This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 728: Shaker's resonance

"Zhishui, it looks like he has made good progress over the past year."

In the distance, Uchiha Kai and Kakashi were hiding in the bushes, quietly watching Shisui waiting for you to fight.

Although Uchiha Shisui's performance is not that amazing, compared to before, his progress is really visible to the naked eye.

In fact, when Shisui was in Konoha, his strength was not too weak. After all, he learned so many things from the three generations of Hokage, and also performed extremely cruel tasks together at the root.

But Zhishui wasn't that strong at the time. The biggest reason was that he had never met an opponent that really made him hard to resist.

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The situation of the Xiao organization is completely different. This organization is still in a state of primitive accumulation, and they need to constantly perform various dangerous tasks.

There are only two ways to get money.

One is to complete the black market hunting mission. These guys who are named by the black market and offer high bounties are all extremely troublesome and powerful guys.

For example, Kakashi, because of his terrifying strength and the blessing of Sharinyan, is also the minister of Konoha Anbu.

Therefore, his head price on the black market has reached an exaggerated seven or eight million.

This is almost the price of a shadow. You must know the shadows of the Five Great Ninja Villages, but there is no market for them all year round.

After all, no one is stupid, and no one really thinks that this kind of task can be accomplished.

Even if it can be done, can you really spend it with peace of mind when you get the money?

The five great ninja villages hover above the ninja world, such a deterrent is really no joke.

However, the prices of the shadows of the five major Ninja villages are still different. The cheapest one is probably the one from Shayin Village, but there is also a bounty of about 80 million.

However, no one took it seriously, it could only be regarded as a way of making fun.

As for Joinin, besides Kakashi, there are several guys of the same price.

For example, Uchiha Qi is also included in it.

Shishui went to perform the bounty mission, so naturally it was impossible to find people like Kakashi and Uchiha Kai.

They are still terrifying, not to mention that they can't fight, just looking for the trouble they might cause will definitely make it impossible for their entire organization to survive.

But other people can still find trouble. There are still quite a few ninjas in the range of 30 to 60 million like Asma.

Eighty percent of Shishui and the others are looking for such a person to start with, and thus get a lot of money. Genius one second to remember 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

In addition to black market hunting missions, there is also a very lucrative job, and that is war missions.

The ninja world is at peace, and that is only peace in general, but the disputes between small countries have never stopped.

Even between great powers, there are actually quite a few obscure activities to be done.

Regardless of whether it is a fire, but in order to protect their own interests in the local area, there will always be unimaginable benefits in the fight.

Therefore, they need to hire some powerful ninjas who do not belong to their own country.

These ninjas are basically betrayal, and when they do things, no matter how bad they do, it will not cause any big consequences.

Uchiha Qi heard a classic joke in his previous life, a strong bear is sleepy, where should he go to sleep?

The answer is, anywhere he wants to sleep.

A weak country has no diplomacy, and a strong country does not need diplomacy. This is an ironclad fact.

These big powers in this world, no matter what they do, they have to have a face, so as long as these big powers don't go too far.

No matter how they deny it, they won't cause any trouble.

The Xiao organization will naturally undertake such a task for the sake of money, and it is normal for Zhishui to perform such a task as a member.

The battlefield is always the most tempering place. Even if you are so powerful that one person can crush you, you may die if you are not careful.

Uchiha Kei came this way, Hyuga Aya came this way, Imai Kenta did the same, and Kakashi did the same.

Shishui's luck is better than theirs, because his opponent is not a member of the Five Great Powers, but he has also gained a lot of experience.

"It's really good, it's interesting." Kakashi nodded, but soon he asked with some doubts: "By the way, we're here, don't we seem to be here to see Lin? Why didn't we see that guy?"

"Your perceptual ability still needs to be improved, Kakashi." Uchiha Qi stood talking without back pain, he shook his head gently and said slowly: "Actually, that guy is here, and he has already started. Oh."

"Huh? I also improved my perception ability. Do you think there is any way I can improve this ability?" Fortunately, Kakashi was wearing a mask, so that people couldn't see what he was thinking.

It can really be said that there is no way to improve the perception ability, because this ability can be said to be a continuation of the bloodline, and there are hardly many ways to improve the day after tomorrow.

Kai Uchiha didn't have the slightest way before, his perception ability was always the weakest of the three of them.

This guy, Kenta Imai, probably inherited the characteristics of the Senju family, and his perception ability has always been strong.

Aya Hyuga's perception ability is actually similar to that of Kai Uchiha, but how can others have scornful eyes.

You don't need to perceive at all, just look at it directly.

However, as she learned the fairy mode through self-exploration, her perception ability has skyrocketed, and even if she doesn't use Baiyan, she can easily do what Baiyan can do.

With the white eyes, there was almost nothing that could escape her detection range.

Uchiha Kai's current perception ability really depends on the immortal mode to improve, otherwise he can't be better than Kakashi.

But the key point is that he already has an unimaginable perception ability, so it's not a big deal for him to make fun of Kakashi.

Although this guy Kakashi was a little depressed, he also knew about it, so he didn't bother to say anything except roll his eyes.

Looking left and right, he began to look for Obito's figure.

If the perception ability is not good, then rely on observation to make up for it, and his writing wheel eyes are not for others to see.

I just don't know why, looking at this water shadow, and seeing the three-tailed chakra escaping out, Kakashi's mind unexpectedly appeared Rin's figure. New 81 Chinese website update fastest computer: https://www.@x81zw@@

Back then, he and Rin were hunted down by Anbu of Kiriyuki, and Rin was sealed with three tails.

It is also for this reason that Kakashi has always had a poor sense of Kirigakushi. Even if he knew what Uchiha Kai had done in Kirigakushi, he kept silent.

Suddenly, Kakashi seemed to sense something, he suddenly had a very mysterious feeling, a vague and indescribable feeling.

And this feeling...

From his writing wheel!

This discovery made Kakashi a little baffled, because he really didn't know why, and there would be an abnormal trace of his own writing wheel, and he couldn't tell the unclear connection.

Turning his head, Kakashi looked into the distance, and that direction was where he felt the resonance with his own writing wheel.

"Kai, I have a question I want to ask you." After hesitating for a long time, Kakashi asked slowly, "Xuanyan, is there anything that resonates with him?"

"Does it resonate with Sharinyan?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, his expression a little surprised.

This kind of surprise really wasn't fake, because it was really something he didn't expect.

Of course, the only thing that can resonate with Sharinyan is Sharonyan, and there is an extremely harsh condition in it, that is, the eyes are from the same person!

He originally just wanted to try it out to see if there was any reaction.

But he really didn't expect this reaction to actually happen, and it happened so quickly!

Is Obito doing the work?

Uchiha Qixin thought silently that it is actually quite difficult to achieve resonance with the writing wheel.

The most terrible thing is that the strength, mental state and proficiency of the eyes of the people who hold the eyes should not be low.

Otherwise, I am afraid that there is no way to make these two eyes, which have been scattered in different hands, resonate.

Kakashi and Obito, their kaleidoscope experience can be said to be the same, and they also resonated once before that.

Probably when Rin Nohara was about to die?

Kai Uchiha doesn't remember it so clearly, and the resonance was very interesting. Obito could actually see some other pictures through Kakashi's writing wheel.

Uchiha Kai has never experienced such a thing, but one thing he can be sure of is that Kakashi feels that he should have a connection with Obito now.

Shulanyan can only resonate with Shulanyan.

"I'm not quite sure about this. What are your resonances?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head and asked curiously, "Chakra? Or something else?"

"It's Chakra at the moment." Kakashi felt it and said, "It's a strange feeling, I've never..."

Speaking of this, Kakashi suddenly stopped, because in his writing wheel, some pictures suddenly appeared.

Some pictures of what's happening on their side at all...


Obito wandered slowly in other parts of the forest, looking so relaxed and freehand.

His task is very simple, that is, to deal with the misty hidden who came to support the fourth generation of Mizukage.

Whether it's a regular ninja or Anbu, it doesn't matter to him.

The place where he is located is an extremely important pass, unless the support troops do not pass through here, otherwise he will definitely collide with those guys.

Moreover, in order to ensure the time for the other party to come over, he specially asked Bai Jue to investigate.

"Yo, Obito." At this moment, a Bai Jue suddenly emerged from the ground, and he sounded like an idiot.

"Shut up, I said to call me Madara." Obito stopped: "What's the specific situation? Are those guys here?"

"Yes, yes, Madara-sama." Bai Jue shrugged indifferently: "Those guys have already come here, as you said, besides Anbu, there is a regular ninja unit, which looks like their security department. ."

"There is no security department in Kirikin, only Konoha has a security department." Obito shook his head, his voice a little indifferent.

Bai Jue blinked, then shrugged indifferently.

Is it important that Kirigakura has a security department?

From his point of view, they are all the same, there is no difference. But he won't be serious with Obito on this kind of thing, after all, he really can't say enough about Obito.

Bai Jue's IQ is not high, and it can even be said to be a bit stupid. It may not be realistic for them to distinguish those troops.

Shaking his head, Obito didn't bother to struggle with this issue.

"How many are they?" After thinking for a while, he asked, "The regular troops are with Anbu."

"There are only about a dozen of them in Anbu, and they have fought against Kaoru and Hidean. The two thought they were exposed, so they have already started to execute the plan ahead of time."

Bai Jue recalled for a while before continuing: "The specific situation is not clear. Anyway, the people who fought with Jiaodu and the others left a few corpses and ran away, and then a division of troops came over."

"Is that so?" Obito nodded.

The person who fought against Feiduan and Jiao is probably the person with the full moon of ghost lights, right?

This guy has already started to do all the preparatory work for his own merits, so let's start ahead of schedule.

Anyway, Kaoru and Hidean's mission is to attract a part of their energy, and then give Orochimaru and Scorpion a chance to attack that kid named Yugao.

However, this mission is probably also a failure. After all, Ghost Lantern Manyue will directly take people there.

As for Nagato and the others?

That guy took Xiaonan to coordinate everything, and in order to make Loquat Shizang integrate into the organization faster, he was personally responsible for attracting hatred.

However, he also kept a hand, that is, to support the battlefield of the fourth generation of water shadows at any time.

Unfortunately, if he wants to support, it depends on whether Obito gives him a chance.

Even if the signal can't be transmitted, he is so supportive?

Hei Jue is staring at that guy, he will never have any chance.

"As for the regular army you mentioned, it's probably about ten to twenty people." Bai Jue snapped his fingers, and then said ignorantly, "But it looks like there are four teams."

"Four teams?" Obito If it was a team of three, it would be twelve, and if it was a team of four, it would be sixteen.

Obito has been away from Kiriyin for a while, but he doesn't know if the rules have been changed now.

But he didn't care that much either, no matter how many people it was, his ability was beyond him except Uchiha Kai.

other people.....

No, there are people faster than him that he can't deal with, and he really doesn't pay too much attention to others.

"Go to Jiaodu and watch. Since the other party has already reported it, they are definitely in trouble." Obito said indifferently, "As for these people, leave it to me to deal with."

"Hey, hey, I see." Bai Jue nodded: "By the way, that guy in black is still staring at your boss, what are you trying to do, isn't that guy your boss? How does it feel like the enemy."

"Who told you that he is our boss?" Obito glanced at Bai Jue, then shook his head: "Don't look at them as your own, in fact, sometimes there is a real difference between the enemy and your own. Is it that big?"

Obito explained something casually, and then continued to walk forward slowly.

For him, the members of the Akatsuki organization around him, even Bai Jue, are actually enemies.

His true self, only those he knows, who are actually sent by Konoha, are only Konoha...


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