This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 574: You look much prettier with your forehead off

"How is this going?"

I don't know how long it took, Uchiha Qi rubbed his head and got up from the ground.

The constant noise from outside the castle gate stimulated his ears, and it seemed that there should be a lot of people gathered outside the gate.

Standing up and looking at Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, who were still in a coma, Kei Uchiha couldn't help but recall it carefully.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and he immediately turned his head to look at the giant Tenseigan.

He had already remembered what had happened before, and he had caused some problems with the power to guide Tenseigan.

The ghost knows what's going on, this giant Tenseiyan suddenly became extremely active, and then a burst of chakra directly stunned them.

Uchiha Qizhen is a little baffling, what the **** is going on in this Tenseisen, and it is so aggressive.

Could it be because he extracted its chakra by himself, and let it counterattack naturally?

"It's really a headache. It seems that Aya doesn't want to use its power for the time being."

With a helpless sigh, Uchiha Kai looked out the door.

There is a sealing technique on the door of this room, obviously this guy Kenta Imai prepared in advance.

However, such a sealing technique may not have any practical effect on the people of Otsutsuki. More, it is just a deterrent.

Just to tell you plainly, we have something to do inside, so don't come in casually.

Although the people in Otsutsuki are not smart, they are not so stupid that they can't understand this kind of thing.

They are now basically gathered outside the door without forcing in, obviously just waiting.

They wait until a time when they feel that the situation inside is abnormal before they choose to act.

But this is enough, just as Uchiha Kai has woken up, it also saves them any trouble.

He helped Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, and tried to wake them up at the same time.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai seemed to feel that something was not right.

He hadn't paid attention to the condition of his body just now, and only at this moment did he clearly notice his body, as if there was a huge abnormality.

The power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun in his body seems to have increased out of thin air!

Perhaps he had just come into contact with Yang Dun's power, and although he noticed that it had improved, it was unclear what the specific changes were.

However, the power of Yin Yun was particularly prominent at this moment, even if he hadn't used the Shaker Eye, he couldn't notice it, and it seemed that his connection with Susanohuo had become even closer.

Even in this state, he seems to be able to feel the tailed beast Chakra hidden in Susanoo.

What is their state, how much they resonate with Susanoo, what is the level of fusion, he can actually clearly perceive it!

He really didn't expect such a state, and he could clearly perceive one thing.

That is the power of the shadows, it seems that they can be mobilized, and can be easily used with some illusions.

Even, it can cooperate with the escape technique!

"Yin escape and escape technique seems to have been demonstrated by Madara Uchiha, although I don't know where he learned it from. But what is certain is that both Yin escape and Yang escape can actually be used in conjunction with escape technique. Even. ... yin and yang can also escape!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi seemed a little excited, but after the excitement, he also began to think about the issue of immortality.

Madara Uchiha in the original work performed the evasion technique together with the yin dungeon. Now he can only be regarded as a little familiar with the feeling of chakra.

If you want to really control the immortal chakra, you really need to go back to the ninja world to say that he doesn't plan to use the magic seal immortal mode given by Orochimaru. He still prefers the immortal chakra of Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta. .

"However, I have such an improvement, and both of them were also hit by Chakra, what would happen?"

Uchiha Qi looked curiously at the two who were still in a coma, and couldn't help rubbing his chin, thinking secretly.

Soon, his face became a little weird, maybe because of his yin escape, plus there was this curse mark on his neck.

He found that some aspects of his perception ability have also been improved a little, especially he has also directly contacted the caged bird of Hyuga Aya.

At this moment, he was a little surprised to find that he could no longer perceive the existence of the caged bird!

"what's going on?"

Uchiha Kai hesitated for a moment, then simply ignored Imai Kenta, who was rushed to the left by the energy shock, and walked towards Aya Hyuga, who was lying on the right.

Crouching down and looking at Aya Hyuga who was still sleeping, Uchiha Kai hesitated for a while, then slowly took off the forehead guard on her forehead.

As the forehead guard was undone by him, the smooth forehead immediately appeared in Uchiha Kai's eyes.

There are no traces, nor any spells linking the eyes and the brain.

Hyuga Aya's forehead is so smooth, this is the first time he has seen such a sight on this girl's forehead.

Reaching out her hand and gently stroking it, Hyuga Aya seemed to notice this subconscious action, and she frowned slightly.

Uchiha Qi immediately woke up, and then quickly put back Hyuga Aya's forehead guard.

It's just that after he's done all this, he's a little weird himself, why would he wear it back for her.

"However, to actually clean up the caged bird, it's really a bit of an accident."

Kai Uchiha never expected that what Hyuga Aya had been searching for for so long was directly solved by the overflowing power of this giant Tenseigan?

After thinking about it carefully, Uchiha Kai can only sigh that this woman is so lucky!

The caged birds of the Hyuga clan may not have been complete since they left the moon.

And after the war and the change of years, it has become even more fragile.

In the face of Tenseigan's power, this caged bird, who has been chosen to be weak for an unknown number of times, may really not be able to withstand it.

Of course, I am afraid that the role of Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta is also obvious.

That is to help Hyuga Aya lead to that power, and to share the overflowing power for her invisibly.

That power, if you don't pay attention, may really cause problems.

Even if it doesn't kill people, it definitely won't be a situation where people are inexplicably improved as it is now, and it's more likely to be severely injured or something like that.

"Your Excellency, are you all right?"

Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, suddenly a voice came from the door, which immediately brought him back to his senses.

He knew who the owner of this voice was. It was Yosuke Otsutsuki. If there were no accidents, I'm afraid they would have waited to the limit?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply helped Hyuga Aya up and leaned against a bookshelf before walking towards the door.

He untied Imai Kenta's seal at will, and Uchiha Kai opened the door. Only now did he realize that it was already dark.

"We're fine, Your Excellency Yosuke." Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "I'm sorry it took so long to come out, I can only say that we made some minor accidents, but basically it was settled."

"Your Excellency..." Otsutsuki Yangsuke opened his mouth, as if hesitating whether to ask, but in the end he said, "Before Your Excellency Kai, were you using the power of Tenseigan?"

This time it was Uchiha's turn to be stunned, but soon he nodded directly.

These Otsutsuki have lived with this giant Tenseigan for a long time, and they are not familiar with its power fluctuations.

Therefore, they can feel that they have used the power of Tenseigan, which seems to be nothing strange.

Although it was said that Tenseigan's outbreak was caused by accident, but if it moved, it moved, so there was nothing to hide.

"Well, it did use the power of Tenseisen." Uchiha Qi nodded: "I was planning to free my girlfriend from the caged bird, seems that Tenseisen's movement is a little big, sorry for bringing it to you. Troubled."

"Release the caged bird?" Otsutsuki Yangsuke opened his mouth slightly, and finally shook his head with a wry smile.

What is a girlfriend, he doesn't know, but he guesses it's a fiancee or something?

Is it really good to just use the power of Tenseigan to directly act on that incomplete, even pulpy caged bird?

Admittedly, that thing is really not very good, but I have to admire that its core key is well preserved.

Otherwise, the descendant of Indra in front of me might have already secured the so-called caged bird, right?

Shaking his head helplessly, Otsutsuki Yangsuke said: "Actually, Your Excellency can wait for us, but we can understand your fiancee's anxiety. We once also bear the curse of caged birds for thousands of years, so we can understand. It's just Your Excellency ...You've exhausted Tenseigan a bit too much."

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi frowned: "Excessive consumption? What do you mean?"

"Originally, it should be in the afternoon, but please take a look, Your Excellency." Otsutsuki Yosuke pointed to the dark sky: "When Tenseigan consumes too much energy and has no energy to absorb, it will cut off some of the outside world. supply, and wait until it recovers itself to continue supplying.”

"Is that so?" Uchiha Ki nodded, his feelings were not dark, but the sun was extinguished by the Tenseisen.

He does know that Tenseigan provides the energy to transform all the habitable environments on the moon.

It is even more known that this giant Tenseigan will absorb the eyes of those Otsutsuki clansmen to supplement itself when the energy consumption is too large.

It's just that this Tenseigan didn't seem to hit Aya Hyuga just now. Could it be because he was controlled by him?

Also, is the power that spilled out just now so powerful? Directly make the sun in the sky disappear.

"I'm sorry for causing such trouble to you." Although he didn't understand, Uchiha Qi also knew that what he had done was not very good, and it was no big deal if he was wrong.

"Your Excellency Qi, it's nothing, after all, Tenseigan can be restored, it's just..." Otsutsuki Yangsuke shook his head: "Although we made an agreement, please don't be so anxious..."

"I know, but you promised me, even so, I said hello to you in advance this time." Uchiha Qi didn't get used to him, and said calmly: "It's you, promise me something. But it has not been delivered yet.”

"Please rest assured, Your Excellency Kai, I will give it to you before you leave. You don't need to worry about us lying to you. When you see it, you will know whether we lied to you or not." Otsutsuki Yangsuke sighed slightly at Uchiha Qi. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said slowly: "Since Your Excellency Qi is fine here, then I will leave."

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Excellency Yosuke." Uchiha Kai smiled, but soon he thought of something: "By the way, we will leave the moon tomorrow, so you should prepare as well."

Otsutsuki Yangsuke was stunned when he heard the words, and then he nodded to show that he knew that it was definitely a good thing for him that Uchiha Kai and the others were leaving!

It's just that their departure will inevitably take away some things, and those things also make him a little bit painful.

Otsutsuki Yosuke even doubted whether Uchiha Kai made this decision because he heard his words.

But anyway, it is definitely a good thing for this guy to leave, after all, the deterrent caused by this guy is really terrible.

After Yangsuke Otsutsuki left, the Otsutsugi clansmen surrounding the castle slowly dispersed.

They also basically heard the conversation between Uchiha Ki and Otsutsuki Yosuke. Apparently they are the same as Otsutsuki Yosuke. They seem calm, but they are probably very happy inside, right?

Uchiha Qi didn't bother to pay attention to them, he closed the door and returned to the room.

At this time, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya also woke up one after another, and they didn't seem to understand what happened.

"Are you awake?" Uchiha Qi walked over, and in the direction of Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, he decisively chose Hyuga Aya's side: "How do you feel, you?"

"Feeling?" Imai Kenta rubbed his head, then looked at Kai Uchiha with a neurotic look: "I don't even know what's going on.... wait, damn, we were given by that eyeball. I'm stunned! Is there something wrong with your operation, it hurts me to death!"

"It's not a problem, it should be said to be a normal situation." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "After all, although I can control Tenseigan, those Otsutsuki did not give me the real control I should be using the roughest method, and...the probability can only be used for small-scale destructive use."

"So, does this mean that we failed?" Hyuga Aya also felt a little dizzy, and she didn't have the time to check herself, and Uchiha Kai had already woken up, so just hear it.

After all, this guy is truly trustworthy.

"Failure?" Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "Forget it, after all, we were all attacked by Tenseigan. If this situation is considered a success, it seems a little unreasonable."


"But let me give you a suggestion, why don't you take off your forehead guard?"


"You know, you who took off your forehead are much prettier than you are now..."


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