What does it mean to wake up a dreamer with a single word?

Nagato feels like this right now, yes, what he is doing now is so **** and dark to outsiders.

Even compared to Kei Uchiha, it can show that the guy is so kind.

But what is your starting point?

In order to make himself the biggest and most terrifying enemy in the world, and to make the whole world his enemy.

Only in this way can the whole world unite to face his enemy together, so that everyone has to be at peace.

Peace is always what he thinks and thinks, but now it seems that everything he has done will probably have no results.

His fate seemed to be doomed, and it seemed like a misunderstanding that he had the eye of reincarnation.

This is a misunderstanding created by God for him. It's hard to say whether God ever wanted him to be the savior of the world.

It's a pity that he didn't know when it started, and he was already given up by God.

This guy Uchiha Kai, he didn't think about making this world his enemy, not even a nominal enemy.

He used his own wisdom and his own plan. He built a system in Konoha, and relying on the spread of this system, the world...

At least the Konoha, the country of waves and the country of tea seem to be so harmonious and peaceful at present.

Although he still kills people, and kills a lot of people. First release https://(www)https://m/.x81zw./com/

But on the other hand, the people he killed were the people who hindered the development of his system.

The reason why Konoha is so prosperous is because all those who hindered him were killed by him.

The reason why the country of waves and the country of tea have moved closer to Konoha, and is bound to Konoha, has begun to show signs of improvement.

It was also because the disobedient people were killed, which stabilized the situation.

Kill the people who do less, help the most, and sometimes you only need to kill a few people to accomplish your goals.

Compared with Uchiha Kai, Nagato is really much worse at this point!

He is the same as Kei Uchiha, but in all aspects, he is not as good as Kei Uchiha at all.

Thinking of this, Nagato became more determined in his heart, and at the same time, he also more clearly recognized the fact that the savior was definitely not himself.

You are just someone who might become the savior of the world, but was finally abandoned by God.

"It's really sad..." Nagato lowered his head and looked at the ground silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Nan asked with some concern. She felt that the current Nagato was really weird.

"It's nothing..." Nagato raised his head and looked at Xiao Nan: "I just figured out some things."

"What's up?"

"Sorry, I can't say it yet, but one day, I will tell you."

"I see, then, what do we do next?"

"Next, get out of here."

leave? Xiao Nan glanced at Nagato, and finally nodded silently.

Leaving means a complete failure. Even if they have acceptable reasons for failure, Madara Uchiha probably won't accept it at all.

She sighed helplessly, she failed, she failed completely.

Xiao Organization, I am afraid that from today onwards, it will also become a plaything for other people, right?

However, that's fine, it's better than Nagato's death too, right?

The three little devils who were rescued by Jiraiya back then are all grown up now.

The three of them advanced and retreated together, going through countless difficulties and obstacles, but also experienced a sad parting of life and death.

To this day, there are only the two of them left, and neither of them can accept the other's departure.

If you fail, you will fail. Maybe there will be a chance in the future to regain the ownership of the Xiao organization!

Xiaonan wouldn't believe that Madara Uchiha wouldn't make any mistakes!


Outside the tavern, a building was created, and the space suddenly became inexplicably distorted.

At the same time, a figure slowly appeared from the distorted space, and at the moment he appeared, a black and white person also appeared from the roof.

The two are naturally Hei Jue and Obito, but Hei Jue's face is a little inexplicable, and he is a little confused now.

Not long ago, there was a sudden violent vibration outside Wuyin Village, and there was also a very terrifying, extremely depressing aura.

Hei Jue's perception ability is not bad, he naturally felt all this.

Especially since he also felt that terrifying aura, there seemed to be the power of yin and yang escape, which made him a little baffled.

"What's the matter?" Hei Jue asked first: "That guy Nagato went to support Loquat Shizo just now. He thought he was doing something very covert, but I felt it. I asked Bai Jue to find you, but But it was directly destroyed by the impact of a force, what happened over there?"

Hei Jue knew that Obito would probably stare at Uchiha Shisui and Loquat Juzo, and even look for opportunities to kill Loquat Juzo.

At the same time, he also guessed that this Nagato is likely to support the battle on the other side. He did not intend to let Loquat Tenzo die in such an internal movement.

Otherwise, the commander made a mistake, and the hat he couldn't see would be stuck on his head.

Nagato, who didn't want to lose control of Akatsuki's organization, naturally wouldn't let that happen.

But now it seems that something is not quite right.

"It's Kai Uchiha." Without any hesitation at all, Obito said directly, "Damn it, Manmotsuki is his man!"

"Uchiha Qi ran over?" Hei Jue asked with a bewildered expression: "What's the matter? What is he doing here?"

"What are you doing? You ask me who I'm going to ask?" Obito was also very distressed, and now he can only find a way to make up his lie: "Probably help Ghost Lantern Manyue kill some people, and then put the blame on us and pave the way for Ghost Lanman Moon. Right! That guy created the country of waves and the country of tea, and it's not a strange thing to control a country of water, he really has a big appetite!"

Hei Jue heard Obito saying this and seemed to have reacted. The land of waves and the land of tea, Konoha started a few years ago.

Although he couldn't figure it out at all, because Konoha just lost a bunch of money, helping those two countries to build a ninja village, and to help train ninjas.

In his opinion, it doesn't seem that hard to control those two countries?

However, regardless of whether Konoha has a brain or not, to help others and make their lives better, the essence is to control these two countries.

Using these two countries to connect to establish an alliance, strengthen their own voice, and at the same time...

Can you get more market, production materials and task quotas?

Hei Jue still understands some of these things. After living for thousands of years, how could he not have some?

Since Konoha did this, it means that Konoha should have done the math and earned it.

Having tasted the sweetness, it's not impossible to take advantage of Wuyin Village.

Anyway, Kiriyin Village was closed, and Uchiha Kai came here again to make trouble, so what he was doing might not be revealed.

And the ghost lamp full moon was captured by Konoha again, and detained in Konoha for several years.

It's hard to say whether Konoha has reached any agreement with Ghost Lantern Moon Moon. Anyway, he has his own experience of controlling the water shadow here.

It is not impossible that Konoha is cultivating and controlling a water shadow!

After thinking about this, Hei Jue immediately analyzed Man Yue's current situation, and he was suddenly speechless.

"Damn it, it's a little difficult for Ghost Lantern Manyue to take the top position, but at least clearing some people will increase the chances." Hei Jue thought about it carefully: "Master Yuan is a hindrance, so is Mizuyage, after all, Yakura Gouju was killed by The people you control have lost their minds, and he attracted Ghost Lantern Manyue just to win over the big family. Whether this guy is dead, or that guy Yuan Shi is dead, it's a good thing for Ghost Lantern Manyue!"

"Yeah, that's why Yakura is already dead." Obito nodded, and he said helplessly, "While I was cleaning up Anbu, a terrifying force suddenly came. I immediately went over to take a look. , It turned out that it was Uchiha Kai disguised as us and defeated Nagato. Then he killed Goji Tachibana Yakura and Loquat Juzo, but he spared Uchiha Shisui."

"Damn it, Yutachi Yakura was actually killed by him!" Hei Jue heard the news and was immediately furious, even letting go of Uchiha Shisui was ignored by him: "It's really hateful! Finally, disguised as us? Can't this **** play some tricks?"

"I don't know this, I'm not him." Obito breathed a sigh of relief: "But as far as I know, Wuyin has already noticed us, it seems that the loquat Shizang was discovered. Then the ghost lamp full moon made it. A series of preparations, and now the guys who attacked are also difficult. I still have to go fishing, which is really a headache. "

Obito looked at Hei Jue's appearance and knew that he had passed the border here.

A lie is always a combination of seven points of truth and three points of falsehood. As long as you control the importance of the false part, you can completely make it difficult for people to understand whether it is true or false.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Besides, what he said was basically true. The attacker is indeed Uchiha Kai, and Man Yue does have an important connection with Kai, and even the purpose of this connection is true.

As for what was revealed, it's not fake. At least everyone's confession and the news released by Kiriyin will all be the same.

The only thing that was covered up was his relationship with Kai Uchiha, and the fact that that guy was just too boring to be the agent of Hokage, so he just came here with Kakashi.

As soon as he thought of Kakashi, a warm current floated through Obito's heart. Although it was dangerous, at least the result was not bad.

And Uchiha Kai...

Obito really gritted his teeth with hatred, acting as Hokage, which means that this guy is likely to be the next Hokage.

Hokage used to be his dream, even now he is still dreaming secretly.

But this guy has already come this far, but he doesn't seem to care at all. If he wants to skip work, he will skip work?

It's a pity that Kei Uchiha didn't know what this guy was thinking, otherwise he would have sent those who couldn't get a word to Obito, who would always be in a commotion, and those who were favored would have nothing to fear.

Besides, it's just a proxy Hokage, would he care?

"Forget it, don't think about it too much, just go get people first." Hei Jue sighed helplessly: "Although the three tails failed, maybe even the six tails will fail, but think in a good direction, now you also You've completely mastered the organization, haven't you?"

"Yeah, some things really can't be seen on one side." Obito nodded, and his face couldn't help showing a smile: "I'm afraid that guy really won't have a chance to turn over. From now on, the Akatsuki organization will be ours."

"But still pay attention, because we still need his eyes to cast the reincarnation, otherwise..."

"I know, of course I know. I've been looking forward to it...

Meet Uchiha Madara again! "


"It seems that this full moon's performance is still very good."

In an inconspicuous corner in the central area of ​​Kiriyin Village, Uchiha Kai and Kakashi couldn't help but chuckle as they watched Manmoon lead a group of Kirin, Orochimaru and Scorpion to confront and fight.

Is this guy's acting talent not bad? He looked like he was bitter and hated, and he rushed over ahead of him.

If it weren't for this guy who just went over to Orochimaru, and the offensive range was so wide that others couldn't get in, Uchiha Kei would have believed him to perform.

"If you hadn't told me, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen it." Kakashi also nodded: "I have to say, this guy's swordsmanship is really good. The coverage is so wide that his own ginseng can't get in. , At the same time, it seems to be playing so fiercely, back and forth, which is amazing."

"The main reason is that Orochimaru has released water. Such an attack method is a complete joke for Orochimaru." Uchiha Qi chuckled: "This guy, Orochimaru, actually cooperated very hard. But he is Our people, and know that the full moon is also, so he cooperates well. Otherwise, I am afraid this guy can't take it anymore."

Indeed, this time, Orochimaru is cooperating with the full moon.

In order to avoid trouble for other people to find Orochimaru, and for his own safety, Man Yue, of course, went to Orochimaru to the end.

In the same way, it can also give people a kind of person that this guy hates Konoha, even if it is betrayal.

After all, in his experience, he was held by Konoha as a hostage for several years~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and Orochimaru naturally cooperated with this performance in order to help Uchiha Kai.

Although these mists have a lot of tolerance, he really wants to kill some people right away.

Orochimaru's power is always the most ambiguous, but also the most bizarre. There are so many ways of killing people that you can never guess his upper limit.

Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, a distortion suddenly appeared in this area, and then a figure came out.

This strange scene immediately stunned everyone present. When they reacted, Orochimaru and Scorpion had already been taken away!

"It seems that everything is about to end." Uchiha Qi naturally saw this scene, and he couldn't help laughing: "It seems that this time Obito and Full Moon are really full of food."

"Yes." Kakashi nodded, he already knew almost everything he could know. This time, the beneficiaries are Obito and Man Yue. They can both earn a fortune in their respective fields, and even directly realize some of their ideas!

"However, I have a question." Kakashi touched his head and asked in a dull manner.

"Tell me." Uchiha Ki gave him a look.

"You said, can Obito come back? I mean, go back to Konoha."

"You shouldn't ask me this question. You should, ask him directly."


: . : m.x

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