This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 783: unowned

Among the leaves, in the forest behind the Uchiha family, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku stood there quietly.

The two of them have not been to this place for a long time. They came to this place together more than ten years ago, mainly waiting for the arrival of Namikaze Minato.

But Namikaze Minato will not come over today. Uchiha Itachi has already reported the things that should be reported. Although they have just returned to Konoha, this kind of thing must be reported early.

This evening, Uchiha Fugaku returned to Konoha with Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke.

The three of them seem to be in good condition, except for Sasuke, who is a little depressed and weird, the others are not bad.

Uchiha Kai has never asked or participated in these things, so Uchiha Fuyue invited him out that night, and he had no intention of rejecting it.

And he guessed, I am afraid that there are other things in this family work that he wants to discuss with himself.

"It's been a long time since we were here together. The last time was more than ten years ago." Uchiha Fuyue couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw everything in front of him: "At that time, we were standing here like this..."

"At that time, at this moment?" Uchiha Kai interrupted him a little funny: "Okay, there is no need to be so emotional, it will take a long time in the future, and everything here is not everything we used to be. Yes."

The current Konoha Village is indeed no longer the Konoha it used to be. Not to mention the system and atmosphere in the village, everything in this village has been revised and established.

The forest where they are now has actually been re-piled up. Everything in that year has been destroyed by the battle between Uchiha and Otsutsuki Momo, even the logo of Konoha, which stands behind Konoha. The Hokage Rock of the Mountain!

Even the Hokage Rock was rebuilt. The previous Hokage Rock had long since turned into a pile of ruins. Perhaps the ruins and wreckage of that year can be seen in the newly built museum in Konoha.

"Indeed, everything is different, you and I are different." Uchiha Fuyue nodded with a smile, and then he sighed slightly: "Sasuke has opened the kaleidoscope."

"Well, it's not surprising, his talent is very good, and we have done so much preparation." Uchiha Kai chuckled: "But his mental state is not good? Otherwise, you won't either. Find me here."

Uchiha Qi didn't quite know how Fuyue told Sasuke about all this, but he knew that the situation would probably not be too far from what they had agreed before.

Since he said that, then I am afraid that this guy Sasuke will not have a good impression of him now, and it is very normal to even be full of depression and unhappiness in his heart.

Uchiha Fuyue probably also knew his son's emotions, so he chose to meet in this place, and at the same time he did some bad things, which would be ugly.

You must know that Uchiha Kai's temper has never been so good. If his son really provokes him, the end will never be good.

"Almost." Fuyue nodded lightly: "His mood is not stable now, because he is in a very bad mood after learning the truth of everything."

"Is it the same as Itachi back then?" Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly, and his eyes turned to the Uchiha family behind him: "I remember that itachi was also very resentful back then."

"It's bigger." Fuyue smiled and shook his head: "But his eyes are also stronger."

"Really?" Uchiha Kai smiled casually: "It's not surprising, the potential of Sasuke and this kid has always been very high."

Kei Uchiha never doubted Sasuke's potential, or he never doubted, as Indra's reincarnation, what their potential was.

This guy, Sasuke, proved his strength in the original book, but he was blocked by Naruto's brilliance, and his philosophy was really awkward, and there was really no way to raise his head in front of Naruto.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Keicai continued to speak: "Tell me what happened, what happened."

"Actually, there's not much of it."

Uchiha Fuyue seemed to be recalling everything that happened that day, and couldn't help but laugh.

"According to the original rhetoric, I told Shishui that I was an undercover agent.

He also emphasized that Zhishui finally gave up his defense. The main reason was that his opponent was Sasuke. He was tired, and he was more willing to die at the hands of Sasuke to end it all. "

"It seems that this is a big blow to Sasuke." Uchiha Qi nodded lightly, which was the same as his original plan.

The script they originally arranged was to let Sasuke know the plot they arranged, and then follow these plots to continuously guide his emotions, which made him feel a strong sense of despair, guilt, and unforgiveness.

In the end, under such extreme negative emotions, the yin in his eyes was aroused, thereby opening his kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

As for what the power of these eyes will be, in fact, Uchiha Kai is not worried at all. After all, Sasuke is the person who is most like Indra, and his strength is also the person closest to Indra.

"It was very big. He knelt directly on the ground and cried silently."

Thinking of what happened to his son at that time, Uchiha Fuyue couldn't help shaking his head.

Such extreme emotions can easily make a person collapse, although Sasuke has no problem now, probably the follow-up remedy has been done well.

But at that time, he was really worried. After all, he had experienced it himself. Of course, he understood how unforgettable the feeling of extreme despair was.

"And I continue to tell him how much Shishui loves him, Konoha and even the whole family.

However, I am worried that this kind of stimulation is not enough, and I also slightly exaggerate the contribution made by Zhishui.

And what kind of loss his death will cause all said.

In the end, I also told him that he couldn't reveal his secrets, because I was worried that it would endanger Sasuke and the others, so..."

Speaking of this, Fuyue didn't say more, and Uchiha Qi basically knew what happened after that.

That is the kid Sasuke finally opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, and finally completed their purpose.

"It seems that this time is not easy." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "This guy Sasuke may have been hit a little bit, and that guy Shisui may also suffer, right?"

"Well, he really died once." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "Shishui is really hard enough, probably because I have a sin that doesn't exist in my heart, so my final choice is to die in Zuo. In the assistant..."

"Wait." Uchiha Qi interrupted him without Fuyue finishing his words: "Zhishui is dead? What's the situation?"

Uchiha Shisui died, which was completely against his plan, even if he could indeed resurrect Shisui, but it was really troublesome.

Although Uchiha Qi also understands, I am afraid that this kid Shishui sometimes really wants to die, after all, what he is carrying is really unbearable for him.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai has never experienced the kind of thing that killed the whole family in a fantasy, so he is not qualified to evaluate why Shisui fell into it.

But after so many years, it's time to recognize the reality and use practical actions to redeem it, is it much better than trying to live and die?

Only when people are alive can they find a way to redeem them and find a way to make up for it all.

"Dead, but alive again." Uchiha Fuyue said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is actually no problem with his choice, because he really hopes to make up for all this, even what he did in the illusion."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, he seemed to know something: "Is it Izanagi?"

"Well, that's right." Uchiha Fugaku nodded, then took out a pale eyeball and said softly: "Izanagi, this technique is used, and for us, only this technique can be used. Save Shishui."

Uchiha Fuyue closed his eyes again, and Uchiha Qi could only sigh slightly. As the leader of the whole thing, it can even be said that the person who made Shishui fall to this point is himself!

Although he really has no way to control the progress of the illusion, this is not the reason for him to shirk responsibility, it is his problem that he will never deny.

However, Uchiha Fuyue and the others used Izanagi to resurrect Shisui, which he really did not expect.

But it turns out that this thing is still done well, at least Uchiha Shisui can be regarded as a redemption - dying in the hands of Sasuke may really have extraordinary meaning for him.

After all, Sasuke is the son of Uchiha Fuyue. The son of the patriarch killed the sinner who slaughtered the whole family in illusion, and at the same time erased the traces of death in illusion to be reborn. This can be regarded as a cycle and reincarnation.

"Not bad, at least as far as the result is concerned, Shishui should not have such a heavy sinful mentality anymore." Uchiha Qi nodded silently: "Does Sasuke know about Shishui? And Shisui this kid. Now back to the Xiao organization?"

"Understood, I resurrected Zhishui in front of him, can he not know?" Speaking of this, Uchiha Fuyue suddenly laughed unkindly.

Recalling that he activated Izanagi to make Shisui's corpse suddenly disappear, and then suddenly reappeared not far away, and then Sasuke showed that ghostly appearance, he still felt a little funny now.

That's why this kid Sasuke is in a great mood right now. Although everything looks so good after being lost, how can he feel comfortable when he finally learns that everything is actually revolving around a plan?

"As for Shisui, he has now returned to the Xiao organization." Uchiha Fuyue continued: "But there, we also met those guys like Obito and Orochimaru. Obito also asked me to ask you a question."

"Oh? What did he say?" Uchiha Kai actually had a plan in his heart, but he still needed to make sure.

"He asked me to ask you, are you ready?" Uchiha Fuyue said word by word: "They are completely ready."

Are you ready?

Uchiha Kai paused slightly, then raised his head slightly and looked at Moonlight.

The moonlight was still cold, and on the huge full moon, Uchiha Qi seemed to be able to see the figure of a woman.

That arrogant woman with unimaginable power, the ancestor of all chakras in the ninja world!

Uchiha Qi doesn't know what her realm is, but he knows that this woman has swallowed the fruit of the divine tree, and her power is absolutely unimaginable!

But soon, Uchiha Kai's face became a little weird.

I don't know why, the face on the moon that was transformed into Kaguya Otsutsuki inexplicably turned into Aya Hyuga's face, and the only thing that didn't seem to change was the long silver hair.

Shaking his head fiercely, Kai Uchiha felt that his thoughts like this were not correct, and he quickly blocked these useless information.

"I naturally think I'm ready. In fact, you should tell Captain Minato about this kind of thing." Uchiha closed his eyes and said softly, "He's Hokage, I'm not."

"Itachi will report these issues to Hokage-sama." Uchiha Fuyue said slowly: "However, Kai, you are the most important fighting force. Only you are ready..."

"Don't talk about this issue, I don't necessarily have too many actions this time around." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Let's talk about this later, Sasuke has now obtained the kaleidoscope, so I think he can further."

The so-called action this time is actually a big exercise in the whole ninja world. The essence of the four battles is like this. If he makes a move, I am afraid that he really doesn't need to continue.

And in this battle, Uchiha Kei really wants to see what role Sasuke and Naruto can play in it.

At most, he shot when Uchiha Madara was about to die. He still had Uchiha Madara's diary in his hand, and he still had so many things in his hands. He was looking forward to using Uchiha Madara's diary. The former super villain boss has turned his back.

The purpose of the exercise has long been determined, so it is natural that he will not take the initiative.

Unless... something unexpected happens.

"Are you going to make a move?"

Uchiha Fuyue frowned, he still wanted to say something.

Just seeing Uchiha Kai's expression, he knew that no matter what he was saying, there was no way he could change it. He could only shake his head and not worry about this issue.

"Sasuke's words, I think it's almost the same now, but according to your words... Do you want him to..."

"Well, that's right. Sasuke's potential has already been said, it's hard to imagine. And we don't lack eyes, don't we?"

"It's just that he now..."

"Give him some time and let him take his time."


Asking Uchiha Kai whether he is ready is obviously the wrong person, because the dominance of this matter is completely in the hands of Namifeng Minato.

In fact, there is no need for Uchiha Kai to think too much. After getting the information passed by Itachi, Namikaze Minato directly showed his attitude the next day.

He did not hesitate to hold the Five Shadows Conference, and now is the time!

After three years of preparation, he doesn't believe that other Shinobi villages have not yet prepared for all this.

Wuyin, Yanyin, and Yunyin, these are Konoha's explicit or implicit allies, they have already received information, and they have been preparing for all this to come.

And Sha Yin's situation is special, they don't know the specific reason for all this, but they also have a grudge with the Xiao organization that cannot be resolved.

Although I love Luo Ping not Fengying, but he is Fengying's younger brother!

And as the existence of Shayin Village as one of the five major ninja villages in the ninja world, they were raided by an organization without hesitation, and they also took away their manpower and killed one of their most important high-level executives. How could they endure it? survive?

Although it is not the same as what they said, it is undeniable that Sandyin was indeed robbed of his strength, and Chiyo, one of Sandyin's most important high-level executives, died.

This kind of hatred is really difficult to resolve, so whether it is Uchiha Kai or Namikaze Minato, you can be sure that Sandyin's enthusiasm is definitely much higher than other villages!

Even if they really don't have much preparation, at least the part of the people who support Temari will definitely respond to all this with the highest enthusiasm.

Besides, there is a surprise waiting for them at the Five Shadows Conference.

"Qi-jun, don't you really plan to go to the Five Shadows Conference with us?" In Hokage's office, Minato Namifeng was sorting out the documents and asked curiously, "After all, such an important day, and as an agent of Hokage, Is it best to go together?"

"It's important to you, Captain Minato." Uchiha Qi shook his head helplessly: "As an agent Hokage, when you're not in Konoha, it's the most correct choice for me to stay and look after Konoha. ?"

Indeed, this is a big day for Minato Namikaze. If there is no accident, then this Five Shadows Conference will be reopened after a lapse of fifty or sixty years.

And the significance of this time is even more meaningful than the last one, because this one will establish a new alliance.

An alliance full of cooperation and mutual trust is bound to be full of each other.

Even though this alliance was created because of war, fear, and various special reasons, its existence has indeed brought peace to the ninja world in some senses.

A complete ninja world has a qualified organization of the five major shadow alliances to coordinate resource allocation. The coordination and complementarity between them will greatly balance the development of various regions.

As long as it tastes the sweetness, I am afraid that even if the shadows want to be separated, the people below are not necessarily willing to be separated.

Unless these guys can really come up with 'national ideas', they think they are people of 'which country and which village', and they are separated by race, belief, etc. Otherwise, Uchiha Keiza doesn't think they are. That division can be done.

"Nationalism" has always been an extreme and powerful incitement, and to put it bluntly, it is populism.

Although this kind of thing will cause unimaginable backlash, it is still very disgusting to use it out.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi felt that it was unrealistic to think about whether this kind of thing would appear in this world, and it was the most critical thing to first clarify everything in front of him.

"Come on, Captain Minato." Uchiha Kai said to him with a smile.

"When the new alliance appears, you can also come up with a lot of guidelines and policies, such as the framework for equal conditions, such as various bills to promote development, and when these things are implemented, I think your dream is not far from being realized. already."

"Yeah, it looks like it's not far." Minato Namikaze is also very emotional: "I always thought, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to wait until this day, people and people, countries and countries and villages can coexist peacefully. At least, I don't think my generation has a chance, I just didn't expect...Thank you, Kai."

"Instead of thanking me, it's better to think about the future." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "The future is very tiring. After all, this is a war alliance. How to develop into an economic alliance and an alliance of interests requires your wisdom. already."

"Isn't there still you?"

"Although you asked me to be Hokage's agent, I may not be Hokage in the future."

The two talked and laughed, and they were basically sure that Uchiha Kai would not be present at the Five Shadows Conference this time.

After all, the reason for this guy is quite sufficient. As the agent of Hokage, he guarded the village when Hokage left the village, which is really a suitable excuse.

For this conference, all in all, he is not very interested. In addition to the establishment of the alliance, there is another major event waiting, that is, Obito declares war.

There is no chance of declaring war, and it is better than the release when the shadows of the five major ninja villages gather together, whether it is Obito or Kai, or Minato's psychology is very clear.

As for whether there will be a fight, it's hard to say. After all, Danzo has been dead for so many years, and Sasuke is not foolish enough to be fooled by a few words to find Bei.

Even if this guy does need to exercise his freshly acquired kaleidoscope, he doesn't have no other way to exercise, does he?

Uchiha Fuyue is an excellent training object. He is far stronger than Sasuke and has an eternal kaleidoscope. As long as he is serious, even if he faces Sasuke desperately, he may not have any problems.

The gap between the Eternal Eye and the Kaleidoscope is similar to the gap between Sangouyu facing the Kaleidoscope. Whether it is the basic ability or the use of the pupil technique, it is not a concept.

The reason why Uchiha Qi dared to fight against Fuyue's Eternal Eye before the Eternal Eye has completely evolved is entirely because his eye evolution has reached a limit, and Fuyue's eyes are not his own, and they have not been used for a long time. , the running-in degree is not high.

In addition, his Susanoo was inspired by Madara Uchiha, which greatly reduced his burden of using Susanoo, and gave him the ability to use Susanoo regardless of the limits of his eyes .

Otherwise, according to normal development, he may not dare to face Uchiha Fuyue of Eternal Eye at all.

Even according to his abnormal development, if he met the current Uchiha Fugaku at that time, he would definitely not have the intention to practice with him.

What he needs is a confrontation with similar strength, not a one-sided slaughter.

"I wish you all the best, Captain Minato." Before leaving Hokage's office, Uchiha Qi smiled and said to him: "I still need to prepare well for the last time."

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." Minato Namifeng nodded: "However, as you said, I'm afraid I'll be busy for a long time in the future."


Namikaze Minato has never been a person who likes to wait, and after setting the time for the meeting, he set off quickly.

The people accompanying him were not too many, but not too many. The most interesting thing was that in addition to his own shadow guards, he also deliberately brought the seventh class along with him.

Although Kai Uchiha is a bit unfortunate, Sasuke probably won't have a chance to fight with his father, and then quickly adapt to the power of the Kaleidoscope Shaker, but no one can be sure what will happen to the Five Shadows Conference? Such a situation.

Uchiha Qi, who is too lazy to care about these things, chooses to continue his practice well, although he does not need to care about the fusion of the five attributes of Chakra, and the newly born Chakra is also born continuously.

He originally planned to care about easily moving chakras. After all, if they were merged with yin and yang, they would not be able to achieve the effect of changing from quantity to quality, and could not be used at all.

But the problem is that he was stunned to find that his Immortal Chakra and Tailed Beast Chakra seemed to have no way to achieve the fit he hoped through the bloodline power of the Yuyi family.

Is it because the tailed beast Chakra is not in his body at all?

Kai Uchiha doesn't know these things, but there are too many things he's encountered that go completely beyond his plans.

Therefore, he quickly calmed down and didn't go into it. Maybe his conjecture was fine, or maybe it was because he still couldn't understand these powers.

Or maybe it's because the chakras of his nine-tailed beasts haven't reached a complete resonance, and the power is still scattered, so he can't do this, right?

"The tailed beast Chakra in Susanoo is still scattered. All the cores have been blended together, and a frightening force has emerged, but these forces are too few."

Uchiha Qi also sighed a little, although the Chakra of the tail beast was originally one.

But since being separated, they are individuals with different consciousness and extremely unwilling to reunite.

Although these chakras no longer have the consciousness of the tailed beasts, they retain some of their will. After all, these chakras can transform into the original owner of the chakras.

Especially these chakras have the instinct of beasts, they are very resistant to such fusion and resonance.

Even if Uchiha Kai used them before, they achieved a certain degree of integration under the influence of Susanoo, but they were still in a state of separation.

Now, the chakras of the nine-tailed beasts have been completely collected, and Susanoo's suppression of them is not as strong as he imagined.

Therefore, their fusion progress is relatively slower than before.

"I'm really curious how that kid Sasuke did it, or that he didn't do it at all."

Shaking his head helplessly, without the body of a tailed beast, he could only wait slowly, and he had no other way.

After adjusting his mentality, Kai Uchiha simply put his energy on the fusion of the five attributes.

His five-attribute chakra fusion progress is not bad, but in terms of the number of chakras and the understanding of chakra, there is still some gap.

"I really didn't expect such a situation, but it's okay, so I can concentrate and fully condense the so-called blood snares."

After returning to the laboratory, Uchiha Qi thought silently, maybe this is not too bad.

Maybe he is really greedy and intends to pursue some powers that are possible but did not appear in the original work.

After all, for him, those Otsutsuki are actually guys who didn't appear in the original book, such as the Otsutsuki Ichishi who left a wedge in his body, but he really never heard of this guy.

The strength is so strong, and it has been hidden in the ninja world for so long, it is really hard to believe that once this guy runs out of the original work, how much impact it will have on the entire ninja world.

"But speaking of wedges..." Uchiha Kai, who had just sat down, suddenly lowered his head, his eyes locked on his wrist.

There are still traces of wedges on his wrist. These powers have not dissipated because he sealed Otsutsuki's consciousness, and even the power inside has not weakened in any way.

It's just that the black wedge has turned white at this moment, and it doesn't look as low-key as before, but it is also a lot more peaceful.

"I had guessed before that after I sealed Otsutsuki's consciousness, this wedge should be a harmless wedge." Uchiha Kai thought silently.

"It seems that all this is in line with my guess now. The wedge is still preserved, and it is full of power, containing the power of Otsutsuki's original source, and also containing the power of this guy's peak. So, can I? Have you completely absorbed these powers?"

I have to say This wedge is really an unowned thing now, and it is still an unowned thing with powerful power and a special attraction to Uchiha Kai!

Uchiha Kai's strength is very strong now, very powerful, even Uchiha Madara is probably not his opponent-seal Juwei before his body.

After the seal, maybe Madara Uchiha might not be Kai's opponent. After all, one relies on external force, and the other relies entirely on his own strength.

But this is not enough. Only by obtaining a complete blood net, can it be regarded as a complete restoration of the power that the Otsutsuki clan should have.

The horror of these 'people in the sky', in addition to the power obtained by devouring the fruit of the **** tree, their own power is also unimaginable, what Uchiha Qi wants is their complete power!

"Try it, maybe there will be unexpected effects..."


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