This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 802: The final ninja world (finale)

In the endless turning space, the battle between Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki has completely heated up.

The two of them had no room to keep their hands at all. The endlessly rotating space had already been turned into an abyss by them, even if the particularity of time made this area stand still and flow backwards.

But no matter how still and reversed, there is no way to stop the impact of their power.

The world has already shown a trend of collapse, and it is completely conceivable that if it continues like this, the collapse of the world is absolutely inevitable.

And the power that collapses and gathers in it will instantly pour into the world of ninjas, and the damage caused by that is simply unimaginable!

Uchiha Qi didn't want such a thing to happen, but he knew that he probably couldn't stop it either.

The battle has reached this stage, and it is not at all that you want to stop. All they can do is to keep fighting until the opponent is completely solved!

"This Otsutsuki is really scary."

Uchiha Kai's face was a little ugly, and he completely burst out with his full strength, which can be said to be completely unimaginable.

The strength of this guy's physique is extremely high, and his physique and He Tao-style physique are not the same concept at all!

It can be said that even if the peach style devours the golden style and completely adapts to his current strength, he will definitely not be an opponent of the same style in the field of taijutsu, there is no luck!

As for the use of techniques, this guy is also extremely difficult to deal with.

Even if he doesn't have a special concept of art, after all, at their level, he can perform any art as long as he wants.

In addition, this guy can zoom in and out of his body and his props at any time, which forces Kai Uchiha to control the focus of his eyes at any time to avoid being caught by this guy.

"Moreover, in this endless flow of time and space, this guy will never cause his own death due to the passage of time."

Uchiha Qi sighed faintly. He didn't think there was any problem with his use of the time domain, because he had long expected that the scope of their battle would be unimaginable.

So in the realm of time, such an expansion of destruction can absolutely be avoided.

The battle with Yi Shi many years ago made himself, even the power of their spillage, wiped out thousands of Iwanin.

And this time all the ninja coalition forces have come here, if one accidentally kills them all, Uchiha Kai doesn't know if he can resurrect them.

The basis of resurrection is to have a corpse, even if it is just a corpse.

However, the result of their last battle was that the group of Iwagakushi ninjas directly turned into ashes, and there is no possibility of resurrection at all!

"However, I really have no choice but to get to that point."

Uchiha Qi pondered silently, he didn't want to let this battle spread, but once it got to the point where he couldn't control it himself, then he would never have such a thought that he couldn't bear it!

However, when he was thinking, Otsutsuki suddenly moved forward, and the black stick in his hand slammed over with terrifying power in an instant.

Upon seeing this, Uchiha Qi raised the ninja sword in his hand without hesitation. His ninja sword was completely transformed from his own tin stick.

And this weapon is also the most suitable and the most comfortable weapon for Uchiha Kai.

With the ultimate yin and yang escape, the ninja knife, combined with his own incomprehensible power, ruthlessly confronted the black stick of one type.

Just like the collision of meteors, a black spot is formed in the time domain. This black spot expands rapidly at this moment, and it seems to devour everything.

It was originally because of the flow of time, the time of the collapse stopped at this moment, neither accelerating the collapse forward nor restoring everything backward.


A sudden explosion resounded through the field, and then everything in this world began to collapse, and even the entire field showed signs of shattering!

The power accumulated by the two of them fighting, this field can no longer bear.

The realm began to shatter continuously, just like the glass was smashed, and the power that had accumulated for a long time began to be vented, and in an instant, these powers overflowed towards the ninja world madly!

Even if it is just the beginning, under the influence of the chakra riot, natural disasters can be seen everywhere in the entire ninja world.

In Konoha Village, under the deep earthquake, countless houses have already collapsed because of the lack of ninja protection.

In addition to Konoha Village, the same scene happened in the other four villages. People didn't realize this sudden natural disaster, and they didn't have much preparation at all!

Fortunately, this distance is relatively far away, and fortunately, each village has protection measures for civilians, which has not caused an unimaginable tragedy!

However, the ninjas on the front line were not so lucky. The sudden chakra overflowed and rushed towards him. Many unlucky guys turned into powder at this moment.

They didn't even have room to resist, they were directly drowned in the sea of ​​violent chakra!

"This.... what's going on here?"

"God, why did it become like this?"

"In the end what happened?"

The chakra with the terrifying and destructive nature spilled out, and the ninja world couldn't bear the bombardment of such power, but in an instant, the whole world seemed to come to the end.

The earth collapsed rapidly, and the magma rose directly from the ground and sprayed all around.

The ocean in the distance suddenly let out a long whistle, and the huge waves rushed to the sky, and began to pounce on the landing ground.

This terrifying scene made all the ninjas panic, and the threat of death had enveloped them.

Even when the moon exploded, there was no such terrifying sight, but everything at this moment seemed to subvert their imagination, they were in the end!

Countless ninjas have fallen into despair. They have never seen such a terrifying sight. This is no longer a battle, this is simply destroying everything.

However, at this moment, a yin and yang suddenly appeared in the sky. Facing such a terrifying natural disaster, he just shook his head lightly, and then he raised a hand.

The vast chakra surges rapidly, and the sky will seem to be wearing a sacred note. With the continuous spread of this vast chakra, all disasters in the whole world seem to have stopped.

They were frozen in mid-air, they were stagnant on the edge of bursting, and they had no way to continue to cause harm to the entire ninja world!

The figure turned his head slowly, revealing his face, he was Yui Otsutsuki.

But at this time, his appearance looked a little dissatisfied, his eyes stayed on Uchiha Ki and Otsutsuki in the distance, and he shook his head helplessly for a long time.

"This guy Uchiha Kai is really, although he is kind, but he almost destroyed the entire ninja world."

Otsutsuki Yui couldn't see what Uchiha Kai's plan was, but the price to be paid when the plan backfired was extremely painful.

However, he also knew that the purpose of this kid who dared to do this, Uchiha Kai, was actually very clear, that is, he had the intention of wanting to do it himself, right?

After all, this kid really won't make a decision at will, even if he is adapting to the situation, he will take everything into consideration.

"However, it doesn't matter. It seems that the mother's side has been dealt with, and strictly speaking, I am not a shot."

Otsutsuki Yui thought silently, and then his eyes were completely fixed on Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki's body, these two people have obviously reached the final stage!

"I didn't expect it to happen to this point."

Coming to the ninja world, the passage of time suddenly became the biggest enemy of Otsutsuki, and he had already felt that his life was going madly.

Uchiha Kai set up the time barrier before, which seemed a little silly to him, but at this moment he also understood that this guy was worried that the world would be shattered by them.

Concerns and feelings, this kind of thing is the most useless thing in the eyes, the existence of feelings will only make people vulnerable.

If Uchiha Kei was fighting against him in the ninja world, then he might not be able to survive this guy.

But on the contrary, it is not impossible for him to want to kill wildly in this world, even leaving a wedge in secret.

The decision Uchiha Kai made was not wrong, but it was not completely correct either.

This issue is an extremely complicated thing, and he will not consider it without thinking about it. His battle has not yet been completed.

In particular, he also sensed the existence of a guy.

"Is that the guy who helped you solve the wedge problem?" Staring at the figure, he asked in a low voice, "That guy, the one who has been standing behind you? Is he also a big tsutsutsuki?"

"It is, but it is not." Uchiha Qi shook his head lightly: "He helped me seal your consciousness in the initial stage, so that I don't need to worry about the damage you caused me. But after that, it is me I did it myself, but I wouldn't deny his help to me."

"Your power is very strange, really strange." Otsutsuki shook his head, his eyes fixed on Uchiha Kai.

"In my cognition, your power is definitely lower than mine, and you have no resistance to the point of being crushed to the end.

But what is very strange is that your strength level is only like this, but you rely on your combat experience and reaction speed during wartime.

And that weird manipulation of power, and I got to such a level that I really wonder how you did it. "

Otsutsuki was really puzzled, and this was something he never wanted to understand.

Is Uchiha Qiqiang?

Strong, compared to other races, this guy is already beyond a dimension.

But for Otsutsuki, this guy is not strong either.

In terms of the strength and quantity of chakra, he is only a qualified standard for an adult Otsutsuki.

Such standards are weak and unacceptable for the one style, the peach style, the golden style, and even the relatively low-level Pu style.

But this guy, but this guy has achieved this level with such strength, it is really unbelievable.

He defeated the peach style, even the peach style that devoured the gold style, and even the wedge did not let the peach style stay, and was completely eliminated like this.

And now, he has dragged himself into a desperate situation, a desperate situation he never thought of.

I don't understand, and I can't understand how this guy did this.

"Power?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and then he shook his head with a sigh: "Power is never single, the experience of exertion, the control of power, this is what I think is qualified combat power.

I admit that you are strong, stronger than I can imagine.

But because you are too strong, you have never met a suitable opponent, so your control of your own power is unimaginably weak.

But I am different. I have been on the battlefield since I was seven years old, and the ninja world has never been a peaceful place.

Wars, local disputes, and all kinds of dangerous missions have allowed us to accumulate combat experience all the time.

In addition, do you think that you have power, does it really mean that you have power?

No, what is the nature of power, you do not understand.

Even, you have never done anything to understand the source of these powers at a deeper level and understand everything about this nature.

You are too strong, so strong that you are too proud, so you are not my opponent now! "

Perhaps the battle was really over, Uchiha Kai rarely said a few words of nonsense, and his words also made Otsutsuki fall into contemplation.

The accumulation of experience in combat, the control of power, and the understanding of the laws of nature, he has never really set foot in these things.

But Yi Shi was a smart man, he quickly thought of something.

They can control space, but they have never carefully understood space, so their mastery of space basically relies on proficiency to gradually improve.

They can simply control time, but they don't understand the true meaning of time at all, so they don't have much room for resistance when facing people like Uchiha Kai who are born to control time.

Even the most basic, the power they use, Chakra, is what kind of power, they have not carefully studied and understood.

They only know that they can strengthen themselves by devouring life and relying on the chakra created by the ten tails, but they have never thought effectively and correctly.

Without a complete understanding of chakra, how to use these powers most effectively, minimally and quickly?

After thinking about these things, Otsutsuki suddenly let out a sigh.

He felt as if he had stepped into a huge misunderstanding.

He wants to devour all life in the entire universe and make himself the master of the entire world.

But is the enhancement obtained from swallowing life really that powerful?

He didn't grasp the true meaning of power at all, and he didn't understand the laws of nature at all.

"I think, I know the difference between us." Yi Shi slowly stared at Uchiha Kai, and suddenly he showed a smile: "I was thinking just now, why don't you make a sneak attack? This is not your ninja, the most commonly used trick?"

"Because there's no need for that." Uchiha Qi shook his head gently: "Your life is running out, your ending is already doomed, why should I do this?"

"Also, I found that I was going the wrong way." Yi Shi chuckled, then his face became serious: "Since you know that my life is running out, then use your strongest move. "

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand the meaning of Otsutsuki Ichishi.

However, Otsutsuki did not have any desire to explain. The chakra in his body began to surge wildly, the sky and the earth changed color in an instant, and the aura of destruction spread throughout the world.

This guy's time is running out, and it looks like he's going to fight his last stand.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai frowned slightly, but soon his expression became serious.

What the **** is this guy thinking about Uchiha Qi, but his actions seem to be telling that he wants to completely drag the entire universe to be buried with him!

With a slight sigh, the chakra in Uchiha Kai's body also surged frantically, and then he used the power of his right eye to recover a lot.

"Since you want to try my strongest move, then I won't let you down." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Normally, I don't want to use this move, because its mobility makes me It's hard to hit the target, but now..."

Speaking of this, black chakra suddenly appeared on Uchiha Kai's body, but just for a moment, this chakra began to rise and spread rapidly!

The destructive chakra was released from himself, and then a humanoid appeared on him.

With the continuous influx of chakra, this human-shaped chakra giant suddenly grew in size and is still changing.

The chakra solidified, forming an armor covering it, and a jet-black ninja sword appeared at its waist.

Its appearance has also become extremely clear, as if it is a Rakshasa in the temple, ferocious and terrifying, making people feel terrified at first glance.

Uchiha Qi appeared in the energy crystal wall above the giant's head. His chakra was still being supplied and never stopped, and the giant was still growing and changing.

"it's time....."

Uchiha Qi whispered softly, and then he made a seal, but in an instant, the one hidden in the giant's body was condensed by Uchiha Qi and quickly surged out like a ten-tailed chakra!

The continuous combination and fusion of the two, accompanied by the continuous growth and change of Susanoo, finally they were completely united.

A god-like giant with both destruction and creation appears in the eyes of the world, this is the ultimate Susanoo that belongs to Kai Uchiha!

Looking at this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.

This is what he expects, this is what he desires!

"Come on, Uchiha Kai!" Yi Shi laughed loudly: "Let me see what level of your strongest power can reach!"

"Yes, I know."

Uchiha Qi nodded indifferently. It was the first time he used such power, but he was no stranger to this power.

Wei Wei controlled this and finally Susanoo raised his hand, the ninja sword was already in his hand, and his eyes had begun to roll.

Condensed by him, his own blood began to leap from the net, and at the same time, the power of the ten tails within Susanoo also began to burst.

When the two are completely combined, the power of his eyes has reached the extreme, and all this has completely converged on his blade.

The blade became pitch black at this moment, and the black flame hidden in it also became violent, and Uchiha Qi looked at Yi Shi indifferently, and then waved the ninja sword fiercely.

"God Time Slash!"


Three years later, in Konoha Village, Naruto was running fast towards the Uchiha family's clan.

Naruto, who is already nineteen years old, is very happy now, because today is an extremely solemn day - the sixth generation Hokage Uchiha Kai of Konoha Village is about to get married today!

The battle three years ago was still fresh in the memory of everyone in the whole world. There was no way for them to forget the unprecedented battle, the terrifying combat power, and even the last sword of Kai Uchiha.

'God · Time Slash', this name has been completely engraved in the minds of all ninjas, and it has also let the ninjas of the whole world know how the head of the security department from Konoha, acting Hokage, and the core member of the Uchiha clan is. of terror.

The title of "God of the World" has completely become the unique title of Uchiha Kai.

And this title is comparable to the Six Paths Immortal, he is the most important person in this era!

Three years ago, with Uchiha's peerless knife, the world seemed to be caught in an endless time cycle. Everyone witnessed the collapse of the world and the reshaping of time with their own eyes.

However, all this seems to be just the beginning, but not the end.

But when a giant tree appeared, all this seemed to calm down, and everyone was able to escape from this endless time rotation.

No one will blame Uchiha Kai, not because his strength is too strong and no one dares to question it, but everyone knows that what he is doing is actually protecting the whole world-although a little too much force.

When everything was over, the entire ninja era also entered an unimaginable period of peace.

The Ninja Alliance was not disbanded, and the Ninja Alliance was proudly preserved, because the shadows of these five countries knew that such peace was what they were after, and this was the Ninja Realm in their minds!

Besides, they also have an unimaginable enemy. No one knows when these enemies will return.

But planning ahead is something they must do, both for the present and for their descendants.

Therefore, the entire ninja world has become a relatively united alliance. Although various countries and villages still maintain their independence, their exchanges and cooperation, complementarity and resource allocation have been satisfied.

In the same way, these shadows of Namifeng Minato have modified the system of the Ninja World Alliance to the greatest extent possible to achieve the balance of all parties as much as possible.

Moreover, under the prompting of Uchiha Kai, he introduced a proposal that no one would object - the top executive of the alliance must resign from all previous positions.

In addition, this executor can only serve for five years. If he wants to be re-elected, he must participate in the election and receive the greatest support from the ninja world.

Regarding the rules and regulations, all the shadows and their staff have planned very well, and it can be said that it is a measure that can take care of all aspects.

And the first executor was Minato Namikaze, so he had to step down as Hokage, Uchiha Qi could only become the sixth Hokage even if he didn't want to.

This is a huge breakthrough for Konoha, it is unimaginable for a Uchiha to become Hokage!

But for Konoha, and even the entire ninja world, they have no other ideas except that they are very envious of Konoha for appearing such a shadow.

"Sasuke!" After Naruto ran to the Uchiha family, he immediately found Sasuke's figure, and he couldn't help shouting: "Here, here."

"It's so noisy, really." Sasuke shook his head helplessly, then he said hello to his brother and walked over: "Why, why did you come so quickly?"

"Today is Uncle Qi's wedding, can I come earlier?" Naruto said with a smile, not at all like a master.

"But you came too early, what time is it?" Sasuke said helplessly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to pay attention to you idiot, I'm going to patrol."

With that said, Sasuke turned around and was about to leave. Since Uchiha Kai became Hokage, Kakashi has also served as his political advisor. At the same time, he also stepped down as the Minister of the Security Department, letting him take this position temporarily.

It's only temporarily, because before the new Minister of Guard is elected, he has become the best choice after having experience as a minister.

However, Fuyue is still a little selfish. He hopes that the security department will always be in the hands of Uchiha. Even if he wants to participate in the selection, he does not intend to give up.

Therefore, he is focusing on cultivating Sasuke. He hopes that Sasuke will take over this position, and he is also cultivating Itachi in the position of the head of the Uchiha clan.

He has two children, and he wants both of them to have a bright future.

So now there are more things about Sasuke. After Kakashi left, although the seventh class retained the number, it was basically disbanded.

And he didn't have any time to rest, not only to learn various things, but also to start from the most basic patrols.

He actually knew what his father thought, but he didn't mean to refuse.

Even if the father is selected and replaced this time, the successor will be one of the four captains, but isn't there a chance for him in the future?

It would be great for Sasuke if he could take over the position of Lord Kai!

"Hey, hey, don't worry." Naruto saw that Sasuke was leaving, so he couldn't help but quickly chased after him: "Let's take a rest today, it's rare that I don't need to bring students, and Shikamaru and the others are either working or preparing. I wouldn't be too bored if you left."

"You can go to Teacher Kai, he is training every day, you can follow along." Sasuke ignored Naruto at all and continued to move forward.

In three years, a lot has changed.

Because there was no Juwei's cannon that destroyed the entire headquarters, Lu Jiu and others are still alive, but they are also paving the way for their descendants.

There is no market for job inheritance in Konoha, so they can only make their heirs better.

Shikamaru has now entered the Ministry of Government Affairs, Ino, Ya, and Xianglin were specially recruited into the perception class to study, Shino entered Anbu, and Hinata entered the Medical Department to study.

In other words, now only Naruto has become the leader of the team, and the team that still retains the full staff is only Akai and the others.

Three years ago, Akai fought desperately, intending to create opportunities for Naruto, but the appearance of Hamura at that time prevented all this.

He froze Akai's time, and after Uchiha Qi resolved everything, he threw the frozen Akai in front of him, and Uchiha Kai also used 'Time Backward' to restore Akai .

He did not suffer as much damage as in the original book, he is still a powerful ninja, and now he really takes his class to practice every day, and does various tasks every day.

"No, I don't want it!"

Naruto respected Akai very much in his heart, but when he thought of those thick eyebrows and the green tights, he immediately shook his head.

However, Sasuke seemed to ignore his intentions at all, and turned around and left, which made Naruto immediately chase after him anxiously.

"What are you doing? I said I have something to do, don't pester me, you idiot."

"How about I go on patrol with you?"

"It's okay, stay away from me!"

"No, let's go together!"


On the moon, Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at the ninja below, thinking a thousand times.

She still remembers the battle three years ago. When she took everyone out of the Imperial Palace, everything in the entire ninja world made her a little dazed.

The endless flow of time, as well as the vast chakra rippling the world, suddenly let her know that the whole world is probably about to be destroyed.

And at that time, Hanamura appeared in front of her, looking at her son's aged face, Kaguya couldn't help sighing.

Yu Yi didn't say much at this time, but her mother let her know that everything was over.

At that time, Yuyi asked her to take action, but she did not choose to refuse, because she knew that the world treated her. How important is it to her son.

And only she can restore peace to the whole world, but she holds the power of the ten tails!

"Mother." Just as Kaguya recalled everything in the three years, a voice sounded behind her.

Kaguya didn't look back, she also knew who was here, and only the three of them lived in this area on the moon for the time being, and the three of them were a family.

"When will you change your appearance, Yu Yi." Kaguya said calmly: "You look too old, you don't look like a junior at all, but like my elder."

"I'm used to it, after all, I'm also a character from a thousand years ago." Yu Yi smiled indifferently: "Also, I have found Indra and Asura, and it's time for them to come back."

"This matter is your business, not mine." Kaguya shook her head, as if she didn't care about it at all.

However, the soft eyes on her side proved that she still remembers and misses her two children, and the hardships they encountered in their lives were much greater than she imagined.

Although Yui couldn't see Kaguya's face, she could also guess what her mother was thinking at this moment, otherwise she would not have handed the black end to that kid Uchiha Kai.

Shaking his head, he slowly walked to Kaguya's side, staring at the blue planet not far away.

"Would you like to go back and have a look?" He asked softly: "It's been three years, and the Ninja world should have all been repaired. I think it's time for us to go back and have a look."

"Do you want to go back and have a look?" Hui Ye whispered softly: "Can you still find the place where we lived a thousand years ago?"

"I still remember where it was, but it's probably not easy to make it our former home."

Yu Yi smiled helplessly and said: "That is the territory of the Fire Nation, and it seems that it has also become a town.

Since it is already theirs, we should not rob it.

However, if you want to find a suitable place with a good environment, there are still many ninja worlds. "

Kaguya didn't speak, as if she was caught in a memory, she nodded for a long time, and she agreed with this matter.

"When you wake up Indra and Asura, let's go back together. Although thousands of years have passed, many things are not so easily erased."

"Yeah, that's where we were born, it's better to go back."


"This can't be done! This plan will definitely not pass!"

"But it's good for everyone!"

In a huge building in the Kingdom of Iron, Minato Namikaze looked helplessly at the two guys who were constantly arguing in front of him, and finally he could only sigh faintly.

The country of iron is the most special country in the ninja world, because its geographical location can be regarded as the closest place to all other countries except the land of fire.

Moreover, the country of iron has always inherited the characteristics of samurai, there is no ninja village organization here, and the long-term foreign policy of the country of iron can be regarded as neutral.

Therefore, after the end of the four ninja world wars, the location of the headquarters of the ninja alliance was also established here.

Probably because of the establishment of this headquarters, the place they originally chose was just a lush forest, but now it has become a good-sized city.

It was Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hasuma who were arguing in front of Namikaze Minato!

The two of them quarreled loudly over a proposal, not once or twice.

Three years ago, when Kaguya released Chakra, who had suppressed the riots of the whole world, she also released Uchiha Madara.

In fact, this person who brought so much pain and so much disaster to the ninja world is going to be judged.

Uchiha Madara himself also had this idea, especially after Uchiha Qi threw the Black Jue control in front of him, he had long wanted to die.

However, Uchiha Kai stopped him and told him that he still needed redemption.

"Although the ninja world is temporarily peaceful, I think you have also seen that there are still a group of enemies in the ninja world, a group of unimaginable enemies waiting for the opportunity.

You have such strength, it would be a pity if you died.

I will not let you die, I will let you use the rest of your life to redeem, to redeem all this!

Live, then elevate yourself to fight against those who will bring harm to the ninja world! "

Uchiha Kai's words pierced Uchiha Madara's heart, and he finally made his own choice.

That is to live, to witness this completely peaceful ninja world, and at the same time to give everything to fight against those **** invaders.

In this way, Madara Uchiha survived, and after that, the legendary Six Path Immortal also appeared.

Immortal Six Paths didn't do much, he just asked Uchiha to ask for a pair of eyes, and then he reflected the moon through his own power, making the moon's reflection look like a reincarnation eye, and performed the art of reincarnation.

This technique revives all those who were killed in this battle or because of the aftermath.

Whether it is a reincarnated person, a commoner, or a ninja, they all wake up completely in the brilliance of reincarnation, or are completely resurrected.

It can be said that this guy's operation directly restored the vitality of the entire ninja world, which was also unexpected by Uchiha Qi.

However, the treatment plan for these people is also very simple. After all, they can be selected by Orochimaru, and they were basically some good-looking guys before their death. Their resurrection is still good for the entire ninja world.

Just like this newly established Ninja League, it would be much better to have these guys join.

"Okay, I said, can you two old antiques stop arguing?" At this moment, Obito, who had been sitting on the side, knocked on the table dissatisfied: "Pay attention to the time, we have to go back to Konoha later, today is a On the wedding day, I don't want me to be late because of the two of you!"

"Shut up you kid!" Madara Uchiha said dissatisfiedly: "This proposal is inherently problematic, how can it be easily implemented?"

"Why is there a problem?" Qianshou Hashirama was also very dissatisfied: "It's obviously your own concept that has a problem, you are really annoying!"

Seeing this, Obito sighed helplessly. When everything was over three years ago, he also made his own choice.

Although he was too close to the medical department, he wanted to refuse treatment and let himself enter the Pure Land to be scolded by Lin.

However, what he didn't even dream of was that the ninja who treated him was actually Rin!

This scene made Obito stunned, and he didn't understand what was going on at all.

But when Lin told everything with a smile, Obito no longer had the idea of ​​going to the Pure Land.

Watergate-sensei, Kakashi, and Rin...

He is reluctant to leave such a beautiful world, this is the world he dreams of.

"But what are these two guys doing alive?

I haven't seen Lin for a day, they are arguing, not to mention being late, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Lin today...

Six Paths Immortal, why are you resurrecting these two idiots? "


On the Hokage Rock of Konoha, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya stand on it, and at their feet is the Hokage statue belonging to Uchiha Kai.

The setting sun on the horizon cast a layer of afterglow on them, and they looked like golden gods from a distance.

Not far away, Konoha ninjas and village names are busy holding this wedding, while the people of the Hyuga clan are looking for traces of Hyuga Aya everywhere.

Before marriage, both the groom and the bride must have their own rules, but Hyuga Aya has never been a person who is particularly willing to abide by the rules.

But it is a pity that the people of the Hyuga clan can't see them at all. In fact, as long as they want, no one can see them.

"It really feels like everything is like a dream." Uchiha Kai looked at Aya Hyuga with a blurred expression, and couldn't help but said softly: "After so many years, we have come together."

"Actually, we've been together a long time ago, haven't we?" Hyuga Aya turned and smiled at Kai.

The smile lost a little bit of the shrewdness and coldness of the past, and a little bit more soft and charming.

Uchiha Qi nodded, indeed, if they were divided into classes according to the year, they would have come together long ago.

Over the years, they have gone from confrontation to cooperation, from mutual suspicion to mutual trust, and finally to becoming lovers and even becoming husband and wife. Only they know how much anxiety and hardships along the way.

The afterglow of the setting sun was so soft, Uchiha Qi raised his hand and stroked her soft hair gently, and Hyuga Aya didn't dodge, they were all used to it.

"Look at that." After a while, Hyuga Aya suddenly pointed in the direction of the Land of Wind, and she laughed softly, "Our statue is ready."

Uchiha Kai didn't turn his head, but the space in front of him suddenly collapsed, and the scene in front of him became the country of the river.

At the border where the country of rivers and the country of wind meet, there are three huge statues with a height of tens of meters. More than a dozen craftsmen are busy doing their final experiences on it. The three statues are Uchiha Kai and Hinata. Aya and Imai Kenta.

"Yes, it's us." Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "Although I think it is very inconsistent, after all, statues are generally used to commemorate the deceased, but I really can't stop their enthusiasm."

"Actually, there is no need for us to block, right?" Hyuga Aya laughed She brought her face close to Uchiha Kai: "After all, you are the **** of the world."

"But I'm also an unlucky person." Uchiha Kai also laughed, and he held Hyuga Aya's face in his hands: "A happy unlucky person..."

After speaking, his face was printed, and they were completely attached to each other under the afterglow of the setting sun...


"Hey, hey, I know you guys are here, what are you doing with space folding... um..."

Imai Kenta broke the barriers of space and walked into the space where Kai Uchiha and the others were, but he was completely stunned before he finished speaking.

Then he touched his head a little embarrassedly: "Well, Yile Ramen Shop has a discount, we...

hurry up, shall we? "


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