In the dark forest, there is a deep silence.

Tall bushes and jungles flourished, and most of the sunlight was still blocked even in the afternoon.

The three of the seventh class walked in the dark forest, keeping the ninja's vigilance.

Sasuke and Hinata's eyes looked around from time to time, using the insight of the Sharingan and the detection of the white eye to explore the surroundings.

The feeling of this forest to them is really not so wonderful, especially after they know who is in this forest, they always feel that there is a pair of eyes staring at them.

"Someone is ambushing us." At this moment, Hinata suddenly said: "Nurse, it should be from Takiyin Village, there is only one team."

"Oh?" Naruto's eyes lit up slightly: "Can you see what their scrolls are?"

"Sorry, Naruto-kun, I can't see it." Hinata shook his head: "There should be some prohibition set up, I can't observe these things."

"It doesn't matter, let's get rid of them first." Sasuke said directly: "Just to give it a try, we have learned so many things from Mr. Kakashi since we graduated, but none of them have exercised from beginning to end. Opportunity. I don't plan to miss this opportunity."

Sasuke made Naruto pouted, but his psychology was very agreeable.

Since graduation, they have also exercised and been trained for so long, but the problem is that they have not taken on any higher tasks.

Fighting, for them, is almost only actual combat, and the intensity of such confrontation is really not enough for them.

The most crucial point is that they don't dare to be ruthless at all, and their strength can hardly be fully exerted.

In this exam now, they are facing almost all enemies. Not only are these enemies not from their own villages, but they will also kill them.

This situation is really an excellent opportunity for them.

But they also know that even if they don't feel that these guys are really stronger than themselves.

But they also have to fight seriously. If one accidentally falls asleep in this forest, it would be really bad.

What's more, the enemy they faced was from Takiyin Village!

Taki Ninja Village is also a very special one among the many villages in the Ninja World. The reason is very simple. They are the only villages with tailed beasts in addition to the five foreign countries, which proves their strength from the side.

According to some extremely unreliable rumors, some people say that Taki Ninja Village was founded even earlier than Konoha, and they are the first Ninja Village in the true sense.

However, this has not yet been verified.

But no matter what, this village still has some strength, otherwise there will be no such guy as Kotou.

"I'll deal with them." At this moment, Sasuke suddenly said directly: "You help me look around, be careful about other teams, and then support me at any time."

"Wait? Why are you?" Naruto said with dissatisfaction when he heard the words: "I'll deal with them. You two guys with pupil skills should be responsible for coping and support, right?"

"Have you been arguing enough?" Hinata frowned: "The other party seems to know that we found them and has come to us."

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"Then let's do it one by one." Sasuke said unhappily: "It's all your fault, why are you so loud?"

The voice fell, Sasuke rushed up in an instant, a kunai started again, and the double hook jade in his eyes was cold and ruthless.

He didn't intend to give up such an opportunity at all, saying that it was one person per person, but if he killed one first and then looked for another enemy, it would not be a strange thing no matter how you looked at it.

"Looking for a dead kid!" The three Taki Shinobi sneered when they saw Sasuke rushing over directly.

One of them even made a seal directly. He obviously planned to kill this kid directly: "Water Escape·Water Chaos!"

From this guy's mouth, a stream of water like a waterfall spewed out, and then rushed towards Sasuke.

Sasuke's face was expressionless, his writing wheel turned slightly, and he had no intention of dodging in the face of such water waves.

His body accelerated in an instant, almost like a phantom, he had already crossed this wave.

There was a hint of surprise on Taki Shinobi's face, but at this moment, Sasuke's figure was already in front of him.

With a ruthless pull with his left hand, the Shinobi sword with a cold glow was pulled out directly, and the strong blade was slashed towards this Taki Shinobi.

"Writing round eye? Uchiha?"

These Taki Shinobi clearly recognized those eyes, which made them a little nervous for a moment.

It's not a joke to write round eyes, especially Uchiha's reputation in the ninja world is still very big.

They are facing a descendant of Uchiha at this time, and there is still real pressure.

But they also know that now is not the time to think about these things, and thinking about them in battle will only harm themselves.

As long as you kill these guys, there will be no problems!

"I deal with him, you deal with his two teammates." A Taki Shinobi quickly pulled out Kunai, and then fiercely blocked Sasuke's knife: "Damn guy, **** Uchiha!"

Sasuke didn't pay any attention to him at all, and he didn't have much emotion when he didn't kill the target directly.

He didn't have much exposure to swordsmanship, that is, after the class was over, he took the initiative to propose to his father that he wanted to learn swordsmanship.

Uchiha Fuyue was a little surprised, but he didn't mean to reject him.

What only surprised Sasuke himself was that he found that he seemed to be very talented in this regard.

But after all, he had a relatively short time to learn swordsmanship, and it was not so smooth to use.

But Sasuke is still Uchiha after all, and Sharinyan is his weapon.

In just an instant, he saw through Taki Shinobi's intentions in front of him, and he could even see what he wanted to do next.

The Shinobi sword in his hand lightly drew a semicircle, and Sasuke's sword was cut open by Taki Shinobi, and then Sasuke dodged and stuck to it.

Staring at this Taki Shinobi, Chakra quickly gathered to his eyes.


This Taki Shinobi only felt that his brain was in a trance for a while, and the whole person seemed to be stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge pain in his chest, and slowly looked down, a ninja knife had stabbed into his chest!

Blood slowly dripped from the front and back along the blade, and he already felt his incomparable weakness, even if he slightly raised his hand and stabbed Kuwu into this guy's heart, he couldn't do it!

"Don't worry, you won't die." Sasuke looked at the guy in front of him indifferently, his voice was unusually cold: "Although my knife pierced your body, it didn't hit the point, hand over the scroll and I'll let you go. ."

"Hehe, what do you think..." Taki Shinobi opened his mouth slightly, and a mouthful of blood flowed out, but he continued: "Can I survive like this? You Konoha, are you all so fake? "

"It's none of my business whether you live or not, at least I didn't kill you." Sasuke's expression was still indifferent: "Hand over the scroll, you have no chance."

There is really no chance. While Sasuke quickly eliminated this guy, Naruto and Hinata also eliminated their opponents.

I have to say that the three of them really have the advantage of crushing, and none of the three Taki Ninjas is an enemy of unity!


Solving this team of Taki Shinobi can only be regarded as calm for Sasuke and the others.

It's just that Sasuke was a bit ruthless, and Naruto couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene.

The forest of death is now a forest of death in the true sense. There are not only various unknown beasts in it, but also a large group of ninjas who are ready to kill in order to pass the test.

Sasuke's ninja sword pierced through the guy, and the obvious guy probably won't go far.

It's not that he will die here, Sasuke is still very measured, and with the help of the Shaker, he does avoid the key points accurately.

As long as the treatment is timely, there will never be any problems!

But the key is that in such an environment, they can basically conclude their end.

Just like what Taki Shinobu himself said, he really can't live like this.

And he died under Sasuke's sword, not because of excessive blood loss, but in the **** environment of this death forest.

But Naruto didn't say much, that's what ninjas are, they're tools for killing.

His father's hands were full of blood, and so was his mother.

In addition, Kakashi, who is already his own teacher, as well as Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Aya, and Imai Kenta, who are not full of blood in their hands?

The peace of their generation was achieved by the struggles of their fathers.

The world of ninjas is so cruel, whoever has the slightest hesitation may die. This is the eternal truth of the ninja world.

As for their luck, this scroll of the Taki Shinobi team is just what they need.

Strictly speaking, their team can be considered to have completed the task, and the next step is purely to see their own thoughts.

They can choose to intercept some more teams to clear the obstacles, and by the way, they can collect some scrolls for the people in the same village, so as to give them some convenience.

Also, they can choose to go directly to the tower, so that they can still get the first place result.

Moving forward slowly, the team seemed to be a little silent. Such silence made Hinata feel a little surprised.

Hinata really likes a quiet environment, but the silence seems to be a bit beyond her expectations. In her opinion, it is the most normal for these two guys to be noisy.

As it is now, it is unimaginably quiet, and the situation is not quite right.

Hinata didn't know what happened to these two people and why they became like this.

But after thinking about it, she felt that it was probably caused by what Sasuke did just now.

Hinata didn't think there was anything wrong with what Sasuke did, but even if there was no problem, such a method seemed quite shocking.

To be honest, Hinata himself felt a little unbearable, although it seemed that they were left to fend for themselves, leaving a little leeway.

But in essence, this is killing them, even more than killing them directly.

It's like giving a person a little hope, but after this hope is really infinite darkness.

But even if there are some pimples in the heart, everyone did not accuse or say anything, because everyone knew that this was an inevitable thing.

After all, people are always contradictory, no matter who is afraid of doing such a thing for the first time, even if he does not do it himself, he will remember all this in his heart.

Sighing slightly, Hinata thought it was better to keep quiet.

Because it's useless to say anything now, let alone I don't know what to say.

"Sasuke..." At this moment, Naruto suddenly said: "You said, why are there so many wars in the ninja world?"

"It's now a truce, at least for now." Sasuke glanced at Naruto, and he replied calmly without thinking too much: "This is the result of the hard work of our fathers, of course, if you insist on asking Why there is a war, I can only borrow a sentence from Lord Qi."

"Lord Kai's words?" As soon as Sasuke's voice fell, Hinata and Naruto's eyes suddenly lit up.

Uchiha Kai is really a great legend to them, and his words are always so thought-provoking.

Naruto's favorite sentence is that "a great ninja is not a powerful one, but a person who can carry the will of his teammates and move forward alone".

Of course, this made Naruto understand this, and I'm afraid he still doesn't believe it, but that doesn't prevent him from liking it.

And Hinata is similar, but she is more because Uchiha Kai is her teacher's man, and she is also very curious about this person who attracted her teacher.

"Actually, this sentence was said to my brother many years ago, when we were not even born." Sasuke continued calmly: "Master Kai said that war is never dominated by hatred... ."

"What?" Before Sasuke could finish speaking, Naruto exclaimed incredulously: "Did you say something wrong? How could Master Qi say that? I heard many people say that they hate that village because they attacked the village. past us, and..."

"But have you thought about it, why?" Sasuke interrupted Naruto directly: "I understand that Lord Qi's words are very impactful. My brother was inconceivable back then, but then Lord Kai told my brother: 'The war is nothing more than a war. The continuation of politics by another means'."

"The continuation of politics?" Naruto couldn't help frowning when he heard this sentence. He didn't understand what this sentence meant at all.

"Well, actually I don't quite understand it.

My brother asked me a question, just like in the land of wind, they have no suitable place for farming.

The Konoha has a favorable climate and environment, and the soil is fertile. It can be called affluence, and there is no shortage of food and the like.

Then the Kingdom of Wind, for their own village, invaded Konoha is the most correct thing for them.

But for us, it is an unacceptable thing. "

Sasuke's tone was still flat: "Hate is only created because of their invasion, and it can also be regarded as an excuse for war, not the main reason at all."

Hearing this, Naruto fell silent.

He didn't know how to answer it, because this kind of question was too realistic and too unacceptable.

He clasped his hands tightly, not knowing what he was thinking, it took him a long time to raise his head and look straight at Sasuke.

"So, how do you think the world can be peaceful?" Naruto asked firmly.

"War." Sasuke stopped, he turned his head and stared at Naruto: "Through war, unify all the villages, this is the way to make the world peaceful!"


Naruto's voice became louder: "Haven't you ever thought that war will only cause more deaths and accumulate more hatred?

Why can't people communicate well and get peace through communication?

What they need can be obtained through conversation, right?

The country of rivers, the country of tea, isn't that what it is now? "

"That's your idea." Sasuke shook his head: "Actually, it doesn't make any sense for us to say that, because we can't decide anything."

After saying this, Sasuke fell silent, and Naruto also fell silent.

It's just that they don't know that at this moment, a strange power begins to burst out of their bodies...


Late at night, in a hidden forest in Konoha, Ohnogi and Deidara waited quietly here.

Deidara didn't know what was going on at all, and he had to be brought to this ghost place at night.

Deidara is still in the rock hidden to this day, and all of this really has something to do with Uchiha Kai.

Since the loess was destroyed by him, Ohnogi had to find a better person who could take over from him.

Under such circumstances, Deidara was more valued by Ohnogi.

Because this kid is really a genius.

Although he is in the aspect of character, it really makes Ohnogi sometimes furious.

He even wanted to throw him out of the village more than once, to prevent him from doing any art and causing immeasurable casualties to civilians or other ninjas.

But after thinking about it, Ohnogi finally decided to teach him well, release this guy's talent completely, and try to suppress his troublesome personality.

However, after trying for a few years, Ohnogi found that it was better to guide him than to suppress it.

Therefore, he and Deidara made an agreement that as long as Deidara performed well, he would complete his training and study plan.

Then I will take a few days every month to take this guy to the outside of the village to have a good time.

Such an agreement Onogi got an unexpected result, that is, this kid Deidara is really doing better and better, and his talent seems to be completely inspired.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for him to appear, and he was kidnapped by Xiao organization alone outside the village.

Of course, the current Akatsuki organization has no interest in Deidara.

At present, the boss of Xiao's organization is essentially Obito, and the members of Xiao's organization are basically relatively complete, and those who are not their own are basically very obedient.

Under such circumstances, he has no interest in recruiting a guy from Yanyin.

He hasn't forgotten that he was blown up by Yanyin and then buried in the cave.

Therefore, Deidara has stayed in Yanyin, and has no intention of mutiny at all.

"Old man, what are we waiting for here?" It was probably too long, and Deidara's impatience couldn't stand it: "It's so late, and no one has come over yet?"

"It's coming, don't worry." Oh Yemu shook his head: "Didara, you have to change your character. It's definitely not a good thing to be so anxious."

"Che, if you don't say anything, how do I know what we're going to do?" Deidara crooked his mouth, but after seeing Oh Yemu's staring eyes, he immediately calmed down: "I know, I Got it, I'll shut up and just wait."

Onogi's majesty is still very heavy, and Deidara really dare not challenge this old man.

At this moment, Deidara suddenly felt something, and he immediately turned his head to look.

Because I don't know when, two figures suddenly appeared beside them, and there was no movement at all, if not for the chakra that escaped.

"You..." Deidara looked a little wary, but after seeing who was coming, he immediately became a little stunned: "Fourth Hokage? And.... Uchiha Kai?"

That's right, it was Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato who suddenly appeared near Ohnogi and Deidara!

In fact, both of them were a little baffled, because they didn't know at all what this guy, Oh Yemu, was looking for them.

When they brought them here, it was Onogi who looked for them, and this guy's method was not unusual at all—relying on the Anbu Iwagakuta who stayed in Konoha Village, he delivered letters to the two of them.

After Namikaze Minato noticed this incident, he didn't deal with these Anbu for the first time.

After all, this kind of thing can almost be regarded as a semi-public matter, and it is meaningless to deal with it.

He was a little strange, what did the old man think of himself.

So Namikaze Minato went directly to Kei Uchiha's house. Anyway, Kushina went to find Xianglin's mother and was not at home.

What he didn't expect was to go, Uchiha Kai was also found by Ohnogi.

"Your Excellency Tuying, are you looking for us?" Minato Namifeng ignored Deidara, but went straight to the topic: "At this point in time, meeting in such a place, do you have anything to do?"

"Actually, I came to see you this time, just to make sure of something." Ohnogi looked at Minato Namikaze and Kai Uchiha: "I also want to raise something."

Looking at their young faces, especially the guy Uchiha Kai, he couldn't help sighing deeply in his heart.

If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't want to come here at all.

But a decision has been made, then Ohnogi will stick to it and try to do it well.

Perhaps the people of Yanyin Village always have a stone in their hearts, which is their inner quality, perseverance, stubbornness, but unswerving.

"What's the matter, Tsuchikage-sama, just say it directly." Uchiha Qi looked at Ohnogi calmly. This was the first time he had faced this old man face to face.

Although he fought and killed Yanyin for so many years, but he was really a small fish back then, and the strongest person was the loess.

And the most unlucky thing is that he was in a bad state at the time, and was taught by that guy to be a dog.

Although he later took revenge, Uchiha Kai has always been a vengeful person.

"I don't dare to be your lord." Onogi shook his head, and he sighed: "Whether it's your strength, or your status as your proxy Hokage, I can't afford this 'sir'."

"Your Excellency Tokage, just say something." Minato Minato Namikaze frowned, "What do you want to be sure about, and what do you want to express?"

"I came here to express goodwill." Onogi looked a little complicated, but then his eyes became firm: "I hope, I can form an alliance with Konoha!"

Hearing Ohnogi's words, Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato suddenly felt that there are too many absurd things in this world, right?

Onogi, the eldest of the Five Great Ninja Villages, is also the most stubborn person in the rock.

He actually ran to Konoha, secretly met Konoha's Hokage and proxy Hokage, and expressed his intention to form an alliance?

Seriously, if it wasn't for the saying that there is no April Fool's Day in this world, Uchiha Qidu wondered if it was April 1st today.

"Your Excellency Tuikage, what do you mean?" Uchiha Kai looked a little weird: "Konoha and Iwagak have always maintained a friendly relationship of sustainable development, why do you make this statement?"

"Indeed, Master Tukage." Minato Namifeng was also inexplicable: "The relationship between Konoha and Iwakide is still OK... well, it's not too bad, and it's not an easy thing to form an alliance. It is necessary for both parties to go through rigorous discussions to demarcate a range of interests that both parties can accept. With your words, we…”

"Actually, as you have heard, we can accept conditions that are not too harsh. As long as it does not violate the core interests of Yanyin, we can form an alliance." Onogi said firmly: "This is my decision, and it is also our Yanyin. Village decision."

Dumbfounded, whether it is Uchiha Kai or Namikaze Minato, or Deidara, who has been turned into a statue by the side, is already dumbfounded.

They really never expected that this old man would give in to such a degree!

Does not infringe on the core interests of Yanyin?

Where are the core interests of Yanyin?

In the land of the earth!

This almost shows that he can not care about the interests outside Yanyin Village, in order to promote the normalization of this alliance!

What was the reason for this old man to make such a decision?

The alliance between Konoha and Yunyin caused Yanyin to be attacked from both sides, forcing him to make concessions?

It shouldn't be, whether there is unity in such a thing as an alliance can be seen as a result driven by interests.

They are united because they share common goals and interests.

And the reason for betrayal is that he got something different from what he expected, or he had enough chips.

Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato don't believe it, the old man Ohnogi doesn't understand these things.

He can completely cut a part of the interests outside Yanyin Village, that is, close to Yunyin, and he can keep the rest, and he will not give in to this level.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai seemed to think of something.

He still remembered that when he and Otsutsuki were fighting in one style, there were a group of outsiders watching.

At that time, because the opponent he faced was a powerful enemy he had never met before.

So he didn't have any mood to find out who was peeking there.

If combined with some other information, such as the inexplicable disappearance of some of Yan Yin's troops, and Yan Yin began to retreat during that time.

Does that mean that the person who was peeking around at that time was actually Ohnogi?

Moreover, this guy seems to have said something about his own strength just now, so has this guy already seen his own strength?

"Your Excellency Tuying." Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi asked directly: "You want to confirm the big one, what is it, please say it directly."

"What I want to confirm is about five years ago, whether you have been to the country of Sugi." Ohnogi's eyes were fixed on Uchiha Kai.

In fact, he knew that what he asked was a nonsense, and he already had the answer in his heart, after all, he saw it with his own eyes!

But he prefers this guy to say it himself and admit it himself, so that he can feel his pressure will be much less.

What he is doing now is really not a good thing.

Namikaze Minato seemed to have understood something at this moment, and he looked at Ohnogi with a sigh.

But soon he shook his head. He already knew that Ohnogi had seen all this, but why this guy was there, the answer was self-evident.

This old man, 80% got the news, knowing that Konoha and one vote of the high-level executives ran over, and even the fourth generation of Raikage passed by. Is he planning to kill him?

It was a coincidence that the old man was terrified by the battle between Uchiha and Otsutsuki and the strength they showed.

"I've been there." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Not only have I been there, but I have also played against someone there."

"Sure enough..." Deidara's face changed slightly when he heard these words, while Onogi heaved a sigh of relief and continued to ask, "Who is that guy?"

"Sorry, this is a secret." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "I can only say that the purpose of that guy is probably not to make the Ninja world better."

"That guy Raikage, do you know the information about that person?" Onogi continued to ask.

"Yes, because we are allied, he knows all this."

"It turns out that there is no problem with my guess. You are a rational person, Uchiha Kai, you are more rational than Uchiha Madara, I hope we can continue to follow up on the alliance, when he rejected us, Now, you're not rejecting us, are you?"


Within the River Country, a major pass leading to Konoha exits.

The dark green Susanoo was very powerful, and there were mutilated corpses lying under it. In the hands of this huge Susanoo, there was another guy who was dying.

Shishui stood silently in Susanoo, his eyes were already overflowing with a little blood, but he didn't care that much at all.

This guy Luo Sha is also a shadow, even if he is unqualified, but his experience in the use of the blood and the limit and the actual combat experience are still very terrifying.

But unfortunately, what he encountered was the ambush of Shishui and Ghost Shark!

In particular, the ability that Shisui's current kaleidoscope shows is not another god, but a mysterious power that strengthens Susanohu.

With the outbreak of Susanoo in the third stage, Luo Sha's bloodline limit basically became a joke.

In terms of attack power, he couldn't break Susanoo's defense at all.

As for defensive power, he couldn't resist Susanoo's attack at all.

Whether it's a spear or a shield, the gap is huge. Under such circumstances, Luo Sha was not accidentally defeated by Shishui.

And Luo Sha's subordinates were cleaned up one by one by ghost sharks.

Seeing the sluggish looking Luo Sha, who was obviously hit by an illusion, Zhishui threw him aside.

His eyes were a little gloomy, because he tortured a piece of information from Luo Sha's mouth that drove him crazy.

That is, Luo Sha decided to cooperate with Orochimaru to launch a 'collapse plan' against Konoha during the Chunin exam!

It's no wonder that so many elites set off ahead of schedule, and it's no wonder that the large army secretly entered the border of the River Country from all around.

Just as Zhishui had guessed, this damned Luo Sha had something wrong with him, he just wanted to do something to Konoha!

Also with a gloomy look is the ghost He also heard this information.

He can already be regarded as a Konoha ninja. He didn't go wild when he heard this information, or he was worried that he would be exposed to the enemy Shisui.

"What do we do now?" Zhi Shui asked in a low voice, his voice sounding normal: "The mission has been completed, so what's next?"

"Send a message to Orochimaru." The ghost shark's voice was also flat, as if he didn't take the information seriously at all: "Just tell him."

"Then what are we going to do next? Act freely?" Zhi Shui asked tentatively, now he was really crazy and wanted to rush back.

"Why don't we go to Konoha together? After all, such a big show is rare?" To Zhishui's expectation, Ghost Shark also wanted to go back, so he asked tentatively.

"That's what it means, together?"

"I never thought I could reach a consensus with you, together!"


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