Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 228: Marquis you can trust

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"Uh, but yeah, princess. Didn't we say that there was not enough manpower? Did anyone express their willingness to assist in the middle of the night? Can't hire adventurers?

One of the founding ideas of the Adventurer Union is to protect humanity from external threats. For this reason, the union has an unwritten rule, that is, try not to intervene in disputes between human beings. Otherwise, the union cannot cross the national barriers and assist each other.

Therefore, even if the union can save some lives, once the intervention is involved, the judgment will be endless in the future, they will exert pressure to require the risk taker to comply with this unspoken rule. Sometimes it is a warning, sometimes the job may not be introduced, the most serious punishment is to expel the adventurer union. Because of this, some of the adventurers will work illegally and become a group called workers; but according to some rumors, if someone violates the regulations in a vicious way, the union may also send assassination forces hired by their own.

Cang Qianwei began to fight against the eight-finger human organization. Although they violated this unwritten rule, they were steel-level adventurers and representative figures of the trade union. . Only because they violated the regulations, they can be forgiven.

"It is the foolishest way to use other manpower to involve the guards. The power of the gang has already penetrated into the guards. They can only be used at the end, otherwise there will be trouble."

"The soldiers brought by the nobles from the territory are the same. I can't figure out which nobles are the same as them, so I can't ask the people there for help."

"Huh. The only thing you can trust is only Geoff Storonov and his soldiers-soldiers... No, even the subordinates do not know how many are trustworthy. Oh."

"That's true. As a result, because we didn't know the opponent's sphere of influence, we couldn't come up with a countermeasure. But this is just a blind investigation, and the kingdom will one day be completely corrupt. The result of all aspects is that the headaches cure the head and the feet hurt the feet."

Hearing Russell's mumble, Lana nodded.

With the imperial empires and internal chaos, the political situation is constantly corrupting. Even under such unfavorable conditions, his master still insisted on fighting, and Clem seemed to see the sun's radiance behind her, narrowing her eyes. Clem realized that she was the only person who could rule the kingdom and make many people happy, and strengthened her loyalty.

However, some people do not understand this, believing that the princess only needs to be a vase to be beautiful and moving. All these people-mainly nobles-made Clem resentful and clenched his fists.

But Lana's beautiful voice shook Clem's ear, dissolving his anger and making him listen to their conversation again.

"You are right. So, I want to seek help from a trusted nobleman."

"Do you know a noble you can trust, princess?"

"Yes, Miss Evela. Although not many, I know that there is only one nobleman to be trusted."

"Oh, Lana, who are you talking about? I don't think you will overlook it, but even if it is trustworthy, it is useless without a certain strength. Nor can it be guaranteed that the other party can bring enough soldiers from the territory."

"I think there should be no problem in this respect. Also, I will invite Kingdom Warriors to come."

"It's understandable."

"Well, the long warrior is trustworthy. It should be said that even if he is the same as the eight fingers, then nothing is expected."

"Then Clem. Please call Ravenhall. He has participated in the most recent meeting, so people should still be in the capital."

"Marquis? I did see him with the prince..."

Indeed, Lei Wenhou meets the character requirements they want. In addition to whether you can trust this.

He is one of the big nobles known as the six nobles, and he far surpasses other nobles in all aspects of financial resources. However, there is no evidence to prove that Lei Wenhou and Bazhi are not the same raccoon dog. Or it should be said that his financial strength is so strong that he may have accepted their bribes.

However, Clem immediately rejected this idea.

Lana, his master and the smartest and most respectable woman, gave the man's name. In this case, Lei Wenhou should be trustworthy.

However, the members of Cang Qianwei are different from Clem, and they all look awkward.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness. Can the Lord Marquis trust?"

"I heard that Lei Wenhou is a bat."

"A bat swinging between the kings and the nobles. If it is a profitable guy, the money of eight fingers can also make him tempted."

"I don't want intelligence to leak from him, princess."

When everyone expressed their negative opinions one after another, there was a clap of clapping hands. It's La Qiusi.

"Don't talk about it! Hey, Lana. I don't have a good impression of Lei Wenhou, can he really be trusted?"

"I can't guarantee. And I think he also received a gift of eight fingers."

Huh? Everyone was surprised, all confused expression. However, some people thought of a possibility and said:

"Spread false information to induce the other party?"

"This preparation will be made before the assassination. Disseminate the information of the old assassin's attempt to start, and divert the alert direction of the guards."

Lana shook her head about the former assassin's opinion.

"No, Miss Tina and Miss Tia. I think that even if someone receives money, they don’t want to help the eight fingers, right? If his operation behind him is beyond my expectation, then I will lose, but ...Clem. Go and call Levin Hou. As long as you tell about the destruction of the eight-finger prostitute and the arrest of the slave trader, he should be willing to meet me."

Clem's eyes moved to confirm the light outside the window. The morning sun was dazzling. It's a bit early for this time. However, I am afraid that the nobility is not always with you. If you want to make an appointment, maybe it is best to go now.

"Should I tell the story of the slave trader? The subordinates thought it would be better to keep it secret..."

Lana said that in order to see him he must play this card, but even if the other party is a big noble, it is impossible to refuse the princess' summoning. In this case, should we keep the cards in hand?

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