This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 449: Seriously wounded 3rd Hokage

"Has it been counted?"

Sitting in the main camp of Konoha Camp, Uchiha Fuyue asked tiredly.

He still hasn't fully recovered from yesterday's battle.

It can only be said that the consumption is too great, and the big one is beyond his imagination.

There is still obvious pain in his eyes now, and his chakra has not recovered much until now.

Fortunately, his defense is really not comparable to others.

His body was not hurt, and the fourth Raikage was miserable.

But no matter what, both of them have basically lost their fighting ability now.

Even if the situation of Uchiha Fuyake is better than that of the fourth Raikage, their performance on the battlefield is actually the same.

Nara Kyouhei took a report and quickly came to Uchiha Fugaku's side. He had counted these things yesterday.

The way he looks at Uchiha Fuyue has changed a bit now, and he knows that Uchiha Fuyue is very strong.

But yesterday's performance let him know that the patriarch of the Uchiha clan is really strong and a bit outrageous!

To have such a powerful man on the front lines is simply a blessing to them.

Especially this powerful ninja seems to be very self-aware, he knows where his strengths are and where his weaknesses are.

Therefore, he will not intervene in the places where he is not good, but will deal with it by himself, who is better at it.

This made Nara Kyouhei think of Uchiha Kai, the minister's situation seems to be somewhat similar to himself now.

But the minister did not seem to be completely obeying the command of the patriarch.

"The statistics are already done, Captain Fuyue."

Nara Kyouhei was thinking about a lot of messy things, but he still said it seriously.

"We lost 342 people this time, injured 1,250 people, and lost 30 people. As for the situation on Yun Ren's side...

Maybe the situation is similar to ours, but I'm afraid there is no specific data, they withdraw too quickly. "

Yun Ren did evacuate quickly, and they didn't leave many bodies behind.

Maybe they were conscious and brought the body back with them when they evacuated.

This kind of thing is normal, and Konoha will do the same.

Whether it is convenient for statistics or sending the body back to the village for burial, it will be much more convenient.

If these corpses fall into the hands of the enemy, I am afraid that the enemy's approach is to burn you directly with a fire, and there is no place to bury.

Or cut off your brain and find someone from Anbu to see if you can get any information.

When the two armies are at war, there is not so much benevolence and righteousness to speak of, especially the defeated army.

Loser, you won't even have the qualification to bring back the corpses of your companions and comrades-in-arms.

Once you lose, you can also say that you lost everything.

Yun Ren was not considered a win this time, but strictly speaking it was not considered a failure either.

Uchiha Fuyue and the Fourth Raikage directly divided the battlefield, so that the ninjas on both sides had to stop fighting.

To a certain extent, it can be said that these people have been saved, but of course they have not exerted much value on them.

"Is there no report from the other party?" Uchiha Fuyue rubbed his chin: "Forget it, if there is no, there is no, and report back truthfully."

"Yes, Captain Fuyake." Nara Kyouhei nodded, and then he smiled.

"Actually, it's not bad to have this level of battle loss this time. Anyway, if it wasn't for Captain Fuyue, we would have lost even more. They are more than a thousand more than us."

"Maybe." Uchiha Fuyue sighed, but soon he thought of something: "By the way, is there any news from the three generations of Hokage?"

The troops led by the three generations of Hokage do not have much connection with them, because the tasks over there are also very heavy.

This time, Yun Ren clearly sent two troops to attack, but after a signal flare appeared in the sky, that team did not appear from beginning to end.

This made Uchiha Fuyue have to guess whether Sarutobi Hidden led the army away, otherwise they would face even greater pressure.

But because there is no specific contact information, plus the actions of the three generations of Hokage are completely secret.

Therefore, he is not quite sure what happened behind Yun Ren.

He could only wait for the news to see if any information came over.

But unfortunately, Nara Kyouhei finally shook his head helplessly when he heard his words.

Obviously, he doesn't know what's going on with the three generations of Hokage, and there really isn't any news from there.

"Is that so?" Uchiha Fuyue sighed and finally nodded: "Forget it, let's pass the report back on our side. Also, pay more attention to the situation on Yun Yin's side and try our best to Help me analyze some clues."

"Yes, Captain Fuyake." Nara Kyouhei nodded.

"Also, the report is handed over to you, I need to do my best to restore my strength."

".....I understand...."


"Cough cough! What?"

The eyes of the fourth Raikage were bloodshot. He looked at Kirabi, who was kneeling in front of him with his head down, and roared out for a while.

But his roar made him feel as if his whole body was torn apart, which made him have to lie down on the bed again.

His current condition is very bad, and there are more or less problems with his bones.

Even his muscles have a lot of wear and tear, and there are even more places for strains!

After all, he is flesh and blood, even if his body strength is exaggerated, but he is still not a real 'steel'.

He has bandages all over his body now, and there are medical ninjas around him taking turns to treat him.

You must know that as soon as he came back yesterday, he collapsed directly in the camp and only woke up now.

It is conceivable how bad his physical condition is.

However, what he never expected was that as soon as he woke up, he heard another piece of information that made him vomit blood.

That is the troop he arranged to be responsible for the support, but it was buried by the three generations of Hokage!

That's right, the **** of the three generations of Hokage used the big dam behind them to completely collapse and cause huge casualties!

What made him vomit blood the most was that the **** from the third Hokage didn't die.

The reason is very simple, Kirabi actually had to stop because Konoha Ninja used the surviving hundreds of Yun Ninja as a threat!

Seriously, he really wanted to scold people, it was really stupid to scold his brother!

At this time, the loss has been so great, why should you care about those hundreds of people?

Wouldn't it be better to just annihilate the **** Konoha army behind them and bring back the corpse of the third Hokage?

Although it seems very cold-blooded to think like this, the fourth Raikage knows that this is war.

There are bound to be huge casualties in war, and there have already been such huge casualties, so why not be decisive in exchange for greater benefits?

But he knew better that he couldn't say these words.

At least, it can't be said directly in front of so many people.

The human heart is the most mysterious and elusive thing. As a superior person, one must have a clear definition before and after.

Four Raikage didn't like these things, but he knew that sometimes he had to learn to compromise.

Especially for the interests of the village, he must learn to be ruthless, and he must learn to give up some people's lives in exchange for benefits.

But sometimes, he must show his love to his subordinates, and he must let his subordinates know that he will not give up on anyone.

Only in this way can we unite people's hearts, so that the subordinates will work hard for you and work hard for the village.

With a helpless sigh, the fourth Raikage felt that his chest was really stuffy, as if he had been stabbed by a knife.

He now both hates the cunning and cunning of the three generations of Hokage, and hates his younger brother for not acting decisively.

But he also knew that nothing could change.

"The dam is broken, is our camp affected?" Raikage the fourth generation almost gritted his teeth and asked.

"Lord Raikage, yesterday we noticed a change in the currents, so we immediately let the ninjas who know how to escape from earth and water to guide those torrents to change their trend.

And because we are far away, those torrents have become much weaker to us..." A Yun Ren quickly came out and replied.

Hearing that the camp had not been affected too much, the Fourth Raikage breathed a sigh of relief.

If the camp has been greatly affected by this, they have to re-select the station.

Thus giving Konoha a chance to enter the country of soup, then they will lose more than their gains.

And re-selecting the camp, many things also need to be modified.

For example, their logistical routes will also change, which will also give the Konoha ninjas hidden behind them a chance.

This is something that the four generations of Raikage absolutely cannot accept. They have already suffered such heavy losses. If they are heavy, can they directly withdraw their troops and go back?

If it is a real battle to lose, then he will not have much resentment.

Who can be blamed for not being as skilled?

Can only blame myself!

But under some conspiracy and tricks, who is in the heart of some kindness.

This is completely unacceptable for the fourth generation of Raikage, and it is absolutely unwilling to accept it!

"Quickly count the losses on our side, as well as the casualties of Konoha." Fourth Raikage sighed: "Also, remember to let those old ghosts in the village pay off the pension."

"Yes, Raikage-sama." Yun Ren on the side nodded quickly: "Then this subordinate will deal with these matters."

"Go." Fourth Raikage waved his hand at will, then fell silent, and it took him a long time to speak.

"Let's talk about it, how the three generations of Hokage have lost, and also, get up, don't kneel, since you made a decision, I won't blame you, your choice is not wrong... ."

"Big brother..." Chirabi didn't move, his voice was not so strong: "It's my problem, I shouldn't chase so deeply, I..."

"Shut up, let's ask, how is the situation on the third Hokage side? Does he still have the fighting ability?"

"I...I think, he's gone, because I don't have any left hands, even if I don't die, I can't fight..."


"It's a big trouble now."

Nara Lucheng looked at the three generations of Hokage lying on the bed, and felt that he was really in trouble.

Yesterday's battle was really scary, but in the end it seemed a bit anticlimactic.

The information that Uchiha Kai gave him fully worked, although he had absolutely no idea where the minister of his family got the information from.

But the actual effect told him the authenticity and effectiveness of this information.

To put it bluntly, if there is no such information, they may have completely collapsed or even perished.

Perfect Human Zhuli, such an existence is truly terrifying.

Not only can it fully exert the power of the tailed beast, but it can also possess the ninja's rationality and combat judgment and skills.

If there is no such information, but there is really no way to add it, Nara Lucheng can only gamble, I am afraid he is not willing to do so.

For example, in case that Kirabi is a cold-blooded war commander, then their end is simply terrible!

"Fortunately, fortunately, that guy is not a qualified commander, although he is a qualified fighting ninja."

Every time I think of this, Nara Lucheng can't help but feel very emotional.

Just how he felt, when he saw the three generations of Hokage who collapsed on the bed and was rescued by several medical ninjas, he also felt that his whole body was powerless.

That **** person Zhu Li is really too fierce, and the power is too exaggerated.

Even if the three generations of Hokage resisted with all their strength, they would be overturned in less than ten minutes.

Although he was rescued, he looked at the current state of the third Hokage.

He knew that this old Hokage probably had no way to continue commanding the battle, and it would be good if he didn't die here.

"Captain Lucheng."

Just when Nara Lucheng was full of messes, a Sarutobi ninja walked up to him.

This Sarutobi ninja Nara Kajo knew that, after all, this guy is the absolute cronie of the three generations of Naruto.

Especially on the battlefield, it is even better not to hide his preference for him.

This kid's name is Masao Sarutobi, and he is one of the few Joinin members of the Sarutobi clan. Normally, Nara Lucheng has to listen to his commands.

But now because of his own command, he saved the three generations of and also saved the entire army.

This guy seems to be more convinced of himself, otherwise he wouldn't be so polite, right?

"Masao Jonin, what's the matter?" Nara Kazuhiro thought to himself, but still bowed to him honestly.

He is a jounin, and he is a chunin.

"I'm afraid Mr. Sandaimu can't hold it anymore." Masao Sarutobi didn't hesitate, he said directly.

"He said to me before he passed out, I'm afraid I need to ask you for the next thing, but I also hope that Captain Lucheng can do me a favor."

"Do you want to send the three generations of Hokage back to Konoha?" There was no need for this guy to speak, Nara Kajo knew what he meant.

In fact, he is also thinking about what to do, because the current situation of the three generations of Hokage is really bad.

But the old guy went back, plus the message he left before he fell into a coma, it was like letting him command the rear troops.

Although Nara Kajo thinks he can do it, he doesn't want to take such a risk.

Glancing at the comatose third Hokage, Nara Shiro touched his chin, and finally he made a decision.

"Yes, after all, the medical environment here is relatively poor." Nara Lucheng nodded and said: "Send Konoha back, and the resources of the medical department should be able to completely recover him, but I hope you will wait."

"Oh?" Masao Sarutobi was relieved to hear this sentence: "No problem, when does Captain Lucheng plan to act."

"I need to complete a report. You prepare it. You will bring this report back. At the same time, you can also choose three teams to cooperate with the **** mission. The three generations of Hokage will be handed over to you..."



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