This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 588: A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

As Hyuga Kaoru said the last sentence, Hyuga Aya finally let go, and Hyuga Kiyohiko also fell to the ground.

He, who had fallen into a semi-consciousness, fell directly to the ground and his head hit the ground heavily.

However, it seems that the sound created by this collision also instantly made Hyuga Xun's already completely desperate mood a little bit back to his senses.

She quickly ran to her child's side, hugged her hands and covered her neck, and began to gasp for breath, Hyuga Kiyohiko, her face also showed a feeling of the rest of her life.

"Don't pretend to be so pitiful, you brought it all on yourself."

Aya Hyuga didn't take this deep love between mother and son at all, and her tone was still calm and indifferent.

"From the first moment you came in and saw me, I knew you were definitely a murderer. Don't lie to me by saying that you are attracted to the attention of your child for the first time. If you really love him, you will Don't do this kind of thing!"

Indeed, the first time Hyuga Aya saw Hyuga Xun enter the room, she basically determined that this woman was the one who poisoned her.

It's very simple, because Hyuga Nissari said that no one knew about the poisoning of Hyuga's feet except her and Hyuga Nissary!

But the first time this woman came in, she didn't have the slightest curiosity when she saw the face of Hyuga Hizu, who had transformed into Hyuga Aya, was so pale.

Although she was indeed attracted to her child at the first time, as the life steward of Hyuga Hizu for more than 20 years, her behavior is very unreliable!

Without the slightest concern and without the slightest doubt, it was as if it should be so!

If she is a qualified housekeeper, even if she notices her child, she will take the initiative to ask her employer what is wrong.

You must know that Hyuga Ripa is really good to her, and it can even be said that her trust in her is not low at all, otherwise, Hyuga Hinata will not be handed over to her to take care of.

It may be in sympathy, but no matter what the mood is, if this woman has a problem, she has a problem.

Hyuga Aya will not have such sympathy, even if this woman is separated.

"You're not the patriarch, are you?"

Hyuga Kaoru sat on the ground with her child in her arms, looked at Qingyan whose face had gradually softened, and finally raised her head to look at Hyuga Aya.

"I have served the patriarch for more than 20 years, and he would never do such a thing. Who are you?"

"Not bad? If you had such a reaction just now, maybe I was really deceived by you."

Hyuga Aya chuckled, her voice had changed back to her original voice, and at the same time a puff of smoke appeared on her body, but she returned to her original appearance in just a moment.

"Concubine, Hyuga Aya."

"It's you..." Hyuga Xun's face became extremely ugly. She stared at the girl in front of her and said: "No wonder, I am afraid that you are the only one who can attack a child so unscrupulously!"

"You should thank me, at least you and he are not dead yet." Hyuga Aya looked down at Hyuga Kaoru: "At least, when the matter is over, we won, and your children don't have to die. Do you think we lost? , are you and your family still alive?"

If Hyuga Hizu and the others fail, I am afraid there is no need to talk nonsense at all. No one who participated in this incident will survive!

Hyuga smoked poison on Hyuga's feet, especially since this order probably involved a lot of people.

No matter what the purpose is, this matter cannot be easily exposed, so the easiest way is to kill all the participants!

Hyuga Kaoru and Hyuga Motoji, 100% no one will survive!

And after they die, is it possible that this Hyuga Qingyan can still survive?

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you now, give me the things." Hyuga Aya looked at the unpredictable Hyuga Xun and snorted: "Anyway, you are all going to die, I don't mind letting you and your children go to the Pure Land to wait first. Your husband, then I will slowly search your body or your home. Even if I can't find it, can't I fake poison? You only have ten seconds to think, you make a decision."

After saying these words, Hyuga Aya calmly looked at the mother and son in front of her with her arms folded over her chest.

Ten seconds of consideration is definitely not a long enough time.

But Hyuga Aya didn't have that time to spend with her.

What's more, Hyuga Aya didn't plan to spend it with her, she had already started to adjust her breath and chakra.

It is true that Hyuga Aya can be sure that the woman in front of her and this woman will give her what she needs, but he will never fail in the performance he should do!

Hyuga Kaoru sighed slightly, since she had already explained everything, she had no choice.

Glancing at the child with fearful eyes in her arms, she reached into her pocket with trembling hands and took out a small paper bag: "This is the poison they gave me, it's all here."

"That's all?" Hyuga Aya took the poison, and then handed it directly to Hyuga Nisiri: "Is there nothing else?"

"No more." Hyuga Xun's expression also became extremely indifferent: "Do you think they will give me more for a small character like me?"

"Indeed, you still have some self-knowledge." Hyuga Aya nodded, and the next moment she stabbed Hyuga Xun on the back of the neck with a knife.

Hyuga Xun didn't react at all, and the next moment she fainted, and Hyuga Qingyan in her arms was startled.

Just seeing Aya Hyuga's cold eyes as if looking at a dead person, and made a mute gesture to him, so that he didn't dare to make any sound.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Hyuga Nisari could only sigh slightly, without any intention to stop it.

He feels that his mind is a little confused now, and this kind of betrayal can really make people uncomfortable.

"I really didn't expect things to develop to this point." Hyuga Nissari shook his head: "Family love is indeed a very worthwhile point. I really didn't expect them to be so maddened."

"So I made people look at my family from the beginning." Hyuga Aya said calmly, and then she looked at Hyuga Risari curiously: "What are you going to do next?"

"I'll explain it to the patriarch." Hinata Nisaka glanced at the unconscious woman on the ground, and the completely dumbfounded Hyuga Qingyan shook his head: "It seems that the patriarch can't do anything..."

"Don't test me, Kai and Kenta will have a solution." Hyuga Aya glanced at Hyuga Risari, and then said flatly: "And, even without the two of them, I can do it."

Hyuga Aya naturally has a way, the existence of Yang Dun can completely erase the troubles of those toxins!

Not only Hyuga Hizu, even Hyuga Aohiko, who is panicking now, Hyuga Aya believes that giving her time, she can make this guy recover!

But she doesn't have the spare time now. If everything is handled properly, she may be able to save this little devil based on her own interests.

But now?...

"You're here?" When Hyuga Risari had completely left, Hyuga Aya suddenly turned her head to face the shadow beside her and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Your family is safe, please I'm not so stupid." Imai Kenta slowly walked out of the shadows, glanced at the unconscious woman and a frightened kid on the ground, he couldn't help but smile: "You look like this, in the future How can you be a mother? I'm afraid Qi should think about it carefully, right?"

"Shut up, I do things with measure." Hyuga Aya snorted coldly, and then continued to ask, "What about other situations?"

"That gang of old guys, those are the scumbags. They decided to take advantage of the fact that the body of Hyuga Hizu has not recovered, and immediately kill him. People who have been in charge of the family for many years can only think of such a strategy, really ridiculous."

A look of disdain appeared on Imai Kenta's face: "Moreover, they seem to want to do something to your family, but they have some scruples, but it doesn't matter, I'm right there."

"It looks like the wooden clone is really useful."

"Of course. Qi has not really mastered the wood Dun until now. Do you think it's easy? By the way, how are you going? There are quite a few of them, especially those from the roots."

"It's not that he didn't master it, he just didn't study it seriously. As for me..."

"Naturally it's a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!"


"Oh?" Uchiha Kai gave Sarutobi Hizan a strange look, and then said with some amusing: "So obviously tell me what you think, do you think I will believe what you said later?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Sarutobi Hizan took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then said slowly: "Don't you think that I invited you here to do something to you? If you really want to do something, the family will There won't be just one root, and my kids and my grandchildren are all at home."

"Sometimes, one person is enough." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "For example, I alone can destroy all of you."

"That's why I didn't do that kind of meaningless thing." Sarutobi Hizan sighed slightly: "Your power is like a ghost, and I seem to have only seen it when I was young. I don't think I can do anything about it. To deal with you, so I won't do stupid things easily. However, Minister Qi, don't think that there is really no one who can't deal with your own strength."

Uchiha Qi looked at Sarutobi Hiizan calmly, and suddenly he showed a slight smile.

Indeed, it is not that there are no people who can deal with him, nor is there no power that can deal with him.

The meaning of this guy Sarutobi Hiizan is actually very obvious. I am afraid he has always kept a technique to deal with himself, right?

Not surprisingly, this technique may have caused Orochimaru to suffer a big loss. If it hadn't been for the Kusanagi sword to stab Sarutobi Hizen, I'm afraid that I would have a big problem with the 'corpse ghost seal', right?

The ghoul seal is indeed scary, but how scary?

Although it is said that Sarutobi Hiizan is on the verge of death seven years later, his physical strength, chakra and energy have reached an all-time low.

But the Orochimaru he faced was not a guy who had undergone several reincarnations. The two of them were almost neither of them, and they didn't take much advantage.

In the face of such an Orochimaru, Sarutobi Hiizan can fail, so seven years ago, in the face of Uchiha Kai, who could be considered to have surpassed the limit of the ninja, was his ghoul seal really effective?

"Lord Sandaime, the idea is good, but it's not so optimistic when it is actually implemented." Uchiha Qi shook his head slightly, and then he took the initiative to pick up the teapot and poured some tea for both of them slowly. : "I can read the sealed book, but I haven't really acted."

"For you, I'm afraid it's better to go through the documents of the Thousand Hands Clan than to read the book of seals." Sandaimu Hokage shook his head, and then unceremoniously held up Uchiha. He put the tea in front of him: "You need to learn about etiquette. You have a high authority and behave in a disciplined manner. Why not learn something that can improve your personality?"

"I think the way I pour the tea is fine." Uchiha Qi gently blew the steam from the teacup: "Maybe there is something wrong, but it may have something to do with the environment I lived in since I was a child. The things around me are not so troublesome and complicated, maybe I will study this kind of thing well.”

"If you have a chance, try it." Sarutobi Hiizhan took a sip: "This is very beneficial to personal cultivation and tolerance, especially when standing at the pinnacle of strength and power, you should have such an attitude. Row."

"Then, Lord Sandaimu, can Danzo have such an air?"

"Are you trying to make me angry on purpose?"

Sarutobi Hiizhan glared at Uchiha Kai fiercely, then simply lowered his head and drank tea slowly.

Obviously, Shimura Danzo is a very tangled existence in his heart.

And Uchiha Kai's words also made him feel a little stinging in his heart.

The reason why Danzo has become that person and ghost is angry is that his actions are really inseparable.

Because he knew too much what Danzo was thinking, and he had no intention of giving up his Hokage position at all.

He can only cut off the possibility of Danzo becoming Hokage in various senses through some other means.

Among them, the only anger and fear left in the hearts of everyone in Konoha is one of his methods. For this reason, he does not hesitate to let Danzo hold huge power in his hands.

His plan was very successful, and his old friend was completely But even if he was depraved, he never thought that his old friend would die in the infighting and die like that Terrible!

"Danzo, he is indeed a person who is disrespectful and dignified, but he holds great power." After a long time, Hizan Sarutobi sighed slightly: "I made him become like this, and I made him degenerate. I have a lot of responsibility for his death, but you did kill him."

"I killed him naturally for my reasons." Uchiha Kai shook his head, his face was calm, but his heart was already messed up.

This old bastard, really want to talk to me?

Otherwise, he wouldn't admit so simply that Danzang was essentially the fact that he was tricked by him.

It's just, is it really suitable to come and talk to yourself, especially at this time? Especially this time?

"Let's play chess with me." Sarutobi Hiizhan put down the teacup, and then said slowly: "While drinking tea, playing chess, and chatting with me as an old man, I think Minister Qi can take these out no matter how busy he is. time?"

"Okay, if Lord Sandaime is interested..." Uchiha Qi thought for a moment, then simply nodded.

He seems to have guessed some Sarutobi Hidden thoughts, but this still needs to be determined.

However, in his heart, the evaluation of this old man could not help but rise to a higher level.

"Just, are you sure you want to play chess with me?" Uchiha Kai looked a little inexplicable: "Would you like to change to another activity?"

"Don't you think the old man's chess skills are not good?" Sarutobi Rijian raised his eyebrows: "Young man, maybe you can underestimate the old man in other aspects, but don't do this!"

"Okay, if you insist."

"I'll let you, a young fellow, know how powerful the old man is!"


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