This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 490: overlapping pattern

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

"Hey, what did you and Jiraiya talk about just now?"

Walking out of the hot spring room, the group of four walked directly to their respective rooms.

During this period, Kenta Imai couldn't help but ask.

Not only Imai Kenta was full of question marks, but the other three also looked at Uchiha Kai with curious eyes.

Uchiha Kai and Jiraiya's dialogue, they can understand every word.

But together, they found that they didn't understand any of them.

This strange feeling made them a little at a loss.

"It's nothing, take a good rest." Uchiha Kai shook his head, how could this kind of thing be explained?

In fact, Uchiha Kai really didn't expect that Jiraiya's reaction speed was so fast.

What he said was already obscure enough, but this old pervert actually realized it right away.

This surprised Uchiha Kai and was 100% sure that Jiraiya was an old pervert.

When I opened the original book before, I thought he was at least a slobber.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's not just a simple 'talking about it'.

"I'm afraid this old pervert is "stronger with the old crotch", and often finds some "smart" girls to "see the needle"?"

Uchiha Qi touched his chin, and thought to himself: "Bless him to hit the nail on the head."

But teasing Jirai is enough. If he didn't feel disgusted just now, Uchiha Kai still has a lot to say to Jirai.

Just like...

The green-shaded trail you thought was already full of traffic?

Suddenly, Uchiha Qi shuddered, and he felt that he was disgusted.

Shaking his head, he decisively let himself forget these messes, and then walked towards his room.

But before leaving, he gave Obito a gesture, and Obito nodded vaguely.

Back in the room, Uchiha Kei didn't forget to hang the "Do Not Disturb" sign on his door.

It was not until ten minutes in the middle of the night that he quietly got up and walked towards Uchiha Obito's room.

Uchiha Obito didn't sleep, apparently because he got a signal from Uchiha Kai and was waiting.

After Kai Uchiha arrived, he quickly set up a soundproof barrier in this room, it seems that he was disgusted by Orochimaru.

"What's the matter so late, Kai?" Obito asked directly after putting on his clothes, "Tell me, who are we going to trouble?"

"Please, why do you think I'm going to trouble someone else?" Uchiha raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "Also, even if I'm going to trouble someone else, should I come here in my pajamas?"

"Ah? This is it." Obito paused for a moment: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Enter your space." Uchiha Qi didn't hesitate at all: "The next movement may be a little big, and I don't want to be discovered by others."

Uchiha Obito is a bit baffled, but he still obeys his boss.

Closing his eyes slightly, the next moment one of his eyes changed into a kaleidoscope state.

The sign of the kaleidoscope slowly rotated, and strange spatial fluctuations instantly appeared beside him and Uchiha Kai.

Soon, the space around them began to show spiral ripples, and in the blink of an eye, their bodies became twisted and then disappeared in place.

Uchiha Kai looked at the dim space around him, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

This guy Uchiha Obito obviously has such a BUG divine power space, but he has no plans to tidy up here.

Perhaps it is too difficult, after all, the Shenwei space itself is a place guided by the pupil technique.

Perhaps he still had a little despair in his heart. After all, Lin's death and what he did to Konoha, he really couldn't forget it so easily.

"This guy's performance is still good now. If he can build more credit, then maybe there is still some hope, at least he can pass the wave of wind and water. Anyway, I have already established a clone for him, as long as time It's more or less suitable for him to perform. It's Lin..."

Uchiha Obito, this simple guy, has already embarked on the road of redemption, and his ability and his strength are very recognized by Uchiha Kai.

And according to the future route, this guy's achievements are unbelievable no matter what, he is a protagonist who has gone wrong.

Let this guy become his subordinate completely, no matter how you look at it, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!

As long as this guy performs well, the Konoha level will be easy.

But his own level is not so easy to pass, the problem lies in the woman Nohara Rin.

For a moment, Uchiha Kaito was considering whether to tell him what he was doing.

Or simply tell him that Nagato is an alternative to resurrecting Nohara Rin, and that there is a reincarnation technique in Sandyin Village, which also has the opportunity to bring Nohara Rin back.

But after thinking about it, Uchiha Kai still shook his head, this kind of thing is better as a trump card.

"Speaking, what exactly needs to be entered here?" Uchiha Obito didn't know what the guy in front of him was thinking. He turned off his kaleidoscope and asked curiously.

"Because you have to do a very important thing, you may have to stay a little further away, because there may be danger later."

Uchiha came back to his senses and said directly: "In short, I want to try to improve my Susanoo."

"Improve Susanoh?" Uchiha Obito froze for a moment, and then said with great envy: "Susanoh, that's a really taboo technique for the Uchiha family. It's a pity, I..."

"You don't want to get your eyes back from Kakashi, right?" Uchiha Qi naturally knew what he meant: "Actually, you don't need to worry, Susanoh doesn't necessarily have to have a pair of eyes to cast it, at least ......I can turn on Susanoo without using the kaleidoscope."

"I know, do your eyes have the ability to increase the power of Susanoo, or to reduce the difficulty of opening Susanoo?"

"No, my technique has nothing to do with Susanoo."

Having said that, Uchiha Qi turned his head to look at Uchiha Obito, and the next moment, dark chakra appeared directly on his body.

These chakras quickly converged into the appearance of a pair of ribs, completely covering his upper body, and a skeleton arm also emerged!

Uchiha Obito was a little dumbfounded, because at this moment Uchiha Kai didn't use a wheel eye at all, and his eyes were pitch black!

"You..." Uchiha Obito pointed at him incredulously: "This... how is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and quickly dissipated the Susanoo from his body. For him, even if it is not practical to use the wheel eye, he is still in the primary state. It can be turned on at will!

"how did you do that?"

"Everyone's situation is different, but I want to tell you that every Uchiha actually has his own patron saint..."

"As long as you find him."


It seems that it is really not that difficult for Kai Uchiha to find the Susanohu who is hidden in the depths of his heart, or in the depths of his soul.

But what surprised him was that no one else seemed to do this except himself.

They are more waiting for the strength to reach a certain level, and let this strength burst out on its own.

Probably because of this, when Uchiha Obito was alive, he never opened his own Susanoo.

But after his death, he, who has completely turned into a soul state, may have completely contacted his patron saint and sensed this power.

In the end, he used his 'the most special kaleidoscope writing wheel eye' to return the soul to the world and hand over the power to Kakashi.

The reason why Kakashi was able to use the power of the full body Susanoo was actually, strictly speaking, Obito's help.

Because this guy's soul remained on Kakashi's body, and he didn't return to the Pure Land until after the battle.

Glancing at Uchiha Obito who was thinking seriously, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to care about him so much.

His own ideas and methods have been told to him, and in the end it is up to him which step he can achieve.

He took out a sealed scroll, and Kai Uchiha opened it without hesitation.

Immediately, a powerful chakra quickly spread in the divine power space.

And Uchiha Obito also noticed the abnormality at this moment, and he immediately looked over.

"This is.... the tailed beast chakra?" Uchiha Obito controlled the nine tails, and he immediately recognized what this chakra was.

"Ah, yes." Uchiha Qi nodded: "The tailed beast Chakra, the eight-tailed one."

While speaking, Uchiha Kai unsealed the tentacle in the seal.

This tentacle is huge and looks a little scary.

Especially because of the seal, it still seems to remain extremely active.

However, Uchiha Qi knew that this thing had no activity at all.

There is no way to seal a living thing in with the sealing technique. Even if it is sealed, it will become a dead thing when it is taken out, no matter how tenacious the opponent's vitality is.

Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Kai's movements inexplicably. He hadn't figured out why, but the Minister wanted to take out Ya'ao's tentacles.

Isn't Uchiha Kai trying to improve his Susanohu?

How did you release the chakra of the tailed beast?

Is there any connection between Susanoo and Taimon?

Uchiha Obito knew that Susanoo could cover the tailed beast to increase the destructive power of the tailed beast.

Hei Jue told him about these contents in detail, but now there is no complete tailed beast for Uchiha Kai.

But the next moment, Obito was a little stunned.

Because Uchiha Qi's body has been completely entangled with dark chakra, a half-length giant exuding a cold breath has appeared on him.

Ignoring Uchiha Obito's astonishment, Uchiha Kai directly began to draw the eight tails.

I saw that he made a seal with one hand, and the Chakra of the eight tails was directly led out by him at the next moment.

Those red chakras quickly converged on his Susanoo, and madly integrated into his Susanoo.

Uchiha closed his eyes tightly. It is not the first time he has merged with the tailed beast Chakra, and he is relatively experienced.

Slowly controlling the chakras that blended in, Uchiha Kai suddenly felt that his Susanoo seemed to become active.

However, this kind of activity is not as good as the last injection of nine-tailed chakra, but this is a rare thing.

After his Susanoo reached the fourth stage, in addition to the continuous increase in size, the power continued to become stronger.

In other respects, nothing has really happened.

Especially the complete Susanoo in Uchiha Kai's memory, those armors didn't mean anything at all.

This gave him a headache. Although he was not in a hurry, he also hoped that his strength would be further improved, especially when he was really planning to go to the moon.

After so many years, the people on the moon are all dead, no Uchiha Kai is not sure.

But the only thing he can be sure of is that only when he is strong enough will he have the opportunity to face those guys on the moon.

Maybe they don't have such a terrifying blood succubus as Tenseisen themselves, but they finally came up with that one, a giant Tenseisen made of countless white eyes.

That eyeball has always been the reason why he didn't dare to act rashly. He didn't dare to go if he wasn't strong enough.

With the chakras of these eight tails, they continue to resonate with Susanoo.

And began to gradually merge with the tailed beast Chakra in its body, Uchiha Kai felt a more powerful force!

Slowly opening his eyes, he felt that his eyes seemed to burst with some vitality.

In particular, the blood in his body seemed to flow faster at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai began to control his breathing hard, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes quickly spun at this moment!

The next moment majestic chakra burst out from his body.

And the Chakra giant, who was only half-length, was out of his control at this moment.

The majestic chakra overflowed wildly, Uchiha Kai's body continued to rise, and a crystal quickly enveloped him.

In the space of his consciousness, Susanoo, who was wearing the pitch-black Wutengu armor and had scarlet eyes, was staring at him, and then he slowly stretched out his fist.

The kaleidoscope in Uchiha Kai's eyes revolved rapidly, and the looming double image became extraordinarily clear at this moment.

It's fast and regular, and it begins to combine with the kaleidoscope of Uchiha's former logo.

When this ghost pattern is completely solidified and completely merged with the previous pattern to form a brand new pattern.

Uchiha Kai suddenly felt that the blood flow in his body became faster.

His physical quality and his Chakra are also growing rapidly at this moment!

Especially his chakra, not only the quantity is increasing, but the quality is also changing like crazy.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai slowly raised his right hand.

He clenched his fist, and then stretched out to the huge fist.

When two fists, one big and one small, touched each other, the more terrifying and gloomy Chakra instantly swept the entire Shenwei space!

Uchiha Obito didn't even react in a hurry at this moment, and was directly blown away by the strong wind formed by this chakra.

The aura of destruction that filled him made him shudder.

Susanoo's body continued to grow taller, and Wutengu's armor began to appear on his body.

And in this crystal above Susanoo's head, a man stands like a **** and a demon...


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