Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 220: Dispose

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Sebastian's body is a bit stiff: "It's my mistake. If I can take better measures, I would not have caused such a result."

Sebasi felt that Qi Yalei's body was shaking slightly behind him.

"...Master Sebastian." Qi Yalei was a little sad. "It's all my fault."

"I am Lord Anz-with the 41 supreme and faithful servants. Even if the same thing happens again, I will definitely take the same action... so you will stay in this world and be happy. I will try to implore Lord Anz to agree... Lord Anz should be able to perform memory operations. Let the Lord eliminate all bad memories for you, and then live well."

"What about Lord Sebastian's memories?"

"I will also ask adults to eliminate memories about me. Because there is no benefit even if I remember."

"What is a benefit?"

Sebastian felt a strong will from Qi Yalei's words and turned back.

It was the females who were against the Sebastians positively, though they had tears in their eyes, but stared at themselves with strong eyes. He felt a little shaken, thinking about what to use to persuade her.

Sebass doesn't really think that the land of Nasarik can make small humans with no talents and abilities have peace of mind. He also didn't think that the land would accept the existence of weak human beings with a low value of life. Yes, she cannot live there without the guardian of the absolutely great master. So Sebastian told her: "I want you to be happy in this world."

"My place of happiness is where Lord Sebastian is. So please take me with you."

Hearing Qi Yalei said decisively, Sebass thought she was pitiful.

"You seem to be happy because of a little thing, but that's just **** paralyzing your mind."

Because she had seen the worst, she could be happy even with a slightly worse environment, but that's all. However, Qi Yalei made fun of this idea.

"I don't think this is hell. I can fill my stomach and have a decent job... I grew up in a small village. Life there is also very difficult."

Qi Yalei's eyes seemed to look into the distance for only a moment. The vision soon returned to its original state, looking directly at Sebastian.

"We growled so hungry that no matter how hard we worked, the harvest was almost taken away by the lord. There was not much left to eat. Not only that, from the lord's point of view, we are just toys. No matter what I do No matter how he cried, he still invaded me with a smile. He was smiling. I was taken by that—"

"--I understand."

Sebass pulled Qi Yalei with a twitchy smile and hugged the whole person in his arms, gently hugging her trembling shoulders. Sebasi felt that just as it was then, Qi Yalei's tears burst into his clothes.

The world she has seen and lived in is not everything. However, even so, for Qi Yalei, the world is so miserable.

Sebass was lost in thought.

What is the best way to do it? No matter what he thinks, there is only one answer. But that answer will anger the master, and it is likely that the master will order the killing of Qi Yalei.

"You might be killed."

"If it was killed by Lord Sebastian, if it was to give me the warmhearted adult who was supposed to be there..."

Ma Yuan stood aside as a background board for a long time and finally couldn't help but say: "Can you stop doing"

There was a moment of silence in the air.

The two looked at him blankly, as if remembering that someone was watching.

"Don't look at me like this." Ma Yuan waved his hands to open the pink bubbles in the air. This evening love can't be played like this. It seems to be martyrdom at any time, "Well, let me tell Anz, you Just take Qi Yalei back to Nazarek."

"...Ah?" Sebastian didn't seem to react, and looked at Ma Yuan in surprise. After a moment of recovery, emotions, gratitude, joy and other emotions flooded into his eyes.

"...Thank you." Qi Yalei choked and bowed to him. "Thank you very much for doing this for me."

"But..." Sebastian still looked at Qi Yalei with some hesitation. "Let me confirm one thing. Are you not attached to this world? Did you want to go back?"

Even if invited to Nasariq, it does not mean that the relationship with human society will be permanently broken in the future. Because he didn't take Qi Yalei there for imprisonment. But it is also difficult to say that there is no such possibility.

"I... I want to see my sister a little bit. But I don't want to recall the past..."

She grabbed Sebastian's clothes tightly and looked up at Sebastian with watery eyes.

There is a certain expectation in the pupil. Sebastian has this intuition.

"...I see." Sebass nodded solemnly and turned to Ma Yuan. "Then please."

"Before that, I have to think of a reason why those guardians that Qi Yalei will do in Nasarik have no opinion?" Ma Yuan tilted his head as if he was in deep thought, and then clapped his hands, "Go How about cooking in the kitchen? Lilith is also there, and they can look after each other."

"Let me do anything."

Sebass also felt that this idea was feasible, and once again thanked Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan waved his hand to signal that he was not polite, and he didn't want to disturb the two anymore, asked where the wine was, and left.

Behind him, Qi Yalei let go of Sebastian's clothes and wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck.

Sebastian, ignoring the expressionless expression and the confusion in her heart, Qi Yalei raised her toes.

Then Sebastian and Qi Yalei's lips overlapped.

The period of gentle overlap is very short. Qi Yalei's lips quickly left.

"A bit prickly." Qi Yalei stepped back slightly, holding her lips with both hands. "I got such a happy kiss for the first time."

Sebass was speechless. However, Qi Yalei looked at Sebastian and smiled sweetly and cheerfully.

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