This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 511: dream has everything

"Thank you for your patronage, Qi-jun, Miss Ling."

In front of Konoha's barbecue restaurant, Akimichi Choza looked at Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya with a smile.

"I look forward to your visit next time, but next time you come, let me know in advance, and I will prepare it for you. Today is too hasty."

"No, it's already very good, Senior Ding Zuo." Uchiha Qi bowed slightly: "Actually, you don't need to be too polite, we don't dare to come here."

"Okay, okay." Qiu Dao Dingzuo touched his head, then nodded and said, "Then I'll give it away, Qijun, Miss Ling, walk slowly."

Uchiha Ki nodded, and then left the barbecue restaurant directly with Hyuga Aya.

This guy, Qiu Dao Dingza, is really polite. The two of them are sitting in the best position.

At the same time, their ingredients can also be said to be the best quality in this store.

Although for them, such ingredients are a bit wasteful, but they will never refuse such favors.

In fact, for them, refusing will probably lead to some bad effects.

The alliance between the Akihito clan and the Nara clan, their performance in certain positions will naturally be the same.

There is no need to doubt and think about this at all.

Nara Shikahisa's attitude towards Uchiha Kai has undergone tremendous changes, and Qiu Dao Dingza will naturally not hold back his own people.

Uchiha Kai is no stranger to such politeness, on the contrary, he has begun to adapt to such politeness, which is not bad for him.

"It's just too polite." Walking on the street of Konoha, Uchiha Kai held Hyuga Aya's hand and said as he walked: "If it was before, he would have been polite, but now his performance, tsk tsk. …”

"Isn't it something you did yourself?" Hyuga Aya looked at Konoha, who was surging in the night, and she said softly, "I think you should have disclosed something to Nara Shikahisa, otherwise his attitude won't change. so fast."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, then he nodded: "Is it interesting, tell me, what did you think of?"

"It's very simple. The three groups of Zhuludie do not take the initiative to be too close to him. I have already noticed this. You have many similar conflicts with him."

Hyuga Aya chuckled lightly, and the indifferent expression with a hint of pride caught her eye.

"But now, Nara Shikahisa's attitude has undergone a fundamental shift. Although he still appears to be detached, I can't see it in private, but I saw the performance of Akito Dingza tonight."

Indeed, Nara Shikahisa's private small meeting will no longer show that kind of deliberate opposition to Uchiha Kai.

Not even large conferences, but still maintain a certain distance, but this distance has been reduced a lot.

Others may not notice it so easily, but Hyuga Aya is a very sensitive woman.

Especially the attitude of Qiu Dao Dingzuo just now, probably made her firmer some of her ideas, right?

"It's interesting, isn't it?" Uchiha Qi took her hand, and the speed slowed down a bit: "Tell me all your guesses, I want to see if your ability has weakened."

"You're so boring." Hinata Aya tilted her head, but she didn't refuse: "You should have met Nara Shikahisa alone, or he found you on his own initiative."

"Oh?" Uchiha raised his brows and raised his eyebrows: "Indeed, he found me alone, guess right, continue."

"If I remember correctly, Masato Yamanaka should be a monitor of the perception class now."

Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly, her eyes slightly empty, and a slight smile hung on the corner of her mouth.

"The relationship between Yamanaka and Nara doesn't need to be considered, and you may have noticed something in your battle with Uchiha Fugaku, but he didn't dare to say it.

After all, there are four generations of Hokage to help with the platform and endorsement, but it is not impossible for them to reveal something in private.

And this incident also aroused the doubts of Nara Shikahisa, not to mention that the guy knew a lot of things, and even participated in a lot of things. "

"So I infer that he definitely noticed something and took the initiative to find you to understand the situation.

The time should be after the resolution of the Joinin Act, too early without this foundation, too late....

It can't be too late, his sense of smell is very sharp, and he will never put himself in a disadvantageous position for too long.

As for what they talked about, I'm afraid he admitted something outright, and even revealed something, right? "

Looking at this woman with her head raised slightly, with a proud expression on her face, Uchiha Kai smiled and touched her head.

I have to say that this woman's ability has not deteriorated at all, or has it been enhanced?

To be honest, a woman who is too smart will always make a man feel uncomfortable.

Because you will feel that you can be detected in everything you do, and that feeling can be described as terrible.

However, Uchiha Kai had no such idea. He felt that such a smart woman was full of charm.

For him now, beauty may only be an option for extra points, and what really moves him is that unique characteristic.

If there is no such characteristic, the unique soul that can attract him and make him think about it day and night.

I'm afraid he really won't get together with Hyuga Aya, or he really has no interest in purely ordinary people?

"You're crazy, don't touch my head." Hyuga Aya glanced at Kai Uchiha with disgust: "Little brother, it's not good for you to touch your sister's head casually."

"Ha, maybe." Uchiha Qi spread his hands indifferently: "Don't you want you to continue to grow taller? Are you tall enough?"

Uchiha Qi is now seventeen years old, and his height is almost one meter seventy-eight.

This age and height can be said to be excellent. If there is no accident, I am afraid that it will not be a big problem for him to grow to 1.8 meters in the future.

At least, not shorter than Kakashi.

As for the woman Hyuga Aya, she seemed a bit too much. She was only a few months away from turning 18, and she was now a little over 1.7 meters tall.

It doesn't seem that Uchiha Kai is short at all, and if he is taller, he knows what it will become.

"Isn't it normal to grow taller?" Hyuga Aya said dissatisfiedly: "I really expect to be taller than you, but I'm really looking forward to this kind of thing happening..."

"Stop dreaming, you have no chance." Uchiha Qi raised his head slightly: "In your life, you are destined to be suppressed by me and always be suppressed by me."

"You..." Hyuga Aya froze for a moment, then her face turned cold: "You are really a pervert."

"Huh?" Uchiha didn't react for a while, but soon he laughed: "It seems that there is no problem, right?"

"What a pervert, you bastard..."

Hyuga Aya didn't even bother to look at Uchiha Kai, she flicked his hand away, and Hyuga Aya walked straight forward.

"Hey, hey, you can be a joke, you can also be my future goal, what are you excited about?"

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai thought for a while and thought it would be better for him to catch up.

But just as he ran over and held Hyuga Aya's hand, he found the woman standing still: "What's wrong?"

"Look over there." Hyuga Aya frowned: "Is that kid from your Uchiha clan?"

"Huh?" Uchiha Qi also looked up, and soon he frowned.

Almost fifty meters away from them, there was indeed a member of their Uchiha clan.

The most important thing is that the guy Uchiha is still familiar with, that is Uchiha Shisui.

If he just saw him normally, then Uchiha Kai would never show such an expression.

Although it is relatively late, this kid is already an official ninja, and it is not uncommon for this point to be outside.

But the most important thing is that there are some other, completely hidden guys following him faintly around him, which means something.

This kid is being followed!

However, Uchiha Kai is not quite sure about this. It is not a wise thing to follow a Uchiha clan in Konoha.

And the identity of this kid is a bit special, he is a root person, and now if the three generations of Hokage wake up...

"It looks kind of interesting." The smile on Uchiha Qi's original face, which seemed to be a little warm, suddenly became a little gloomy.

"What's the matter?" Hyuga Aya gave him a strange look: "This kid.... the situation is special?"

"Well, yes." Uchiha Ki nodded: "This kid.... is an extremely good pawn. If there are no accidents, some of my next plans will be based on him."

"It's so important, you don't plan to go up and check the situation?" Hyuga Aya was a little curious, but she soon thought of something: "Wait a minute, he won't.... The current identity is not from your camp, right?"

"You're so smart, why don't you guess?"

"You guys often do some incomprehensible things, but this time I think I won, you put him next to the person who just woke up."

"Okay, you win."

"What does it mean? You are..."

Uchiha Qi squeezed Aya Hyuga's palm, and then he turned around and left the place.

Although it was a bit unexpected to meet Uchiha Shisui, but in any case, since you have encountered it, you can prepare some things in advance.

Next, he has to confirm the specific attitude of Uchiha Shisui.

Uchiha Kai is relatively confident, although this kid has not been severely beaten by reality.

But someone enlightened him and let him know more things, his brain should not be as stupid as the original.

"Let's go." Uchiha Qi gently pulled Hyuga Aya: "We don't need to worry about this kid."

"Indeed, you only need to wait for a result now." Hyuga Aya also looked back: "The result of confirming whether he is still loyal, right?"

"Ah, yeah, so instead of wasting your energy on him, you might as well..."

"Send me home, it's very late now. Also, go back to bed early because..."

"In a dream, you have everything..."


Sarutobi Hiizhan stood quietly on the roof of the hospital. Although he felt a little sleepy, he would not let himself rest.

There are too many things he needs to think about, because he once put everything into his own hands.

This made him a 'leader' in a substantial sense, and was extremely beneficial to his rule.

But now all of this has become a burden for him, because his power has made everyone used to doing things according to his thoughts and thinking.

Even if he leaves this post now, he is the actual leader of this group of people.

Looking outside the hospital building, the central area of ​​Konoha, which is not far from here, the dense figures, the bustling scene, all these make the three generations of Hokage incomparably nostalgic.

Once upon a time, all this was made by him, but now it has nothing to do with him.

His reign is over and his grip has been weakened.

Even when he was in a coma, the Konoha pattern he created was mercilessly torn apart.

The anger in his heart can be imagined. Although he knows that what Minato Namido does is not necessarily wrong, he is not really a person now.

He knew even more that he probably couldn't change it now, unless he could prove that everything about Namikaze Minato was wrong!

But he did not concede defeat, although now it seems that he has no chance to come back.

But he can wait slowly, slowly wait for Namikaze Minato to make their own mistakes.

And he also needs to spend time to study, to study the loopholes in this new system created by Namikaze Minato.

Besides, he has to take revenge!

The person he wants to take revenge or the guy is none other than the Uchiha family!

Since the second Hokage, he has witnessed the arrogance and domineering of the Uchiha family.

If it wasn't for Uchiha Mirror as his companion, it buffered his senses of the Uchiha family.

And he has encountered so many wars that he has no way to free up his hands to solve these troubles.

I am afraid that he will have to completely solve the problems of the Uchiha family.

But now it's different, Konoha doesn't have too much external pressure, the war is over!

The most terrible thing is that the power of the Uchiha family has spread to the point where it cannot be stopped.

If it goes on like this, it is difficult for the entire Konoha to say, will it live in the shadow of the Uchiha family!

There are too many factors in the treachery of Namikaze Minato, and one of them is probably the Uchiha clan that interferes with it, right?

And this time, the Uchiha family will take the lead in the reform.

Relying on the encouragement of Uchiha Kai, those civilian ninjas who were hesitant to have an idea.

And also relying on his actions, the family ninja who had been shaken in his heart had to make a choice.

The Uchiha family, these guys are definitely a group of scourges, a group of villains full of unspeakable ambition and extremely cruel methods!

"He's here, Hokage-sama." While Sarutobi Hizan was thinking, Koharu walked over to him and whispered.

"Well, here it is." Sarutobi Hiizhan nodded, and then he turned around.

"Since he's here, let him in..."

"My plan, I really need him..."



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