Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 256: Escape

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Ah, I forgot that weirdo!

Looking around, I saw that the man was still facing the side of Shatia, and was leaping from upstairs to the road below. He fled to the edge of the roof while Shatia was distracted.

How could a fragile human being escape my palm.

As long as the passage of time is delayed with magic, he can catch up with the man before he lands. Shatiah immediately judged like this and launched magic.

""Self-time acceleration"."

After entering the world of increased viscosity, Shatia moved to the position where the man jumped off the roof. Looking down, the man is slowly descending. Although she can't hurt others when she launches this magic, she can jump on the road and wait for her opponent to come over.

Just do it. Rarely have this opportunity, I will embrace him with open arms. That human will also be very happy and embraced by a plump beauty like me.

Thinking of the expression the man was about to show, Xia Tiya raised her lips and planned to jump to the ground before the magic failed. At this moment, she discovered that there were other humans there.

--That is?

It's a person wearing a white body armor, and a person like a thief.

Brian jumped on the road and looked up. Shatia was gone.

Did not catch up? No, still saying that she wanted to be the same as that time, did she intentionally let me?

He didn't think he could escape. I just thought that Clem should be running away. Instead of staying in a high place, it would be better to go down below and get more time, delaying the time that Shatia will find them.

All Brian's actions are to allow Clem to escape. So he plans to play hide and seek with Shatia again.

However, when he was about to start running, he saw an incredible scene. Clem and the thieves are waving to him.


He felt his head was boiling. It was intense anger and anxiety.

Brian, whose face changed greatly, rushed towards the two at full speed, grabbed the collars of the two and ran. In fact, you don't need to do this. Running in the normal way is definitely faster. But Brian lost his composure at this time, not thinking so much.

Ran for a while, he confirmed time and time again that Xia Tiya did not catch up from behind, and then threw Clem, who had been caught by himself, against the wall. He failed to control his strength, and Clem fell to the ground like he was rebounded by the wall.

"Why! Why didn't you leave!"

He was extremely emotional, but he used all his reason to stop his roar.

"That, that's because..."

He grabbed Clem who stood up swaying.

"Because of what? Do you want to say because you are worried about me! I told you to leave!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't know what happened, but you didn't explain it just now. This can't be blamed on Brother Clem!"

Hearing what the thief said, his mind calmed down. It was indeed unclear as explained earlier. He repeated several deep breaths.

"Sorry, Brother Clem. I seem to be out of control."

"Ah, no, I should apologize and didn't do what you said."

"No, I'm bad. I'm really sorry. I was so excited for a while."

"I said, Mr. Anglous. What happened? Although we haven't known each other for a while, you were completely abnormal. What should I say, just like a rookie who just learned to take a sword."

"It's too dangerous to stay here. Let's talk while walking. In short I can only say that I met a monster that can match Mr. Ma Yuan."

The three men walked with increased vigilance. Bryan didn't run into Yadabava's men when he fled casually, and he was only lucky. But if you expect to be so lucky every time, you will die terribly.

"Then you seem to be won an overwhelming victory...No, did the negotiation succeed?"

"No. I used a knife... yes, I cut her nails."

At the moment of speaking, Brian's heart produced unimaginable joy. That's right, he chopped off that one—the invincible monster, Shatia Bradfren's nails.

"I cut the guy's nails."

Brian repeated. The ecstasy that had sprung up from the bottom of his heart almost made him completely oblivious, and he must be desperately suppressed. But he was still too moved to stop his speech from trembling.

"Hey, that's it. I cut my nails...well, yes, it's really good to be able to cut with a knife..."

The thief seemed to shake, and his speech was shaking.

"After all, are they the nails of someone who can match Ma Yuan? I think it should be...very powerful?"

"Just, yeah, it's really Brian Angelus!"

After being praised by the two, Brian still tried not to smile. Then he shook his head to get rid of emotion.

"Clem is small-no, Clem. There are more people in the world than me. There are people in Ma Yuan's kind of field. So you have to remember. I want you to run away, because you stay. It will only get in the way. Promise me, don’t have questions next time, just follow my instructions."

"I, I see."

"That's right. Don't you want to play for that princess? So even Ma Mayuan's murderousness can survive it, right? In that case, don't make a mistake in order of priority."

Brian patted Clem's shoulder and looked away in the direction of escape.

Why didn't that guy catch up? Is there any reason? I can't figure out why she was here... Is it because of the warehouse area?

Then he remembered what Lana said.

Is she and Yadababo looking for the same prop...? In this case... Is it her job to make Yadababo...?

Since super monsters like Shatia appear here, they should give up their missions and escape at full speed. However, would Clem accept this? He had just said that he would listen to Brian, as long as he ordered to retreat, he should obey.

Is this correct?

Considering Clem's life, there is nothing wrong with this. But-sometimes one has to give up his life for something more important. This is like being killed by Lana's order, isn't it when he died?

Brian doesn’t know what kind of life he has spent except for the name Clem, and how he has been loyal to the Golden Princess. But he still felt that Clem’s will, which accepted Lana’s order, should not be changed by others.

Bryan pulled the thief aside, lowering the volume to prevent Clem from hearing it, and asked him:

"I ask you, do you think it is right for us to take Clem forward? Is it better to let him return to the city safely than to accomplish the task?"

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