This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 693: Set off

In fact, even if Uchiha Kai said that as soon as possible, it is definitely not an easy thing for them to set off.

After all, after their identities have reached their level, they really can't leave if they want to.

In the village, they need to find someone to take over the job after leaving, and they also need to communicate with some villages outside the village.

This time they went to not a small country. If they went to a country of iron, a country of soup, etc., they did not need to communicate at all.

But the Kingdom of Thunder is not a small country, and Yunyin Village is a village as powerful as Konoha in the ninja world, at least the world thinks so.

Rushing to go without any notice, especially Uchiha Kai and their identities are still there, this can be regarded as a provocation.

Even if Yunyin was a de facto defeated country and was forced to form an alliance with Konoha, others are not something you can bully if you want.

Therefore, the inevitable notification still needs to be done. It will probably take a day to figure out everything. This is still the fastest situation to calculate.

"I don't know how long it will take to go out this time."

In the patriarch's mansion of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Kai calmly talked to Uchiha Fugaku while drinking tea.

"But it shouldn't take long if you think about it. Konoha doesn't allow it, and neither will I, but the security department will rely on you during this time."

"If it's just to intercept a person, it shouldn't take long, don't worry." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "I will help you to look after the security department. In fact, strictly speaking, even if I don't do anything, I am afraid the security department will not be in chaos. Bar."

"It's better to be watched than to be stocked." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Anyway, it's up to you this time. By the way, Itachi and Sasuke, how are these two little guys doing lately?"

"Sasuke and Itachi..." Speaking of his children, Uchiha Fuyue was a little happy and proud at the same time, but also a little helpless: "They.... Actually, it's okay, it's just..."

Uchiha Fuyue hesitated for a while, but finally told the story of these two little guys.

Itachi already knew the truth completely. That night, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue didn't tell him in detail, but after returning home, as father and son Uchiha Fuyue, he still told him everything.

Only in this way did Itachi know that there are so many profound things behind all this.

Whether it is the existence of the Akatsuki organization, the potential plan, or everything related to the entire ninja world.

Itachi already knows everything, and can understand what his father and Uchiha Kai are doing.

What made him a little uncomfortable was that the choice Uchiha Shisui made was really distressing.

Carrying such a charge and lurking among the enemies, and even doing some terrible things, will make the entire ninja world feel fear and even unite.

Itachi really didn't dare to think about such a thing, but he didn't dare to say anything, after all, it was a ninja's self-choice.

Knowing Zhishui, he knew that if he had any doubts, it would be disrespect to Zhishui.

In addition, there is the problem of Sasuke. This kid seems to have changed. He has become a little silent and has become very hard.

He and Naruto told their relatives what they saw, such as Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Sasuke, and even Namikaze Minato all knew about it.

But without exception, they all got a result that could not be refuted - Uchiha Shisui was dead, at least until no conclusive evidence was found, he was dead.

In fact, the relationship between Uchiha Shisui's "death or not" is really not as big as imagined, but in order not to make Uchiha Itachi so embarrassing, this result was chosen.

It's not just Sasuke who has a good relationship with Shisui.

If Shisui hadn't died, then Uchiha Itachi, who already knew the truth, might be really difficult to achieve a natural state of his performance.

Instead of embarrassing him, it's better to hide it for now, and talk about some things later.

"So, this kid Sasuke has become hardworking now in order to pursue the truth." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "It is better to be hardworking, and the mind must also become more determined. Although it is more convenient and exciting to be ignorant. He, but once this kind of ignorant state stimulates the transition, I am afraid it will ruin this kid."

"Yeah, Itachi has also been training in Anbu for so long, and in the face of such a situation, he can still remain calm, if it is not for your illusion." Uchiha Fuyue sighed slightly: "Also, Sasuke, he has already turned on the writing wheel. already."

"Oh?" Uchiha raised his brows and raised his eyebrows: "Opened the writing wheel? It's interesting, this kid usually looks like a mediocre talent, but I didn't expect it to be hidden so deeply."

Seriously, Kai Uchiha didn't even think that Sasuke had already opened the wheel.

Sasuke on the night of the extermination in the original work has already opened the writing wheel, but he didn't know it himself, and he didn't get a good education, so he didn't use it for the first time until he graduated at the age of thirteen.

But it is different now. The entire Uchiha clan is still there, and it is developing more and more prosperous. His situation will never be buried.

It's just that his way of opening the wheel is too interesting, isn't it?

Could it be that this is the reincarnation of Indra?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to think so much.

It is a good thing to open the Sharinyan. As long as he has been carefully cultivated, Sasuke will definitely grow up quickly.

Even.... may inspire a faster manifestation of the Indra Chakra in him!

In particular, the reincarnations of Indra and Asura were not far from each other, and it is hard to say whether one will stimulate the other to activate together.

In this case......

"Speaking of which, wasn't your performance mediocre when you were in school?" Uchiha Fuyue tilted his head: "As a result, now you are the No. 1 powerhouse in Uchiha, and even the No. 1 powerhouse in Konoha, The number one powerhouse in the ninja world is not an exaggeration, right?"

"It's boring to say this, I'm just stating the fact that Sasuke may have a bright future." Uchiha Qi smiled: "By the way, both of them are well trained, especially Sasuke, I have a hunch that he It will surprise us."

"It's rare that you are so optimistic about a person, I understand."

Uchiha Fuyue was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Uchiha Qi was more optimistic about Itachi, but he would not object to his son.

"What about Itachi, he has already opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel..."

"With normal teaching, you should be familiar with his abilities, and you can also let him familiarize yourself with the Eternal Eye in advance." Uchiha Qi thought for a while: "It will be up to him to choose, in fact, no matter how he chooses, we all There is something behind, so let go and do it.”

Uchiha Fuyue nodded. Indeed, they have done so much over the years, and they can fully support their ideas and do something.

Uchiha Itachi knew about the Eternal Eye. No matter what choice he made, he would have a pair of eyes suitable for him in the future.

That being the case, why not give it a try and see if you can get the right pair of eyes and train someone who might be able to reach the level of Kai Uchiha?


Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai came to the Hokage office.

Along with him were Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, one of whom was sought by Uchiha Qi and the other whom he met halfway.

To be honest, when Kenta Jingta met Kai and Aya, he really wanted to lower his head and pretend he didn't see anything.

After drinking with Uchiha Qi that day, he was 100% sure of one thing, that this **** might really have the idea of ​​killing him.

Even if he defended in every possible way that he didn't, but if Imai Kenta faced such a problem, he would never admit that he had such an idea.

But after he knew that he couldn't escape, he simply went up to him as a bachelor.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't talk too much, or deliberately get angry with these two people, he doesn't believe that in the public, what else can these two guys do to him.

As it turns out, there was nothing wrong with his idea.

Although Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya were a little overwhelmed about encountering this guy inexplicably, they didn't think much about it, after all, they still had more important tasks to do.

"It looks like you've already made arrangements, right?" Minato Minato looked at the five people in front of him, and said directly, "Kun Lu Jiu, did Yun Yin give you an answer?"

"We have already given an answer, although they have huge doubts about our actions, but..." Nara Shikahisa said immediately: "They still agreed, and they said that this time we act, they will follow the whole process. ."

"Follow the whole process?" Uchiha Qi frowned, and then nodded indifferently: "Let's do whatever they want, that's fine, if someone follows along, maybe it can provide a lot of help. I just don't know... "

"Fourth Raikage will follow us." Nara Shikahisa naturally knew what Uchiha Kei was thinking, and he replied immediately: "But according to the information, the fourth Raikage should have other ideas, and our arrival is only When the time comes, he will find time to do what he wants to do."

independent thinking?

Uchiha Kai, Hyuga Aya, and Imai Kenta looked at each other, and the four generations of Raikage were dishonest, and they were quite clear about this.

It's just that he and this guy passed by them, and by the way, he wanted to do something that caught the attention of Uchiha Kai.

But he didn't ask any questions. I'm afraid Namikaze Minato would have made it clear to him.

"That's it, I don't know if you have heard of Sugi no Village?" As expected, Kakashi said at this moment: "According to the information from Anbu, the four generations of Raikage seem to have a deep understanding of their secret techniques passed down from generation to generation. very interested."

"Sugino Village?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "The Ninja Village in that country bordering the Iron Country and the Earth Country?"

"Yes, it's them." Kakashi nodded: "If there is no accident, I am afraid that the fourth Raikage will use this opportunity to quietly intercept their secret techniques."

"Is that so?" Speaking of which, Uchiha Kai seemed to have thought of something.

It seems that there is a paragraph in the original book, that is, the fourth Raikage led a team to attack others to **** things, and was hunted down by a group of bounty hunters in the ninja world.

Those bounty hunters seem to be called Xuanyuanzhong, and they are good at some secret techniques, that is, let some special bugs enter the human body, devour chakra and can explode.

The Fourth Raikage wasn't afraid of them, but his men couldn't handle this, and they were almost wiped out.

If it wasn't for the help of Tsunade who was hiding from the debt by accident, I'm afraid those guys would really have no bright future.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help shaking his head.

Uchiha Kai doesn't have any more memories of this incident. He only knows the general cause and effect, and he doesn't know much about the rest.

He didn't even know what the secret technique of Sugi no Village was.

And he has no interest in it either, he doesn't care what the Fourth Raikage and the others want to do.

"Forget it, they can do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't affect us." Uchiha Qi pondered for a moment and said, "After all, in their territory, if you leave the country of Thunder, you may be better off. but....."

"Well, it's fine if you understand, Kai." Minato Namikaze smiled: "So are you ready to go? Teacher Jiraiya is still waiting for you."

"No problem, then I'll leave it to you, Hokage-sama." Uchiha Ki nodded.

After this mission, it was natural for Minato Minato to use Fei Lei Shen to help.

Jiraiya is now in Yunyin. Since he has found the target and is tracking it, it also means that the target has a high chance of finding him.

If it weren't to avoid some conflict and trouble, they should have acted directly yesterday.

Now that the trouble has been resolved, and the situation that should be understood is almost understood, the ghost knows what will happen if it is dragged on.

Minato Namikaze took a deep breath, and the next moment his body was wrapped in golden chakra.

The distance between Konoha and Yunyin is still a little far, of course, this is not difficult for Namikaze Minato.

Before, he could help Uchiha Kai and others evacuate safely from Kirigakushi, let alone now.

But it would be very tiring before, after all, he was not proficient in using nine-tailed chakra at that It was more like robbing chakra.

Now he can take the initiative to use the nine-tailed Chakra, and he can also prevent himself from passing, just send people over!

Although Namikaze Minato also wanted to participate in this mission, he knew that Konoha couldn't be without a leader.

But if the past is not past, he will still leave some means.

Once Uchiha Kai and the others encountered any big trouble, he would rush over to support them as soon as possible.

The reincarnation of Otsutsuki, no matter how you look at it, is not a simple thing.

This is about the safety of this ninja world, and Namikaze Minato must do something no matter what. The Ninja world has been destroyed, can Konoha still exist?

"Please, Qi, if there is any trouble, I will come over as soon as possible."

"No problem, Captain Watergate, leave it to me!"


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