Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 84: Walking

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Three weeks passed in an instant.

Ma Yuan also has admission procedures at the Long-Term Computer Academy, and has less contact with other people. Inticus doesn’t know why he has been entangled with Ma Yuan, and he stays with Ma Yuan no matter what, Never left early.

Ma Yuan then took this opportunity to take a good look at this school city.

As the name suggests, the academy city is a science-based and college-based city. There is nothing special about it, except for occasional minor incidents.

However, those were all incidents that the Commissioner for the Discipline and the Guard could resolve. The same major incident as before had never happened, and Ma Yuan also began to think about how to live in this world.

At least in a short time it is impossible to cross again.

The accommodation has been arranged for Ma Yuan for a long time. Although it can not be said that it is a mansion, for Ma Yuan who is super capable (lv5), their treatment is very good. They gave Ma Yuan a two-bedroom apartment building to facilitate the "brother and sister" living.

Originally, I wanted to let Inticus join the school, but Ma Yuan refused on the grounds that Inticus had entered the church school. There will be a church school in the academy city, which is also a very miracle thing.

Although most of the people inside are orphans, they are also reluctant to participate in superpower development projects.

After almost everything was arranged, Ma Yuan was bored.

There are no incidents and no semesters.

"Mayuan Mayuan~"

Inticus has infinite vitality. After all, she is only 14 years old, and she has no previous memories. She is curious about everything.

"Ma Yuan Ma Yuan, let's go to the Central Mall today."

Inticus suggested.


I just don’t know what to do, and the bonus for students who go to the school for a long time will not disappear in the holiday, plus Ma Yuan is a super ability (lv5), so his bonus is quite impressive.

Not to mention the clothing, food, and housing of the two people, even luxury is not a problem.

"That being said, do you have anything you want to buy?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"No, I just want to go shopping. After all, it's a new place, and as a practitioner, you can't think about it. Too much extravagance is a sin for us."

Inticus said naturally.

That was what was said, but when Inticus saw the huge ice cream poster outside the mall, she immediately got up.

Hot summer, coupled with delicious ice cream, probably no girl will be able to refuse her.

"do you want to eat?"

Ma Yuan asked casually, but in fact it was just a "good" or "want to eat" answer. It was very easy, but I didn't know Inticus.

"I didn't say that the weather was hot and I wanted to eat something cold!"

Inticus said.

She doesn't seem to have forgotten what she said before going out, but maybe she just wanted to take a walk before going out, but now she has come over and wants something very much.

This seems to be contrary to his teachings.

"People in spiritual practice cannot be seduced by things that are comfortable or other luxury goods."

Inticus said righteously.

"But... in the end, no one is sage's practice to stipulate what should happen, if I just walked to an air-conditioned ice cream shop, and it happened that this thing came into my mouth..."

"Okay, I know. The store is probably over there."

Ma Yuan sighed, Inticus was basically a frank girl, which made Ma Yuan and her get along with less trouble, but... If you can also be frank in some ways, Ma Yuan will be more grateful.

"Eh? Isn't that the last article?"

Just after passing the billboard and turning, Inticus said in surprise.

Ma Yuan looked in the direction of Inticus, and he saw the familiar hedgehog head. He was holding a generation of textbooks, looked at the prices on the list, and sighed.

"Yo, it's a long time~ I haven't seen you in a while."

Ma Yuan said hello. After all, Inticus saw it, and it seemed a bit bad to ignore it.


The last article was a bit numb, but the situation of Ma Yuan has not been reflected, but after seeing Inticus, it has reacted.

"Ah... are you right here?"

"Yeah, are you buying textbooks? Didn't think you love learning so much~"

Seeing the textbook in the hands of Uejo Dangma, Ma Yuan couldn't help but make a joke.

"Hahaha, the materials needed for the cram school."

Shangdang Dangma said a little embarrassedly.

He is not a good learner, and Ma Yuan is not surprised at all, but Ma Yuan is absolutely strange. From the appearance of the last article, should he be regarded as a bad boy type? Poor teenagers may even go to cram school...will not go?

When Ma Yuan thought so, two people came to say hello.

Those were two teenagers who didn’t seem to match at all. One of them had blonde hair and looked like a bad boy, and the other had blue hair with earrings and squinting. , Came over with a smile on his face.

"Yo, Dangma, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you buying a class for tomorrow's cram school?"

The blonde boy patted Dangma's shoulder.


Shangtiao Dangma said hello, but Ma Yuan can see that Shangtiao Dangma has a feeling of helplessness. Is it because the two people have a bad relationship with him? ?

"By the way, this is Amano Hara and Inticus. These two are Tuyumen Yuanchun and blue hair earrings."

In the last article, Dangma said, introduced the two people who suddenly appeared, and of course introduced Ma Yuan.

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