Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 235: Sleeping girl

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Seeing this, Ma Yuan quickly helped him round the field: "You don't have to worry about this problem, I have a space magic device to transfer."

"Oh..." Bardley pulled his tone, but he didn't embarrass them anymore. He took three people through the white cloister to the entrance of the basement. Without a maid to follow, Bardley held it. The candlestick, the orange flames were a little weird in the dim channel.

The deeper you go, the lower the temperature. Ankar felt it with magic. At this time, their position should be more than minus forty degrees. Budley did not care about their meaning. Ankar raised the magic circle silently to help the other two maintain body temperature.

There are so many silver-white metal doors on both sides of the corridor, and Budley shows off to them while walking: "These doors are all my collections, you can't make any bad ideas."

"..." So why should we tell it to us? The three behind were choked at the same time.

When he reached a certain door, the flame of the candlestick in Budley extinguished suddenly. He stopped, struck his hand, and knocked on the metal door that was facing him. The aperture quickly lit up on the door, and then a slight push and pull sounded. The door opened.

They walked in behind Bardley, and at a glance they saw the ice coffin in the center of the room, which shone with silvery white light in the dark room.

Andrei restrained his urge to walk quickly. He knew that nothing could be moved on the pharmacist's site, otherwise he would be successful if he didn't pay attention.

Budley looked at the ice coffin with an inexplicable smile, stepped forward and sprinkled white powder around the ice coffin, and turned back and waved to them: "Come on."

They dare to walk over.

The lid of the ice coffin is transparent, they saw the girl lying in the ice coffin at a glance, Andre's eyes were excited, and Ankar's eyes flashed in surprise.

The girl seemed to be asleep, with long curly blond hair scattered naturally on both sides of her body, her skin was fair, her complexion was still slightly ruddy, her eyelashes were quietly covered under her eyes, casting a fine shadow.

"Vinica!" Andre couldn't help but touched the face on the ice coffin, whispered in a whisper, like this, Vinica seemed to open his eyes and smile to him next second, "Brother, you Here it is."

It's a pity that this kind of scene doesn't happen. Andrei recovered from his fantasy and realized that time should have passed a long time, Ma Yuan and they didn't bother him.

He stepped back a little embarrassedly and said to Budley: "Could you please open the ice coffin."

"Are you ready?" Budley asked, his eyes glancing at Ma Yuan.

"Well, just open it." Ma Yuan nodded and gave Andrea a smile that made him feel at ease.

Budley took a deep breath and pressed the button at the bottom of the ice coffin, the glass lid of the ice coffin slowly moved away from both sides.

The next second he suddenly opened his eyes.

——The sleeping girl is gone.

He looked around in reflection, and looked like he was on alert. Even Andre and Ankar also forgot to speak in surprise.

Ma Yuan slowly said slowly: "Don't look for it, there is no enemy, your sister has been transferred to the props by me."

"When?" All three were stunned. They didn't see Ma Yuan's movements at all. It was important to know that the strength of the people present was not ordinary. No one even noticed when Ma Yuan moved one.

"Don't you say that if you leave the ice coffin, it will start to rot immediately? To prevent accidents, I paused the time for a second and put Vinica in the props, so that's fine."

"Can you pause time?" the three exclaimed at the same time! Will there be such a skill against the sky? If this is the case, then this person is simply impossible to lose on the battlefield. Know that one second can often kill the other party in the master room.

Ma Yuan looked at their dull expressions and smiled: "Not so powerful, this skill has a lot of restrictions, and the skill cools down for a long time. It may only be used once after a long time."

He said that Yu Guang was sweeping through Bardley without any traces. The warning in his eyes was very heavy-if you dare to move your mind, don't blame me for doing something to you.

With such a stare, Budley immediately sobered from the fanatic state, and realized that this person could not be used for research by himself.

"Okay, we should say goodbye." Ma Yuan reached out and patted on Andre's shoulder, motioning him to return to his mind: "Relax, I won't let your sister do anything."

"Oh, okay, let's go." Andrei temporarily let go of his thoughts and thanked Badly solemnly. The three of them left his mansion together, trying to make themselves ignore the badness behind him. Searing eyes.

"Where are we going for the resurrection ceremony?" Andre opened the secret message.

Ma Yuan said to him in silence, "If I tell you, I still plan to take it back and let Anz help her back to life, will you beat me?"


Ankar interjected in a timely manner: "Talk about your plan, we can also cooperate with you."

Andre also just briefly "um" said: "It doesn't matter, she can be resurrected and I'm already very happy." The implication is that he doesn't mind Ma Yuan temporarily using Winika to complete his plan. .

"Well. I plan to put some magic on her. You can rest assured that it won't affect your sister."

Will not affect Winika, the other way around...

Andrea narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is it immediate?"

Ma Yuan smiled, because Andrea could immediately understand what he meant: "No, I have to wait for a suitable opportunity."

"After going back this time, we are going to part ways." Ankar asked suddenly.

"Yes, in fact, if you don't want to be erased by Anz, I can help you hide him."

"Is it okay?" Ankar's eyes lighted up to tell the truth that he has been around for so long, he doesn't want to forget Lilith or Ma Yuan.

"Well, you can do what you want," Ma Yuan promised.

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