Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 250: Withdrawal

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At this moment, the applause came suddenly, everyone was startled, and looked at the position of the door.

There was an old man, dressed as a housekeeper, smiling.

"How is Qi Yalei?" Ma Yuan asked.

Sebas turned his head to look behind his shoulders, and Clem looked down at him, only to see the entrance of this room, and there was a woman wrapped in a blanket.


Clem hurriedly looked down at Sandhill. The maid costume on his body was wet with blood, and a large piece was torn. He couldn't take it off for Qi Yalei, and they certainly didn't want it.

"Please don't mind, Brother Clem. That maid outfit is just a commoner. It's no pity."

Hearing Sebastian's wry smile, Clem was slightly relieved.

"In any case, since she has been rescued safely, it is better to retreat now."

"Ah, no, that, the other six-armed...really...?"

"Yes, I killed them all. Because of the large number of people and the fact that everyone is a master, I can't show mercy, and now I feel a little regretful."

"This, this. There is no way, that, please don't be too frustrated."

The three people's eyes moved in unison to Zhiluo's body lying on the ground. They broke their mouths and dared not say "you lied".

"In short, let the soldiers search this building first."

They originally came to search for this building. With the help of Ma Yuan and Sebastian, it is a miraculous luck to clean up an important base of the opponent. Not only that, if what he said is true-one can imagine that one hundred percent is true-it also comes with tremendous results in destroying the strongest fighting power of the eight fingers.

It can be said that they have produced more beautiful results than other groups. The only flaw in the ointment is that he kills the figure who knows the organization well, but it is impossible to catch him alive, so this is only a computational loss. Only a fool would express dissatisfaction with this.

Hearing Clem's tone of excitement, Brian and the thieves nodded in agreement. However, only one person has a dull expression.

"What's wrong, Master Sebastian?"

"Ah, no, it's just something that makes me a little bit... let's not talk about this for a while, the air in this place is not good. How about going out?"

"Um. Yes."

Everyone took turns looking at Zhengluo's body and Qi Yalei, and they all agreed with Sebastian's opinion.

Sebass walked to Qi Yalei at the entrance of the room and picked her up. Almost no flesh grows, only skinny white feet are thrown into the air like kicks. They saw Qi Yalei's thin arms firmly holding Sebastian's clothes.

Housekeeper and maid. The atmosphere between the two is not like this relationship alone.

Asking about the relationship between the two is too bad. No matter what their relationship is, what about it?

"Okay, let's go."

Clem finished speaking to everyone, and took the lead to go out without waiting for an answer.

The three also followed.

During the invasion, it was felt that there were people inside the building, and now it seems to be empty.

Think about it calmly. When Sebass knocks down his six arms, it is impossible for any brave person to want to stay in the building and fight Sebastian. I'm afraid everyone has escaped. If this is the case, I hope that those who stay outside can arrest them. Clem walked out of the building while thinking.

The sense of openness makes my shoulders relax a lot.

Someone patted Clem's relaxed shoulder. Looking around, it was the thieves who patted him on the shoulder. His eyes were fixed in very different directions. The wide-eyed face was very similar to Ma Yuan's expression when he sent Zhengluo to Xitian.

Clem looked at him, his eyes widened.


Hearing Brian's murmur, Clem couldn't help nodding.

If a house catches fire, a fire column will naturally occur. That kind of flame would never surprise Clem too much. But the situation in front of him was not like this. It was a wall of fire more than thirty meters high, surrounding a division of the capital. I am afraid that the length is not less than hundreds of meters.

"What is that."

Although Ma Yuan's tone was unbelievable, but there was no tension, the three men recovered.

"What should I do, team leader. I think there should be a warehouse area, who is responsible for that area?"

"Cang Qiangwei's team leader, Lord Albein... I judged this to be an emergency. I abandoned all the current plans and retreated to the royal city according to the instructions. Afterwards, I would like to ask you adults to decide how to act."

"It should be the best way to do this... Ah-Lord Sebass..."

"We take her to a safe place. To avoid the same situation again."

"I see, Master Sebass, thank you for your assistance last night and today."

"Please don't worry about it. I just have the same purpose on both sides, so I can provide some help... I will give back to you for trying to save her. Then I will say goodbye."

Fire month [September] 4th 21:10

The woman felt thirsty and woke up.

She wriggled slowly on the king-size double bed, reaching for the kettle beside the bed, but only touching the air.

At that moment she remembered that she didn't put the kettle today and gave a sigh.


She couldn't help yawning. Although she went to bed early and got up early like an old man, after all, she slept more than an hour ago. I haven't got enough sleep yet.

The woman swallowed and put her hand on her throat. She felt a dry and sticky feeling and got out of bed to drink water. The woman put on a thick robe set aside to cover her nudes, put on slippers with her feet, and walked out of the room.

This mansion is the base of her drug dealer, Hilmar in the capital. It stands to reason that there should be dozens of subordinates busy in and out of the mansion, but now it is like a deserted silence.

Hilmar walked in the corridor in surprise. In the absence of noble gatherings, this house is always quiet. But it is too quiet.

The nobles are invited to this mansion in order to establish contacts.

For nobles, even a son-in-law, it is often necessary to wait for an age to inherit the family business. Usually over thirty.

During this period, the free money can only be extended to the parents, that is, the father. Even if they are married and have children, the boss is not a big adult. So Hilma invited these people to play in this mansion.

Hilmar provided them with wine, women and drugs, and whispered sweet words in their ears to tease their self-esteem. They are also allowed to meet with people of the same position to make them feel close. Hilmar used this method to entertain them and establish friendly relations.

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