This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 552: Orochimaru

Uchiha Qi took the lead in stepping into the silver passage in front of him, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya followed quickly without any hesitation.

As soon as they stepped in, a strong gravitational force came, forcibly pulling them towards the sky.

It wasn't too fast at first. In just a few seconds, they had turned into three black shadows, and then every second passed, the speed doubled again.

Strangely, the three people in the passage did not feel that their speed had changed at all, and all the sights in front of them had disappeared, leaving only a vast expanse of white.

After an unknown amount of time, the three of them felt their bodies sink at the same time, the white light disappeared, and there was a barren land in front of them.

"This feeling is really amazing." Hyuga Aya glanced at the surroundings that were completely different from the previous environment, and couldn't help but sigh.

Although she was emotional, she was not too surprised. She had experienced flying thunder gods several times, and she had seen Imai Kenta's flying thunder **** many times.

Even knowing that for Imai Kenta and even Namikaze Minato, everything just now was incredible.

But she is not a space ninja, she doesn't need to get involved in these things too much.

"It's really amazing, but it's also very mysterious." Imai Kenta recalled the feeling just now, and then he shook his head not to worry, but looked at everything around him. "This is the moon, how does it feel different from the imagination? Too much the same."

"Don't you think there will be some kind of Qionglou and Yuyu, and there will be no grass everywhere?" Uchiha Qi glanced at everything around him, but he was not surprised by everything here.

Everything here looks the same as the original in memory, probably the only difference is that it is not so shabby.

And it doesn't seem to be that big. Thinking about it carefully, this so-called moon is actually just condensed by six immortals using earth-blasting stars.

It is naturally impossible to compare with the celestial body of Uchiha Qi's previous life, but reaching this level can fully see how terrifying the Six Path Immortals are.

"Forget it, why do you think so much, let's deal with the things at hand first and talk about it!"

Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, his pupils slowly rotated, and Sangou Yu's blood was red and demonic.

"Everyone, I'm afraid it won't be easy for everyone next, and it's not even possible to take care of each other, so let's all get serious. Kenta, give me the seeds."

"Understood." Imai Kenta made a seal with one hand, and then two seeds appeared directly in his hand. "You know how to use it. My last seed is left here."

"No problem." Uchiha Kai nodded. "You have to keep your good shape. If we get into trouble, you are the only one who can take us away."

Kenta Imai's mouth twitched, but he still nodded to show that he understood.

Indeed, he knew that his mission was very important, knowing that in this ghost place, they couldn't even find Namikaze Minato to rescue him.

Although there is a feeling of being pitted, he is too lazy to say anything.

Uchiha Kai said the danger is because they haven't really touched it yet.

Unknown enemies are dangerous, but when you actually come into contact with them, you can really know whether they are dangerous or not.

Being cautious is never a problem, the ninja's worst fear is swelling.

"They're here." At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly said, but her expression looked a little weird. "Are you sure, the person above is a guy with white eyes?"

"I'm sure, what's wrong?" Uchiha Kai asked inexplicably.

"Then why do they control puppets?" Hyuga Aya became more and more strange. "The number of control is very large, and the control accuracy is also extremely high. I am afraid that the group of puppet masters in Sandyin Village are not as powerful as them, right?"

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head. He seemed to remember that those Otsutsuki really still played puppets.

When the Otsutsuki Toto lived alone, didn't he control a lot of puppets to take care of himself, as well as the captured Hana and Hinata?

So now this group of guys will use puppets, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

But just using puppets to deal with them, isn't it a bit too contemptuous?

"Let's try it out and see who moves faster?" Imai Kenta suddenly smiled and said directly.

"Boring, you two." Hyuga Aya shook her head, and her face became a little dignified. "Not only are the puppets, but the people who control the puppets are also here. Through observation, it seems that it is indeed a blank eye, which is really incredible!"

"It's nothing incredible, just treat them as your ancestors. Or, people who retain the most primitive ability of the Hinata clan." Uchiha Qi twisted his neck, "Did the people who control the puppet also appear? Where? ?"

"In the front left, about 300 meters, there are six people. There are also ten people in the front. There are also four people on the right." Hyuga Aya said, "What should I do now."

How to deal with it?

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, what else should be done.

I'm afraid that group of guys didn't even think about wanting to talk to them, right?

From the attitude of Totoro Otsutsuki towards ground ninjas in the original book, and now these guys have directly caught Orochimaru.

It is completely conceivable that these guys have always maintained a kind of arrogance towards the ground ninjas in their hearts, and at the same time they are eager to clean up the ground ninjas.

Such people, Uchiha Kai doesn't think they have a chance to talk.

"Kenta, you are in charge of the people on the left, and I will deal with the front." Uchiha Kai said directly, "Aya, you are in charge of the right. If there is a problem, move closer to me, understand?"

"Hey, don't I need your support?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, but he didn't talk nonsense and moved quickly to the left.

He knew that what he said was in vain, because he was the only one who mastered Fei Lei Shen.

If there is really big trouble, I am afraid that he will appear directly beside either Uchiha Kai or Hyuga Aya.

Looking at Imai Kenta's back, Uchiha Qi turned his head and glanced at Hyuga Aya, and could see that this woman seemed a little fanatical.

That kind of high-spirited expression was really not fake, so he didn't have much to say.

"Be careful, you know?" Uchiha said calmly.

"Don't worry, if the situation goes wrong, I will run towards you as soon as possible." Hyuga Aya smiled, "Little brother, don't worry about Senior Sister, although Senior Sister may really be different to some extent. Go on you, but I also mastered the fairy mode, you will suffer a big loss if you underestimate me."

After saying this, Hyuga Aya turned around and left.

Aya Hyuga was wearing a kimono-like outfit today, but this outfit was obviously modified for combat.

This way of wearing is somewhat similar to the way of wearing Hyuga Hana that I have seen before Uchiha Kai crossed.

But the difference is that her clothing color is white, which looks more elegant.

Looking back, Uchiha Kai looked at the puppet troops that had gradually emerged in front, and he walked straight forward.

"Who are you! Ninjas on the ground?"

When Uchiha Kai gradually approached the puppet army, a voice came from behind the puppet.

This voice sounded full of air, and judging from the voice line, it should be a middle-aged person.

It's a pity that Uchiha Kai can only hear the voice, but can't see anyone.

"Forget it." Uchiha Qi said as he walked, at the same time he stood up with the index and middle fingers of one hand, and the huge chakra was already rising into the sky.

"The fire escapes the fire and extinguishes it!"

There is no nonsense, when Chakra is ready, his technique also burst out at this moment.

Uchiha Qi launched the attack without hesitation, and a sea of ​​fire rushed towards the puppet in front of him.

I don't know if the other party was not prepared enough, or if he didn't take Uchiha Kai seriously at all.

In an instant, these puppets were directly shrouded in a sea of ​​fire, and the black smoke had begun to spread upward.

The most important thing is that in his writing wheel eyes, Chakra, who controls these puppets, is also broken at this moment.

These puppets lost control in an instant and completely became the nourishment for Uchiha's fire escape.

A fire escape actually caused such destructive power, which really surprised him.

Are these guys that weak?

Or are they really not paying attention to people who run to the moon at all?

But no matter what kind it is, it's a good thing for Kai Uchiha!

"You are courting death yourself, you can't blame others!"

The eyes were slightly empty, and in the scarlet writing wheel eyes, three hook jades spun rapidly.

In just a moment, a pair of eternal kaleidoscopes have completely condensed in his eyes.

Pulling out the cut jade from his waist, he directly crossed the sea of ​​​​fire with a flash, and appeared in front of the Otsutsuki clan.

In the dungeon in the center of the moon, Otsutsuki also looked at the pale man in front of him with scars all over his body but maintaining a weird smile, a disgusting feeling on his face that he couldn't bear.

The person in front of him really made him sick.

He has really never seen such a person whose soul is extremely unstable, and is extremely male-oriented, but his body is female.

This is not the most critical, the most critical is that this guy's mouth is also very hard.

If you ask him anything, he won't answer. Instead, he will look at himself with the eyes of a guinea pig!

A prisoner, a person whose life and death are completely controlled by them, actually looks at himself with such eyes?

Such an attitude Otsutsuki Ya also really hates in her heart, she didn't kill this pervert simply because she didn't get the information.

This does not mean that Otsutsuki Ya won't really know how to do it!

Orochimaru raised his head weakly and glanced at the guy in front of him, then he lowered his head with a sneer.

He really didn't take this so-called Otsutsuki Ya in his eyes, even if he did lose and was caught.

"At most, the body and the soul left in the body are lost. Fortunately, this technique has been completed. And I also have other preparations."

"However, I don't know how the two women are now."

"Master Orochimaru, when are we leaving?"

A month ago, in a shelter near Konoha, Orochimaru was sitting on a chair and dealing with things.

At this time, a pair of mother and son came to his side. He spent more than two years to find the mother and son in the country of grass. They are all orphans of the whirlpool family.

And after finding them, Orochimaru spent half a year experimenting. Now is the time to send the two of them to Konoha, to Uchiha Kai's hands.

"Don't worry, act quickly."

After Orochimaru wrote the last word, he then summoned a snake with his hands in a seal, and he said after putting the letter in his hand in the snake's mouth.

"Let's go in a week, but you still need to wait here. I'll take you to Konoha in a week."

"Master Orochimaru, do you want to leave?" Uzumaki Xiangcai heard the meaning of Orochimaru's words, and asked curiously, "Then me and Xiangling"

"There is enough food and water here, and there are enough seals around to protect you." Orochimaru stood up and said hoarsely.

"Don't think that I'm not going to Konoha secretly for you, you can't come out and seal. You are my trade goods with Uchiha Kai, of course, I will also be responsible for your safety, wait well, you can exchange for freedom."

After saying this, Orochimaru set off.

He was surprised to discover the traces of the ancestors of the Hinata family that Uchiha Kai told him in his early years.

In fact, he noticed it very early, but later the clue was disconnected at a lake, and he had other things to deal with, so he put this matter down for the time being.

But recently, he seems to know how to deal with those strange lakes with strange powers.

After leaving the seclusion place, Orochimaru came directly to the mountain.

However, in order to avoid some trouble, he specially let himself leave a lot of breath.

These breaths are just for the convenience that if something happens to him, someone will be able to find just like Uchiha Kai.

In particular, he wrote a letter and handed it to the pharmacist. This letter specifically stated that it should not be destroyed. The purpose was to let Uchiha Qi come to track him in case of an accident.

"Everything is ready, let me see what the so-called ancestors of Hyuga have left behind."

Orochimaru stood by the weird lake and couldn't help licking his tongue. Then his hands quickly formed a seal, and he suddenly felt a strange chakra traction.

He has spent a lot of time studying this lake, and he naturally knows how to deal with these things.

When the lake reflected an avenue to the sky, Orochimaru stepped into it without the slightest hesitation.

When he came to this place through this passage, he discovered that everything here was beyond his imagination.

Although he didn't know where he was, he was keenly aware that he was probably no longer in the world of ninjas.

Because of everything he left behind in the ninja world, everything connected with his chakra lost contact.

However, what surprised him even more was that just after he showed up, he was attacked by a ninja with white eyes!


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