Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 223: Blood Sword

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Sebastian, who was standing by, heard the sound of Qi Yalei swallowing. This is no wonder. Hearing this threatening words, she should feel very uneasy about her next destiny.

"So, I ask you. Tell me your full name."

Sebass does not understand the meaning of this question. Why should I ask this?

Glancing sideways, Qi Yalei's eyes were wandering in the room. That attitude says it all.

Answer honestly.

Sebass prayed in his heart.

She didn't even mention Sebastian's real name, which shows that there may be something wrong with the real name. Even so, if you lie to your master, there will be the worst situation waiting for her.

The silence lasted for a while, and after an anxious period of time, Qi Yalei finally whispered like a mosquito: "Qi, Qi Yalei... Qi Yarenina."

"What's the surname?"

"Qiyarenina Veron..."

"It turns out turns out...then I ask you, Chia Reina. Your wish is to go to the underground grave of Nasarik, which is the land where I wait and rule Living there, right?...The Nazarek underground grave is not a world where human races live. No, I don’t mean that human races can’t live there, but there is no race like human races there, um... ...Even Ma Yuan doesn’t live there often. Currently, there is only one stainless steel lady who helps in the kitchen, so I don’t know if it’s suitable for your can also choose Take the big fortune I gave you, and live in a distant human land."

This proposal is too generous, and people do not understand why Anz did this. However, Qi Yalei did not hesitate and immediately answered: "I, I want to live with Master Sebas..."

Anz nodded slowly. Yu Guang, who looked at Ma Yuan, seemed a little laugh.

Ma Yuan snorted angrily, he knew that Anz's subtext was saying-this girl doesn't like you?

"Okay. Listen, my servants."

Everyone showed a respectful attitude, and Qi Yalei quickly learned something.

"I’m protecting the future safety of Chia Reina in the name of Anz Oul Kung. I can treat you as a guest of the Nazarek underground grave, but what is your hope? Go with Is Lilith a companion?"

"Thank you, Master. Although...I am grateful to Master Ma Yuan's proposal...No, but please let me work with Master Sebastian."

Anz was stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, Qi Yalei did not give Ma Yuan face in such a large crowd, so she had to look at Ma Yuan's meaning with her eyes.

Ma Yuan waved his hand and said, "I don't care."

"--Okay, if you wish that is the case. Then Chia Reina will temporarily become a temporary maid directly under Sebastian. Sebastian, give her a proper job. At the same time, the six stars will be changed to the Seven Sisters in the future. , Change the squad commander according to the regulations. However, don’t let her leave here, let Li Alpha act as the commander."

Sorelline bowed her head deeply.

"Also, tell everyone in Nazarek's underground grave that Qi Yalinina is under the protection of Anz Oul Kung. At the same time, she is also a person who works with you."

Except for Qi Yalei and Anz and Ma Yuan, everyone in the room bowed their heads together.

"Dimiugos, do you have any objections to my decision?"

"Not at all. What Master Anz said is the law of the Nazarek underground grave."

This matter can be recognized by the Guardians so quickly, partly because Ma Yuan and Lilith set a precedent, proving that humans are not useless.

"Then confirm it. First of all, we immediately evacuated the mansion. All the guards deployed in the mansion immediately returned to Nazarek. Sebastian and Soleus dealt with the last work in the capital. , Is to buy wheat for Dimituogos and move to the warehouse. After buying enough quantity, send Shatia to come to transport the wheat through the "portal". Is that right?"

Everyone lowered their heads without saying a word, Qi Yalei looked around, and quickly lowered their heads.

"That Qi Ya Lei... how to deal with Qi Ya Lei? Go back with us? Or go back with Sebastian?"

"The subordinates thought that going back with me would save a lot of trouble."

"Really, Sebastian, I know. Then, Sebastian, Suluxiang, bring those alert subordinates here. Go back with my magic."


After seeing several people out of the room, Anz asked Ma Yuan: "Do you really have any thoughts about this lady? How can you be so enthusiastic and let her go?"

Ma Yuan gave him a white eye very simply: "Just as the help of the same family to give within the ability, can't you understand?"

"Ah, is that true?" Anz touched his bare bones and said with emotion, "After becoming an undead, the feelings of being human are getting less and less, and only emerge when you are alone with you. what."

Hearing the lingering tone of Anz, Ma Yuan thought about it and asked the question: "Are you willing to go back to reality?"

——Will he still want to go back to reality again?

Not long ago, he just asked this mysterious voice in the Dragon Orb. In a void system space, all time is still, Ma Yuan will always enter the space when he is tired, in that world, only the mysterious voice is talking to him and talking about some problems.

Two months ago.

"Are you really not curious about your true identity?" After a few more silences, the slightly dull voice rang in the ears, swaying the white mist.

"Huh? Real identity?" Ma Yuan summoned the silver bone sword in his hand and played with his fingers over the body of the sword. He deliberately tilted his fingertips over the blades and rubbed bright red blood on it. Through the reflection of the sword body, he saw an interesting light flashing in his eyes-the blood was completely absorbed by the bone sword, and the blood in his fingertips was not stopped. The outflow, but without exception, disappeared on this sword, it can be said to be eaten by it.

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