This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 767: brother

Shishui and Ghost Shark slowly walked out of Konoha. This trip to Konoha has truly exceeded their imagination.

They have no way to forget now, when the huge shaking accompanied the faint chant from the sky, the whole Konoha collapsed and turned into a rubble.

Such despair began to spread wildly in the hearts of the two of them.

They couldn't believe what they saw in front of them, and they couldn't understand it at all.

What kind of power is fighting against each other to cause such a result!

And what happened after that was as if it was burned into their hearts.

Use the transformation technique to follow the Konoha ninja out of Konoha, and then follow these Konoha ninjas back to dig up the remains.

Such a thing almost collapsed on the spot, even for ninjas whose hearts were comparable to steel.

However, when they both feel like they have lost motivation and everything that can support their beliefs, Uchiha Kai quietly returns.

This man has returned with incredible power, and at the same time he has brought a miracle!

When the ethereal chant sounded, when the vast Chakra descended, Konoha, who had been completely dead, suddenly burst out with unimaginable vitality.

All the people, all those who died in battle or because of the spread of the battle, have all been resurrected!

This is a miracle, Uchiha Kai, the **** of the world!

This sentence is not what they came up with, but when they transformed into Konoha ninjas and helped Konoha in the name of gathering intelligence, they heard the most words.

And this sentence is also the most recognized word for them.

According to Lord Qi's performance in battle and his subsequent rescue performance, if he is not a god, then who is qualified to say that he is a god?

Could it be that it is the guy in their organization who also has the eye of reincarnation inexplicably?

They both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw from a distance that the people they cared about were safe and sound, and they began to work hard to rebuild their homes.

If the home is gone, it can be rebuilt, but if the family is gone, the home will be completely destroyed.

Putting down their inner worries, they also decided to leave Konoha.

Although they both regretted it a little, when they saw Konoha turning into themselves, they could show their emotions, so that the **** villain or traitor of the other party could find out.

However, they are still very restrained and pretend that nothing happened at all, and they are still calm.

It has to be said that the synchronization between the two of them is really unimaginable in terms of acting stupid.

Maybe they all guessed that the other party has a problem, or maybe they are worried that they will be discovered by the other party that they have a problem.

Therefore, their performances seemed to be a little silent, and they didn't say much, even if they sensed that the other party had some problems, but they didn't say a word.

It's just that when they were about to truly leave Konoha, the two of them suddenly looked at each other.

Everything around seemed a little quiet, but such quietness was the biggest problem for both of them.

Both of them have full experience of Anbu ninja, so they can be sure that they should be targeted by someone at the first time.

Such a bad feeling, both of them were thinking about what to do.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out and stood in front of them!

This figure looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the black hair and the ninja sword around his waist made him even more fierce.

Especially the pair of scarlet eyes made people feel the killing intent!


"Kakashi-sensei, what's our next mission?"

Not long ago, inside Konoha, Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata were entangled with Kakashi who had just finished the meeting.

The current Konoha is in a real sense of being in vain, and these ninjas are even more in a hurry.

But these are all okay, because Konoha's was not damaged at all, plus there are so many ninjas, it only takes some time to recover everything.

What's more, even if Konoha Village is destroyed, no one will think Konoha is dead.

Just Uchiha Kai gave all Konoha residents and ninjas infinite confidence.

Not only them, but the shadows of Yanyin and Yunyin have made a decision, which is to help Konoha to restore and rebuild.

In addition, the villages established by the tea country and the wave country with the help of Konoha also spontaneously began to gather ninjas and various staff, and began to run to Konoha to help.

It is completely conceivable that with such help, Konoha's reconstruction will not take long to complete.

Although Naruto and the others are still small, the amount of information they can access is quite large.

And because of their family backgrounds, none of them could sit still, and they also wanted to come and help.

Not long ago, they just completed a task. They just found the staff here to complete the task and reported it to the report. When they turned around, they found Kakashi again.

Obviously they have no intention of resting at all, they want to continue to complete some tasks within their power.

"You guys." Kakashi rubbed his head helplessly.

Being the leader of Jounin really gave him a headache. These little devils are not only talented, but also very willing to do it.

If this kind of thing is replaced by other Shangnin, I am afraid that I would have been too happy.

But that's not the case for him, after all, he didn't choose to resign and leave Anbu - even if he wanted to, I'm afraid no one would allow it.

So there are really too many things for him, and he feels a little too busy himself.

Although all the previous experiences made him feel very happy.

Although Konoha was destroyed, he was completely reversed by Uchiha Kai, and in this series of battles, he was accompanied by one of his best friends, Obito.

This feeling is indeed wonderful, but such a wonderful feeling cannot last long.

Obito had already told him today that he was going to go back.

In the future meeting, in addition to meeting in Konoha as a friend, at other times, they may also need to become enemies.

Kakashi is clear about this kind of thing, after all, Obito is on a top-secret mission.

In addition to Obito's departure, there are various work on the reconstruction of Konoha, and various meetings are held.

These things really made Kakashi feel that his originally quite white hair had become even more white.

And these little devils under his own do not seem to make him worry so much, which makes him really feel a little headache.

"What's the matter, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto looked at Kakashi with the eyes of the dead fish, and asked in confusion.

"Why are you so unmotivated?

Look at Uncle Qi, he is still the same classmate as you for one year.

. I heard that you were number one back then, but what is Uncle Qi like now?

You are so decadent, it's not a good thing, is it? "

"Can you, don't tell me about what I was studying back then?" It's okay if you don't tell me, but when it comes to this Kakashi, the dead fish's eyes become heavier.

Having such a classmate really makes people feel a pain in the head.

Who knew that the mediocre guy back then had actually come this far?

Can you blame Kakashi?

I'm afraid that all the same students in that year could not imagine that such a person would appear in their classmates, right?

Especially Kakashi, who was the first in the past, seems to be a tool for being ridiculed now. Who would feel good about this kind of thing?

Glancing at Naruto fiercely, Kakashi simply said: "I don't have time to take you now, you know I'm still very busy. But I can give you a suggestion, or you can just go home and find yourselves. Family members asked if they needed help."

"Let's listen to Teacher Kakashi's suggestion." Before Naruto could speak, he was interrupted by Sasuke: "We are the teacher's students, so we naturally have to listen to the teacher."

"Okay, then I'll give you a suggestion." Kakashi didn't struggle too much, he said directly.

"In view of your current strength and performance, although the final conclusion of the Chunin Exam has not yet come out, I think you can all become Chunin.

So I give you a right in advance, that is, you can choose the tasks around C-level, but it is limited to the scope of Konoha Village. What do you think? "

Giving his young ninjas the right to choose their own tasks can already be seen as Kakashi is very optimistic about his subordinates.

Moreover, the subordinates who are generally given such rights are basically at the stage of Chunin.

You must know that the chunin can be the captain on weekdays, even in times of war.

Uchiha Kai was appointed as the captain by Fujiu Hangping back then, and he was also a chunin when he accepted the task of sending him to death.

"Hey, hey? We take the task ourselves?" When Naruto heard this sentence, he was immediately happy: "It's just the three of us, right?"

"Yes, it's just the three of you." Kakashi nodded: "As for the captain, you can choose for yourself. I don't have that skill to care about you so much."

"The captain will naturally be me!" Naruto suddenly shouted: "I will definitely complete all the tasks well!"

"Idiot, who told you that you will definitely be the captain?" Sasuke said disdainfully: "The three-person team of Lord Qi was a bit similar to our current situation, but Lord Qi was the captain at that time. This Captain, I will never give it to you."

"Damn, Uncle Qi still calls my dad captain!"

"Why don't you say that at that time, Master Qi was a Chunin, and Master Hokage was already a Joinin at that time.

Moreover, during the actual mission, Hokage-sama said that it was basically the leadership of Master Qi! "

Kakashi rolled the eyes of the dead fish to look at the two little guys, and finally shook his head helplessly.

He was an actual participant in the events of the year, how could he not know the specific situation?

At the beginning, he was also a jounin, but his teacher didn't hand over the captain to him, but to Kai, who was just a chunin.

He didn't think much about it at the time, but as Kai gradually assumed power, he was considered to be Lord Hokage's 'wisdom eye and pearl'.

Putting it in this scene now, it seems to have once again verified that I was the first to learn, and it is nothing at all.

Look at Uchiha Kai, and your performance was mediocre, and as a result, he became your captain on the battlefield as a Chunin.

Now others are even more "gods of the world", and you still have this virtue.

This made Kakashi feel that there was a lump of gas in his stomach, which was really good!

However, there is no way to be angry, what else can he do?

Rolling his eyes, Kakashi left here directly, and let these little devils quarrel by themselves.

Who can become the captain in the end, he doesn't care at all, all he needs is a result.

It was at this moment that he suddenly saw Uchiha Kai, Namikaze Minato, as well as the fourth generation of Raikage and the third generation of Tuikage coming out of a tent collectively.

Kakashi remembered that they seemed to have some kind of meeting, a ninja only at the highest level.

Originally, he wanted to let himself go to this meeting, but Kakashi really had some headaches about these things, so in the end he did not choose to go with it.

Now it seems that not going is the most correct choice.

Look at the people who are in the meeting, even that guy, Ghost Lantern Manyue, is not qualified to go to the meeting.

At that time, maybe there will be some bad reputation left for Konoha.

It just makes Kakashi a little puzzled, why the fourth generation of Raikage and the third generation of Tukage seem to have a lot of thoughts.

There is no way to hide the solemnity and entanglement on their faces, their dissatisfaction and deep thinking.

This kind of situation made Kakashi feel a little inexplicable. Could it be that their conversation failed?

Thinking of this, Kakashi stopped and waited for the two shadow groups to leave before he moved up.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asked Uchiha Kai in a low voice, "Those two seem to be in a bad mood. Did the negotiation fail?"

Although Kai Uchiha showed terrifying power, Kakashi also knew the character of this guy.

In addition, his teacher is not available now, so he didn't think too much and went directly to Kai's side.

"It's not a success, but it doesn't mean a split." Uchiha Kai chuckled, looking at the back that went there and shaking his head.

"They are very entangled. On the one hand, they know that my request is a good thing, because it is something that benefits the entire ninja world.

However, because one party did not get my promise and guarantee, they felt that the price was too high. "

"Is that so?" Kakashi nodded in understanding, then he turned his head to look at Kai Uchiha, and the dead fish eyes were exposed again: "After a long time, your request What is it?"

"Later, Captain Minato will tell you." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "I remember that you were not invited to the meeting? If you came, wouldn't you know everything?"

"Please, I'm neither a shadow nor an acting shadow, I'm going to attend this kind of meeting." Kakashi rolled his eyes: "Forget it, then I'll wait, anyway, I'll know sooner or later."


After leaving Kakashi, the seventh class, noisy along the way, most likely wants to fight for a suitable candidate for the captain.

But unfortunately, they made trouble along the way to the temporary task department and did not come to a result.

Hinata also had a headache when they were so noisy. After all, she was still a quiet girl.

However, as a teammate, she didn't say anything, after all, it's not a matter of helping anyone.

From an emotional level, Hinata still thinks Naruto is better to be the captain.

They have known each other since childhood, and Naruto is not like Sasuke, who likes to trouble their Hinata clan.

But from a rational level, she felt that Sasuke was more suitable.

At least for now, she feels that Sasuke is indeed much calmer than Naruto.

This kind of calmness is very important. For example, when Konoha suffered a destructive blow not long ago, Naruto rushed back to Konoha regardless.

While Sasuke was catching up, he hadn't forgotten to inform others about their prisoners of war.

From this, it can be seen that Sasuke is much more reliable than Naruto in the process of the mission.

As for being the captain?

Hinata thinks she should forget it, her character is not suitable for such a thing at all.

At the most critical moment, I am afraid that there is no way to make the best and most reasonable choice.

She still remembers that, after learning about Konoha's situation through her white eyes, she immediately fainted when she saw the corpses piled up all over the ground.

This kind of behavior is really not what a captain should be in.

The three entered the temporary task department and began to choose some tasks that were suitable for them. After looking around, they finally decided to simply go to the town next to Konoha to deliver some supplies back.

Although Kakashi told them not to leave Konoha, they didn't care too much about these things, and the town wasn't too far away anyway.

Maybe when they came back after finishing the mission, Kakashi didn't even know that they all went to the town next door.

The three of them set off soon. They, who had never been out of Konoha, were really interested in the outside world.

They have grown up in Konoha since they were young, and they don't know everything about the outside world. They are really rare for such an opportunity, so they are a little more excited.

This is also the reason why Hinata, such an honest girl, did not stop these two daring guys from making such a choice, because she herself was a little curious about everything outside.


Just walking, Naruto suddenly frowned.

They had just walked out of the village and had not had time to leave the village, but for some unknown reason, Naruto suddenly felt something.

This kind of feeling originated from the Nine-Tails. Just now, the Chakra of the Nine-Tails in his body suddenly moved. Such a feeling is rare.

This made Naruto a little surprised and also very puzzled, what the **** is going on?

"What's the matter, Naruto?" Sasuke couldn't help but ask when he saw this scene.

"I don't know, Kurama seems to have noticed something just now." Naruto shook his head and said: "No such situation usually occurs in Kurama. Wait a minute, I need to ask."

If you run out of the village alone, you must pay attention to everything, after all, their identities are still relatively sensitive.

What's more, the matter between Konoha and Sandyin has not been completely resolved yet, the ghost knows if they will encounter the ninja lurking in Konoha's Sandyin.

Therefore, aware of the situation, Naruto stopped immediately, and then frowned and began to ask the nine tails in his heart.

However, this time, Nine Tails directly chose to let Chakra appear.

"Why did you come out?" Naruto glanced at the red fox standing on his shoulder strangely: "Didn't you always like to come out?"

"You ran out of the village this time, if I don't watch it, what if you die?" Nine tails did not mean to be polite at all: "Just the lame kung fu of the three of you, who can rest assured?"

"Hey, hey, you're right, I remember that Uncle Qi went to the battlefield when he was seven or eight years old." Naruto shouted very unhappily: "Also, Mr. Kakashi went to the battlefield when he was five years old, we They are all thirteen or fourteen years old, and they have become ministers at this age!"

"That's them, you..." Jiuwei shook his head disdainfully: "Okay, let's not talk about this. There is something I need to tell you. Not far away, I felt an ominous investigation. carat."

Nine tails are indeed a little worried about the situation of these three guys, although their strength is actually not bad.

But the thing is, this squad is really important.

It's not that they are the sons of Hokage, the descendants of the Uchiha clan, or the descendants of the Hinata clan.

But in this squad, there are the reincarnations of Indra and Asura.

These two are the children of the old man, and he naturally does not want any unexpected things to happen.

Even he felt that there might not be any accidents with these two guys, but it was better to be careful anyway.

To be honest, if it were the past, he probably wouldn't care about the reincarnation of Indra and Asura at all.

You must know that these two guys have brought infinite difficulties to themselves.

He really wished these two guys would die sooner!

But it's different now, not to mention that the relationship between Ashura's reincarnated father and himself is unusual.

The guy Uchiha Qi alone is very likely to be the reincarnation of the Six Path Immortals, and he would never dare to be careless in the slightest.

Indra and Asura are both sons of immortals of the Six Paths. Although it is impossible for them to continue to be father and son in the current situation, the problem is that these two boys are inextricably linked with Kai Uchiha.

And the respect these two have for Uchiha Kai is beyond imagination.

He is thinking, can he use this to make the future of the tailed beast get a better ending?

"Ominous chakra?" Sasuke frowned when he heard the words: "It seems that for the ominous chakra, your tailed beast's chakra is the most ominous, right? What kind of chakra will make you Feeling ominous?"

"One thing, you are mistaken, the little devil of the Uchiha family." Nine tails raised his eyebrows, and he looked up at Sasuke: "The eyes of your Uchiha family, when they evolved to the level of a kaleidoscope. That ominous. , even I would feel very uncomfortable."

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?" Sasuke was stunned at first when he heard this sentence, but the next moment his face changed immediately: "You feel the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?"

"No, I just felt the ominous chakra." Nine tails shook his head: "I don't know what it is, but I tell you very clearly, it's not a tailed beast, and it's definitely not the kaleidoscope writing wheel of Konoha. Uchiha's breath."

Nine tails are still very familiar with these breaths of Konoha, or he is very familiar with the breaths of those who can threaten him.

Unfortunately, there was no trace of those guys in the breath he felt this time.

It was an aura that seemed similar, but very unfamiliar.

An aura that even he would feel a little uneasy, even a little dangerous!

"It's not a tailed beast, and isn't it the breath of a person with a kaleidoscope in Konoha?" Sasuke frowned: "You said... Could it be the guy who controlled you back then?"

"No." Nine Tails shook his head decisively: "That guy, even if he burns to ashes, the old man won't forget his breath!"

With the smell of earth, how could Nine Tails forget it?

That **** **** has surrendered now, and Nine Tails doesn't bother to tangle with him so much.

It is not the first time that he has been controlled. Although the tailed beast is not strong, it is also strong and has some weaknesses that can be deliberately defeated.

Nine tails have no way to deal with this kind of problem. Maybe this is the so-called natural rule that the old man often talks about?

He wasn't the one who controlled the Nine-Tails at the beginning, but did he have an aura that made the Nine-Tails feel uncomfortable?

Sasuke didn't know what Kyuubi was thinking, but he was already a little disturbed when he heard this information.

After thinking for a while, Sasuke immediately turned to look at Hinata: "Hinda, help me take a look, is there anyone around here?"

"Okay." Hinata opened his eyes directly: "In what direction? The person you are looking for."

"There should be a lot of people in the periphery." Sasuke said in a deep voice: "This is really a bit..."

"Sasuke-kun, I think I have found something." At this moment, Hinata suddenly said: "Although I don't know if it is, but I found two very strange people. And one of them, his body The chakra... gigantic unbelievable!"

"Is it an unbelievably huge chakra?" Sasuke thought for a while, then quickly began to seal, and soon a cat appeared in front of him: "Go back and inform Mr. Kakashi, and say that we may encounter an enemy. Now. Hurry up, you know?"

The ninja cat licked its paws, and then quickly walked towards the village.

Sasuke stood up, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Who is it that makes a monster like Nine-Tails feel dangerous and ominous?

Huge chakra, shouldn't it make Nine Tails feel and think like this?

Hinata said that there were two people over there, so is it the person next to the guy with the huge chakra that made Nine Tails feel this way?

Thinking of this, Sasuke said in a low voice: "I'll go over to see the situation, you guys are here waiting for Kakashi-sensei's support. Hinata, you have a blind eye, you can give Kakashi directions at any time, understand?"

"Cut, you're not the captain, why do you issue orders." Naruto shouted angrily: "I'll go with you to see, if there is any problem, we can take care of each other."

"It's up to you." Sasuke turned and moved in the direction Hinata pointed to: "As long as you don't make too much noise, everything is easy to say. We are here to monitor, not to die."

Naruto glanced at Sasuke's back unhappy, how could he not know about this kind of thing?

But he didn't plan to say anything. Although Sasuke was annoying, what he said was the truth.

After pouting, Naruto quickly followed, and it didn't take long for the two of them to arrive near the area.

The silent figures were hidden in the forest, and the two of them moved forward silently, and soon they saw two figures walking in the forest.

One of these two figures looked tall and sturdy, and behind him was carrying a huge weapon.

The other one looks a little thin, but even if he is thin, no one will think he can't do it. The faint dangerous aura obviously comes from him!

In addition, the clothes these two guys wore also made Sasuke and Naruto extremely careful.

These two are members of the so-called Akatsuki organization!

"Looks like it's just the two of them." Naruto gestured towards Sasuke. At this time, they didn't dare to make a sound at will.

Sasuke nodded lightly, then continued to follow in silence.

For some reason, seeing that slightly thin figure, he always had a feeling of deja vu!

It was extremely familiar, as if it had left an extremely deep and indelible impression in his mind.

It's just that this impression seems to be interrupted at a certain moment, so that he has no way to recall what was going on at one time.

Frowning tightly, Sasuke's eyes have been staring at the two figures, in his mind it seems that the slightly thin back is constantly overlapping in his mind.

His body also trembled a little, this figure he remembered, this figure has always been in his mind!

His breath began to be a little chaotic, and the two seemed to be a little too keen, and his chaotic aura was instantly caught by them!

The two guys stopped at the same time, and the back that impressed Sasuke slowly turned around.

When the face that made him almost engraved in his soul appeared in his eyes, Sasuke couldn't control his emotions at this moment!

In his mind, the elder brother who used to treat himself so tenderly, although he was not a real brother, was better than a real brother.

The older brother who taught himself and nurtured himself from an early age.

The one who made the wrong choice, followed the elder brother of the person who shouldn't follow.

The brother who killed dozens of Konoha ninjas in the most extreme way, and defected to Konoha with fake death!

Uchiha Shisui, it's actually him, why is it him?

Why did he go back to Konoha, why did he come here!

Moreover, what Sasuke couldn't forget at all was that this guy followed the people who attacked Konoha back then, and they had completely merged with each other.

Anger stirred in Sasuke's heart, and he couldn't let himself continue to stare at the two of them silently.

Gritting his teeth, Sasuke quietly made a gesture to Naruto, then opened his writing wheel and jumped out.

In those scarlet eyes, endless killing intent has already bloomed...


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