This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 480: Jiraiya

"This Uchiha is too cautious (

Since Jiraiya left Konoha, he has been following the trail of Orochimaru.

In fact, Jiraiya is also very confused at times, and he himself can't tell whether he is following Orochimaru or avoiding the disturbance of Konoha.

Konoha is no longer the Konoha he once thought.

Although everything has improved now, there has long been a difference between people and people.

Zilai is also a nostalgic person, and he doesn't want to go back because he doesn't want to spend time feeling sad. Besides, he also has his own tasks, doesn't he?

In fact, Jiraiya himself doesn't know, how many times he has almost rushed back to Konoha.

About three years ago, Konoha suffered the Nine-Tails disaster, which made him rush back to Konoha almost without thinking.

Because he knew how terrifying it would be for Nine Tails to appear in Konoha.

This is not only because of how terrifying the destructive power of the nine tails is, but more importantly, he knows that the power of the nine tails is Kushina.

The tailed beast ran out of Ren Zhuli's body, which caused unimaginable damage to Ren Zhuli!

Even if Kushina's physical fitness is excellent, no matter how good it is after losing the tail beast, it can't escape a dead word!

Jiraiya also understands very well the relationship between his disciple and Kushina.

If Kushina really died, I am afraid that this disciple who just became Hokage would definitely not want to live alone!

Once such a tragedy occurs, the loss to Konoha cannot be explained in a few words.

But just a few days after Jiraiya set off, he got accurate information——

Under the interception of the Fourth Hokage and Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyake, the nine tails were finally successfully sealed.

Konoha's crisis has been lifted, his disciples and Kushina are all right, and the family has no problems at all with the help of the two Uchihas!

Hearing this news, Ji Lai was also relieved, but another incident caused him to be alert.

That is, according to reliable information and intelligence, Uchiha Kai intercepted a mysterious Uchiha and fought with him.

The response given by Namikaze Minato himself is that the nine tails were deliberately released by someone, and it was the mysterious Uchiha who was doing everything.

This matter made Jiraiya take it to heart, but Konoha was hiding it and he didn't say anything.

But he also made a decision, and also decided not to return to Konoha for the time being.

There is no problem with Konoha now, and there is no accident with his own disciple.

That being the case, there is no point in going back.

And he knew that if he went back, he would really be left behind to help deal with many things in Konoha.

Rather than go back and get caught up in things you don't want to do, it's better to stay outside Konoha and continue to track Orochimaru, and...

And try to investigate, the mysterious Uchiha who attacked Konoha and released the nine tails!

I have to say that Jiraiya's luck is very good, or that his luck has always been very good.

He also really found something, something very interesting.

It was also two or three years ago that Jiraiya accidentally discovered through tracking that Orochimaru quietly went to the Land of Water.

This information made Jirai a little baffling. He would never forget how deep the fear Orochimaru had for Kiriyin was.

Isn't this guy afraid of being besieged by Miyage?

Jirai is also a little hesitant, do you want to see the Land of Water?

After thinking about it, Zilai also decides to act.

In any case, Orochimaru is also his companion and friend.

And he is tracking Orochimaru now, and he can use this excuse to take people away if Orochimaru is captured by Wuyin.

What he didn't expect at all was that he was stopped without entering the water country at all.

This kind of situation made Jiraiya very depressed. The country of water was isolated in the open sea and was not linked to the mainland at all.

The only way to get there is through the air route, but now that the country of water is blocking the sea, he really has no way to get there.

But just as he was trying to find a solution on the coast of the very depressed country, a news that shocked the ninja world came out!

The village of Hidden Kiri was attacked, the Mizukage of the third generation was defeated, the three tails were released, and Hidden Kiri suffered a huge loss!

Hearing this news, Zilai was also stunned.

Especially after he heard that the attacker was a mysterious Uchiha, his face became more solemn.

What's more, when he thought that Orochimaru went to the Land of Water some time ago, and now such a thing happened, it made Jiraiya's heart full of confusion.

So he decided to catch Orochimaru. He had a hunch that Orochimaru definitely knew something about it.

Even if it seems to be a coincidence, as a ninja, it is not easy to believe such a coincidence.

Jiraiya will never believe that Orochimaru will enter the country of water without any purpose.

Orochimaru always has its own purpose in doing things, so is the purpose this time related to those damned guys who attacked Konoha?

With this judgment, Jiraiya has been following Orochimaru frantically for the next time.

But unfortunately, Jiraiya still didn't catch Orochimaru in the end.

Because Jiraiya didn't expect Orochimaru to play in the dark under the lights, he actually ran straight back to the country of fire.

If it wasn't for knowing that Yunyin and Konoha were fighting, he probably wouldn't have caught Orochimaru's whereabouts so quickly.

Yun Yin and Konoha were fighting, and Jiraiya had already noticed it.

It's just that he was a little tangled in his heart, and he was going to talk about the situation.

But Jirai didn't do nothing, he went directly to the land of soup, only in this place can he understand the situation on both sides more intuitively.

But what he didn't expect was that Konoha's combat power was so exaggerated.

Especially the guy Uchiha Fuyue, really let Jirai never think of it.

This kid actually has a big advantage in fighting back and forth with the fourth generation of Raikage, the guy whose physical fitness and personal speed can be called perverted!

If it weren't for the fact that Konoha's troops were small and the personnel were tight, I'm afraid the counterattack would have been long ago, right?

Of course, Jiraiya didn't forget that Yun Yin also sent out the eight-tailed man Zhuli, which is very terrifying.

But when he thought of his teacher, the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan was behind the enemy, he felt a little more at ease.

Since there is nothing to do on the front line, he also intends to continue to look for Orochimaru immediately.

However, not long after he acted, he heard that another battle broke out between Konoha and Yunyin.

And this time, Konoha won the battle!

However, this victory against Konoha did not come without a price. Jiraiya's teacher, the three generations of Hokage, was deeply burdened in this war and his life and death were uncertain!

After getting this news, Jirai, who had planned to stay away from all this, couldn't sit still any longer.

Even Jirai himself knows that his relationship with this teacher is really getting farther and farther away, and it is really detached.

But that is his own teacher, that is to teach himself and make himself a teacher of a qualified ninja!

Now that his condition is so bad, Zilai also naturally can't sit still.

He immediately turned his head and decided to go to Konoha, he didn't want any problems with his teacher.

Even if there is really any problem, he hopes even more that he can send the last ride!

Quietly entering Konoha Village, Jiraiya is confident that he will never be discovered by anyone.

Everything about Konoha is too familiar to him, as if it is in the depths of his soul, everything here is in his mind.

Silently came to the medical department, and Zilai also met his teacher.

At this time, the three generations of Hokage were lying on the hospital bed with the oxygen inhalation tube inserted, and the old face seemed to tell everyone that he was no longer young.

Zilai also looked at the old man, and his heart was also moved.

No one can really say things like merit and demerit, but this old man is not bad for Jirai.

No matter what his original intention was, he was Jiraiya's teacher.

After spending a few days in silence in the medical department, Zilai also basically figured out the situation of his teacher.

The bad news is that this time, his teacher was hit hard by the furious Yatai Renzhuli, and is still in a coma, and the time when he will wake up is not yet certain.

But it is not without good news. The good news is that his teacher is out of danger and is now recovering.

After confirming the news, Jiraiya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But what he never dreamed of was when he left the medical department and began to bathe in the sunshine of Konoha.

He was stunned to find that the atmosphere in Konoha seemed to be a little too active.

Just when he wondered, when did Konoha become so belligerent, and when some good news came from the front line, it became like this.

He learned something that he hadn't paid attention to all this time.

The internal reform of Konoha, one pulled the commoner ninja and the family ninja to the same starting line, forcibly merged everyone together for reform!

The pros and cons of such a reform are clear at a glance. While he marvels at his disciple's courage, he is also worried about his disciple's current situation.

However, he knew that the little devil Uchiha Kai was completely on the side of his disciples in this reform meeting.

And because of his support, it inspired the morale of the civilian ninjas, and also prompted many family ninjas to support this plan.

This made Jiraiya feel relieved, and he also had a greater affection for this guy Uchiha Kai.

"Although this kid is young, the security department is getting better and better under his leadership, and he also has a great position in the Uchiha clan. It is said that he is almost on an equal footing with Uchiha Fuyue. Under his leadership, the Uchiha clan should not be able to. What a terrible and sad thing has happened."

Jiraiya is very happy, he has always known all kinds of inner feelings between Uchiha and Konoha.

And he has always known how difficult it is for this family to understand and communicate with other people.

Konoha and the Uchiha family, under the control of certain policies, there is no way for the two to integrate with each other.

In such an environment, how can you communicate calmly?

In fact, family ninjas and civilian ninjas are the same, and the two exist on different levels.

There is no division that fixes them at one level, and their intersection is always two dimensions.

But now, his disciple seems to have found a way.

Although one is extremely dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be crushed to pieces.

But the future has a bright future, a way to realize mutual understanding and communication between people!

The original intention was not lost, and his disciple still remembers the dream that he once had, the dream that he shared with him.

Even if his disciple has become Hokage, he is still moving forward on this road!

Zilai was also very happy, he felt that he was very happy to return to Konoha this time.

Although the current Konoha war is not over, and he has temporarily given up looking for Orochimaru.

But he found an answer in Konoha, an answer he had been looking for for a long time, an answer that made him extremely happy.

Zilai also came quietly and planned to leave quietly. He had no intention of disturbing his disciple.

Because he knows that once he appears, his disciple who has become Hokage will definitely find a way to keep him, and at the same time there will be many things to ask him.

"You have grown up and matured, and you are a qualified Hokage. And I am just a wanderer."

Jiraiya left Konoha quietly, and he decided to continue to track down Orochimaru.

Not long after he left Konoha, he accidentally discovered the whereabouts of Orochimaru.

It is also very coincidental, perhaps because he has been with Orochimaru for a long time, he is also very keen on snakes.

Or maybe it's his psychic beast family, who really hates snakes, making him very sensitive to snakes.

Finally, with his unremitting efforts, he really found the trace of Orochimaru.

While this made him ecstatic, his heart was also a little heavy.

This guy Why did he appear in the country of fire when Konoha and Yunyin were at war?

Just very quickly, he seemed to get what he thought was the most correct answer.

The border between the land of fire and the land of soup, where Konoha and Yunyin fought.

The mysterious Uchiha who once attacked Konoha, attacked Kiriyuki, and then lurked for nearly three years appeared again!

His appearance caused Yunyin's fourth-generation Raikage to be seriously injured, and Yatai Ren Zhuli was severely injured.

That Yunyin's army of 8,000 people was directly destroyed by the aftermath of their battle, and only a thousand or less survived!

Such a terrifying record, such a terrifying combat power, made Jiraiya feel chills in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help but think of a person.

Orochimaru, Wuyin had traces of Orochimaru that time, and this time, there were traces of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, what the **** are you doing!

Finally, Jiraiya's constant search in the country of fire finally paid off.

Even if Orochimaru disguised himself, but the more than 30 years of getting along day and night, the years of hard-working friendship.

Jiraiya almost gave up his good friend and brother at the first time.

He followed, lurked, and quietly followed this Orochimaru to the tavern in this small town.

He guessed that Orochimaru must have come here to meet someone.

So he found a single room in the next room and disguised himself as a drunken outlaw.

He waited silently, waiting for the opportunity to do something.

Finally, when all the people Orochimaru wanted to meet came, Jirai also chose to do it.

It's just reality, it seems that Jiraiya is joking once again.

When he opened that door, he was completely stunned...


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