Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 262: Low morale

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If possible, Rajuz hopes that they can hide their emotions ingeniously and take actions that will give all the adventurers around them courage.

Do I still have to stand in front?

As long as she, as a steel-level adventurer, stands ahead, morale will definitely rise. However, there was no reliable companion beside Rajus. Even if it is a steel grade, a unique rose is not as capable as a mountain bronze team in the face of the situation. That's why she invited them to be pioneers.

I asked them. If I force myself up, it will probably make them unhappy. But... it's better to find an opportunity to stand on the front line.

Rajus judged in this way, and passed through the fire wall himself.

In front of me was a silent world. Apart from the collapse of houses everywhere and the lack of a half-person figure, the street view of the king in front of him is exactly the same as before.

"Where did the residents go? Didn't you smell the blood, did you hide at home?"

"Impossible. Look, the door is broken. Where should it be taken?"

"Beware of the demons hiding in the unmanned house. Will you look at them one by one? Will it take time?"

"It's safer to contact Miss Lajus and ask her for advice."

"Then contact me now..."

"no need."

Hearing the voice behind them, the adventurers who had been discussing turned back like they were electrified. Rajuth felt that it was time to go to the front and seemed to startle them and opened his eyes.

"Iron-level and bronze-level adventurers stayed to search for the house. Then left a Mithril-level team to supervise. The other personnel spread out while advancing. Is there any objection?"

Everyone shook her head and expressed no objection.

"So please move on."

La Qiusi walked side by side with the mountain bronze adventurers on the road of the king. The surroundings were so creepy and creepy that I couldn't imagine how many people lived there until sunset.

"Doesn't it matter if Mr. Ma Yuan?"

Having to entrust everything to Ma Yuan, La Qiusi could understand their uneasiness.

"I don't think there will be any problems. That person, even Evelai, admits that he is stronger than her. The only problem is that the enemy's leader who can tie the strength of such a strong Mr. Ma Yuan, Yada Bavao. How strong is that man..."

The adventurers in the range where the sound can reach all have a gloomy expression.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Don't worry about it. We just have to do what we can do, and that's all."

"Well, that's right. Although I feel anxious as an adventurer, just comfort myself and be appropriate. Okay, let's go!"

"Yeah, let's go."

Standing in front of everyone, Rajus walked with the mountain bronze adventurer.

She held the magic sword Zilinilam in one hand. Some people say that this sword is made from a piece of night sky, and the surface contains stars.

It didn't take long for the march to start, and there was a tiny explosion in the distance. The low-level adventurers were shocked, and the mid-level adventurers entered a slight battle situation. High-level adventurers are alert to look around. As for the super high order, they stared forward. Each responded differently, and La Qiusu stared at him sharply.

"The team over there seems to be fighting."

It should not be Tina's team.

"Since the offensive speed is almost the same, it is almost time for the enemy's attack troops to come here."

"--What about above?"

"There are liaison personnel deployed in accordance with the combat plan, but no greeters are assigned."

"That's all. There are many flying monsters among the demons. They can't be scattered among the king capitals, so we just move on the ground and attract the attention of the other side.

"In other words, the initial combat policy has not changed."

"Yes... eh? Now, did you hear that?"

"Well, I heard. That's a barking dog. Hey, what is that?"

When asked by him, the magic chanter of the magic department replied:

"It must be seen with my own eyes, but I think it should be a hellhound. The special ability used is the breath of fire. The difficulty is almost fifteen."

"Difficulty... That's right, how hard do you think Yadabavo and the Zerg Maid are?"

Rajus hesitated how to answer. If you answer honestly, they will certainly detract from their fighting spirit. But if they lie, it is not good to make them think that there is a chance. After hesitating for a long time, La Qius answered honestly.

"--one hundred fifty."


All adventurers within the sound range show the same expression.

"I speculate that the bottom line of the Zerg maid is 150. Yadabavo speculates that it is more than two hundred."


With the exception of Rajus, everyone was speechless. This is of course. Even super-advanced steel-level adventurers can only deal with the difficulty of about eighty. Although it is generally believed that it will still be able to win by about 95 years, it is a joke to nearly double it. not only--

"Wait a minute! Is Mr. Ma Yuan going to deal with the difficulty of two hundred?"

"Yeah. So we only get in the way, right?"

"That's not that field anymore! Are two hundred joking?...Is the steel grade actually so strong?"

"How is it possible. We can only deal with ninety at most."

"Isn't it impossible to win!"

Don't look away, don't look at adventurers who have trouble breathing.

She didn't lie. But it didn't tell the truth. La Qiusi's own ability was less than ninety, but Ivel said it was more than one hundred and fifty. That's why she estimates the strength of the Zerg Maid and Yadababo. And this is the reason why Evel didn't participate in this battle.

In order to quickly restore her magic, she is taking a special rest. Once recovered, she will go to the place of Yadabavo with Ma Yuan to provide support, so that Ma Yuan can fight against Yadabawo one-on-one. According to the scheduled plan, she will deal with the Zerg maid that should appear.

When La Qius thought casually, she felt the surrounding atmosphere worse and worse with her skin. The fighting spirit fell to the bottom, and even heard someone say that it is better to abandon the king and run away.

Sure enough, as she expected. Anyone would think so. Even when La Qius heard Evel's description, she felt the same.

"You also heard what Iverian said? Mr. Ma Yuan can at least tie that Yadababo. So we have to entrust everything to Mr. Ma Yuan and try our best to help the war situation benefit him. "

"Ya and Yadababo are handed over to Mr. Ma Yuan to deal with, but what if the Zerg maid runs to our side?"

"It's up to us Cang Qianwei. With the special prop power that Evelia has, we can swap positions. Evelia has the means to effectively deal with the Zerg maid, so as long as she comes, she can win without worrying about the difficulty gap. victory."

Everyone sighed with praise, and the low morale was restored. ,, ..

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