This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 640: Duel with Namikaze Minato

Namikaze Minato was finally persuaded by Uchiha Kai.

However, rather than persuading, it is better to consider the actual situation of the entire ninja world, plus the strength shown by the three Uchiha Kai, as well as the recognition of the nine tails and so on.

It was only when Namifeng Minato had to agree with Uchiha Kai's plans and ideas.

First of all, the ninja world is really too complicated, and even if they can unite in the current situation, it will definitely make this alliance full of intrigue.

The Five Great Ninja Villages ruled out Kiriyin, everyone wants the position of commander-in-chief, and everyone has a reason to get this position.

In fact, according to Namikaze Minato's own thinking, that is, he can take a step back when necessary.

But he didn't dare to say this sentence, some things can be backed down, but some things can never be backed down.

It's not about him alone, it's about all the Konoha members behind him, and even the country on fire.

In other words, since it's all for the ninja world, what's the problem with being led by the strongest?

Why do you want Konoha to take a step back, then you won't do it yourself?

In addition to this reason, the strength of the three Uchiha Kai and their plans for future improvement have not only been recognized by the nine tails, but also by him.

The eyes of reincarnation are scary enough, and now they have mastered a pair of them in Konoha, and they also have a pair of reincarnation eyes!

Namikaze Minato didn't know what Tenseisen meant, but this fellow Kuo knew.

Under his explanation, Minato Minato understands that Tenseisen is the final evolution of Baiyan, and these eyes and Samsara Eyes are on the same horizontal line!

Having these two pairs of eyes really gave Namikaze Minato a great sense of security.

Although he has not seen the power yet, and also knows that these two pairs of eyes need to be honed.

But at least they have the sharpest weapon against those Otsutsuki, don't they?

As for Imai Kenta?

Using the special physique of the Qianshou clan, and this guy's learning of the wooden escape, he can perform the Chakra fusion of the tailed beast, so as to achieve a chakra similar to the ten-tailed chakra whose weakening properties can be controlled?

Seriously, if this plan came up before, Namikaze Minato would never agree to it.

But now, he feels that he can't think about it.

There are two reasons why it could not be considered before. The first is the physical quality of the Chakra sealer. The second is that although the tailed beast Chakra has no consciousness, it also has the instinct of a beast. It is difficult to say whether there will be a runaway situation.

But now, Imai Kenta doesn't need to think too much about the physical quality of this guy. This guy is from the Thousand Hands family and has also learned Immortal Art and Wood Dun!

Once, Namikaze Minato was thinking, giving this guy time to grow, can he grow to the level of the original purpose.

And this time Kuo was sure of this, although he hated Chishou Hasuma so much that he passed this hatred on to Imai Kenta.

But he is very honest, he told Namifeng Minato that although Imai Kenta has not reached that level, but this guy has this potential.

As for the chakra runaway?

Not to mention Kenta Imai's physique and his strength, will these chakras run wild.

Even if it goes berserk, there are many people who can deal with the tailed beast in Konoha.

That being the case, as long as Kyuubi himself has no opinion, then Namikaze Minato also has no opinion.

The only trouble is that the nine-tailed beasts are distributed in different Ninja villages, and it is definitely not an easy thing to get their chakras.

What's more, Feng Shui also knows one thing, that is, whether he agrees or not, I am afraid Uchiha Kai will help Imai Kenta to complete these things.

This guy can be said to be very handy and skilled in attacking other people's villages and grabbing what he wants.

In addition to these two points, it was a few other things that really made Minato Namikaze make up his mind.

The first is that Uchiha Kei said that he saw Otsutsugi Yumura, and according to the fact that these two people did not hesitate to work with their mother to save the world.

If those Otsutsuki really came, I am afraid that the two of them would inform Uchiha Kai as soon as possible.

The second point is that Konoha currently has a lot of reforms to do, which also takes time, and develops its own strength to an unmatched level.

When the time comes to fight against those Otsutsuki, it will definitely not be just the Five Great Ninja Villages, Konoha needs more companions.

The third point is about the Akatsuki organization. Obito worked so hard, he couldn't let his efforts be completely in vain. If those guys are really strong enough, maybe they still have value that can be used.

The last point is that Uchiha Kai and the others also need time to improve, and only by doing their best can they have the greatest hope.

"What I didn't expect was that Obito had already lost."

Standing in a forest in the land of fire near the border of the land of tea, Uchiha Qi recalled the information passed by the shadow clone, and he couldn't help rubbing his brows in distress.

Uchiha Kai stayed in Konoha as a shadow clone, but even so, only a few people knew about it.

These people may be because they don't want trouble, and at the same time they show respect for Uchiha Kai. They didn't hide anything, and they acted according to their normal behavior in the past.

Therefore, when the shadow clone disappeared, Uchiha Kai's brain immediately received all the information that the shadow clone had received in the past few months.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai's trip to the moon has strengthened him in all directions, and his escapism has also been unbelievably improved.

And Yin Escape acts on the mental power, so the huge amount of information returned to his brain, it only made him a little absent, and he recovered after a while.

And this information included Obito who came to Konoha to look for him before, but what disappointed Obito was that Konoha was just a shadow clone.

But Obito also shared this information with him and Minato Namikaze, just like the fact that he accidentally revealed his footsteps and was discovered by others.

Speaking of this, it's also quite interesting. There was no problem with Obito's control of the water shadow at the beginning.

After all, that guy Ao has already been killed by Uchiha Qi.

In this case, to be precise, without the existence of white eyes, which can see the fluctuation of illusion, Uchiha Qi felt that Obito should be able to control the water shadow for a longer time.

However, what he never dreamed of was that because of what he had done, he had dug a hole for Obito.

For more than three years, Uchiha Qi killed five patriarchs by himself, but these five guys are not joking.

Although they were all dead, they also let some of their own guesses leak out.

Although their guesses are a bit nonsense, for example, they don't think there is any mysterious organization at all.

But he did guess some things, for example, the person who attacked Kiriyuki and Yunyin was Kai Uchiha.

Based on this guess and judgment, they determined that Suiying absolutely reached some agreement with Konoha, so Master Yuan hibernated and silently accumulated strength.

But after his accumulated strength reached a certain level, he began to attack and investigate the water shadow.

What Uchiha Qi never thought of, a member of a certain Shirai clan who performed tasks together in the country of waves back then became the biggest variable.

He was not hit by Konoha's ninja, and got a message from Naoki Shirai and chose to return to Kirigakushi.

Through the information left by Obito, Uchiha Qi knew that this guy not only got the golden eagle, but also mastered the entire Shirai clan by some means.

That is, he discovered the existence of Obito and others.

He appointed Yuan Shi and quietly used his golden eagle to monitor the Shuiying office.

In the end, he really found some amazing things, such as Obito and Hei Jue!

With this tone, with such a discovery, the Master of Nature will not sit still.

He immediately sent perception ninjas to investigate all this, and the final result made them even more angry!

That is, they found that Shuiying was innocent, and he had no connection with Konoha at all.

And the reason for all this is because he was controlled by illusion!

The reason for the control is also very simple, that is, when the third generation of water shadows became a human pillar force, because they had to fight with the tailed beast, they were finally taken advantage of by people and directly controlled.

After discovering this information, Yuan Shi couldn't sit still, so he quietly gathered all his strength and brazenly launched a mutiny a month ago.

Is the final result...

Kuro never wanted to be too revealing, and after Obito had done enough irreparable damage to Kiriyin, the two of them left together.

However, Yuan Shi and the others did not find Konoha, because they were all confused now.

Because the one who controls the water shadow is also a pair of shackles, and he is controlled to fight with another holder of the shackles, he has not forgotten this.

It is because of this that they doubted their previous guesses.

Could it be that there is a mysterious organization with a powerful enough Uchiha in it?

Isn't that Uchiha Kai?

What exactly is going on?

Master Yuan and others couldn't understand this at all, but he knew that it was really not the right time to find trouble with Konoha.

What they have to do now is to quickly deal with the problems of their 'home'.

After being harassed by soil for so many years, their 'home' is really in dilapidated condition now.

Except for the foggy thing, everything else is fairly stable.

This ninja world is calm, even if there are small movements, it will not hinder the development of Konoha.

While Konoha keeps his own stability and strength, he is also actively helping the country of waves and the country of tea to recover.

In addition to money, Konoha's help is also a very straightforward decision to help them build a Ninja Village!

This is a long-term job, and everything is going on in an orderly manner, but now it seems that these two places need to be accelerated.

"All in all, Obito failed a lot earlier. To put it bluntly, I cheated him. Other than that, everything else is going on normally."

While integrating this information, Uchiha Kai looked at Namikaze Minato and thought silently.

"Anyway, it's good news. Forget it, let's take care of what's in front of you."

What Uchiha Kai has to do in front of him is to have some discussions with Namikaze Minato.

This is what Namikaze Minato himself requested, because he wanted to make a final confirmation, that is, what power does the Samsara Eye really have.

At the same time, he also wanted to try it out to see how effective the 'Tailed Beast Chakra Mode' that he and Nine Tails had studied for so long.

Before that, Namikaze Minato had never tried it. First of all, he had not learned it thoroughly, and secondly, he didn't know who was the right person to look for.

As for now, he thinks that he can try it out with Kai Uchiha. Although he and Kyuubi are still lacking in synchronization, it is not impossible for him to give it a try.

Anyway, Uchiha Kaito already has the eye of reincarnation, so he shouldn't be afraid of this kind of training, right?

What's more, in order to ensure the safety of both parties, Namikaze Minato also deliberately called Imai Kenta, Hyuga Aya, Uchiha Tomitake, as well as Hinata Hizu, Kakashi, and Jiraiya all over.

This guy Jiraiya has already returned to the village, although there is a high probability that he passed by Konoha and came back to check the situation.

But now that he is back, Watergate will naturally not make him too comfortable.

In addition to government affairs, he won't bother him too much, and it's not a big deal to invite him to help.

Just like this competition, of course, in order to ensure his safety, Namikaze Minato also intends to tell him some of the information he has obtained after this competition.

Whether it is the eye of reincarnation, a mysterious organization, or those big tube trees from aliens!

"It looks like Kai, you're ready." Uchiha Kai, who was not far from Minato Minato, had a smile on his face: "But be Kurama all said that this time he I will do my best to cooperate.”

"I know, there is a high probability of wanting revenge, right?" Uchiha Kai also showed a smile: "Whether it was in ancient times or when Konoha was established, he was not less controlled by Uchiha. Uchiha Madara is also good, Whether that idiot, or the Fuyue Patriarch, they have all been controlled one after another."

"More than..." Inexplicably, Minato's face became a little embarrassed: "He also said that although he doesn't care that much now, it was your bastard's bad idea that caused his body to be divided into three points, he wants to Take revenge. Sorry, that's what he said."

"It's okay, I don't care what a beast.... a fox." Uchiha Kai shook his head without caring at all, and then a little chakra appeared in his eyes: "Ready, but. ...let's warm up first?"

The words fell, his eyes had become eternal eyes, and at the same time, six hook jade appeared on the body under his clothes, and the immortal chakra just bloomed in an instant, allowing him to enter the fairy mode!

"It seems that you have really gained a lot during this time, but you shouldn't have gone to Ryudi Cave, right?" Minato Namifeng didn't forget that Uchiha Kai lied to himself at the time: "If it wasn't for the trouble this time, you Are you going to tell me this?"

"Yes, I really don't plan to say it." Uchiha Qi had nothing to hide, he nodded and said: "After all, this matter is too involved and too complicated, and it is a good thing that one less person knows. "

"I think you want to hide your strength, right? Forget it, let me see what your strength is. I have never played against you before."

"We'll see, Captain Watergate..."


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