "I am talking about me, talented skills."

Now Anz understands that some people have a strong talent for language learning, just like some people in school have better English scores than others, although his IQ is not higher than others.

"I actually learned after I came..." Andz looked at Ma Yuan with admiration.

Ma Yuan humbly waved his hand: "If you have time, you can also study...but you should be busy as a ruler..."

Anzi was deeply touched. Although he had gained a lot of benefits after changing this body, he also lost a lot of desires, and he was still not idle. There were various things waiting for him to handle.

"Alas... it would be nice if you could stay with me."

Ma Yuan looked at him humorously and said: "Why don't you have the mentality of the superior at all? Don't the rulers all hope that power is in their hands?"

Anz murmured softly: "I'm not the kind of emperor who was born to be trained as a ruler...just a little salesman..."

Ma Yuan thought, it’s not that I didn’t want to help you, but that he couldn’t replace the position of Anz. The intrusion of the Nasalik system panel was too difficult for him. First of all, he didn’t do it before. The hacker, followed by the Dragon Orb also told him that the plan he chose before is the fastest, so there is no need to think about the messy things.

The only thing he has to do now is to help Anz gradually complete his plan to conquer the world, and finally give him another knife.

As for helping Anz deal with the small matters of Nasari Kerry, let's forget it, because he is lazy.

Probably after watching the two men come to an end, the waiter came quietly.

"Did you decide what to order?"

Ma Yuan looked at the wine list in his hand and eased Anz's embarrassment. He said, "How about ice Makatia?"

Anz nodded: "I want the same."


The waiter bowed deeply and left quietly.

Andz then raised a matter of course.

"Ma Yuan, what does this taste like?"

Ma Yuan thought a little. If you ask a person what the taste of coffee is, when he wants to explain how to make the other person understand, it should be this expression.

"It's similar to ordinary coffee, with a little taste of condensed milk." Ma Yuan looked at Anz and reacted. According to Anz's body structure, no matter what he drank, it would leak out of his chin?

It's really miserable to think about that scene. ,, ..

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