This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 679: Is this God?

In the ninja school, Naruto was lying on his seat a little bored. Today was the day of the exam, no matter how much he thought about it, he felt troublesome.

In fact, for him, the test or something doesn't make much sense.

Perhaps it was because of the teachings of his parents. In fact, he had already finished learning what he had to learn in school.

But it's useless after studying. Could it be possible that he can still apply for early graduation?

Obviously, he just thought about this kind of thing. None of his students graduated early, and his parents would never agree to such a thing.

All he has to do now is to make friends, this sentence was told to him by his father himself.

Although Naruto feels that there may be other meanings, but at this age he doesn't understand that much.

But it was his mother who told him to make more friends and enjoy school time, and he was more receptive to that explanation.

The bell for the exam rang on time, and Naruto frowned as he looked at the exam paper handed to him.

In all fairness, the content of the test paper is very simple. As long as the children who can come to the test, most of them have worked hard, they are only the basics and common sense of some ninjas.

Especially Naruto, he is very familiar with these contents, although he is not sure that he can get 100% in the test, but at least it is an excellent score.

Compared with other people, he can definitely be regarded as a genius, but he knows that there are many guys in the class who are better than him.

"That guy Sasuke can get full marks in the test, besides him there is Shikamaru." Naruto looked at the question and thought about it psychologically: "But this guy Shikamaru has always selectively controlled his score to six. Ten points, according to what he said is more waste and less crime, I can't do that."

Shikamaru's grades are always just passing, maybe other people who don't know the details think that this guy has the same.

But he grew up with Shikamaru, it is impossible not to know how exaggerated this kid is.

Even his own father admired the intelligence of the Nara family very much. Uncle Luku was like this. It seems that according to Uncle Kai, Shikamaru and Uncle Luku were carved out of the same mold, except for Shikamaru, who is more lazy.

The morning time soon ended in the atmosphere of such an exam. After Naruto finished the exam, he and Sasuke, Shikamaru and Neji got together for lunch.

A few of them are very familiar people. They have been together since childhood because of their parents. Although they always dislike each other, they are still very good friends.

"I said Shikamaru, you seem to fall asleep after writing only half of it, don't you?" Naruto asked curiously while eating the bento prepared for him by Kushina: "Don't graduate like this, you can't be a graduate. What about ninjas?"

"If you can't do it, you can't do it. I just think it's troublesome." Shikamaru looked like he didn't wake up, he held his head and said: "It's too troublesome, there is a practical exam in the afternoon, if it's not worried about failing the exam Going back and being scolded, I don’t even want to participate.”

"The actual combat test, it's too dangerous." Dingci said helplessly as he devoured his food: "I hope I have a good opponent to deal with, but I think Naruto and Sasuke, the two of you should still be will be divided."

The two boys, Naruto and Sasuke, as the leaders of the new generation of Konoha, their strength is really ahead of others by too much.

Therefore, every actual combat training is basically the two of them facing each other, and everyone has long been accustomed to this situation.

After all, one of the two is the son of the fourth Hokage, and the other is the second son of the Uchiha clan chief. Whether it is strength or identity, it is the most reasonable for the two of them to be together.

"Should I still be with Sasuke?" Naruto thought for a while and said, but he soon smiled: "I don't think Sasuke will be my opponent. After all, I learned Spiral Pill! "

"Cut, the Spiral Pill is powerful, but do you know that even if the fourth Hokage-sama used the Spiral Pill himself, he has lost to a technique." Sasuke raised his brows in dissatisfaction, but Naruto seemed to immediately intend to refute , Sasuke continued: "Don't be in a hurry to refute, you can ask Chief Kakaxi about this matter, but he has seen it with his own eyes."

"The four Hokage Lords failed to use the spiral pill personally?" Dingci said incredulously: "Impossible? The four Hokage Lords are so powerful, who did you lose to?"

"Do you still need to think about it? Of course it's Lord Kai." Shikamaru still looked lazy, but his eyes looked a little brighter: "I heard my old man talk about this matter. The four generations of Hokage-sama and Kai-sama In the actual combat test, the fourth-generation Hokage-sama lost."

"Yes, although the specific process is not very clear, but Master Kai used a trick invented by Chief Kakaxi to win the fourth generation of Hokage-sama!" Sasuke said brightly: "Although it was invented by Chief Kakaxi. , but Master Qi has carried forward this technique, and this technique is also one of the techniques that Master Qi is best at!"


Naruto pondered for a moment, and he immediately knew the technique.

In fact, he is not really unfamiliar with this technique, because of Kakashi's relationship with their family, he understands many things.

Can Chidori fight Spiral Maru?

Naruto didn't know this, but he seemed to remember that his father praised this technique.

So, maybe this technique is really not easy, right?

Thinking of this, Naruto suddenly felt interesting.

Since he learned the spiral pill, he has never had the opportunity to use it.

The first point is that there is no opponent worth using this technique at all, and the second point is that his father will never let him use this technique in actual combat training.

But it's different now. If Sasuke knows Chidori, then he can use this technique well!

He has no plans to learn Chidori in the past, he is not suitable for using Chidori, and he is clear about this.

After all, he is the son of the fourth Hokage, how could he not know this?

"Have you learned Chidori?" Naruto asked curiously, "Don't just brag!"

"Just kidding, of course I learned it, idiot!" Sasuke also showed a smile: "Today I will let you know how powerful Chidori is."

"Cut, don't brag, you think you are Uncle Qi." Naruto showed a hearty smile: "Besides, I have always heard that Brother Itachi is the most powerful, but you can't do it."

"Brother Itachi is indeed powerful, but the most powerful is not Big Brother Itachi." Sasuke was not angry, but instead he nodded: "Actually, the most powerful is Big Brother Shishui, it's not like you don't know. Although recently... ..”

Having said that, Sasuke stopped speaking, and his face became a little inexplicable.

Naruto and Shikamaru's expressions also changed a little. Although they were still young, they were more or less aware of some things because of their family environment.

In particular, there is a loud voice that has been passed recently, which is to say that there is a betrayal in Uchiha.

And this betrayal is Uchiha Shisui!

Maybe Dingji, the guy who only focused on eating, didn't understand what happened, and both Naruto and Shikamaru fell silent.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, I'm looking forward to your performance this afternoon!" Naruto quickly recovered, he smiled and patted Sasuke on the shoulder: "Come on, you will definitely become you. Among the three brothers, the one who did it well!"

"I'm not sure about the best, but..." Sasuke also laughed: "I've been working hard not to let myself fall behind Brother Itachi, and there are too many Brother Shisui!"


"Oh? Six people?"

Uchiha Qi looked at the six guys who suddenly appeared in front of him with interest. He was 100% sure that Nagato was probably going to make a real move this time.

The last time he used Tiandao alone, he was beaten up by himself. Although he didn't know who he was facing, he probably taught him a lesson.

Uchiha Kai's words in those days buried a pit for himself, making everyone feel that they are no worse than that mysterious Uchiha.

I am afraid that for Nagato, the trouble of looking for Uchiha Kai is equivalent to the trouble of looking for that mysterious Uchiha?

"You are Kai Uchiha?" Nagato controlled the six clones and said at the same time, "You are younger than we thought."

"You? Who are you?" Uchiha Qi looked at them indifferently, although he knew everything, he sometimes pretended to know nothing: "I heard from Anbu people that there are a group of mysterious guys. Infiltrated into Konoha, but didn't catch anyone, it seems that it is you?"

"It's us, but it's not us." Six Paynes said in unison: "As for who we are, you can call us gods!"

"God?" Uchiha Qi sighed slightly, then shook his head.

It seems that this Nagato is really a little crazy. Is it true that Jiraiya's words and his reincarnation eyes are destined to be the savior of the world?


This title is really as much ridicule as it needs to be ridiculed. It seems that it was a wrong choice for him not to be cruel to him at that time.

Although Uchiha Kai doesn't plan to use the Samsara Eye this time, that doesn't mean he can't use his full firepower.

In the state of Eternal Eye, he can also teach this self-righteous guy a lesson!

"Aya, go and have a rest." Uchiha Qi slowly pulled out his ninja sword: "I'll have a good time with this so-called 'God'."

"Well, I understand." Hyuga Aya nodded indifferently: "Have fun."

As soon as the voice fell, Aya Hyuga walked directly into the distance, and it seemed that she was not worried about Kai Uchiha's situation at all.

In fact, this is exactly the case, although these six people seem outrageous and exaggerated.

But at this moment, even if Hyuga Aya didn't use Tenseigan and didn't turn on Immortal Mode, she could still feel the upper limit of these six people.

The ability of these six people may be very strange, after all, it is the ability of the eye of reincarnation.

But Uchiha Kai, who also masters the eye of reincarnation, is probably completely familiar with these abilities. It can be said that these six guys in front of him have no secrets at all for Uchiha Kai!

"Are you very proud, you didn't ask the woman from the Hyuga clan to help you?" Nagato controlled Tiandao Payne and said, "But it doesn't matter, you will surely die!"

"Do you really think you're a god?" Uchiha Qi sighed slightly: "With six corpses, he controls everything in the corner like a mouse in the sewer, so he thinks he's a god. What a sad guy. ..."

"I said, I am a god, and you must die!" Nagato's mood seemed to have changed under Uchiha Kai's words.

Inexplicably, he suddenly felt that the tone of the guy in front of him was really similar to the mysterious Uchiha who also had the eye of reincarnation who was wanton teasing him!

Is it....

In their eyes, he is just a mouse hiding in the sewers?

No, Payne will never admit this, he wants to kill this guy in front of him, and he has to prove one thing in addition to completing the task!

That is, his last failure was just a mistake. Since that mysterious Uchiha values ​​Uchiha Kai so much, then kill him to prove himself!

Uchiha Qi tilted his head slightly, and the next moment he moved directly!

His eyes had already turned into the posture of eternal eyes, and black gouyu appeared on his body, and his whole aura had completely changed terribly.

The right eye turned slightly, and the time completely slowed down in an instant.

Those six Paynes do have terrifying abilities, and they also have the ability to contribute vision, but so what?

Under the power of time, even if they can see it, can they react?

Perhaps the power of Heaven can complete self-help, but Uchiha Kai did not give him time to save himself at all.

The cut jade bloomed, and the blue light matched the electric arc. Although he was not as comfortable as the reincarnation eye state when using 'Retrospect of Time' in the eternal eye state.

And he can feel that in this state, he may not be able to use it for long.

But he didn't care anymore, he controlled six at a time, which he would never have done before.

But now that his strength has reached his level, he doesn't need to care so much at all!

The terrifying speed broke out at this moment, and the six Paynes had already noticed that something was wrong, and they also began to react.

However, their reaction speed couldn't keep up with Uchiha Kai's movements at all!

The forbearance knife fell fiercely and slashed directly on the body of Hell Dao!


The arc bloomed, and time recovered at this moment, but the **** that could repair Payne's body had been completely cut into two sections by Uchiha!

Such a terrifying is really beyond Nagato's comprehension, but he was not stunned, he immediately used the power of heaven to perform the best move!

If you don't push this guy out, at his completely incomprehensible speed, I'm afraid they will all suffer!

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

However, Nagato was a little surprised to find that the effect of his own Shinra Tianzheng on Uchiha Kai...

Seems really weak.

Although Uchiha Qi still stepped backwards, he looked so light, as if he had taken the initiative to leave the battlefield.

"Is this God?" Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "It seems..."

"Isn't that the case..."


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