This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 761: Change

Otsutsuki's peach-style chakra boiled, and he stared at Uchiha Kai like a hunter facing his prey.

Although this prey is very aggressive, although this prey is extremely vicious and wants to fight for his life.

But he, the hunter, will not let his prey have any resistance, even if he has suffered a lot, but his current strength is not comparable to this prey!


For some unknown reason, Otsutsuki Momo suddenly felt that the little guy in front of him seemed to have undergone some changes quietly.

He couldn't tell the change himself, the person was still the same person, and there was no change in his strength.

Even under his own eyes, he couldn't see what was different about this guy.

But he has a strange feeling from the heart, he feels that this guy is starting to become a little dangerous, becoming extremely dangerous!

This sense of danger is very real. The most important thing is that he seems to have noticed it. This guy also exudes a kind of...

The breath of the vicissitudes of the years!

how can that be?

Through the eyes, Tao Shi can clearly see this guy, only the biological age of twenty years old, where does this feeling of vicissitudes come from?

The peach style is not clear, after thinking about it, he thinks that maybe this guy's wedge is starting to work?

After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only possibility, but the problem is that this guy doesn't seem to have any changes at all.

Once the wedge reacts, the subject's body will definitely change in the direction of Otsutsuki!

"Are you ready..." At this moment, Uchiha Qi, who had been bowing his head, raised his head slightly.

His voice still seemed so young, but for some reason there seemed to be no way to cover up the vicissitudes of life!

"What are you talking about, kid!" Otsutsuki's expression changed slightly, and the sense of crisis seemed to become more obvious.

"I'm talking about..." When Uchiha Kai's eyes were completely locked on Otsutsuki Momo, the reincarnation eyes began to spin: "Are you ready?"

The voice fell, and the four questing jade behind Uchiha Kai suddenly split, and it didn't stop until the six questing jade circled behind him!

Six, this is already a quantity that Uchiha Qi can't find.

Because reaching this number means one thing, he has completely stepped into the six realms!

It's just that Uchiha Kai at this time seems to be a little dissatisfied. He frowned while feeling the power emanating from his body.

"Your power seems to be weaker than I thought." In the consciousness space, Otsutsuki Yui stood in front of Uchiha Kai, his voice was very rude.

"Weak? You give me a thousand years of accumulation time, see how far I can go?" Uchiha Qi said slightly dissatisfied.

His resentment is indeed a little heavy now, because there is no way, his body is no longer under his control!

Otsutsuki Yui didn't dare to show his face, and he knew the situation that Uchiha Kai was facing now, so he must do something to save it all.

Therefore, he chose the simplest and also the most effective method, directly using Uchiha Kai's body to deal with this damned Otsutsuki Momo-style.

Uchiha Kai really has nothing to do with such an operation.

After all, no matter who he is, he won't like his body and is controlled by other people, especially this guy is someone he doesn't dare to believe completely.

But Otsutsuki Yui obviously also knew the character of this guy, so he gave two reasons, and one of them was the reason Uchiha Kai couldn't refuse!

The first reason is simple: Otsutsuki Momo-style must be stopped.

Uchiha Kai's current strength is obviously impossible to achieve, and even if he can do it, he will definitely not achieve the goal he thinks.

It's not impossible to use your own eyes to perform reincarnation, but this technique will still cause some damage to the eyes after all.

There is no problem in resurrecting a person alone. Madara Uchiha used Obito to do this before, and there is no problem with putting these eyes back on.

But if a large group of people is resurrected, then this is not a simple matter.

Although the eyes can also recover, but this recovery period is definitely not uncomfortable.

This guy Nagato is quite refreshing, and he died immediately after casting, but Uchiha Qi obviously won't die, he didn't want to endure this time.

Especially now that he still needs the strength of his eyes to curb the spread of the wedge on his body, he absolutely does not want his eyes to rest at this moment, even if it is only for a while.

Therefore, Otsutsuki-style eyes are very necessary.

In addition to this reason, it is also very important that even Uchiha Kai can't refuse that the Six Path Immortals clearly stated that doing so is good for Uchiha Kai.

The body belongs to Kai Uchiha, and the perception is also his.

Otsutsuki Yui controls his body to fight, allowing him to clearly understand how his power is used at the level of Six Paths!

In other words, this is the six-level combat experience that Bai gave him, and even a demonstration of power control.

He got to this point by relying on the Chakra mode of the eye of reincarnation. His control of power can be said to be very bad, and all he can do is to use these powers to the maximum.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya are a little better, but only a little better.

This is also the main reason why they did not dare to go all out in the first place.

If you look at it now, you can see that if they did their best at that time, I am afraid that the loss of the village would be even greater, to an unimaginable extent!

Even if they could be rescued, Uchiha Kai was not sure at that time whether he could grab the eyes, so they chose to hold off and give time to let others leave.

Now Otsutsuki Yuyi gave him so much experience for free, and helped him rob him of his eyes. It was really hard for him to refuse such a good thing.

"I said, can you stop talking about those useless things." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "Are you sure, he can't see your situation?"

"Don't worry, I can't tell, after all, strictly speaking, I am indeed dead." Yui Otsutsuki said confidently.

"It's easy to want me to come alive, as long as I return my soul to my body...

Don't say this, I am a pure soul body, and your body is wrapped with the power of the ultimate yin and yang escape and the eye of reincarnation, that guy can't see me.

Even if he sees it..."

"So what! What I want to do this time is not to seal, but to kill him!"


"Damn it, go to hell!"

Otsutsuki Momo-style seemed to be provoked by Uchiha Qi, and when he moved, the giant axe emitting a red light in his hand slammed towards Kai.

"Look well, learn well, and feel well."

Otsutsuki Yui said indifferently in the consciousness space, and then he also controlled Uchiha to activate!

That kind of speed seems to have completely crossed the shackles of time.

Time was completely controlled at this moment, and he didn't dodge this round of the giant axe's attack with any effort at all.

Immediately after he threw a punch, Otsutsuki Momo didn't even have time to react, and he was directly beaten up.

The huge cyclone suddenly made everything around it chaotic, and even the void seemed to be unable to resist such energy spillage.

I don't know how many places collapsed directly, revealing dark cracks like black holes.

After doing all of this, Uchiha Qi's body suddenly stopped, and then a begging jade floated into his hand.

Qiu Daoyu swelled wildly, and then turned into a weapon similar to a tin rod. The ethereal chant sounded again, and then his body disappeared again.


The earth trembled violently, and countless cracks quickly spread outward. The giant axe in the hands of Otsutsuki Peach was directly shattered, and his whole person flew out again!

Otsutsuki Tao Shi was stunned, and he was really stunned now.

He didn't understand in Konoha, why did this guy suddenly become so exaggerated?

Obviously there is no improvement in strength, obviously the person is still the same person, and the characteristics of Otsutsuki have not been revealed at all. Why did he suddenly become so powerful?

What is this, why?

Otsutsuki Taoshi couldn't figure it out, he had completely completed himself, and faced with the ants who were powerless just now, why did he suddenly become like this?

His current resistance is also unusually weak. Yes, his current situation can only be described as resistance.

He was completely suppressed by Uchiha Kai, and there was no way to launch a decent attack.

In particular, he found that at this moment, the attack method of Uchiha Kai was no longer limited to the attack of taijutsu, but relied on the interweaving of jutsu and taijutsu.

But the problem is, in the face of such a technique, he has no way to absorb it.

Because every time this guy uses an art, he can attack his hands, not giving him any chance to absorb them at all.

In particular, this guy seems to have become more adept at controlling time, to a level that he can't even imagine himself!

Under such an offensive, Otsutsuki Momo-style was simply losing ground, and he was even thinking about how to escape from here.

These damned guys are really like monsters!

"how did you do it?"

In the space of consciousness, Uchiha Kai felt the power that burst out of him.

Feeling the offensive method Otsutsuki Yui showed by manipulating his body, he is now extremely stunned.

Is this your own power? His own strength can reach such a point?

But he really didn't ask such a stupid question, because it was indeed his strength.

Otsutsuki Yui was just controlling his body, he didn't use any other powers!

"It's very simple, that is the control of power." Otsutsuki Yui said lightly while attacking.

"Fighting is never about how powerful a person is - of course, sometimes it is not impossible to completely rely on the crushing of strength.

It's just my personal experience, plus I also have a human imagination, so I've always thought that power is key though.

But how to use these powers is also crucial. "

"How to use these powers?" Uchiha Kai nodded: "Control power, and... actual combat experience?"


Otsutsuki Yui controlled Kai's body to continuously attack Momo-shiki, and said while attacking.

"Look, the power of Otsutsuki Peach-style is much stronger than you, but this guy was still suppressed by you before, until he devoured Jin-style, he can suppress you in turn.

This has explained a lot of problems, perhaps because they are used to being arrogant, or because they have no good opponents.

Therefore, their control of power is very weak, and they are obviously powerful and terrifying, but they can only use these powers at all.

It can only be said that they rely on the maximum release of these forces to crush their opponents. "

Hearing this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, this Otsutsuki's peach-style performance is, strictly speaking, somewhat disappointing.

Obviously not strong, but his performance is so lame, if it is not because his upper limit is too high, I am afraid Uchiha Qi has already done all this.

Of course, in fact, it is not that he has no chance to do all this, and he will not even be given a chance to absorb Jinshi!

"Then what happened to you?"

Maybe the conversation was over, and this guy was controlling his body.

This made Kai Uchiha realize that if this guy really has any bad intentions, I am afraid he has finished playing.

Since there is no way to deal with or guard against him, you can only find a way to get closer and compromise with reality, which is also impossible.

If you can't beat him, join in, Uchiha Qi has always been very rational, after all, this guy has the same goal as himself, doesn't it?

"Don't you know?" At this moment, Otsutsuki Yui sighed faintly: "Now I control your body, even if I don't know some of your thoughts, I can feel some of them. I really don't understand, why You have so much malice towards me."

"Perhaps, it's because you started me as a front line against Otsutsuki, so I have this idea."

Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, and he was too lazy to hide it now: "The confrontation between you and your mother, to put it bluntly, I'm just a **** now, isn't it? You want to use me to prove who is right and who is wrong. Yes, so..."

"I have to say, your imagination is really rich." Before Uchiha's words were finished, he was interrupted by Yui Otsutsuki: "I always feel that it is not a good thing to have a dark heart, although you have proved that sometimes the heart is too dark. Being dark is not bad, but now I still feel that being too dark is really bad."

Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Yui swept the peach-style tin stick fiercely, and suddenly the whole person flew out.

This guy flew upside down extremely fast, the ground shattered wherever he passed, and countless peaks on the way he flew upside down were smashed into ashes, completely wiped out!

Uchiha Kai's body slowly flew up, and then a tin stick pointed, a black hole appeared.

His body went directly into it, and once again appeared above Otsutsuki Yui.

"What do you mean by saying this?" Uchiha Qi frowned. It was the first time he discovered that his body could also use the power of space.

"It's very simple." Yui Otsutsuki showed a smile: "If I really treat you as a pawn, I won't come to remind you, and I will never hope that you can reach the same level as us.

Because a chess piece can still be better in control.

If I really cared about the bet with my mother, I wouldn't be here to help you.

Maybe you won't believe, in my eyes you are just my descendant.

What I hope is that the entire ninja world, the world that gave birth to me, can stand in this world safely and steadily! "


" this Kai's power?"

Outside Konoha Village, Minato Namikaze looked at the figure that flew out upside down, feeling the sudden fluctuation of space, and his eyes looked into the distance inconceivably.

Not only him, but almost all the Konoha ninjas around here looked at all this incredulously.

Their mouths have grown big long ago, because they never thought that they could see such a scene, a battle that completely surpassed the limits of human beings!

Uchiha Qi has always been a legend of Konoha, there is no doubt about this, and his contribution to Konoha is even more unimaginable.

It's just that the Konoha ninjas always have some doubts in their hearts, what kind of strength does this Konoha acting Hokage, the head of the security department, have?

They were very puzzled about this, but Uchiha Qi made very few shots, and the only impressive thing seemed to be the one against Nine Tails.

Apart from that, there is only a little bit of legend telling that the enemies who have seen him shoot are all dead!

Today, however, they seem to have seen the power of Kai Uchiha.

A tailed beast, even if it is the weakest tail in the legend, is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

But facing Uchiha Kai?

Others didn't even move, just a look, and the mighty Yiwei was directly defeated by him!

The black flames that filled the sky, the black flames that seemed to devour everything directly made Yiwei just emerge, and before he even did anything, he retreated to Ren Zhuli's body again.

This is enough exaggeration and unimaginable, but all this is nothing, it can only be regarded as the tip of the iceberg of Uchiha Kai's strength.

Although they were inexplicably told by Kenta Imai, the head of the mission department, that all members of the team should immediately Konoha, but they are also ninjas, and they will not hesitate to execute when they receive orders from their superiors.

Facts have proved that if Imai Kenta didn't notify them, then they are probably all dead by now!

Such a battle is completely beyond the imagination of human beings.

Look at the Konoha that has been completely razed to the ground, look at the torn earth, it is not difficult to imagine how terrifying all this is!

Just thinking of such destruction and the people hiding in the underground fortifications made these Konoha ninjas tremble again.

Konoha has performed a miracle, evacuating all non-combatants to a safe area in just over ten minutes.

In the next ten minutes or so, all the fighting ninjas were evacuated outside the village.

With such mobilization and execution, I am afraid that few Ninja villages in the entire ninja world can do it!

But in the face of such a destructive force, such a miracle seems to have no effect at all.

They didn't even dare to think about how many people in the underground fortifications could survive such destruction!

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Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Obito watched everything silently, they didn't dare to speak at all, because such a devastating blow was so desperate.

The members of the Hinata clan were also monitoring their surroundings with open eyes, while watching Uchiha Kai and their battle.

But they didn't dare to look at the underground fortifications at all, and even if they saw them, they absolutely didn't dare to say anything.

All the fighting ninjas were not in high spirits. They looked at the two figures who were constantly attacking, especially the guy who attacked Konoha. Their hearts were full of resentment!

"Lord Hokage." At this moment, a grief-stricken Joinin voice asked, "Who is that guy? Who is that guy who attacked Konoha with Sandyin!"

"That's our enemy..." Minato Namikaze's voice was also full of helplessness and anger: "That's our ninja world, our common enemy!"

Namikaze Minato could see that none of the Konoha ninjas hated Uchiha Kai, even if Konoha was destroyed like this, he did have a 'credit'.

But the Konoha ninjas know very well that if it wasn't for Kai Uchiha, it would be a huge question whether they could still stand here now.

And they also know that Uchiha Kai is actually protecting Konoha, just because the opponent's strength is too strong.

Onogi and the fourth Raikage, who had already withdrawn, glanced at each other, and they both sighed slightly.

The damage Konoha suffered this time was too great, but even if they suffered such damage, they were even more in awe and fear of Konoha.

Because of the existence of one person, it is really terrible.

Although they have already seen the power of Uchiha Kai, seeing this guy in full swing like this is something they never imagined!

Ghost Lantern Manyue's face was a little inexplicable. He had already seen that Konoha might have some calculations, and from the actual point of view, such calculations were very successful.

Three generations of Hokage died, and his body was brought out. He died to protect Konoha.

Of course, his death was considered to have cleared the last trace of the old forces for Konoha. From now on, I am afraid that no one will be able to stop Namikaze Minato.

Sand Hidden came to attack, which also gave Konoha a chance to train his troops.

But what I never expected was that Konoha had such a terrifying enemy, and this guy's strength was too terrifying, right?

Man Yue was thinking, what would be the result if this guy ran to the village of Hidden Mist?

After thinking about it, he felt that he was afraid that this guy went to Kiriyin, and in a few minutes Kiriyin Village would be very simple, and it would be wiped out from the history of the ninja world!

What made him even more unexpected was that Uchiha Kai's strength didn't seem to be inferior to that guy at all?

Uchiha Kai is very strong, he knows it, but it's incredible to be so strong, right?

"Lord Hokage." At this moment, Obito looked at Minato Namifeng: "Can you tell us who our enemy is?"

Man Yue glanced at Obito with interest, he hadn't thought that this guy could actually know Konoha.

But he just shook his head and didn't speak.

He knew Obito, but this was the first time he saw this guy without a mask, but he remembered the guy's voice.

"Yeah, Hokage-sama." With Obito's opening, almost all Konoha ninjas, high-level or low-level, said at the same time: "Who is this guy? Why did he attack Konoha!"

"Okay." In the face of so many inquiries, Minato Namikaze nodded solemnly: "But let's talk as we walk, Kai and that **** guy have left Konoha, let's go back to rescue!"


"Where? Where is it?"

Inside Konoha, Hyuga Aya punched an underground fortification, and the large pile of debris piled up above the fortification was quickly cleaned up.

She jumped down quickly, completely ignoring how bad her current physical condition was.

The current situation of Aya Hyuga is indeed not very good. It is hard to imagine that the battle between Kai Uchiha and Momo Otsutsuki will spread.

Even a person like her who already possesses some large-scale wood properties would be disastrous.

If she hadn't fought hard with Otsutsuki Kinshi, then maybe her situation would have been much better.

But she has no way to maintain Tenseigan Chakra mode now, so in the face of that kind of shock, she has nothing to do.

Gritting her teeth, she jumped into the fortification, and soon she frowned, because the underground fortification had completely changed, and there was an unimaginable collapse inside.

Gritting her teeth, Hyuga Aya lowered her body and began to plan it with her hands. She didn't dare to use her hands to blast these away at any time.

Because she is worried that the strength is too strong, it will make it more difficult for the people below.

In fact, through her eyes, she knew that there were very few survivors below.

And it can be said that the deaths of the people below are very bad, such a tragic scene severely impacted Hyuga Aya's heart.

Perhaps, she has also changed, becoming less indifferent.

She didn't know when this change started.

But she knows that all these changes are probably due to this guy Uchiha Kai.

Maybe it was because the bird in his cage was untied?

Freedom has always been what she yearns for the most, and this belief has been buried in her mind since she was a child.

She has been working hard, even if she makes herself unusually cold-blooded.

It was only when she met Kai Uchiha that everything changed, and it was all moving forward in a way she never imagined.

Uncovering the caged bird, she did it, and she did it with the help of Kai Uchiha.

Not only that, she even changed the future of the Hyuga clan!

When she killed Hyuga Zonghyun with her own hands, and when Uchiha Kai passed the research of those big tube trees on the moon, he unlocked all the caged birds in the Hyuga family branch.

Hyuga Aya can proudly say that her existence has changed the tragedy of the Hyuga family for hundreds of thousands of years!

And behind her, there is a person standing all the time, a person who used to be an enemy, but has been supporting her since then, and now she has become her man.

Falling in love, she never thought of such a thing.

Accepting the family's arrangement and expecting her husband to be a person who conforms to her heart was the only choice she could ever choose.

But now, she doesn't need it anymore.

The strength has reached a height that is unattainable in the entire ninja world, allowing Bai Yan to find the direction of improvement. She once thought about it, but she herself felt that it was impossible.

But now, she has still done it. She is from the Hyuga clan, and even among those large trees on the moon, everyone with Tensei Eyes!

That man completely changed herself. She completely made her original wish come true little by little, and made all the things that she never dared to think become a reality.

Probably because of the realization of such a wish, her strength has been unimaginably enhanced, and she has continued to change.

She has always known that even if this guy Uchiha Kai is cold to the extreme, he will always emphasize one thing.

"People still need humanity, and I've been trying to keep my humanity."

This sentence was said by Uchiha Qi himself, even if it was always regarded as a joke at the time, a joke that he couldn't take off his mask after wearing it for a long time.

But Hyuga Aya knows that people do subconsciously maintain their human existence.

Even if she is so cold, doesn't she still have people she cares about?

Although now, Hyuga Aya only cares about a few more people, but she has also begun to think about other people.

Facing such a tragic situation, she really couldn't stand it, and she really didn't want to continue causing harm.

The hand kept digging downward, and the blood cut through her fingers and began to slowly overflow.

Although such a wound would not cause any trouble to her at all, and it would even take a few seconds to heal, the blood spilled on the stones really looked very terrifying.

Moreover, it is very uncomfortable to be injured continuously like this, but Hyuga Aya has no intention of stopping at all.

"Come on for me."

At this moment, Imai Kenta suddenly appeared beside Hyuga Aya, and he sighed slightly.

"You are alone, when did you dig. Besides, you will feel distressed when you start like this."

"Your situation is not good, and you have suffered from the shock just now, right?"

Hyuga Aya glanced at him indifferently, then shook her head.

"Rather than thinking about helping me here, it's better to inform Hokage and the others and have them come back to rescue."

Uchiha Kai and Otsutsuki Momo-style have already been beaten, and naturally Konoha is not so dangerous.

No one knows what happened to those sand ninjas now.

But now I'm afraid no one will care what those guys are trying to do, Konoha's rescue is the most important!

These underground fortifications were used to protect the Konoha residents, but now they are their graveyards.

If it is cold-blooded and doesn't care about anything, then such an underground fortification can become a natural cemetery.

Buried underground in these fortifications, there is no need to worry about the problem of burial, and there is no need to worry about various plagues caused by exposure to the air after death.

But it's really not that indifferent. The people below, for the entire Konoha ninja, are almost their own family!

Hyuga Aya continued to dig up the underground stones, but Imai Kenta didn't move, which made her brows wrinkle.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard movement from above the fortification, which was the movement of a large number of people rushing over.

" I don't need to inform me." Kenta Imai shook his head slightly: "Because, everyone is here..."

Hyuga Aya raised her head and opened her white eyes. She saw a large group of Konoha ninjas, which had already started to disperse towards various fortifications.

Even she saw a lot of guys who were injured, and she was still helping to dig.

The clarity of anxiety is no worse than himself, and even they are more desperate than themselves!

"Next, leave it to us." Imai Kenta said again: "Go and rest, although I have never felt that the existence of a companion is really so necessary. But you have changed me, and now I Slowly I started to accept it.”

"It turns out that you are also changing." Hyuga Ayase paused, then she raised her head slightly and looked at Imai Kenta.

"Yeah, haven't you changed too." Kenta Imai showed a smile: "Also, it's not just your family, but mine too..."


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