This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 561: In my own way!

The inner core area of ​​the moon is very spacious. There are clouds floating in the sky, and there is a small sun in the clouds, which is slowly shining down.

Underground, you can see lush forests, quaint villages, and meandering streams. Everything is like a paradise.

However, there are also many traces of war in this core area. It looks very flustered there. Although no corpses can be seen, it can be seen with the naked eye that there has definitely been an unimaginable war here.

But on the whole, everything here looks so beautiful, it doesn't look like it should be on the moon.

It's just that the peace here was shattered by violent explosions not long ago. Such explosions made them all recall the 'Extinction World War'.

These people are all survivors of that war.

After that battle, their huge family, which originally had thousands of people, is now the only people left.

And just now, those three people made their situation worse.

They, I'm afraid they can't even fill a hundred people now, right?

Yangsuke Otsutsuki looked at the shattered barrier and the rubble that kept drifting in from the outer area, and his heart was really anxious.

Especially just now, in the place where they were hidden, the chakra that was stored here contained the huge Tenseisen from the Zong Family.

Let him realize that the battle this time has really involved the life and death of the entire family.

"Uncle Yangsuke, what's going on outside?" Just when Otsutsuki Yangsuke was extremely anxious, a young voice rang in his ear.

Otsutsuki Yangsuke couldn't help but sighed slowly when he heard this voice, and then calmed his voice a lot, and then said slowly: "It's alright, Shiren, don't worry. It's just that I encountered some small things. It's just a mouse, it will be solved soon."

The little guy in front of him is only five or six years old, and his hair color is white, which seems so out of place in their team, which are all adults, and their hair color is mainly black.

Especially this little guy has his eyes closed, but his eye sockets are sunken, obviously he has no eyes at all.

But this little guy is indeed the key to their clan, and it is the future of their clan. He is Totsuki Otsutsuki!

"A little mouse?"

Otsutsuki Sheren couldn't see anything, and he didn't quite know what his uncle was saying, but since the tone was so calm, he could only rest assured.

"Okay, since it's okay... But why did I feel a very familiar chakra just now?"

"Ah, the patriarch used the power of Tenseigan." Otsutsuki Yosuke touched Shiren's head, although there was still worry on his face, but his tone was unusually calm: "This power will be yours in the future, you want to All you have to do is get familiar with it, use it, and finally master it! Are you confident, Shiren?"

"Yeah!" Toto Otsutsuki showed a confident smile: "I will definitely do it, and I will never disappoint your uncles!"

Otsutsuki Yangsuke touched Sheren's head with satisfaction, but the worry in his eyes became heavier and heavier.

He is really worried, does this child still have a future, does their family still have a future...



The continuous roar, with the shattered islands and the incredible impact, rushed Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai, and Toru Otsutsuki into the core area of ​​the moon.

This kind of impact is unbelievable. If it were an ordinary person, I would have died directly.

Fortunately, the three of them are physically strong enough, and they also took measures to deal with it at the critical moment, so they were only slightly injured, and it was not a big problem.

"Really...this guy..." Imai Kenta rubbed his head, he looked a little embarrassed now.

"It's such a terrifying power..." Hyuga Aya looked okay, but her white kimono was also covered with dust.

"Damn, where is this place?" Imai Kenta stood up, glanced around and frowned, "Why is it so gloomy and cold? Such a feeling..."

"This is the cemetery of our Otsutsugi clan..." At this moment, a voice sounded faintly in their ears.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya immediately made a fighting gesture, but the owner of the voice was still some distance away from them. This was just a means of using Chakra.

And after Hyuga Aya put on a fighting stance, her face suddenly showed a stunned look, because her white eyes had already seen a lot of things.

Many, many pictures that made her a little stunned!

"Did you see it?" Toru Otsutsuki walked over slowly, he also looked abnormally embarrassed at this time, and there was a smear of blood spilling out of the corner of his mouth.

It's just that he didn't care about these things at all, but looked at the two people in front of him with a bit of sadness on his face: "I see those people, those buried below, right?"

"Well, I see." Hyuga Aya nodded, her face became even colder: "What's going on? They don't seem to have died naturally."

Hyuga Aya in Immortal Mode has super perceptive ability, and she had noticed that the atmosphere in this place was a little weird.

But before she could examine it carefully, she was attracted by Toru Otsutsuki.

And now with the help of the fairy mode, her white eyes have completely seen everything around her clearly.

This is simply a cemetery, and it is unknown how many corpses are buried under this land.

The most important thing is that these corpses have serious fractures, and even many corpses are incomplete!

Obviously, they definitely experienced a terrible battle during their lifetime.

"Yes, because some of them are fighting for their dreams, ideas, and visions for the future." Toru Otsutsuki said in a flat voice: "The other part is for their own selfish desires, for someone who is not worthy of trust and protection at all. things, and the guys who imposed these on us. But everyone is the same family, and we will bury them after death."


Hyuga Aya didn't understand what he said was the so-called imposed things that were not worthy of protection and trust, but she obviously noticed something interesting.

"You are a split clan, right? Hyuga on the moon... No, the Otsutsugi clan also splits the clan and the clan, right? And you, the clan, defeated the clan?"

"Corrupt things will inevitably sink into the quagmire of history. There is no doubt about this. If we win, it will be a victory of justice!"

Toru Otsutsuki's voice became a little excited at this time, but he soon calmed himself down.

"The descendant of Otsutsuki, you who have white eyes used to be one of us, but now you have a surname that doesn't belong to you. Go back, go back to the embrace of Otsutsuki, and we have a way to get you what you want everything of!"

"You know, what do I want?" Hyuga Aya frowned, and Imai Kenta raised her eyebrows, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Especially when he noticed that there was no trace of a caged bird on this damned guy's forehead!

what's going on?

Don't some of those guys from before still keep it on their foreheads?

Why isn't this guy on his head?

Did he just lie?

Imai Kenta clenched the ninja sword tightly, he watched all this silently, he didn't speak or say anything.

If it was before, he would probably be ready to attack Hyuga Aya as soon as possible, but now it is different.

"Of course I know!" Toru Otsutsuki showed a smile, he raised his head and said loudly, "Is there a caged bird? You have a caged bird on your forehead, right? As a member of the family that was once separated, how could I not feel it? Something like that on you? How could I not know what happened to you?"

"But there are no caged birds on your forehead. The people who died in our hands before are still on their foreheads." Hyuga Aya frowned, and her tone seemed a little unsure: "Why should I believe your words, If you can figure it out, why can't they? Or do you think I'm so easy to deceive?"

"Good question, it's not that we don't want to, it's that you don't have to give us time!" Toru Otsutsuki thought of those dead kinsmen, his face became ugly again: "We have spent many years researching, improving and Mastering the power of Tenseigan has finally had a gratifying effect in the near future. We have carried out three operations in total, and I was the first member of the group to untie the caged bird. As for the people who died in your hands, you did not give them time, no Give them time to enjoy this freedom!"

Speaking of this, Otsutsuki Toru's Chakra started to stir uncontrollably.

The terrifying chakra seemed to distort the surrounding space, and the terrifying pressure rushed towards Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

But he didn't do anything, and still stood there indifferently, looking like an invincible **** of war.

Hyuga Aya's expression became a little inexplicable, no one knew what she was thinking at this moment, but her eyes looked very scary.

"Now, the time is up to you." Toru Otsutsuki's long black hair fluttered with the chakra hanging in the wind, he looked at the two in front of him indifferently, especially Hyuga Aya said: "Your friends, that The descendant of Indra is indeed very strong, but that's the end of it, he can't be an opponent of Tenseigan. Remember, there is not much time left for you!"

"I understand." Suddenly, Hyuga Aya showed a smile, and then the chakra on her body slowly disappeared, and Imai Kenta, who was a little wary, said: "If I join you, when can I lift the caged bird ?"

"Soon, because we will definitely carry out the fourth operation in the near future." Toru Otsutsuki's voice did not waver at all: "You joined us, and you will naturally get this opportunity!"

"Aya, you..." Imai Kenta seemed to be in disbelief, and his voice trembled as he asked, "How could you make such a choice, Kai..."

"Don't be fooling around, my purpose from beginning to end is to understand the bird in the cage, whether it is to kill Hyuga Twilight actively, or to cooperate with you." Hyuga Aya walked step by step towards Otsutsuki Toru: "It's also for this. I'm here for the purpose. This is probably God's will, right?"

As soon as the words fell, Imai Kenta suddenly slashed at Hyuga Aya, and the strong blade was directly behind Hyuga Aya!

Toru Otsutsuki did not do anything, but was indifferent as if watching a farce.

And Hyuga Aya seemed to have known for a long time that Imai Kenta would make a move. The next moment, a real lion appeared in her hands, blocking Imai Kenta's blade!

The two were fighting together at this moment, and their movements were very fast, incredibly fast!

And the two didn't mean to keep their hands at all, they almost used the most vicious way to attack each other's flaws.

Toru Otsutsuki stood quietly in the same place, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, the children of the separated family, whether it is the ninja world or the moon, their ideas are always the same perfectly.

That is they want to get out of the caged bird, eager to feel the breath of freedom again!

Toru Otsutsuki had long felt the girl from Hyuga, and there were traces of a caged bird on her forehead.

Although compared with what I used to be, I don't know how much weaker it is, but this kind of thing is really not so easy to be cracked!

But no matter how difficult it is, in front of the power of Tenseigan, all this can be easily resolved.

He didn't lie, the Otsutsugi family did crack the caged bird after years of research.

And it is indeed divided into batches, releasing the shackles of the clansmen.

It's just some people, Hyuga Aya and the others didn't give them a chance.

Sighing slightly, a trace of guilt flashed across Otsutsuki Toru's white eyes.

He has long hated the three people who invaded the moon, and he has no idea of ​​cracking the caged bird for Hyuga Aya. He simply wants them to bite the dog!

Such a practice is extremely despicable and shameless, which is completely contrary to the education he has received all year round.

But now he doesn't bother to care so much anymore. The big deal is that after this girl from the Hyuga family dies, it's better to bury it in their family cemetery.

Suddenly, Hyuga Aya seemed to be unable to resist Imai Kenta's offensive, and she was kicked out.

And the trajectory of her flight is best to fall on the side of Toru Otsutsuki, but she quickly turned over and stood up, once again condensed the terrifying chakra in her and Imai Kenta also sprinted. When she came to her side, the terrifying knife with azure blue Chakra slashed at her fiercely!

Seeing this scene, Toru Otsutsuki showed a smile, this girl, I am afraid that this is the end.

Just the next moment, his face suddenly changed!

"Xianju, Soft Fist, Sky-Cracking Palm!"

Suddenly, Hyuga Aya turned around, and the palm with her strongest chakra and blending into Hexianshu suddenly slapped Otsutsuki Toru's chest fiercely!


Otsutsuki Toru did not expect this scene at all, and he immediately took action to deal with it.

However, behind Aya Hyuga, the descendant of Asura who was about to slash fatally disappeared for no apparent reason, and Toru Otsutsuki suddenly felt an unspeakable pain coming from his heart!

He lowered his head slightly, the tip of a ninja knife had penetrated his heart, and scarlet blood was dripping from the tip of the knife!

"Indeed, my dream has always been to get rid of the caged bird."

As Otsutsuki Toru was dying, Hyuga Aya's cold voice echoed in his ears.

"Whether it's killing my fiancé, collaborating with Kai and Kenta, or coming here, my purpose is always clear. Maybe it's God's will."

"However, I don't need you to get all this. I have my companions, I have my friends, and I have my lovers. Do you think I will give up these hard-earned feelings?"

"I want to be free, and I will use my own way to get all this with my own hands!"


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