This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 437: Orochimaru's Information (Part 2)

"Master Orochimaru, I really didn't expect you to stay in the land of fire."

In the forest a few kilometers away from the wooden house guarded by the security department, Uchiha Kai looked at the man in front of him indifferently.

Except for his fair skin, this man looked just like an ordinary ninja.

But his breath told Uchiha Kai that this guy is not easy.

Uchiha Kai, who had taught so many times with Orochimaru, almost immediately concluded that the person in front of him was Orochimaru.

"Minister Qi didn't go to the front line, which really surprised me."

Orochimaru showed a smile, but his voice was still so hoarse.

"But if you think about it carefully, you have the largest force in Konoha and have a powerful fighting force. You probably still need to settle Konoha's interior."

"It's about the same. In fact, it's almost the same if I don't go to the battlefield, because Uchiha Fuyue can handle all this alone."

Uchiha Kai's voice was still so indifferent: "After all, he has the same eyes as mine, even more advanced than mine."

More advanced kaleidoscope writing wheel eye?

When Orochimaru heard the news, his eyes suddenly went blank. This news is really interesting.

In Orochimaru's view, the Kaleidoscope Shaker is actually an extreme and unbelievable power.

With this kind of power, even he was so addicted to it that he couldn't extricate himself.

But for various reasons, he didn't dare to attack the Uchiha family, the main reason was that he didn't want to turn against a guy like Uchiha Kai.

Let's not say whether it can be beaten or not, of course, this is also a key factor.

Orochimaru still can't be sure what Uchiha Kai's power is.

Even if he has witnessed the destruction caused by Uchiha Kai in Kirigakushi, as a ninja, he has to keep a heart. Ghost knows whether there is anything else hidden with this guy.

For Uchiha Kai, he has always maintained a kind of fear.

However, the cooperation with Uchiha Kai is a win-win for him, and he does not want to break this delicate situation.

Although sometimes he always feels that he will suffer, there is always a feeling that he is being used by Uchiha Kai.

But what he actually got was exactly what he expected in his heart, and wasn't he using Kai Uchiha in another way?

It can only be said that the two of them are constantly extracting each other's value from each other.

It's just that this guy Uchiha Kai is really good at grasping people's hearts. He is very clear about what he wants.

They can be said to be chess opponents.

"Okay, Lord Orochimaru, I don't know what you have to do with me this time?"

Uchiha Qi asked in a cold voice: "Have you found the traces of the ancestors of the Hyuga clan that I mentioned to you before?"

"No, not yet." Orochimaru shook his head.

"Recently, Konoha and Yunyin have had such a big conflict. Even the country of fire is a little abnormal. Although it is chaotic, there are a lot of ninjas. Even I have to be careful."

"Lord Orochimaru is joking. The reason why you pretend to be like this is probably just to avoid some trouble?"

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, he didn't believe Orochimaru's nonsense.

When this guy ran to Konoha to take the Chunin exam in the original book, the phonin jounin disguised as almost changed his clothes.

So unscrupulous and swaggering, saying that he is afraid of that is probably false, this guy really has nothing to fear, right?

As it is now, it may just want to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

For example, this guy Jiraiya has been chasing him for almost two years, and this guy may be getting bored.

"Maybe." Orochimaru did not deny it, and then he smiled slightly: "Here, Minister Qi, is he waiting for those Yun Ren's raiding troops?"

"Huh?" Uchiha Kai's face changed slightly, and then he showed a playful look.

"Master Orochimaru's intelligence system is really good. Although there are reasons for guessing, I don't think Master Orochimaru found me, it would be just guessing or thinking of something, let's talk about Master Orochimaru, you What did you find?"

"Indeed, I won't come to Minister Qi just because of some groundless speculation."

Orochimaru licked his tongue slightly, looking so weird.

"When I was trying to complete Minister Qi's commission, I happened to notice a group of ninjas coming towards Konoha, and according to my judgment, those people must be Yun Ren, because there are still some acquaintances inside."

"Are you an acquaintance?" Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, it seemed that Orochimaru had determined something.

It is not difficult to imagine that he was one of the members who dealt with Yunyin back then.

Even if he was later transferred to Jirai, he was also responsible, and it was only when Namikaze Minato came out that he defeated the fourth Raikage and the Ya-Tai people Zhuri with one against two.

Therefore, it is not unusual for this guy to know some people in Yunyin, but Uchiha Kai is a little curious about how many people Yunyin sent over.

Who the **** did they send, and where are they now?

However, Uchiha Kai did not ask directly, because he knew that a guy like Orochimaru would definitely use such information to try to exchange something.

This guy, Orochimaru, is definitely the kind of person who can't afford to get too early, especially the relationship between this guy and himself is basically a cooperation model of mutual use.

This guy now has what he wants in his hand. If he doesn't exchange it for more of what he wants, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai himself won't believe it.

"Tell me, I don't know what conditions Mr. Orochimaru has to give me this complete information."

Uchiha Kai's expression was still indifferent, and he even seemed a little concerned.

"This is a big fish, Minister Qi."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, he didn't care about Uchiha Kai's expression at all: "Of course, I am willing to give this information completely to Minister Kai, but there is a premise."

"You know, I don't like to beat around the bush."

Uchiha Qi nodded slightly: "Say your conditions and I will consider them."

"Really?" Orochimaru glanced at Uchiha Kai curiously. This guy doesn't like to be around?

But he didn't bother to care, his face became a little serious: "I hope to know what the limit of the kaleidoscope is, or what is your limit, Minister Qi."


The limit of power?

Uchiha Qi tilted his head slightly, his eyes looking at Orochimaru seemed to be full of playfulness.

After this guy had enabled certain features in advance by himself, he seemed to be more and more curious and concerned about the power of Sharinyan.

In other words, he seemed to pay more attention to the power of the kaleidoscope.

It is a pity that he has two writing wheels in his hand.

Even if he tried his best, at most he could only raise his power to Sangouyu, right?

In this state of kaleidoscope, what is needed is the shadowy power that is transformed by extreme emotions.

To put it bluntly, it is the kind of stimulation that can drive a person into a madman, whether it is fear or extreme despair.

Uchiha Kai personally forced two people to open the kaleidoscope, and he had a similar experience himself.

Those two pairs of eyes have no hosts at all, which has basically negated the possibility of their evolution.

Even if the Sharinyan is placed on someone else's body, this kind of thing is basically impossible to achieve, even the members of the Uchiha family are relatively hanging.

However, this kind of thing cannot be said 100% at all. After all, in the future, there will be a Uchiha letter with a special constitution that will not reject any tissue transplanted on his body.

As for how this guy opened the kaleidoscope, Uchiha Kai was really curious.

But this kid, I'm afraid he hasn't been discovered yet, right?

Uchiha Qi doesn't know how far the writing wheel in Orochimaru's hand has reached, perhaps it has reached the power of Sangouyu who began to yearn for a kaleidoscope.

Perhaps it is pure curiosity, what is the future potential of Kaleidoscope.

But his request is not too difficult for Uchiha Kai.

If you can give this guy a deep memory, let him know what stage he is in right now, so that he doesn't dare to have any crooked thoughts.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai revealed a mysterious smile: "Are you sure, you want to see my limit?"

"Minister Qi is joking, but there is one thing I really mean."

Orochimaru's face became serious, and even in the pupils that had been disguised as black, a burst of madness burst out uncontrollably.

"That is, I am really curious about how far the kaleidoscope can reach, whether it is the same as the legend..."

"Is it the same horror?" Uchiha Qi interrupted Orochimaru.

His eyes were slightly closed, but the next moment when he opened them, his eyes had turned into a weird kaleidoscope.

Especially under his kaleidoscope pattern, there is a faint ghost.

"Since that's the case, then I naturally can't disappoint Lord Orochimaru."

Uchiha Kai's voice seemed a little cold, and Orochimaru even had a shuddering feeling.

"I don't know if Orochimaru can know that the terrain was completely changed in a canyon on the border of Konoha, and even the spread of the battle has made it impossible to completely repair the vicinity."

"Slightly heard."

Orochimaru nodded and looked at Uchiha Kai, who already had dark chakra on his body.

He suddenly asked, "Could it be... Is there something to do with Minister Qi?"

"Ah, that's right." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly.

The dark chakras on his body have become more and more intense, and these chakras have completely transformed into the form of a giant.

As his chakra continued to spread, his body began to float.

Orochimaru quietly watched the scene in front of him, and cold sweat began to appear on his forehead.

But the frenzy in his eyes became more and more serious. Not long after, a black giant with a height of more than 100 meters appeared in front of him.

The gloomy and oppressive aura continued to spread towards Orochimaru. At this moment, Orochimaru seemed to feel the **** of death beckoning!

"To be precise, those are the traces left by my battle with Uchiha Fugaku."

Uchiha Kai's voice is still so cold and calm, but in Orochimaru's ears, this voice is so deep and cold!

"This is the power I have, and this is the power of a kaleidoscope. Master Orochimaru can be curious, or have ideas.

However, Mr. Orochimaru still has to remember that under these eyes, you have no secrets at all! "


"What were you doing just now?"

On a path leading to the Valley of the End, Aya Hyuga frowned at Kai Uchiha.

Not long ago, Uchiha Qi stopped suddenly before he finished speaking, and then separated a shadow clone and left the place silently.

Although Hyuga Aya was a little inexplicable, she was still thinking for the first time, how to help Uchiha Kai cover up all this.

It's just that what Uchiha Kai did was more extreme than she imagined.

Not to mention a perceptive ninja like her, even ordinary ninjas can clearly feel that chakra fluctuation that is extremely cold.

Maybe some people think this is just their illusion, after all, this feeling comes and goes quickly.

But some people feel that the situation is not right, because the breath is too scary and too strong.

But anyway, this guy Uchiha Kai is still a little brainy, and he is far away.

This distance has completely escaped the detection distance of Baiyan, and he did not bring any perception ninjas out.

Therefore, Hyuga Aya is not worried about Uchiha Kai revealing anything.

The only thing she is curious about now is what Uchiha Kai is doing.

Especially when this guy came back and led the team to act. Obviously, this guy may have met someone, and may even be on the verge of a battle.

But in the end, there was no fight, otherwise it would not seem so calm.

And Uchiha Kai should have obtained enough information, which will lead them to leave their current position and march towards a new discovery.

"I saw a side of Orochimaru."

Uchiha Kai glanced at the players around him, and then said in a low voice.

"He came to me and met face-to-face. He wanted to see my limit and gave me a piece of information."

"See your limit? I remember that you gave him the Shaker, don't you..."

Hyuga Aya frowned, obviously she had thought of something not very good.

"Don't worry, he can't, at least not now."

Uchiha Qi shook his head indifferently: "If it is really that simple, why are there so many people in the entire Uchiha clan, only me and Uchiha Fuyue have such abilities?

Over time, perhaps the ancestors also possessed such abilities, but in the end it was very little, because the degree of difficulty here is really unimaginable. "


After hearing the words, Hyuga Aya pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "But in the end, be careful, after all, Orochimaru has never been a fuel-efficient lamp."

Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, but soon he felt a little surprised, and then a slight smile appeared on his face.

Is this caring about yourself?

It seems that there is a lot of concern, right?

Uchiha Qi thought silently, but he didn't bother to say anything.

For some topics, it is better to keep the hazy feeling.

Some things are really broken, and the nature becomes very strange.

Uchiha Qi didn't want such a thing to happen, and a temporary silence seemed very necessary.

It's just that he doesn't know it himself, he seems to be very accustomed to this kind of feeling, although it is bland but also very real.

Shaking his head slightly, Uchiha Qi made himself stop thinking about these things, and time was the best tool to help him answer.

And now he has more important things to do, and that is to deal with this group of guys who plan to cause damage in Konoha.

Of course, there are still some regrets in his heart.

That's why Aya Hyuga can't stay in fairy mode for a long time...


"Captain, the valley of the end is ahead."

On the edge of the cliff, a cloud ninja pointed to the waterfall in front of him and said.

Tutai looked at the waterfall in front, and the huge statue looked so majestic and mighty in the sunset.

These two statues are naturally known as Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, who ended the troubled times.

However, the relationship between the two is also very contradictory, because according to various sources, they seem to have been constantly changing between enemies and friends.

Although the hands of the statues of the two displayed the "Seal of Reconciliation" at the same time, is their relationship really reconciled?

Shaking his head, Tutai was too lazy to look at the two statues.

These two are long dead, although legend has it that they are terrifying to the extreme.

But there is no concept of how strong the soil platform is, and he has no interest in figuring out such a concept.

Although he admitted that the actions of the two were great, the two of them ended the troubled times.

But the products of the era they created have ushered in an era that is bloodier, terrifying, and larger in scale, causing more casualties.

During the Warring States Period, although it was always in war.

But the battles at that time were basically family units, and everyone knew how many people actually participated in the battle.

Although it was very miserable at that time, and the average life expectancy was only thirty or forty, but the number of real deaths was not as many as it is now.

now what?

With the country as a unit and the village as a stronghold, war machines such as ninjas have been continuously cultivated.

They are disciplined and powerful, and the damage they cause is truly more terrifying than that of a family unit.

"lets go."

Tutai took one last look at the two statues, and then waved directly.

"We went around such a big circle, but fortunately, we have basically met their mission requirements. After this canyon, we will find a place to rest for a good night, and tomorrow we will enter Konoha. Don't worry, everyone, I have already planned it. ."

"Yes, Captain!"

All the Yun Ninjas nodded, and then started to protect the earth platform in the center again.

To be honest, they really didn't like this Tutai that much at first.

Because he directly negated their pre-planned route, and took them directly to detour.

However, his explanation gave these Yun Ninjas some peace of mind, but it was far from enough.

After all, Tutai is not their direct captain, and is fundamentally different from them.

Tutai has always been standing in the "cloud of rights", and it can be said that he has rarely participated in the task.

And they are all first-line ninjas, and they have a huge gap in identity.

Maybe they will respect this Tutai in their hearts, but if they actually participate in the mission with him, the situation will be very different.

Because they had to devote part of their minds to protecting him, which greatly affected their actions and battles.

But along the way, Tutai has shown his worth.

On the way, they bypassed almost all Konoha's checkpoints, and even if they encountered him directly, they would direct them in a crisis and let them pass through various means.

This avoids their early consumption, and also avoids the possibility of them being detected by Konoha.

And they are also experienced first-line ninjas, they clearly noticed that there seem to be relatively few ninjas nearby.

No, it should be said that it does not seem to have reached the state of war defense, which is obviously not normal.

So, are these guarding ninjas actually sent to the other side to defend, which is the direction they originally expected?

With this discovery and getting along along the way, these Yun Ren have basically been convinced by Tutai's ability and charisma.

With this guy here, they are indeed safer, and they seem to see hope that they can go back alive!

No one is without the desire to survive. Although they have accepted such a task, they also have hope of life deep in their hearts.

With such a command, it can indeed make them safer, and they naturally recognize this command more.

What all of them didn't expect was when they jumped off the statue in End Valley and headed in the direction of Konoha.

They suddenly found that not far from them, a man was standing with his back to them.

The man had short black hair, and the black battle suit was stained with some snowflakes.

The most important thing is that on the back of this man's battle suit, there is a red and white circle fan logo printed on it. This logo belongs to the Uchiha family!

All the Yun Ninjas stopped in unison, and looked at the Uchiha in the distance with different expressions on their faces.

There were those who were stunned and those who were terrified. Even Tutai was a little surprised, but he still behaved very calmly.

He quickly gave the Yun Ninjas around him a 'ready to fight' look, and then he walked forward His face also changed into a harmonious smile, looking like a human being and a beast. Harmful.

"Lord Ninja, I don't know who you are here..." Tutai asked curiously: "I am from the land of Tang Zang Taiyuan, and I plan to go to Konoha."

After the Uchiha ninja heard his words, he turned around slowly, and Tutai could see the face of the Uchiha ninja clearly.

At this moment, Tutai's heart suddenly throbbed.

The Uchiha ninja in front of him was very young, and he seemed to be sixteen or seventeen years old.

He has very fair skin and looks very handsome.

But this face is the last thing Tutai wants to see, because this guy is Kai Uchiha, the head of the Konoha Security Department!

"Really?" Uchiha Qi's voice was very soft, it sounded like he was talking to an old friend: "Is it someone from Tang Zhiguo, Shanzang Taiyuan? But why do I think it would be better for you to be called Tutai? How about some?"


When Tutai heard Uchiha Kai's words, he couldn't help but feel even more nervous, but his face showed a touch of consternation.

"Tutai? Is that the lord from Yunyin Village? This lord Uchiha, I think you have misunderstood..."

"Is there a misunderstanding?" Uchiha Qi interrupted him and smiled lightly.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding, but I have to admit that you guys are really interesting.

Even a chess piece that has been lurking for 20 years can't believe it easily, and always chooses to detour. I have to say that you are really very careful, but..."

"Aren't you too underestimated, our Konoha's intelligence capabilities and intelligence system?"



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