This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 605: The Power of Riot (Part 2)

The situation of Kai Uchiha is not so bad now, but it is definitely not as good as Kenta Imai thought.

At the beginning, as Hyuga Aya's immortal chakra entered his body, the discomfort caused by the separation of the curse mark immediately got a lot of relief.

Hyuga Aya's immortal chakra is indeed very different from Orochimaru's spell seal, because compared to Orochimaru's spell seal, her chakra is more peaceful but more aggressive!

To put it simply, the spell seal seems to have a good enhancement in mental strength.

This is more suitable for Uchiha, but it has no effect on Uchiha Kai.

And this kind of strengthening is a fatal flaw in the face of people who are not firm in their will, or who have insufficient power to master Yin Escape.

It can make a person go crazy, become completely insane enough to think he is invincible.

This is very obvious whether it is Sasuke, who is the first curse mark, or the guy named Chonggo, who is the provider of the curse mark.

In the same way, there is no way to reflect such characteristics in Uchiha Kai's body.

Because his Sharinyan has reached a very high level, the characteristics of the curse mark can't affect him at all!

Sasuke in the original book is actually similar. In the later stage, he completely mastered Susanoo, and he was not affected by the power of the curse mark.

Even his use of the spell seal is quite good, and he can cover the spell seal on Susanoo.

It can be said that Susanoo like that is already in the category of celestial arts.

However, Hyuga Aya's celestial chakra has little impact on the spirit. Its performance is very peaceful, and it has not caused any changes in Uchiha Kai's heart at all.

But the difference is that it has had a considerable impact on Uchiha Kai's body, and even Chakra seems to be extremely active with their entry!

If it's just such a change, then he can completely ignore it.

He has experienced similar changes many times, and it can be considered as a lot of experience, especially since he has experienced the pain of the curse mark.

Although there are some low-intensity reactions this time, this reaction is much lower than the curse mark.

What's more, the pain caused by the curse mark at that time was nothing to him, not to mention this time.

But the problem is not just a little bit!

If this is the case, then his actions this time can be performed with perfection.

Maybe it's because the Immortal Chakra still comes from Hyuga Aya, which obviously carries her unique chakra.

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And these chakras unexpectedly triggered the power of those Tenseigans in his body!

The chakras of these Tenseigans were originally quite stable in his body, although they were not as showless as Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

But their role is more to silently improve his body, making the Yang Dun power in his body even bigger.

But now, these Tenseisha Chakras actually felt Hyuga Aya Immortal Chakra, and then began to move inexplicably.

In such a situation, Uchiha Qi himself is inexplicable. These chakras came from Hyuga Aya. Why did she have nothing to do, but there was a strange change in his body?

Is it because those chakras are not active in Hyuga Aya, but they are very active here?

Indeed, compared to the other two, these chakras in his body can really be regarded as extremely active.

And now, such activity seems to have become even more exaggerated!

After those immortal chakras entered the body, they were directly attracted by the chakra of Tenseigan, and then the two quickly blended together.

This kind of interweaving speed is very slow, and the immortal Chakra seems to resist the Chakra of Tenseigan, and the two unexpectedly stalemate together.

Strictly speaking, Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra are almost at the same level of power.

But even if they belong to the same level, the differences are very large.

Even ordinary chakras have quality differences, even people.

When Uchiha Qi just got the Eternal Eye, he didn't even think he was better than Uchiha Madara who just got the Eternal Eye.

The same is true for Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra. Although they are of the same level, they both surpassed the ordinary Chakra level and reached a new extreme power.

But in terms of quality, I am afraid that the power of Tenseigan Chakra is stronger.

After all, that huge Tenseigan has definitely experienced three fetal movements, otherwise it would not have been possible to recover the blown moon with such extreme power of Yui Otsutsuki!

And Hyuga Aya's Immortal Chakra, I am afraid that I have used it for a few years, maybe three years or so is the limit.

How could this kind of power compare with others who have accumulated Tenseisen for thousands of years and are still complete Tenseisen?

Sure enough, this stalemate didn't last long, and the Immortal Technique Chakra seemed to be unable to resist the power of Tenseisen at all, and began to devour it continuously.

And Uchiha Kai's body also continued to bloom with the chakra fluctuations that belonged to Tenseigan, and the green light was particularly prominent on his body.

"This...Damn, this is not right!" Uchiha Kai felt this scene, and he was really anxious.

If this damned Tenseigan Chakra devours the Immortal Chakra, then his plan will really be in vain.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai felt that he really couldn't keep staring, he had to do something.

Taking a deep breath, he did not block the chakra absorption link between himself and Hyuga Aya. Although Tenseigan Chakra was devouring Immortal Chakra, the speed was not fast.

He can rely on Hyuga Aya's Chakra to form a certain accumulation, and at the same time give him greater assurance!

"These two powers have reached a new extreme. Using my own chakra, or the power of the pure eternal eye, is obviously impossible. The best way..."

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath: "Naturally, it also surpassed the ordinary chakra power, and even reached a certain extreme. For example, the blood snares, if you have the blood snares, you can absolutely control them perfectly. But.... ."

But unfortunately, Uchiha Kai does not have that ability.

And Hyuga Aya is not Naruto. Naruto has only been practicing immortality for a year, but he uses the method of Miaomu Mountain that has been accumulated for thousands of years.

By cheating to reach the realm of the six realms, he will be able to use the simple use of blood to bring the soil to the gray face.

It can be said that even if Naruto's immortal mode is a beginner, he has reached an extreme.

And Hyuga Aya is a wild way, she does not have the care of the Holy Land, nor does she have much accumulation, and she does not even have a teacher like Jiraiya to teach and help.

All her achievements depend on herself.

Naturally, her power could not be against Obito, but such a situation was most in line with Kai Uchiha, and he wouldn't complain.

And even if there is no blood following the net, he is not without other abilities to replace it!

Thinking silently, black and white appeared in his subject and quickly condensed.

"I didn't expect that this power would be in use so soon, I hope there will be no problems."

Silently thinking, when the black and **** completely condensed into a black irregular substance.

Uchiha Qi felt all of this, and then he slowly controlled these substances, moving towards the place where Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra converged.

The Yin-Yang Escape is one of the most difficult parts of the Blood-Second Snares. To be precise, the Blood-Seconds Snares is the product of the final combination of the five chakras and the condensed Yin-Yang Escapes.

The combination of these two forces created the most terrifying blood snares.

Although according to the level of power, the blood snares are probably still in the same stage as the immortal arts, but the gap is still very large.

But it is still possible to use the Yin-Yang Escape as a sign, while pulling the Chakra of Tenseigan, and pulling the Immortal Technique at the same time!

However, when this force of yin and yang escape really intervened, Uchiha Kai found that he seemed to take it for granted.

His yin and yang strength can indeed reach against these two forces, so that the swallowing speed between them stagnates.

But it can't do any traction at all, it can only be regarded as isolating the intersection of these two forces.

And because of the continuous impact of these two forces, it seems that some problems have begun to occur in the yin and yang escape forces he condensed.

Originally, Uchiha Qi didn't have a good grasp of the power of individual stocks, and he himself didn't know how and why they merged.

Therefore, when he was condensing Yin-Yang Escape, the degree of completion was not very good, and the speed of condensing might not meet the requirements at all.

The most likely situation is that his yin and yang escape forces are crushed by these two forces, but the new yin and yang escapes have not yet successfully converged.

This situation made him frown, and it was obvious that the trouble was beyond his imagination.

Originally, he thought he could handle this matter, but now it seems that he is ignoring the Chakra of Tenseigan, his preference for the power of the Hinata clan.

"I made a mistake. I thought that this force would be so calm and nothing would happen, but now it seems..."

Uchiha Kai sighed quietly, this can be regarded as a disaster.

Although Tenseikan was not too calm before, it can be said to be honest in his body.

Even mobilizing the power of Yang Dun and exerting influence, making it more and making Uchiha Kai stronger.

But all of this was silent, plus the previous spell seal was also the category of Immortal Chakra, and there was no abnormality in Tenseigan Chakra, so he felt that there was no problem.

The ghost knows why, as soon as Hyuga Aya's Chakra came in, these forces began to riot.

"The most important thing is that it is impossible for me to focus on condensing Yin and Yang all the time. Although this is good for me, it will affect my actions in other areas too much. Damn, the Yin and Yang that was condensed before is the only way. How long will it take to be washed away?"

Uchiha Qi felt that the yin and yang escaped in the power of Tenseigan and the power of immortality, and it had begun to fall apart, and he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately gathered a lot of Yin-Dun and Yang-Dun power, and he decided to directly expand the Yin-Yang Dung that he had 'assembled' before.

Then the next moment he was stunned, because he found that the power of his yin and yang was like the smell of blood in the sea, which actually made both Immortal Chakra and Tenseigan Chakra riot.

They actually began to frantically compete for these two forces to improve themselves, resulting in their unintegrated yin and yang being unable to reach their destination at all!

Such a change made Kai Uchiha's face gloomy.

The power that did not accept his control was definitely not the power he hoped for.

He originally planned to slowly tune these immortal chakras, and he didn't plan to do anything if the chakras of Tenseigan were still quiet.

But now, he would never like such a power in his body if he didn't obey his commands and was not under his control!

"You like making noises, don't you? I want to see how far you can make noises!"

Psychologically ruthless, Uchiha Qi directly controlled the Yin Dun and Yang Dun in his body and began to rotate, and at the same time his body also let go of Hyuga Aya's hand.

Tenseigan Chakra and Immortal Chakra are indeed in a situation where the power devours the weak, but they are essentially the same level of power.

In this case, Uchiha Kai decided to let them consume themselves!

Devouring is impossible for them to devour, but he can try to lead them to attack each other, and let them attack each other until one of them disappears completely.

"Fortunately, the Immortal Chakra is not too much, and its attention does not seem to be on my strength. Tenseisen Chakra is smaller, although it is of high quality, it also attracts attention. Then... ..."

Uchiha Kai's face quickly turned pale, and if he controlled his unskilled power too much, he would naturally have a certain negative reaction.

This is not a problem, but in the outside world, Imai Kenta has already come over and is ready to treat Uchiha Kai at any time.

It's a pity that Kai Uchiha didn't know all of this. He still focused on controlling his own power, and let Yin Dun and Yang Dun begin to try to wrap these two disobedient forces.

His luck was good. Although those two forces were not completely enveloped, they could definitely accomplish what Kai Uchiha wanted to do!

Without the slightest hesitation, he began to control these two forces to rotate, and collided towards the other end together.

However, in order to prevent their two forces from colliding and causing much physical damage, Uchiha Qi carefully controlled the two forces and attacked each other's tails.

Attack the weak with the strong, and attack each other in a loop.

"Huh? This is... what's the situation?"

It's just that this kind of operation was very good at the These two forces began to nibble and weaken each other under the control of Uchiha Kai.

Then these two forces are full of the power of yin and yang, and they seem to have sensed the purpose of Uchiha Kai.

It's just that they consumed a lot, and there was no way to break free.

As a result, their collision began to become slow, and even began to become weak, and finally, slowly, they began to provide each other with their own strength to each other!

Although these two forces have certain differences in strength, they can allow the other party to continuously absorb their own strength to achieve a cycle.

At the same time, we are constantly improving ourselves, both in quality and quantity!

What Uchiha Qi didn't expect the most was that the power of yin and yang seemed to be following their cycle, and slowly began to blend and combine at the place where they met.

Moreover, a real yin and yang escape was formed!


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