This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 647: Ghost Shark's Home

Uchiha Kai really doesn't think Uchiha Fuyue has the ability to open his own eye of reincarnation.

But he didn't say anything. He clearly told Uchiha Fuyue that he wanted some key information about turning his eyes into reincarnation eyes.

The first point is that you need your own eyes to reach the level of eternal eyes, and then you need the Chakras of Indra and Asura, and then after life and death considerations, you finally reach the point of reincarnation!

He didn't deceive people, or he didn't bother to deceive people at all, and the method he gave was definitely the most correct way!

However, this road belongs to Uchiha Madara, the route that Uchiha Kai also planned to take.

It's just that in the end, due to various accidents, he deviates from this path, but this does not mean that this path is wrong.

Even all his own preparations in the early stage were carried out according to this path.

So he really didn't lie, as to how far Uchiha Fuyue can go along this road.

Uchiha Qi said that he didn't know, and he was not optimistic at all, after all, his eternal eyes were not his own.

Uchiha Kei didn't ask what was going on with Hyuga Aya's side, but it wouldn't be too much trouble or problem.

She has already untied the caged bird, and now her strength has advanced by leaps and bounds to an unimaginable level.

In addition, she has no lack of combat experience, all she needs is time to adapt to her own strength.

In this state of Hyuga Aya, Uchiha Kai doesn't think Hyuga Hizu can really do anything, unless you are not afraid of retribution from Uchiha.

After chatting with Namikaze Minato for a while, Uchiha Kai also chose to leave.

They still have a lot of things to deal with now, both inside and outside the village.

In fact, there are not too many people in the village that they need to worry about, but some things still need to be resolved.

For example, those interest groups hidden behind the three generations of Hokage who are fanning the flames all day long and trying to change the status quo.

At the same time, Uchiha Kai also intends to start the first step of the potential plan.

There are a lot of things that need to be done outside the village. The first is the construction of Ninja villages in the two countries of the country of tea and the country of waves, and the second is to send back the hostages they captured in Wuyin Village.

That's right, although Kiriyin didn't come to Konoha for trouble, they still proposed a related redemption plan.

The value of these two guys, Terumi Mei and Onitan Manzuki, is obvious.

In addition, although the ghost lamp clan is a little lonely, but they have survived the stage with soil and have not died, and their influence is still there.

Therefore, the two of them will have to pay a high price to redeem them, and Konoha is also willing to negotiate with them.

I am afraid that except for those in the research department, it is more unpleasant. After all, Terumi Mei, a double-blooded ninja, has a great research value.

The other departments of Konoha have basically reached an agreement, and it is useless for them to be upset.

The handling of this matter does not need Uchiha Kai to worry about it. Even if Minato Namifeng intends to let him contact Kirigakura, but in the end Kan Kai is not interested, so forget it.

But no contact is no contact, and it is still necessary to meet some people.

After leaving Namikaze Minato's office, Uchiha Kai came to the forest behind the Uchiha clan alone.

It didn't take long for the dried persimmon ghost shark and the ghost lamp full moon to appear in his sight.

He really needs to meet these two people, especially since he still has some things to tell and arrange, such as what happened after negotiating with Kiriyin.

"Master Kai."

The dry persimmon ghost shark walked behind Uchiha Kai and bowed very respectfully, while the ghost light full moon shrugged indifferently, and then called out.

"Minister Qi."

"You guys are here, then I'll tell you some things." Uchiha Qi didn't have the idea of ​​wasting time, he said directly: "Kirikaku has contacted Konoha, intending to redeem some important things but kept them for various reasons. The people in Konoha. Manyuki, you and Terumi Mei will probably be returning to Kirigaka soon."

"Oh? The thing over there is over?" When Man Yue heard the words, her brows couldn't help but pick up: "I think about it, Shuiying won? No, Wuyin took the initiative to contact you, so it should be Master Yuan who won, right? "

"Neither." Uchiha Qi smiled and shook his head: "The fourth generation of water shadows was controlled by a mysterious Uchiha with a writing wheel. After he discovered this situation, he immediately mutinied, forcing the controller back to let the water The shadow has returned to normal. So it is said that Suiying and Yuan Shi both won and lost a black mouse hiding in the sewers."

Obito is his own person, Uchiha Qi will not scold him, and this guy Hei Jue is really a mouse hiding in the sewer!

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't get close to that guy at all, and for now, this guy was still useful, otherwise he would have killed this guy long ago when he opened the eye of reincarnation.

Don't think that Kaguya has helped him open the reincarnation eye, and he will be full of gratitude in his heart, not to mention the purpose of this woman, just saying that she wants to read the infinite month in the ninja world again will not let Uchiha Kai agree!

"Is it under the control of a Uchiha?" Ghost Lamp Manyue's face was full of weirdness. His first reaction was whether it was Uchiha who did it?

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was unlikely. After all, it was impossible to control the water shadow all the time and stay in Konoha all the time.

Could it be that the guy did it?

Soon, he thought of the person who wore a mask and went to Sandyin Village with them on a mission.

But as soon as the idea appeared, he shook his head and rejected it directly.

Kai Uchiha once joked that that guy was going to control the village of Hidden Kiri.

But Man Yue didn't believe it at all, just because of that guy's IQ and concealment methods, if he didn't get discovered for a week, it meant that Wuyin had collapsed to the extreme!

"Yeah, it was controlled by a Uchiha." Uchiha Qi nodded: "That guy played with me a lot, but I won't say more about these things, maybe I will explain it to you in the future, after all, I There are also people lurking inside."

"Che, don't say it, it doesn't matter." Man Yue shrugged his disdain, and then he continued: "So, when will I leave Konoha? After I leave, how will I keep in touch with you?"

"Snake, I will teach you a psychic technique at that time, rely on psychic technique to contact me." Uchiha Qi thought for a moment and said directly: "As for when to leave Konoha, it depends on the progress of the negotiation, and also It's up to you how much your village is willing to pay. But I think you should be able to leave by the end of next spring."

It is now in October and November of Konoha's fifty-three years, and it is about to enter Konoha's fifty-fourth year.

A lot has happened this year, but the harvest is obviously bigger.

Ghost Lantern Manyue silently counted the time, and he immediately knew that the negotiation between Wugakuin and Konoha should have started recently, otherwise it would not be possible to delay this matter until next year.

Thinking of this, Man Yue nodded, and when he thought of being able to meet Wu Hidden, he was still a little excited, but after this excitement, he was a little disappointed.

"What? Looking at you, you still don't want to leave Konoha?" Uchiha Qi kept looking at the full moon, and he could naturally see his subtle emotional changes, which made him laugh.

"It's a pity, because I haven't completely figured out some of the systems and ideas here." Man Yue didn't have the slightest pretence, he directly admitted some of his thoughts at this time: "But it doesn't matter, probably me too. I learned it, and if you help me after I go back, do you believe that I will simply continue to come to Konoha to pester you?"

"Please, how can you be a water shadow like this?" Uchiha Qi shook his head amusingly: "You should stop joking, as long as you become a water shadow in the future, in order to ensure the interests of the land of water and the land of fire, we will naturally good help."

"Understood, then I'll go back first." Man Yue nodded: "Thank you for your information, it seems that I'm going back to take care of that woman Terumi Mei, you should have something else to talk about, then I'll first Goodbye."

After speaking, Ghost Lantern Manyue glanced at Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark and Uchiha Kai, then turned around and left the place.

The ghost shark stood in place and did not move, he was waiting for new instructions from Uchiha Kai.

He didn't feel that Man Yue was going to go back to Wuyin Village. He had to say that there was only blessings left for this guy.

He doesn't plan to go back, nor will he ever go back.

Even if he heard what Uchiha Kai said before, he still had some guesses in his mind, but such guesses didn't make any sense to him.

Even if there is no such betrayal, he will not feel like he is in Konoha now in Wuyin Village.

"Okay, that guy is gone, now let's talk about some other things." Uchiha Qi looked at the ghost shark calmly, with a slight smile on his face: "How are you doing recently? How are your siblings getting along?"

"Not bad, they are all good people." The ghost shark also showed a smile: "And I decided that I will accept this kid Jizhu as a disciple. I will teach him well and make him an excellent ninja."

"Is that so..." Uchiha Qi frowned, this is not such good news.

It is not a rare thing for a ghost shark to accept a disciple, but the key problem is that this time is not very good.

Because in the next stage, he intends to let the ghost shark leave Konoha and enter the Xiao organization!

Whether it was before, his purpose was to get Madara Uchiha, and by the way, he was going to get rid of Kaguya.

He still intends to use the combat power of the members of this organization to help him with mobile-tailed beasts, etc. He is planning to infiltrate people into this organization.

Orochimaru is one, Ghost Shark is one, and even Shishui is one of the people he wants to put into that organization.

The usefulness of this organization is too great to imagine.

It's not enough to have only one Obito to be the boss temporarily, and more of his own people must be in this organization to reassure him.

It's a good thing that the ghost shark has a bond with Konoha, but it's not good news to accept a disciple at this time, no matter how you look at it.

"What's the matter, Lord Kai?" The ghost shark naturally noticed the change in Uchiha Kai's expression, and his eyes immediately became serious: "Is there a mission?"

"Well, there is indeed a task, but it should be in a year or even two years." Uchiha Qi estimated the time, and finally said slowly: "This is a long-term task, and you may even have to leave Konoha for a long time. You have to be mentally prepared."

"Leaving Konoha...for a long time?" The ghost shark's face suddenly became a little ugly, but he has a very high ninja quality, he took a deep breath and asked: "What task, the specific situation Can you speak to me?"

"Of course, but you have to do some mental preparation." Uchiha Ki nodded, then checked his surroundings before slowly opening his mouth: "There are two parts I want to talk about, the first part is the organization you want to join in the future. , what they are going to do and their purpose. The second part is why I want you to join this organization and dormant, you must listen carefully, and when I finish speaking, I will set a seal on you, all of which are very important."

At this time, the expression of the ghost shark also changed slightly. Although it is not uncommon for Uchiha Kai to take such a serious attitude, it is really rare.

It is completely conceivable how troublesome this task I may have to take on.

However, the ghost shark didn't make a sound, and he listened to Uchiha's words honestly.

Sure enough, when Uchiha Kai started to tell all this, the face of the ghost shark completely changed.

He finally knew now why he had to be sealed after listening to this information, because the content was so terrifying!

"These..." For a long time, after Uchiha Qi finished speaking, the ghost shark couldn't bear it any longer and asked directly, "Are these true?"

"Of course it's true, I won't joke with you because of this kind of thing." Uchiha Kai sighed slightly, then his eyes closed slightly, and he opened them again, which were already a pair of scarlet reincarnation eyes!

His voice was still but his temperament had completely changed at this time: "I think this should prove a lot of things, after all, those guys really come and the whole ninja world probably won't It's better. So I need some people, while destroying the plan of that organization, integrate that organization, and also rely on that organization to integrate the ninja world!"

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"I understand." Ghost shark took a deep breath and nodded seriously: "I will participate in this plan, but I need some time, I hope that before I leave... I can teach Jizhu something more. . . . that kid....not yet."

"No problem, if there are no accidents, you should be allowed to join that organization in a year or two." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly: "And don't worry, there are other people in that organization besides you. ."

"Is it Uchiha who was on a mission with me last time?"

"Ah, yes. He's also a member of that organization, and to some extent, he's still the leader of your organization at this stage."


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