This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 653: Material

"So, your illusion is Uchiha without me, and it has developed to the point of genocide?"

In the bamboo forest of Uchiha Kei's house, Uchiha Kei looked at Uchiha Shisui with a weird look, and his face became even more weird after he got a positive answer.

To be honest, he really didn't expect the effect of this illusion to be like this.

As the developer of illusion, in fact, he doesn't know much about the consequences of this illusion.

Because this illusion goes deep into the heart, allowing a person to face their deepest fears.

No one knows this fear, because everyone's situation is different.

There are various fears deep in their hearts, so it is impossible for even the caster to fully understand what this illusion will become.

But speaking now, Uchiha Qi suddenly discovered this technique, which seemed to be somewhat similar to a certain technique in his memory.

Although it was just developed, it was simply to guide the subject to overcome their inner fears.

But now, through Shishui's description, he found that this technique seems to have improved a lot!

Completely immersed in illusion, facing the most fearful thing in the heart, and sinking into it and unable to extricate oneself.

This is almost exactly the same as finding the happiness you need in your heart and completely sinking into it in the infinite monthly reading!

I am afraid the biggest difference is that Uchiha Kai performs something that makes people afraid, while Infinite Monthly Reading is something that makes people happy.

But in essence, they are still very similar.

"Is it possible that the characteristics of this illusion are created because of the characteristics of these eyes?"

The reincarnation writing wheel eye, strictly speaking, is a key medium used to display the infinite moon reading.

Only by relying on these eyes, can the Infinite Moon be read and displayed in a true sense.

Uchiha thought about it, he felt that the illusion that he created inadvertently fits the infinite moon reading, and coupled with the characteristics of his own double reincarnation eyes, it will create such an effect.

It's just that when he thinks of this, his eyes towards Zhi Shui are full of sympathy.

Without myself, Danzo lives, without the help of Uchiha in the Nine Tails Incident, the fourth generation died...

This is basically all the scenes in the original work. This illusion is to realize Shisui's inner fear, and let him be the savior himself, which will naturally block Uchiha Kai.

Under such circumstances, Uchiha Shisui can only rely on his own judgment to complete the "mission" he has given him.

And what this guy does is really...

"I know what you're doing, it's really sad."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, Shishui had already reported everything to be reported.

"Sure enough, I knew back then that you guys were nothing at all. Instead of trusting you, I might as well trust myself."

"Sorry for disappointing your lord." Uchiha Shisui didn't refute anything, he half-knelt on the ground and buried his head very low.

"I made the worst choice. Even in the illusion, although I obtained the power of a kaleidoscope to write a wheel, it can't make up for the sins I have committed."

Uchiha Qi stared at Shisui, to be honest, he also felt a bit of a headache now, he really didn't expect that illusion would make Shisui replace Itachi.

And, in the absence of a kaleidoscope, I did such a thing.

Through Shishui's narration, Qi is not surprised at all that Danzang made the final choice, you don't have enough power to make people afraid, why should I agree to your request?

Besides, you have already committed such a crime, wouldn't it be better to just die?

"Forget it, at least you know what you can do in the face of such a situation."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, he didn't want to talk about this with Shishui at all, it didn't make any sense.

"Hizhan Sarutobi told you, my plan, right?"

"Yes, my lord, I already know." Uchiha Shisui nodded, and when he opened his eyes, he suddenly turned into a pair of kaleidoscopes: "I will fully cooperate with your plan, and I will definitely complete all this!"

"Confidence is a good thing, but you also need to be careful because my plan is more than that."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then he handed a new document to Uchiha Shisui.

"Take a good look at the content here. My real plan is here. There are two documents in it. Read it carefully and remember it well. This is an opportunity, a very good opportunity."

"Yes, my lord." Zhi Shui nodded, and he knew that it wouldn't be easy.

According to what he knew about Kai Uchiha, this adult probably would never tell Hiruzen Sarutobi all his thoughts.

Even if the third Hokage knew something, what he knew would never be complete.

Shisui will absolutely execute Uchiha Kai's orders. When he actually started to read these documents, he found that he was too naive!

Shishui was full of cold sweat when he saw these two plans. On the one hand, he did not expect that the world would be so terrible, and on the other hand, he did not expect that Uchiha Qi would actually make such a plan.

"Have you read it?" After waiting for about ten minutes, Uchiha Qicai said slowly.

"The potential plan was planned many years ago, because of your relationship with Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, so we decided to try it out. I just didn't expect the development of the situation to be beyond imagination, so I and Fuyue Patriarch put this Everything is complete."

In fact, the potential plan was set from the beginning, but some of the contents were too cruel, such as the relationship between Shisui and Itachi and Sasuke, which was completely the result of their laissez-faire.

Of course, these things don't need to be known to Shishui.

Taking a look at Shisui's thoughtful look, Uchiha Qi continued: "As for another hidden plan, you have seen the reason. Now the entire ninja world is facing huge trouble, in order to let all the ninja villages in the ninja world be in great trouble. To be able to unite, at least warm up.

The existence of that organization is very necessary, especially Kenta also needs the tailed beast Chakra, which is in line with the current actions of that organization. therefore....."

"So I need a reasonable reason to enter that organization, cooperate with the organization's actions, and investigate all the personnel and ultimate purpose of that organization."

Zhi Shui nodded seriously: "I understand, Lord Qi."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, what I need is to cooperate with them." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Because the actual value of that organization is very high, unimaginably high. So you are not the first to be inserted by me. There are also quite a few people who are our own. But to avoid exposure, I can’t say much, you just need to know…”

"You're not alone..."


After Shishui left, Uchiha Kai remained alone in the bamboo forest.

He was thinking about some questions, such as Zhishui, who was in the illusion, whether it was right or wrong to make such a choice in the face of such a situation.

From different people's perspectives, they naturally look at problems differently, and get different results.

At least from the perspective of Kai Uchiha, he really couldn't accept this.

It's not that he can't accept the demise of the Uchiha family, but that he knows that there is no power to deter him, and people like Danzo will never let him go.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked aside and said, "After listening for a long time, it's time to go out? When did you still have the habit of eavesdropping?"

"It's really sharp. I don't have the habit of eavesdropping. It's just that you happened to be teaching that little guy a lesson when I came here."

Obito slowly walked out of the bamboo forest. He was wearing a Konoha ninja uniform without a mask. He was obviously facing everyone as 'Uchiha Lin'.

"Are you going to put this kid in the Xiao organization? Can he do it? Also, what's the situation with the illusion he said?"

"He turned on the kaleidoscope, don't you know?" Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "With the protection of both eyes, I believe that as long as you handle it well, he will be a very useful person, our own person. As for him The performance in the illusion.... I think you know, he killed all the clansmen, without me."

"Hmph, such a ruthless guy, you still keep him? And then throw it to me?" Obito's face was not very good-looking, he shook his head helplessly: "If it was me, I wouldn't do it. That kind of choice. Believe in Danzo, and then wipe out the entire family. This kid really thinks he is you, and you probably wouldn't do it otherwise, right?"

"Of course, it's meaningless to not talk about these things. Those things will never happen, because Danzo died long ago, and the family has changed." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "This kid is handed over to you, fine. Use his power."

"Do I need to make some special preparations?" Obito raised his head suddenly, his voice becoming a little gloomy.

Then, the guy stretched out his hands and made a circle, and then the two hands seemed to be pulling on the rope, although it looked like it was pulling hard.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai suddenly had a big head, and he felt that Shishui, this guy, helped Uchiha Itachi bear the blame.

And in the original book, Obito was not very satisfied with the so-called Uchiha clan, and he also assisted Itachi to complete the task of extermination in the real night of extermination.

Now, Obito is still on the old path except for some irreversible factors, but after being forcibly dragged back by Uchiha Qi, he is about to become a 'just friend'.

He loves Konoha deeply, and as a member of the Uchiha family, he also maintains his pride and pride in this family.

Now facing a person who was forced to choose obediently and annihilate the entire family in the illusion, it is really strange that he has a trace of goodwill.

"No need, although this guy is a bit stupid, his essence is not as bad as he imagined." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Just treat him normally, but his school grades are much better than yours, so he should be smarter than you. A lot?"

"Please, what's your school grades? It's just as good as you were back then!" It's okay not to talk about this question, but when I talk about this area, I suddenly feel uncomfortable: "Although I'm at the bottom, but you're not the same? Well, I know Now, I will find a way to guide this kid, really, this guy is a trouble."

"It's really troublesome, but I don't think it's a bad thing." Uchiha Kai smiled: "He's from Konoha, you and him... Maybe we can have something in common."

"Forget it, this guy and we are not in the same class." Obito shook his head decisively: "And his dangerous and childish ideas and practices, I can't understand and agree with. By the way, let me tell you. One thing, Orochimaru may be joining that organization."


Uchiha Kai couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. The last time Payne ran out to invite Orochimaru, he was accidentally interrupted by Kakashi, and then he arrived again.

This matter can be regarded as nothing, but he will not forget the group of guys, who intends to invite Orochimaru to join the Akatsuki organization.

Now, although Payne was driven away by himself and may even be left with no psychological trauma, this guy's work probably won't stop.

Like recruiting new members, he will never stop.

As for this guy's attitude towards his own Uchiha Kai, this has nothing to do with him.

He still needs this guy Nagato to continue to work hard, otherwise who will mess up the entire ninja world, who will let him collect the chakras of those tailed beasts for him?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai shook his head, Nagato has always been a tool man, so let him maximize his value.

"Orochimaru is also my person. For now, I don't know what he will become in the future." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Besides you, Shishui, and Orochimaru, I don't know. In addition to the guy with a specific position, there is another person I will send in in the future, your task is very heavy, really heavy."

"Is it very heavy?" Obito was a little puzzled, but he could see that Uchiha Qi didn't want to talk about this topic, so he skipped it for the time being: "Forget it, let's not talk about this question, I will give you what you want. You brought it."

"Oh?" Uchiha Kai's eyes lit up slightly: "Those Bai Jue's bodies? Haven't they been discovered?"

" I will do things, you can rest assured." Obito's face showed a proud look: "Those guys didn't even know what happened to them, and they were already locked in the Shenwei space by me. After that, I used illusion to control them, and now it's all up to you."

"That's good!" Uchiha Kai laughed at this moment: "Well done, now I have the materials."

Bai Jue's body, this is the key material that Uchiha uses to resurrect himself.

In particular, what this guy Obito brought him was all living bodies, which made Uchiha Kai unhappy?

With these materials, as long as he leaves enough genes of his own, maybe he can even be resurrected with full strength through reincarnation and reincarnation!

Death, although it is not good to talk about it all the time, it is also very important to make all preparations and prevent micro-death...


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