Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 155: contact

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Even if he is full of confidence in his own ability and strength, only at this time, Ma Yuan will definitely feel how convenient the ability of the superpowers of the academy city.

After all, I can’t use electromagnetic waves, or the ability to feel the electromagnetic waves of the entire academy city.

"Don't look at me..."

Just when Ma Yuan looked at Misaka Miqin and thought about what abilities he would have if he became a superpower, he was met by Misaka Miqin.

"Do you know how precise what you are asking for? I'm distracted when you look at me like this?"

Misaka Misaki complained.

After all, what she wants to feel is the electromagnetic waves of the entire academy city, including biological waves.

Misaka Misaka has never done this, but as a superpower (lv5), it is not difficult to feel the "current" of the entire academy city.

Of course, including Ma Yuan's current, let Misaka Miqin feel it.

Ma Yuan kept looking at Misaka Miqin, so Misaka Miqin didn't know what to say. After all, it was relatively easy to feel the current of the entire academy city, but to trace some connections between the currents, Misaka Miqin had not done this thing.

Rather, it is more a test of patience and attentiveness than ability. If Ma Yuan keeps looking at herself, it seems that it is a little distracting.

Even Ma Yuan didn't know why.

It wasn't until the evening that Misaka found the place where Misaka Misaka was located. The main reason was that they finally stopped.

"Probably in that position..."

Misaka Misaki pointed to the side and said.

"It's stopped now so I can set a point, but I don't know what will happen later, it's better to catch up first."

As soon as Misaka Misaki said, he directly used his own electricity to push himself into the air, almost in a big jump to the opposite direction.

Looking at Misaka Megumi like this, Ma Yuan knew how much Misaka Megumi had been so enthusiastic about sisters' plans. It's just that as a man without superpowers, it seems a little unscientific to keep up with Misaka's movements in this scientific world.

After all, he can't fly. Even if it is like in other worlds, it is not possible to jump directly from building to building. The whole world reconciled these details.

Fortunately, Ma Yuan is not nothing.

I have been in this academy city for so long, and I have bought fun things, of course, including the new invention he uses now.

Simply because it was fun, I invested the rest of my money in a student’s research, so I didn’t expect a device to come in handy.

It was a very small injector, as long as it was tied to the leg. It is also very convenient to use the mobile phone to operate the remote control.

Ma Yuan relied on this to control his speed to barely keep up with Misaka Miqin.

Of course, it was mainly because Misaka Miqin didn't realize that Ma Yuan had any superpowers at all, so he stopped and waited for a while.

Originally, Misaka wanted to go back to Ramahara, but when he turned around, he was surprised to see that Mayuan had caught himself with a small jet.

"This device..."

"God is just a research from a university next door. As the young lady of the Tokiwadai, you should have a lot of extra money. When you invest in one or two research projects, you can also get the same results."

Ma Yuan said and asked again.

"How far is it?"

"I haven't moved for the time being. It seems that I have used it as a security stronghold. It's unclear how far away it is. After all, the academy city is too large and I don't have a sense of distance.

Misaka Miqin threw out his tongue, and then continued to make a big jump towards where he felt.

After all, the sooner you arrive, the better.

And Ma Yuan's speed has become faster because of his more skilled use of this device.

"It seems that you care about sisters..."

After catching up with Misaka Misaka, Ma Yuan asked.

Unexpectedly, Ma Yuan would ask this question, Misaka Miqin suddenly shook, almost not controlled, and fell from midair.

"Of course..."

Misaka Misaka said.

"It's not simply because the other party is a replica made by their own cells, and the problem of their own cells being abused... sisters and I have a connection in a sense... presumably It’s like the connection between mother and child... Of course not to say that!"

Misaka blushed as she spoke.

Obviously it was what he said, but he blushed first, which made Ma Yuan start to endure.

However, if it was said that his own cell made people clone and then encountered sisters, Ma Yuan would also be very concerned.

After all, the other party has its own face.

And, to a certain extent, is there a special relationship?

When Ma Yuan thought so, they found Yajing Xiong's car.

As for Yasuo Patio, Ma Yuan saw the contents through Misaka Misaka's mobile phone, so when Misaka Misaki just landed, Ma Yuan passed the figure in the driver's seat of the car and saw that the man was Yasuo Patio.

When seeing Misaka Miqin, Yasuo Tianjing was still a little bit, then the whole person was not good, a little panic expression appeared on his face, and he even started to start the car directly.

It seems that Yasuo Tianjing also knows that this girl in front of her is a superpowered (lv5) Misaka of the school city.

Compared with head-on confrontation, hitting with a locomotive is the last word.

At this point, Yasuo Tian knew it very well. Immediately after that, he stepped on the accelerator directly and hit the Misaka Miqin in a car.

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