This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 747: Set off!

In the Pure Land, Otsutsuki Yumura and Otsutsuki Yui sat quietly and had a cup of tea.

Time is leisurely, but it means nothing to them. Even if the souls in the pure land are crowded and cannot continue to sleep, they need to carry out proper reincarnation, and it will not have any effect on them.

Beyond the time line, they are no longer bound by the time frame. It can be said that they have already stood at the top of the world.

"Big brother, the girl's soul seems to have all left." After a light sip of tea, Otsutsuki Yumura suddenly said, "I didn't expect that someone would use such a method to leave one in the underworld, because some persistent It's really interesting to take away the still awake soul."

"It doesn't make any sense at all." Otsutsuki Yui put down the teacup, a little unhappy on his face: "What's the point of breaking the balance of nature?"

"But didn't you stop it?" Hamura laughed, his eldest brother is really duplicitous.

"That's because it's unnecessary. Who would have known that my descendant would use yin and yang escape to nourish the soul and let the girl's will return completely." Yu Yi sighed helplessly: "Forget it, this kind of thing counts as their luck. It's still a completely sleeping soul, I don't think they have anything else to do."

Hamura smiled and didn't answer, but he knew that both himself and his elder brother probably knew one thing.

That is the soul that has been sleeping for a long time, and it is not impossible to wake up completely.

I have to admire the imagination and creativity of human beings. Isn't there a guy named Senju Tobirama among the descendants of Yui?

He invented a technique that can wake up the sleeping soul and give the undead body to fight for it!

To be honest, that technique should never have appeared in this world.

But it is very unexpected that it has appeared. It can only be said that this is also a natural law, right?

If it wasn't for this, I'm afraid Yu Yi would have already destroyed that technique.

The two of them know that as long as someone can use the reincarnation innate technique, whether it is the eye of reincarnation or the eye of reincarnation, once it is used, a person can be completely resurrected.

And the two of them know better that Uchiha Kai seems to have made preparations for this.

"Forget it, what they want to do is up to them, do I still have to be angry with the juniors?" Yu Yi seemed to have noticed Yumura's funny look, and couldn't help shaking his head: "Speaking of which, my descendant seems to be acting Not bad."

"Yeah, it's really not bad." Hamura didn't get entangled in this matter, and decisively changed the topic.

For them, I'm afraid they really don't have to go back to the matter of resurrection.

Uchiha Kai broke the laws of nature and completely took away a person's soul from the pure land. This is his ability.

Although Yu Yi didn't want this kind of thing to happen more often, he couldn't possibly run out to stop it, right?

At most, when we meet again, let's chat with Uchiha Qi.

In fact, compared to the practice of the ninjas in the ninja world, it is completely unreasonable for the Otsutsuki to be resurrected.

One wedge can solve all problems!

Although the condensing of the wedge is a bit troublesome, after all, if you want to store your life's power in it, it is equivalent to creating yourself again, and leaving the original power of Otsutsuki.

Such a time-consuming and labor-intensive thing is really not an easy job.

However, Otsutsuki's life is almost endless, and they will basically prepare one for themselves.

People who are insane may prepare more than one, or even make a special one that degenerates into a large tube of wood, which is used for sacrificing the sacred tree!

"I'm afraid that kid's strength has already reached its limit, and he has found a way to break through this limit." Yu Yi didn't know what Yumura was thinking, and he said directly: "And he was too careless, he had already With the characteristics of Otsutsuki, such characteristics will spread after the ability is broken. Doing so will only attract more attention, which is not a good thing for us, and it is also the same for him."

"Big brother, didn't you ask me to help cover it up?" Yumura had a headache, his big brother really... shook his head helplessly, he decisively skipped the topic: "Anyway, that child's current The eyes have been improved, which is beyond our expectations. The reincarnation writing wheel eye is really amazing."

"I'd rather he didn't have these eyes, but considering that this kid won't be affected by our mother..." Having said this, Yu Yi shook his head: "It's not that he won't receive it, it's just that he doesn't care, even me and him. I don't believe it, let alone the mother who made him feel very bad? Now let him slowly improve. The Chakras of Indra and Ashura are about to fully awaken, and I don't know where this kid can go in the end. Woolen cloth."

"You can definitely stand on the same level as us, I always believe it." Hamura smiled, but soon became a little helpless: "Compared to this kid, I pay more attention to my descendant, which is really like us, my descendant. You were also bullied by your descendants. This is really..."

Having said this, Hamura felt a little uncomfortable.

The strength of his descendants is not weak now. After all, he has already had two fetal movements. It is not necessarily worse than that kid Uchiha Kai.

As long as three fetal movements are completed, relying on the Tenseiyan Chakra mode, they can definitely stand at a height of them.

Although it is achieved by relying on a model, it does not really rely on strength.

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But to that extent, there will be time to slowly waste ah.

In fact, these two little guys don't know at all, they themselves will not be easily eroded by time.

Although they will still grow old, their vitality will not pass away. They don't need to invent anything to seal time.

That thing, according to the elder brother, is an existence that violates the laws of nature.

But that is to say, I haven't seen him actually do it.

These things are trivial things. In his opinion, Hyuga Aya is so powerful, how could he be bullied like this by this little bastard?

normal human reproduction?

But Otsutsuki wants to reproduce, but this is not what he can do.

Hamura shook his head helplessly, but just when he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

Those eyes have suddenly turned into azure brilliance, the sky-high chakra rippling through the entire pure land, and many sleeping souls have even been awakened by this chakra!

However, this chakra came and went quickly. These sleeping souls hadn't figured out what was going on, and they fell into a deep sleep again because of the rules of the Pure Land.

When Otsutsuki Yui saw this scene, his expression changed slightly. After a while, he asked, "Is it they.... Are you here?"

"Well." Otsutsuki Yumura nodded: "It's them, only two people came."

"It seems that the leak a few years ago made them aware of it." Yu Yi sighed: "It seems that the ninja world is going to be in trouble."

"Don't be so pessimistic, after all, your descendants and mine are not bad." Although Hamura also had some headaches, he was more optimistic: "Trust them and see what they can do. I don't know why, I always feel unlucky, it will be these two."

"Your optimism is good, but I'm afraid it's not that simple. Forget it, I'll let the kid know first anyway."

"Well, I'll keep watching them."


"Lord Tuying, what is your decision?"

In Yanyin Village, the Land of Earth, Onogi sat on his desk and looked at the documents in his hand and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, and his subordinates couldn't help but ask.

Ohnogi has been thinking about it for a while, and he is afraid that things will be missed, and he has not given Konoha an accurate answer.

This document is not really a secret thing, it is just an invitation letter to invite them to participate in the Chunin exam held in Konoha Village.

Ohnogi's subordinates don't understand at all, what's so good about this matter. It's nothing more than a question of going and not going. Why does this kind of thing take so long?

However, as a subordinate, he didn't dare to ask such a question, and his mind was fine.

What's more, he can't understand the series of policies made by Ohnogi now, and the various resolutions to retreat are really stunned.

Presumably, just because I'm old, I don't have the idea of ​​an ambitious feat?

"Let's go." Just when this subordinate was thinking about it, Ohnogi seemed to have made his own decision: "I will lead the team, Deidara and the ninjas who are taking the test will go together."

"Uh....together?" The subordinate was stunned for a moment, then asked uncertainly.

Tuying led the team?

This size is too big!

You must know that for such a chunin exam, although some shadow clubs choose to go, they generally don't.

Especially when the relationship between the existence of the organization and their own village is not very good, if they don't choose not to choose their own, it is already a face.

In other words, it increases the demeanor of a great power.

But to let a shadow run over in person, is this a bit too much?

"Yes, let's go together." Onomu glanced at this subordinate dissatisfied, but he did not curse, but explained relatively patiently: "This exam is full of doubts, I am afraid that I will regret it if I don't go. What's more , I'm afraid I'm not the only one going."

Oh Yegi still remembers when that Orochimaru ran in front of him to tempt him to do something about the 'Konoha collapse plan'.

A betrayal, if you want to do such a thing, you have to contact a village, there is definitely a problem here!

Of course, Onogi will not be involved, with or without problems.

He knows how terrifying this guy Uchiha Kai is, and he will definitely lose if he engages in the Konoha collapse plan.

And not only have to lose, I am afraid that even the village will have to pay a huge price to satisfy this poisonous snake!

Shaking his head, Onogi sighed silently.

The current Konoha is really not easy to mess with, you must find an opportunity to reconcile with Konoha, and this time is an opportunity!

Although it is said that the fourth Raikage will definitely go, and even interfere with it, Onogi does not intend to care so much.

The village is supreme. As a shadow, he must guard the village. More than 50 years ago, his master was able to pull down his face to find Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara.

So today, Onogi can also lower his head to look for the two little devils, Minato Namikaze and Kai Uchiha!

What is the use of the skin? If he doesn't lay a solid foundation now, and the village disappears, then Oh Yemu is the sinner of history...


"Are you all ready? Shuiyue, you bastard, he will throw you in the village when he makes trouble!"

In Wuyin Village, Man Yue was standing at the front of a team, and in front of him were the little ghosts who were close to ten teams.

These little devils are also considered to be from the new generation, and they are more talented people who can be valued. They are also the team that Full Moon will bring to Konoha to take the Chunin Exam this time.

It's just that there is a guy in this team that gives him a lot of headache. That guy is his younger brother.

In fact, he didn't pay much attention to himself and this younger brother at first, otherwise he wouldn't have forgotten the age of this kid.

But after staying in Konoha for so long, I got some infections anyway.

After returning to the village, he also tried to improve the relationship between himself and this little guy, but he was a little surprised. This little brother seems to like him?

But if I like it, I like it, and the full moon is also very optimistic about this guy, but this guy seems to have some problems with his mind.

Not to mention, this comparison is a bit like myself, but who did this mischievous character learn from?

He sighed helplessly, looking at Shuiyue, who had already calmed down and hid in the crowd, Manyue didn't bother to pay attention to him.

This time, when Konoha's Chunin started, he naturally had to lead the team in person.

Although it is a pity that he is not a shadow, but this is also a means to increase his reputation in the ninja world.

Especially in Wuyin Village, the reason why he didn't become a shadow is not because of his lack of credit.

But on the one hand, his age limits him, and on the other hand, his prestige has not reached the standard.

It's easy to talk about age, as long as you act like an old city, no one will look down on you, even if you look like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old kid.

Take a look at this guy, Yutachi The ghost knows whether it is because of the technique or is it born that way, and he looks like a kid all his life.

But his reputation is high enough, and there is a third generation of water shadows as a teacher, so he has no problem sitting in the water shadow position.

Full Moon's reputation is not very good. On the one hand, it is a matter of military exploits, and on the other hand, it is a problem in the ninja world.

He needs to consider the merits of the battle, can it be expected that the ninja world is fighting?

Then all he can do is to increase the reputation of the ninja world, and then he is trying to find a way to push the village to release the blockade.

At that time, when his reputation outside spreads back, I am afraid that everything will be enough!

Shaking his head, Man Yue was not thinking about these things. Looking at the group of little devils below, he showed a smile, and a row of fangs suddenly showed.

"Looks like you're all ready. Since that's the case...

Set off! "


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