This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 538: unusual wound

"I said, why are you still so calm?"

On the way to the Konoha camp, Kenta Imai's face is not very good-looking Uchiha Kai.

After reuniting with Uchiha Kai, and learning some interesting information from him, Imai Kenta's face became unsightly.

Especially after knowing the family secret technique of the Baijing family, as well as some of the most likely abilities.

He really blamed Uchiha for not starting cleanly, but after thinking about it, he did not continue this topic.

After all, such an escape method, I am afraid that few people can understand it.

To completely integrate oneself into a special large eagle, and it can also be chakraized, this way is really unexpected.

However, considering that this does not really prevent death, and Uchiha Kai had beat him to a mortal state before.

Even if this guy runs away, he will definitely not live long, and even if he survives, he will be a waste.

But considering that this guy passed on the information, this made Kenta Imai very upset.

Seeing that Uchiha Qi didn't care about him at all, it made him even more upset: "You exposed it, why don't you do that?"

"So what if it's exposed?" Uchiha Kaiman smiled indifferently: "Normally, this news shouldn't be passed on.

Moreover, back to Kiriyin, in that extremely closed situation, how did they spread it to the outside world?

Even if it comes out, as long as Hokage-sama denies it, what kind of trouble do I think I will have?

Do I need to worry? "

"You bastard..." Imai Ken opened his mouth too much, and finally closed it.

Uchiha Kai didn't seem to care, he knew why.

Without discussing whether this guy Shirai Naoki is dead or alive, even if the news of him is passed back, can their group really leave the country of vortex calmly?

To know that the country of vortex and the country of fire are adjacent to each other, it is impossible for them to go out easily.

And what about the fog hidden, the water shadows are all under the control of Obito, is it really difficult to block the news?

The most important thing is that this matter is really out of control, and they still have this wave of wind and water.

Namikaze Minato, as Konoha's Hokage, on the night of the Nine-Tails Incident, Konoha, but many ninjas noticed the reflection of the writing wheel in the nine-tailed pupils.

So convincing them that the Nine-Tails are being manipulated is really not a difficult task.

The only trouble is that the three generations of Hokage suddenly appear and come out to do a wave of things, which is a bit of a headache.

However, Uchiha Kai was not so worried, but he had a good understanding of the overall situation of the Shirai clan who ran away through Masaya Yui.

"Okay, you are so confident, you should have some judgment." Hyuga Aya asked directly, she was much more direct than Imai Kenta: "Tell me, don't let this guy worry so much."

"Aren't you worried?" Uchiha Qi gave the woman a funny look, and then he nodded directly: "Actually, I collected some information and got the results after analysis."

"Oh? Did you get it from the patriarch of the Yui clan?" Imai Kenta raised his brows.

"Yes, the current Shirai clan relationship is not so optimistic." Uchiha Qi laughed.

"What they are good at is controlling birds, and the guarantee of their strength and ability is also birds.

That technique seems to be called 'Golden Eagle Bite'. As the name suggests, they can devour this golden eagle at a critical moment, which is the last technique he used.

However, this kind of golden eagle has a very deep connection with them. It is learned through intelligence that their chakra strength and chakra diversity are all open to those golden eagles. "

"But unfortunately, this golden eagle doesn't know what happened, and it seems that the number has begun to decrease sharply.

This also directly led to the sharp decrease in the number of Baijing clan, but their ability is still worthy of recognition, so their clan still remains. "

Uchiha Kai spoke very slowly and at the same time very detailed.

Especially in the case of the Shirai family, he completely told everything he got from Masaya Yui.

It's just that Imai Kenta couldn't help rolling his eyes, he didn't come to listen to this.

These materials, it seems that he can also get it through Kakashi or go to Nara Shikaku?

However, he could hear some of Uchiha Kai's meaning, so it would be really stupid to say that he didn't hear much.

"You mean, those who get the information will definitely go back to Kirigakura, right?" Imai Kenta touched his chin.

"It means that the person he passed on must be the Baijing family's own people, right?

And the Baijing people who got the information, even if they don't want to, they have to go back. No matter if Shirai Naohui coerces or lures, should that guy have no choice? "

"Actually, the easiest way is to kill that guy's golden eagle." Hyuga Aya listened for a long time and couldn't help but interject.

"After killing the golden eagle, he is telling him that there are other golden eagles to choose from, so the person who sends the message must go back whether it is for the family or for himself.

And the Shirai Naoki in your mouth is afraid that he will pass information in front of everyone, right? "

"Yes, I think so too." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"Only in this way can the number of people who receive information be expanded.

If the people of the Baijing family are unwilling to go back, other people can also bring the information when they go back.

If it were me, I would definitely do it, and when Naoki Shirai is about to die, I am afraid he will make a more direct choice. "

"And they returned to Wuyin and reported to the Yuan Shi. I am afraid that the old man of Yuan Shi will not spread this matter easily."

Imai Kenta said directly, he had completely figured it out.

"Once it spreads, it will be unbelievable how such a political scandal will hit them.

Originally, they lost a lot of credibility because of the closure. When they came up with such a place, they would be finished for Wuyin.

What's more, he is afraid that he will have to deal with Shuiying, so he doesn't dare to make enemies easily. "

Uchiha Kai smiled, it was only natural that the two had a common language with themselves.

Because they have very similar ideas.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that their relationship can go from hostility to peaceful coexistence, and then to the current intimacy.

Regardless of what the two were thinking, Uchiha Qi directly accelerated towards the camp.

Along the way, he did not ask about the battle between Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya. The presence of these two people by his side has proved that everything is fine.

Now that everything is fine, there is no need to worry.

After reuniting with the main force, he was taking a good look at the relevant situation.

As for those high-level leaders of the Snow Clan?

I am afraid that group of people have already run towards the border of the country of fire, right?

That being the case, let Nara Shikahisa handle the headaches of accepting them.

He was too lazy to care about these messy things.


"This....what is this?"

Minato looked at the trees that were in front of him, and looked at the mess in front of him, and the whole person looked a little sluggish.

Not long ago, he, the senior leaders of the Snow Clan and the children witnessed a terrifying scene that could be called a doomsday natural disaster.

The earth was shaking frantically, as if it had suffered a terrifying earthquake that could not be calmed down for a long time.

The huge crack that spread from nowhere tore tore the ground, creating a deep gulf.

The mountain that originally stood in the distance was cut like a sharp blade, and it was cut into two pieces flat!

And the chakra scattered all over the sky, all of which are telling Minato that this is not a natural phenomenon at all.

This is simply someone fighting!

This is purely because of the aftermath of the battle, and the scene here is comparable to a natural disaster!

Is there such a horrible person in this world?

Why are there such people in this world?

"Patriarch?" Just when Zou was extremely uneasy, a person suddenly ran to his side: "Patriarch, we..."

"Is everyone okay?" Minato was a qualified patriarch.

Although he was already frightened to the core, he quickly forced himself to calm down.

He knows that he must not act too much now, because he can only bring hope to the clansmen by being calm.

"Because of the distance, except for some unlucky people who fell into the gap, others were slightly injured and surprised, but most of them were children."

The ninja lowered his head and said quickly, and soon he raised his head slightly: "Patriarch, all this seems..."

"Okay, don't ask, don't talk about it, and don't let the clansmen discuss this matter."

Minato directly interrupted the man's words, and his eyes looked into the distance, where is the border between the country of vortex and the country of fire.

"No matter what happened, all we have to do now is get out of here, understand?"

"Yes, patriarch, I will immediately go to assemble the team and set off."


Watching the ninja leave quickly, Minato sighed faintly.

He didn't know that the elites of this family had already noticed that this incident was not unusual at all.

It's not just him, I'm afraid those who follow him, except for the children and the elders who are too old.

Other elite ninjas have already noticed that this is not right, because they are really too close to the battlefield compared to others.

But what if you noticed it?

This matter is obviously not simple at all, is the guy who can exert such power, the object they can discuss arbitrarily?

The ghost knows whether the other party has already noticed them and has been observing.

If it was because of their nonsense that they were able to display such strength, but the guy who never made a name for himself in the ninja world would pay attention.

Then they don't need to think too much about their fate, they can basically be said to be finished!

However, Minato remained cautiously optimistic, because he knew that there was probably only one person in the ninja world who could do this.

And that person is from Konoha, Uchiha Kai, who is the head of the Security Department!



Uchiha Kei followed Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya to the point where Konoha gathered. After looking at the person lying on the ground receiving treatment, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Their meeting point was set before departure.

This used to be a stronghold of Konoha in the country of vortex. With the elimination of the kingdom of vortex, Konoha also withdrew from here.

But this stronghold has remained, even if there is no material here.

But it is more than enough to serve as a meeting point and a foothold.

This stronghold is already crowded with people, not only Konoha ninjas, but also members of the Snow Clan, and some other members of the Kiriyin family.

This camp is full of blood, and almost everyone from the people from Wuyin has injuries on their bodies.

Although Konoha's ninjas are in good condition, there are also many people who are in bad condition.

After all, not all the opponents they encountered were simple opponents, and those people could be regarded as the elites of Wuyin.

In addition, there are traces left by some dead robbers.

Although this stronghold was abandoned by Konoha, its chosen location is excellent, and there are relatively complete fortifications inside.

The Konoha Ninja did not destroy it after evacuating, and it turned out to be a bandit's paradise.

I don't know how many robbers are fighting for it, trying to turn this place into their base camp.

But no matter how they fought, the winner came to the blood mold.

Because Konoha Ninja didn't mean to be polite to them, and killed them all directly.

"As you can see, they're all big fish."

Imai Ken too spread his hands: "This woman is Terumi Mei, you should have a better impression, right?

It was Aya who did it, tsk tsk, it was really cruel, and the internal organs were bleeding heavily.

The one who was in a coma with a broken neck was the ghost lamp full moon.

The unlucky boy was cut off his neck by Kakashi. And that..."

"I know, dried persimmon ghost shark," Uchiha Kai nodded strangely, then turned to look at Imai Kenta: "What did you do?"

"Yeah, he was unlucky to meet Imai Kenta nodded.

"This kid Chakra is huge, and his physical fitness is also good. His physical skills are a bit poor. Compared with Kirabi, he can't stop me at all. But in order to prevent him from getting a mark, I twisted his fingers."

Uchiha Qi nodded lightly, to be honest, he was still a little dazed.

He really didn't expect that the three youngest and promising three people from Wuyin Village in the future would all be captured?

Needless to say, Terumi Mei, this woman will be four generations of Mizukage in the future.

Although Kai Uchiha almost killed her twice, it is undeniable that she is really good.

But now she was severely injured and fainted by Hyuga Aya, and she became one of Konoha's valuable captives.

Needless to say about the dried persimmon ghost shark, this guy is very complicated.

But this guy is definitely one of Uchiha's favorite ninjas.

Perfect ninja quality, perfect execution ability, who wouldn't like such an existence?

As for the ghost lamp full moon, this guy is a short-lived ghost.

But it is undeniable that this kid seems to have always been a legend.

Even in death, there are still some legends about him.

And his performance after being reincarnated from the dirt is indeed worthy of those legends.

This guy is a terrifying character who can unleash all the power of Kirigakura's seven ninja swords by himself.


Uchiha Kai frowned and looked at the neck of the ghost lamp full moon.

This wound doesn't look like it was cut by a ninja knife, but it looks like...

Twisted by something.

Uchiha Kai's eyes were slightly blank, and his eyes looked at Kakashi...



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