Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 105: Follow up

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Hearing Ma Yuan saying this, even if he knew that the other party was joking, Ji Shenqiu Sha said with his head down. The face with no expression fluctuated, and suddenly blushing began.


Instead, Inticus, who didn't understand Ma Yuan's words, began to protest.

Although she didn't know why Ma Yuan wanted to make this joke, she knew it. Men and women don't accept each other, let alone sleep together.

"Xiaoqiusha, you sleep with me!"

Inticus said so.

Since it is to sleep with one of them, it is natural to sleep with yourself.

The concept of Inticus is very simple, as long as both of them are girls, nothing will happen.

But she forgot that there was a "perverted" who could be called "gentleman" beside her. Watching Inticus invite Ji Shenqiu Sha to sleep with herself, Ma Yuan almost spurted a nosebleed.

Could this be the rhythm of the lily line.

Looking at the excited Ma Yuan, Inticus tilted his head, not knowing what the other party wanted to express.

"I have a rest first, I will probably sleep for a day or two, please don't call me..."

Ma Yuan immediately fled the scene.

After all, he didn't want to answer any more strange content. He just returned to his bed, and although he reminded Inticus not to quarrel himself, he still locked the door.

"Ah, what to do with rice like this, Ma Yuan!"

For this matter, Inticus is more concerned about how to solve their supper if Ma Yuan can't get up in a day or two.

"Find Yueyong Xiaomeng!"

Ma Yuan threw a sentence across the door.

Teacher Xiaomeng's words, no matter when, she will never refuse to ask for help, not to mention that she and Inticus are also old friends.

Of course, as a teacher, no matter how life is not checked, at least she will still have normal meals, and Atticus will not be hungry at least.

Sure enough, when Ma Yuan woke up, it was already three days later.

When Ma Yuan woke up, the first thing he saw was a red hair, and he noticed immediately afterwards that Steele was sitting right in front of his bed...

Wait what is this unfolding!

Ma Yuan sat up from the bed at once.

"Oh, you woke up."

Still said while handing over the cut fruit to Ma Yuan again and again.

Ma Yuan hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Steele again. She didn't want to pick it up, but she did.

Sleeping for three days is not just a simple matter of restoring energy, Ma Yuan will also feel very hungry. After all, after three days of not eating, and eating anything at this time may stimulate the stomach, so instead the fruit becomes the best choice.

"I didn't expect you to be so careful..."

Ma Yuan ate the fruit while looking around. I didn’t know where Steele came in. He should have locked the door.

Of course, immediately Ma Yuan guessed from the open window where Steve came out.

Paralysis is a window!

Ma Yuan doesn't want to vomit anymore, can't Steele go to the main entrance to someone else's house? Haven't you considered it at all?

Judging from Steele's reaction now, he never thought about the situation of walking through the main entrance. It was terrible!

"what happened?"

Still looked at Ma Yuan with his head tilted, not knowing what surprised him. It seemed that Ma Yuan's expression had all appeared on his face because he didn't wake up.

"Really, I can't let Inticus see me, so even if I climb the window."

Still then guessed what Ma Yuan was struggling with.

"It's okay..."

Ma Yuan sighed and asked.

"What are you doing here."

"Nothing, just tell you some follow-up things, and I will also tell Inticus, but I will use a softer method without having to meet her."

"Really... If you like Inticus, just say it. You are of similar age anyway. Even if you say that nun priests are forbidden to fall in love, it’s just a matter of direct apostasy. In the 21st century, they can’t keep them Kill you guys."

Ma Yuan spit in silence.

Now in the information age, many things are available on the Internet. For example, the introduction of Catholicism, Ma Yuan is not an idiot, or someone who meets with ease. After knowing the existence of Catholicism, it is natural to study their meaning and content.

He did not have the patience to read the doctrines and canons, but some brief introductions are still known.

"I am not in this relationship with Inticus!"

Steele said with protest.

"But I came here to tell you about the situation of Oreos Isad. After all, I have no way to send him to the church, so I thought of a way to send him away from here, and lied that he was dead. The magic association is protected."

Still said.

"I knew you would do this...but Ji Shen Qiu Sha."

Ma Yuan was not surprised by Steele's behavior. He had long felt that Steele would not start against Oreos Isad.

"After learning about her situation, the church of Jishen Qiusha decided to accept her...but the only problem is her residence...if you can, how about you being her guardian?"

Steele asked.

"I reject……"

Ma Yuan gave Steele a glance.

"The fierce fiery age should be old enough. I'm a student no matter how I say, how can I do such a thing."

"It's're not old enough, but the fiery chaos is also running around, even if the name of a guardian is hanging, it doesn't make any sense."

Steele said so.

"The current social status is the most important, so after the status is established, other things will be easier to handle."

Ma Yuan said so.

Immediately after he noticed, Steele looked at his expression as if something was wrong. Then Ma Yuan reacted. Did he step on the pit that Steele dug himself?

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