This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 714: I believe in him

"Hey, hey, I said you guys are too good, right?"

In the same hotel, Kenta Imai looked at Uchiha Kei who was already dressed with a smirk.

He really did not expect that he would encounter such an interesting thing.

The two of them are really enjoying themselves. As expected, once the sullen person really starts to show himself, it is definitely the most incredible.

Uchiha Kai glared at the guy, then sorted out his clothes.

These clothes are not his, but Imai Kenta's. Fortunately, this guy's figure is quite similar to his own.

Uchiha Keiko was ashamed to ask the hotel staff to go home to help him get his clothes, not to mention even using a transformation technique when he was naked.

He doesn't even want shadow clones, so what about the transformation technique?

In the end, after thinking about it, he came up with a solution, that is, he used the psychic technique that Orochimaru gave him to summon a snake, and then wrote a letter to Kenta Imai.

Although Kenta Imai's performance is a little unreliable on weekdays, this time, he didn't cheat Uchiha.

"It's normal to be great, so what's so surprising?" Uchiha Qi finally sighed after putting on his clothes: "It's just that I didn't expect that she actually took my clothes off!"

"Na Na Na, this can only mean two things." Imai Kenta's smirk still remained: "First, she is deliberately retaliating against you. But think about it, this kind of revenge is too low-level, except for embarrassing you. No effect. The second one..." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://www.@x81zw@@

Speaking of which, Kenta Imai suddenly showed the same temperament as Jiraiya, which almost made him feel at that moment whether he was facing Jiraiya.

I saw this guy whispering in a yin and yang voice: "You guys are playing too exciting, her clothes were destroyed by you, although I didn't find where her clothes were, but I'm more inclined to this point.

After all, there are no girls' clothes in this room, but there are some fragments..."

"Shut up." Uchiha Qi casually threw a teacup in the past: "I have never seen you with such strong intelligence analysis skills, why do you start now? You bastard!"

"Hey, don't get excited." Facing the flying teacup, Ken Imai reached out and caught it effortlessly: "My analytical skills have always been strong, but you just didn't notice it. Of course, I didn't need to analyze it before. You and Aya have both done this kind of thing. I don't need to think about it after that, it's good to wait for Shijiu or you to give the answer directly?"

Uchiha Kai glanced at the guy, then shook his head and was too lazy to say anything.

Intelligence analysis, this is a necessary course for ninjas, even Uchiha Kai himself has good intelligence analysis.

After all, if the strength is not strong and ignores any ability of the opponent, the only way to win is to catch the weak point and attack with death.

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In the ninja world, it is not uncommon for the weak to defeat the strong, because in essence the battle of the ninja is also a battle of intelligence.

There is a clear example in the original book, that is, the battle between Six Path Payne and Jiraiya and Naruto.

Jiraiya didn't know Payne's information either, but Nagato and the others knew Jiraiya very well, so Jiraiya suffered a crushing defeat and even lost his life.

However, he also collected some intelligence, and when Payne ran to Konoha to attack, Konoha ninja collectively collected his intelligence.

Naruto was able to defeat this guy because he knew the opponent's abilities and had good strength.

Although Kenta Imai is an unreliable bastard, he is indeed a very qualified ninja.

The ghost knows what is going on with his character, and he is getting closer to the guy from the first Hokage Senju Hasuma. You must know that Kei Uchiha once regarded him as a Senju Tobirama.

However, his current character, Uchiha Ki, quite likes it, and even this character doesn't affect his ninja qualities at all, and his intelligence analysis is definitely not bad.

"That's why I said, you are a bastard." After Uchiha Qi got dressed, he sighed helplessly: "I forgot about this, do you understand?"

"Can this kind of thing be forgotten?" Imai Kenta smiled and raised his brows: "This is to be added... I understand, I have forgotten."

"Very good." Uchiha Qi nodded with satisfaction, and closed his eyes of reincarnation by the way: "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, I am very optimistic about you."

"Ha, I finally know why I can't match you not only in strength, but also in status." Imai Kenta said helplessly: "I'm so shameless, I remember listening to you. It has been said that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if people are so cheap, you will be invincible. You are already invincible.”

Kei Uchiha didn't speak. Although Kenta Imai would be better off without a mouth, he didn't bother to refute.

Because in essence, what this guy said doesn't have much of a problem.

People who play tricks have dirty hearts, and Uchiha Kei is a person who is very good at playing tricks.

Coupled with the fact that he climbed to this position step by step, one can imagine how many tricks he played.

Therefore, Imai Kenta said, he didn't think there was any problem, he even thought it was not bad.

"Thank you for your compliment, thank you very much." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "But I'm not invincible, at least there are four generations of Hokage above me, and there are still a bunch of big Tsutsutsuki in terms of strength."

"You guy, really..." Imai Ken was too lazy to complain, he sighed helplessly: "Well, at least I know how far the gap between us is."

"Don't talk about these boring things, how is your sealing technique transformed?" Uchiha Qi sorted out his clothes, and then looked at Imai Kenta curiously: "After such a long time, your transformation should also be Does it work?"

"Please, I'm more anxious about this matter than you." Kenta Imai shook his head helplessly: "But the transformation of the sealing technique is really not an easy matter. You must know that we have to seal it, but time!"

Imai Kenta also really felt a headache. If he hadn't witnessed that Uchiha Kai could control time, he wouldn't even believe that someone could really do such a thing.

The power to seal time was simply fantastic for Imai Kenta before that.

But Uchiha Kai completely turned 'time' into a state of 'power', all of which became possible.

It's just embarrassing that it is really not an easy thing to seal this power, and its operation is completely different from ordinary power.

Imai Kenta groped and tried for a year, but this matter always progressed mediocrely, which made Imai Kenta even more helpless.

But recently, he has thought of some ways, and that is to read the records of his ancestor's wife carefully.

Besides, he also applied to visit the ancestral hall of the whirlpool family!

With Kenta Imai's status as a thousand-handed clan, Uzumaki Kushina naturally wouldn't refuse.

Not to mention the whirlpool fragrance and the whirlpool fragrance, the mother and son were brought back by them.

"So, do you have any ideas?" Uchiha Ki also knew the difficulty, and he finally sighed.

"I have some ideas, but I will see the specific operation later." Imai Ken too thought about it and said, "Although it is a bit troublesome and the workload is huge, but..."

"If it is successful, then maybe I will have a new way of thinking."


Aya Hyuga dodged a patrol once again, and then quietly walked into her residence.

She didn't know how many people she avoided along the way, and when she left the small hotel, she hardly walked down the street—she ran all the way back from the top of the building.

Fortunately, in her ninja bag, there is still a mask that Uchiha Kai gave her back then.

And her physical fitness is not so weak, and although Uchiha Kai's clothes are black, there is also a family crest on the back.

Therefore, although it felt a bit baffling to be seen along the way, no one came up to ask.

Therefore, she returned to the family relatively smoothly, but after she came back, she felt an incomparable headache, and her clothes were really attracting attention.

And there is one more thing that makes her very depressed, that is, her mother seems to be staying at home all the time.

This also means that if he is not careful, he may be discovered by his mother.

Although Hyuga Aya knew that her mother had already gone from shock, embarrassment, to astonishment about her and Uchiha Kai's affairs, to slowly accepting it and even now wishing them to hurry up.

But Hyuga Aya would still feel very embarrassed, at least she felt that she hadn't made up her mind yet and had to explain these things to her mother.

Quietly turning into the courtyard, Hyuga Aya looked left and right like a thief.

It's really hard to imagine how to be like a thief when you go home. This made Aya Hyuga depressed and also cursed Kei Uchiha in her heart.

But when she thought that this guy was now sitting in the hotel with a blank face, and all the clothes were taken away by herself, her face showed a bit of confusion.

"Let you **** tear my clothes."

While thinking about it, Hyuga Aya quietly put away her mask and detoured under the window sill of her room.

She knew that taking away Kai Uchiha's clothes wouldn't really teach that hateful **** a lesson.

After all, the hotel was owned by his home, and he could get a new suit of clothes just by talking.

But Aya Hyuga still felt a sense of revenge for letting this guy lose face.

With a slight jump, Hyuga Aya turned over the windowsill and landed firmly in her room.

Just the next second, she was dumbfounded, because she never dreamed that her mother was actually opening the door and walking in!

At this moment, she really had a feeling of collapse in her heart. The most terrible thing was that her mother looked at her very strangely at this time.

She can already imagine what this matter will turn out to be.

But what Hyuga Aya didn't expect was that her mother quickly regained her composure, although her eyes were still extremely complicated.

Especially looking at himself wearing Uchiha Kai's clothes, in those eyes, three points are stunned, three points are surprise, three points are joy, and one point is inexplicable.

Aya Hyuga felt helpless with such a strange look. She felt that when she came back, it would be better to survey the environment in the house with her white eyes. Who knew her mother would come over early in the morning.

"I'm back..." After a long time, Hyuga Aya's mother said slowly.

"Well..." Hyuga Aya nodded, she was a little dazed now, and it took her a long time to say, "I'm back."

The words fell, and the mother and daughter fell silent for a while. Both she and her mother felt a little uncomfortable in such silence.

But fortunately, her mother is also a past person. Even if the situation of Hyuga Aya was not as special back then, she still looked calmer than Hyuga Aya.

"Looking at your appearance, you probably didn't wash up. There is hot water at home, so go wash it." Hyuga Aya's mother walked slowly to her side, and then sighed softly, "It doesn't hurt, right?"

"???" Hyuga Aya was stunned for a moment.

Does it hurt?

It doesn't hurt, because there is no such feeling at all.

But she didn't know what to say. Could it be because of the effects of alcohol and her physical fitness, so she didn't feel that way?

Apart from feeling tired, she doesn't seem to have any special circumstances now, huh?

Also, when you were bullied like that by that **** last night, do you actually care about it at all?

"No... I don't feel anything." Hyuga Aya was full of thoughts, but in the end, she could only hold back such a sentence.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

"Minister Qi... That kid is really rude..." Hyuga Aya's mother shook her head slightly: "Has your clothes been stolen by him..."

"Well, that hateful guy!" After hearing this, Aya Hyuga finally felt a lot more comfortable, and she complained, "It's all broken, torn apart by him, this bastard..."

"It's no wonder you don't want to dress up, and don't want to change into other clothes, so you expected this to come out..."


Aya Hyuga opened her mouth slightly, UU reading www. then she simply closed.

She found that what she said seemed useless, because it had already happened.

Could it be that she has to explain, she expected a ghost, who would have known that she would be so awake after drinking a little wine?

Could it be that he has to explain that he actually asked Uchiha Kibu to send him home?

She shook her head fiercely in her heart, she found that this kind of thing must never be said, absolutely not!

It seems....

I have to find that **** Kai and make a good confession.

"Forget it, after all, you are all grown ups." Hyuga Aya's mother didn't know she was thinking so much, she shook her head and continued, "However, you shouldn't do this either."

"Huh?" Hyuga Aya came back to her senses and looked at her mother in astonishment after confirming that she heard correctly: "Why shouldn't I?"

"You shouldn't have taken his clothes, how can you let him go back?"

"But, my clothes were ruined by this bastard!"

"Kai, that kid will handle this kind of thing well, I trust him."


Hyuga Aya now only feels more and more headaches. Why does she feel like she returned to eight or nine years ago?

At that time, everyone was saying that Uchiha Kei was a genius?


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