Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 252: Friend or foe

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There is a room embodying the word "splendid luxury".

The bright red carpet on the ground is quite soft, giving people the illusion that they are trapped under the calf. The two-seater bench in the room is made of high-quality natural wood and is carved with exquisite French Rococo patterns. The chair surface is covered with black leather, giving off its unique luster.

On the bench, a man stretched out his slender legs and leaned deeply into the back of the chair.

Eyebrows clear. If there is a portrait that perfectly portrays his appearance, people must think of him as such.

The blonde hair reflected the magic lights that lit up around it, as if the starry glow appeared. The thick purple pupil with slender corners is like amethyst, and everyone who sees it will be fascinated by it.

However, in fact, those who saw him in person may have a different impression before admiring the five palaces. It has nothing to do with his appearance. Once he feels the temperament emitted by him personally, that kind of innate style of king, no matter who it is, will produce the only first impression. That is the "dominator".

He is Gick Nieve Len Fallod Al Nix.

At the age of twenty-two, he was the current emperor of the Baha'i Empire. The nobles feared him, and his subjects held him with the highest respect. He was hailed as the most wise emperor of all dynasties. And because he wiped out many nobles and enjoyed the name of the blood emperor, he was frightened by neighboring countries.

In addition to Jikenev, there were four male servants in the room, but they were all standing still, just like the statue.

Jikenev moved his eyes away from the papers he had seen for a while, his eyes fixed in midair. As if there was a blackboard there, he was writing his ideas on it.

Soon, Zikniff snorted. The snoring was both a mockery and an interest.

The intelligence brought by the inside of the kingdom is worthy of showing this attitude.

At this time-

——The door opened without knocking.

The disrespectful attitude caused Hu Humen to sink down and look at the door with hostile eyes. However, as soon as they saw who was entering the room, Hu Congren immediately lifted the alert and returned to their original posture.

It was an old man who walked in, with a white beard almost half his height. Although the hair is as white as snow, it has not become thinner.

The years of life turned into wrinkles that appeared on the face, and there was a clear and wise glory hidden in the sharp eye pupils.

Necklaces of countless small crystal **** hung around his neck, and his dry fingers wore several unpretentious rings. The pure white robe on the body is loose and loose, made of very soft fabric.

The man's appearance was like the impression that an ignorant person first heard when he heard the magic chanter.

"--Things are in trouble."

The old man who slowly walked into the room said the first sentence, spitting out this line with a disappointing appearance and a young voice. Jikenev only moved his eyeballs, moving his interesting eyes.

"What's wrong, old man?"

"I have investigated. "Black Dragon", one of the three stainless steel teams in our country, has a close relationship with the royal family. The newly added members of them are suspected of possessing quite powerful magic props. "

"So what does it simply mean?"

"... Your Majesty. Magic is also one of the principles of this world. Learning knowledge—"

"Hey, got it, got it." Jikenev waved his hand with interest. "You talk about teaching endlessly. Don't worry about that first, let's focus on it."

"Adventures do not participate in competition between countries. "Black Dragon" is only listed in the secret files of our country. Now they are running blatantly to the royal family of the kingdom..."

"The most important thing is that the man named Ma Yuan, he is likely to have the same or higher order magic than me."

In addition to the emperor and the elderly, there was a sense of tension in the room.

The old man said that this person could compete with the highest-level magic chanter in the history of the empire, the chairman of the court magician, and the famous great sage "Triple Magic Singer" Fruda Paradine, everyone else doubted Own ears.

"It turns out so. So you look so happy, old man?"

"Of course. In the past two hundred years, I have never met a magic chanter who is equal to me or has more power than me."

"Have you ever been there two hundred years ago?"

The emperor was driven by curiosity to ask questions, and the chairman of the court magician began to recall the past.

"Well, I have only seen one of them, that is, one of the thirteen heroes in the fairy tale, the necromancer Ligulet Beers Kalau. Hey, but the other magic chanters in the thirteen heroes It should be excellent."

"So are there any better magic chanters than the old man?"

Fruda's eyes were wandering, as if looking into the distance.

"It's hard to say...I think I've reached a much higher level than her now, but...I can't be sure. Because of the magic of magic, I can't simply decide which one is better."

He slowly stroked his long beard and humility, but the tone of his voice showed confidence. Then he raised an eyebrow.

"I only hope that Anz Ur Gong will be a better person than me."

Zikniff smiled proudly, and selected one of the pieces of paper scattered on the bench before taking it to Frudar.

Although Fruda looked surprised, she took the paper and glanced at it.


This is how he feels. It's just that the sage expression of Fulda has changed dramatically. There was a fiery fire in his eyes, which looked like a hungry beast.

"It's so interesting. Four people deal with dozens of special troops suspected of being a member of the state...Hmm. I'm definitely not the skill of the other three people. I know all those people. I really hope to have a face-to-face talk with this person. Some magical knowledge."

On the paper, what was said in the kingdom by Ge Jeff Storonov in front of the king is written, and even the personal feelings of the recorder are written on it.

"Then your majesty, has anyone sent anyone to this village?"

"I didn't do it that way. Sending people in the past will be noticeable."

"...Send my apprentice... No, if the content of this letter is true, it is best to establish a friendly relationship with the other party."

"No, old man. If it is a strong man who can manage it, I really want him to come to the empire. If they decide to go to the kingdom, then..."

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