This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 474: battle (below)

Standing in the barrier, Uchiha Qi looked at the Fourth Raikage flatly, and then a smile appeared on his face.

The situation of the fourth Raikage is really a bit miserable, and it is even worse than the situation in the original book.

When this guy faced Sasuke Uchiha, it was because of his unrelenting character that he lost his left hand.

However, in this world, he faced Sasuke Uchiha's father.

As a result, the father and son used the same tactics, which directly caused the guy to lose his arm in advance, and the most important thing he lost was his right hand!

For a ninja, losing his arm is fatal, especially losing his dominant hand.

Even for a powerful ninja, it is very necessary to train your non-dominant hand to be no weaker than your dominant hand.

However, there will still be some incompatibility here.

Perhaps for some people who are weaker than themselves, it will not feel much.

But facing a ninja who is stronger than himself, or even similar to himself, it seems a little uncomfortable.

Uchiha Qi didn't think that he would be weaker than this guy when he didn't use the pupil technique.

Even if there will be some shortcomings, after all, this guy's speed is so fast that it is unbelievable.

But it's not that Kai Uchiha can't 'see' the movement of this guy.

When he was fighting this guy before, he turned off his pupil technique and could still find his traces, and he could still keep up.

It's just that in the fight against the fourth-generation Raikage in that state, Uchiha Kai will appear unusually passive, and he can only keep defending and looking for some opportunities.

The passive situation has never been accepted by Uchiha Qi.

Without the initiative to fight, he didn't know how long he hadn't experienced it.

The last time he fought against the Fourth Raikage, Uchiha Kai's performance was absolutely strong.

Using his own advantages to directly make the fourth-generation Raikage helpless, this method is also his favorite.

"However, it's basically impossible for me to be in the same state with this guy now as we met last time."

Uchiha Qi slowly pulled out his cut jade, and the blue chakra emerged on the cut jade.

"Simply put, as long as his speed doesn't reach the peak state, it's the biggest advantage for me!"

The fourth generation of Raikage saw Uchiha Kai's actions, and a thunderous chakra appeared on his body.

Then he quietly looked at Uchiha Kai in front of him, and he knew what his current situation was.

Just as Uchiha Kai thought, it is impossible for him to fully exert his power now.

But even if he can't use his full strength, 70% to 80% is still possible.

Of course, for the sake of his own body, he had better suppress his strength to fifty percent.

Exploding with all his strength would have caused varying degrees of loss to his body.

In the battle with Uchiha Fugaku, he had already suffered.

At that time, he didn't have a good chance to repair his body, and it was a coincidence that he met the mysterious Uchiha.

at last.....

Now that his body is a little overwhelmed, he knows that his current state will definitely cause problems if he goes all out.

But so what?

The four generations of Raikage's attitude towards combat is unusually fanatical, or so are the ninjas in the entire Yunyin Village.

However, the fourth Raikage is still a qualified ninja. He has very little information about Uchiha Kai, so he decided to adopt the most solid fighting method.

The last time he faced that mysterious Uchiha, the main reason why he burst into full force at once was that he had the preconceived concept of Uchiha Fuyue.

Even though he knew that the two might be somewhat different, he was not sure how much they were different.

The final result is also obvious.

But now that he is honest, he can't be careful in the face of these monsters.

As a result, because of his caution, the two of them froze all of a sudden.

The two of them stared at each other silently, neither of them took the first shot, as if seeking the other's flaws.

However, the momentum of the two seemed to have completely exploded.

Inside the barrier, there seems to be a breeze blowing.

And such a breeze seemed to become more and more manic when the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere at the scene seemed to be extremely depressed.

One minute, two minutes...until five minutes...and they still didn't shoot.

"Cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, the fourth Raikage coughed a few times, and his body swayed slightly with the coughing.

Uchiha Qi knew that this guy was pretending, but he didn't bother to drag it on.

He took out a handful of kunai and threw it out directly, and then made a seal with one hand, and chakra quickly condensed in his body.

The next moment, a huge fire dragon spewed out directly from his mouth, and this fire dragon rushed towards the Fourth Raikage with the power of burning everything!

Facing the Kunai flying directly at him, the fourth Raikage leaned forward and stepped forward.

Completely ignoring the Kunai, a knife in his left hand slashed directly at the fire dragon.

In an instant, Kuwu brushed past him, and the fire dragon was directly cut in half by him!

But at this moment, Uchiha Qi has come directly to his side.

The scarlet eyes have locked his movements, and then a knife stabbed directly into his heart!

The fourth Raikage reacted quickly. He was not sure of the power of this ninja sword, and he had already decided to fight steadily. Naturally, he would not easily use his body to fight it.

A sideways, after dodging Uchiha Kai's knife, the fourth Raikage punched Uchiha's chest with his left hand.

But Uchiha Kai's reaction speed and physical coordination are terrifying.

His left hand was on Shidai Raikage's hand, and then he pushed himself to float up, and then he slammed his foot against Shidai Raikage's head.

Four generations of Raikage squatted down quickly, and at the same time, a more terrifying thunder chakra erupted from his body.

In fact, the fourth generation of Raikage was also a little frustrated, because he lost his right hand, which caused him to appear passive when attacking and defending.

Just like now, if his right hand is still there, he doesn't need to dodge at all, instead he can launch a counterattack directly!

However, there are not so many ifs in reality. I have lost my right hand, and it is not realistic to think about this problem now.

"The speed is very fast, the coordination of the body is terrifying, and the insight of the eyes is also very terrifying. Other than that, I can't see anything else."

The fourth generation of Raikage thought silently, after avoiding Uchiha Kai's kick, the current in his body also expanded.

However, Uchiha Kai's reaction speed was also fast. Almost at the same time, he released his left hand and jumped backwards.

The electric current on the fourth Raikage guy was obviously trying to smother him.

He did this a lot, and he wouldn't let himself overturn in this situation.

After a little distance, Uchiha Kai chuckled lightly. He could see the tactics of the fourth Raikage.

Is this guy planning to slowly test his abilities?

This kind of practice made Uchiha Kai feel a little funny. Does he believe in his body so much that he can persist in such a protracted battle?

However, Uchiha Qi didn't bother to speculate on what the other party thought, all he had to do was defeat this guy.

Moreover, it is different from the previous use of irresistible force, but a method that is closer to technology!

"Since you want to collect intelligence, let me see what you have collected!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's speed became even faster.

The Qiyu in his hand slashed directly to the right side of the fourth Raikage with a broken voice!

With the loss of his right hand, the fourth Raikage is destined to be lacking in half of the defense, and Uchiha Qi will not miss such an opportunity.

When facing Uchiha Obito, who had just opened the kaleidoscope, he directly took advantage of the defect caused by Obito's loss of one eye, and attacked that side, which made Uchiha Obito furious.

And now, the same method used on the fourth-generation Raikage can be regarded as a tried-and-true method.

The Fourth Raikage obviously noticed Uchiha Kai's actions, and he had no other emotions to speak of except for a scolding inwardly.

Ninja battles are all about exploiting one's own strengths, or exploiting the enemy's weaknesses.

Then keep attacking and know that the enemy is in chaos, or pretend not to know, wait until the enemy reveals flaws and then give a one-shot kill.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai will not wait.

He is more inclined to continuous storming, constantly making the four generations of Raikage shriveled!

His actions made the Fourth Raikage extremely uncomfortable.

The current four generations of Raikage are really being pushed back by Uchiha Kai, constantly retreating and dodging constantly.

No matter how fast he is, this shortcoming of his will still become a fatal weakness!

Especially since the other party is still a wheel-shaker user, that terrifying insight can definitely catch his gap.

"This.... Master Qi is actually fighting the fourth Raikage?"

"It's terrifying, their speed... I can't see clearly at all!"

"I heard that the mysterious Uchiha said when he faced Master Fuyue that only Master Qi can make him interested in fighting, it seems..."

"It should be said that Master Qi and Master Fuyue focus on different directions, right? Master Fuyue prefers to use ninjutsu, and Master Qi is better at taijutsu. However, Master Qi's ninjutsu achievements are definitely not low, and his seal speed is too fast. It's gone!"


Seeing that Uchiha Kai was fighting against the Fourth Raikage, almost all the Konoha ninjas who were watching couldn't help but whisper.

The speed displayed by these two people in the enchantment really made them unbelievable.

In their eyes, they only saw two silhouettes constantly dragging out double images and afterimages, and both the body and these shadows were constantly intertwining with each other.

If they hadn't been able to pass, the size of these constantly staggered figures would identify who they were, and they might not have been able to determine that much.

The fourth generation of Raikage is too strong, and Uchiha Kai looks a little thin in front of him.

However, this thin figure kept pressing the strong figure to attack.

Such a sense of disobedience appeared in everyone's mind, but they also felt that everything was normal, because that was Kai Uchiha!

The fourth generation of Raikage seems to be a little bit unbearable, and this situation is constantly passively defended.

He can almost conclude that the speed of this guy in front of him is probably not weak.

It can probably be compared with 60% to 70% in the eruption of his Lei Dun Chakra mode!

This is already an extremely exaggerated speed. You must know that the fourth generation of Raikage relies on the Lei Dun Chakra mode to achieve it.

And Uchiha Kai, he didn't actually fight any ninjutsu or secret art at all!

This is purely based on the coordination and flexibility of his body. It can be said that under normal circumstances, I am afraid that he may not be faster than Uchiha Kai.

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage decided to attack.

Although it is necessary to collect information, his physical condition is even more worrying.

If the battle is not resolved quickly and he is dragged into a protracted war, then he is really in danger!

"Lei Dun·Lei Dou Nin meets the must-spit sword!"

After the fourth Raikage dodged the knife that Uchiha Qi slashed at his right body, he immediately jumped back, and the chakra on his body burst into incredible brilliance in mid-air.

When he landed, his fist smashed to the ground!

'boom! ’

A huge roar sounded in the barrier, and the ground beneath his feet burst open.

The gravel splattered like a torrential rain in the sky, rushing in all directions!

At the same time, a huge circular shock wave thought to spread around.

In the huge explosion, the whole earth trembled, and even the transparent barrier seemed to start to sway.

Uchiha Kai stopped, and at the same time he assumed a defensive posture.

Such gravel and smoke seriously hindered his progress and hindered his vision.

He knew that with this appearance, it was very likely that the fourth Raikage was about to end the battle quickly.

Uchiha Qi was not worried about the desperate counterattack of the fourth Raikage, on the contrary, he was still looking forward to it.

Suddenly, the terrifying dynamic vision of Uchiha Kai noticed, and a figure leaped towards him in the smoke and dust in the sky.

The figure's toes were on the large gravel in the With a slight tap, the whole person floated upward for a certain distance, and then stepped on the next gravel...

Either up, or continue to move sideways.

"go to hell!"

In just a breathless time, the Fourth Raikage appeared in front of Uchiha Kai.

He let out a roar, and at the same time an incredible chakra burst out from his left arm!

Uchiha Qi just glanced at it, and he recognized that this technique is a four-handed skill. Is this guy still testing himself?

Thinking of this, a dark chakra suddenly appeared on Uchiha Kai's body.

At the same time, Qieyu slowly slid down from his right hand, and the electric arc bloomed in his ears with a sound like a thousand birds chirping in unison.

"Since you want to play, then I'll have fun with you!"

The three hook jade in the eyes quickly spun up at this time.

'boom! ’

The fourth Raikage's arm directly pierced the pitch-black Susanoo.

However, the next moment, he found that his left hand was caught by Uchiha Qi.

At the same time, a blood moon suddenly appeared in his mind.

On the blood moon, a pair of bizarre, slowly spinning writing wheel eyes were reflected!

This strange scene made him realize something in an instant.

Illusion, this is the illusion of Sharinyan!

The fourth Raikage roared inwardly, and he almost used his fastest speed to get rid of this **** illusion.

But when he woke up instantly, he felt a tingling pain in his chest.

The familiar Lei Dun Chakra had been passed into his body.

And Qiuyu, also stabbed on the ground at this moment...



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