Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 100: Illusion vs Alchemy

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Ma Yuan looked at Oreos Isad with a smile. He deservedly was a man who could spend three years learning alchemy just to rescue a girl.

After all, this kind of thing can't be done by others. Oreos Isard has more than just a bigotry towards that girl. What's more, he has enough courage and patience. So when Ma Yuan made this request, Oreos Isad did not refuse.

Steele took a step back and gave Ma Yuan and Oreos Isaad a place. He didn't want to get involved in the battle between the two.

Oreos Isad was originally a very tricky person. Although he knew the reason of the opponent's ability, he did not know how to deal with it. As for Ma Yuan, since he can make this request, there is naturally a certain winning rate. .

Steele took Ji Jiusha to the side, and Oreos Isaad had been paying attention to Ma Yuan but not the two people here.

Now the scene is cleared to Ma Yuan and Oreos Isaad, and there are only Ma Yuan and Oreos Isaade in the whole "venue".

Inticus was still on the "altar", and she was sleeping very cutely.

Stil was originally planning to take Inticus with him, but Inticus was next to Oreos Isaad, which was not good to go along.

"Then start."

It seems that it was for letting go, Ma Yuan even said a signal to start.

The original illusionist's competition started formally after they entered the "field", but Ma Yuan gave Oreos Isaad a reaction time.

This is not because Ma Yuan wanted to give himself a step down, but simply wanted to mock him.

The brain's control and imagination ability can only be classified as "failure", that is, its own perception is controlled by the other party, or it defeats itself.

The opponent is not an illusionist, so Ma Yuan feels that Oreos Isad's failure is only because of himself!

Ma Yuan took a step forward at this thought.

This step alerted Oreos Isad, he said.


Oreos Isaad used the power of language to draw his imagination into "actuality", so after Oreos Isaad said this, Ma Yuan only felt his own The neck began to feel uncomfortable, and then he couldn't breathe.


Ma Yuan suddenly had this idea.

This terrible is not to say that you are in a terrible situation, but that the other party's fighting style is a bit scary. After all, although it is said to be a contest, the other party conducts the contest on the premise of "killing himself".

He directly attacked himself with "death" as a premise.

Ma Yuan was not afraid of this. Although he knelt down and nearly fell to the ground at first, he immediately controlled his senses and counteracted this suffocation.


Seeing that Ma Yuan could actually offset his "golden smelting", Oreos Isad once again said "sentence."

A car suddenly appeared in the sky.


Ma Yuan looked at the car and smiled.

If the previous suffocation is still somewhat "energy", then the car is completely illusory. After all, according to the principle of energy conservation, it is impossible to suddenly have a car here.

Since the other party used "illusion", he only had to use "illusion" to deal with it.

Ma Yuan said that he was directly in his own hands, and turned out a huge net.

The net just flew upwards and directly caught the car, not only netted, but even wrapped it up, then began to shrink, and then completely cut off the car.

It's really amazing to cut off the situation itself. But even more amazing is yet to come.

I saw that the broken car fragments began to shoot suddenly around. This was completely impossible, and it was completely incompatible with the development of the laws of physics. It made Oreos Isaad stunned.


This stumbling block caused Oreos Isad to avoid the scattered attacks of the vehicle in time, but only when he hit himself at the last minute, he made a decisive sentence.

Fortunately, Oreos Isad said this sentence, otherwise he was hurt.

"Trajectory shift."

When the fragments of the car avoided Oreos Isad, Oreos Isad said a word.

This sentence made all the fragments that attacked Oreos Isaad began to attack Stil and Ji Qiusha. Before Oreos Isad did not pay attention to Stir and Ji Shen Qiu Sha is here, but now he has noticed.

Not only did he notice, but he knew from the beginning that he just ignored them, and now they are completely regarded as "hostages" by Oreos Isad. Because Oreos Isad knew, Ma Yuan would definitely save them.

That’s right, Ma Yuan did save them, but even if they saved them, Ma Yuan wouldn’t mess up as Oreos Isaad thought. He just solved everything with a vine.

Because Ma Yuan created the background of a forest, and the most common thing in the forest is the vine.

The vines grew out of the ground in an instant, and when the fragments of the car flew to Steele and Jishen Qiusha, they began to put up a net, one that could wrap Steele and Jishen Qiusha. network.

The fragments of the car directly hit the vines, and did not attack Ji Shen Qiu Sha and Steele.

Oreos Isaad was a little angry and angry, he yelled, and he attacked again.

"Electric shock!"

Oreos Isad said that immediately, countless electric shocks began to attack Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan frowned as he watched this attack. Generally speaking, the thing of electric shock will not appear in the illusion.

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