This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 427: footsteps of war

Latest website: "What are you guys making a fuss about?"

Outside the hotel where the cloud ninja envoys settled, Uchihagawa confronted these cloud ninjas with a group of members of the security department.

After these Yun Ninjas entered Konoha, people from Anbu would follow in the dark.

But on the bright side, the security department still needs to be guarded, and the nature of the two expressions is completely different.

Of course, there was another reason for Anbu's assistance.

That is, the Security Department has indeed lost a lot of manpower in the previous conflict.

It's a pity that, because of the time, plus training, training, etc. are not simple.

This also causes them to have no time to recruit again now.

The current workload of the members of the security department is very variable. In order to normalize the patrols and other tasks of the security department, those members who have just left the battlefield are also required to return to duty.

Uchihagawa didn't need to come here at all as a sub-commander, but he had completely regarded the security department as his home and his goal.

What's more, he is also a diehard Uchiha Kai, so he is willing to be a little tired.

And with him there, he can also slightly suppress the slightly excited emotions of those members who have worked hard with Yun Yin on the battlefield.

But Uchihagawa can suppress the emotions of his subordinates, but there is no way to stop the actions of these Yun Ninjas.

These guys don't seem to worry at all, they don't know what's going on in the middle of the night, and they are so fierce.

"We came to the peace talks with good intentions, for the peace of the Shinobi world, but what are you doing!"

A Yun Ren looked at Uchiha Chuan with grief and indignation, and he shouted loudly: "Hand over my Shinobi head, is this how you Konoha treat us?"

"Nintou? Atsby?" Uchihagawa asked with a face: "Visit the Hinata clan? What did you get permission for..."

As soon as the words fell, Uchihagawa felt that this matter was not simple.

These Yun Ninjas didn't get any permission at all and could visit any family in Konoha!

This kind of thing is not said on the surface, but in fact these are unspoken rules that everyone knows well.

How could these people have the opportunity to visit the people of the Hinata clan?

And even if they wanted to visit, how could they possibly go out?

The people of the Hyuga clan will never want to see them, unless...

The Hinata clan betrayed, of course, this basically will not happen.

Yun Yin is probably planning to cause serious disagreements within Konoha on this matter, so as to achieve some of their goals!

Uchihagawa has already made a certain judgment in his heart, and these Yun Ren came here definitely not with goodwill.

Having followed Uchiha Kai for so long, and having been the sub-commander for so long, Uchiha Chuan's vision has long been raised.

What's more, Uchihagawa's current management authority is also very large, and he has to force himself to keep improving, otherwise he is worried that he will not be able to keep up with Uchiha Kai's footsteps.

"Stop talking nonsense, is this your Konoha attitude?"

That Yun Ren didn't seem to have any idea of ​​continuing to talk to Uchihagawa at all, and he shouted directly.

"Brothers, since Konoha detained our Nintou and treated us envoys like this, let's get out of here quickly and take this information back! Everyone obeys, let's break out!"


All Yun Ren shouted, and the next moment they pulled out their weapons and charged directly towards the guards!

Their actions were so decisive, I am afraid that apart from Uchiha Chuan and a few ninjas who had been on the battlefield, no one else reacted.

Uchiha Chuan took out a ninja sword, and he immediately blocked in front of a cloud ninja.

He didn't turn on his own spinner because he felt that this conflict should be a non-lethal attack.

However, what made him feel incredible was that the other party seemed to be fighting him with a mortal mentality.

The other party even ignored his ninja sword and stabbed him directly in the chest with Kuwu!


Uchihagawa scolded secretly, and then quickly performed a substitute technique.

At this moment, he heard the sound of metal collision coming from behind him, and even accompanied by screams.

At this moment, Uchihagawa has realized the seriousness of the gaffe.

No matter who made the screams, at this moment he must not have any hold back!

Uchiha Chuan took a deep breath, the other party had already begun to take his own life.

If he is still indifferent then he may die, and his brothers are also in danger.

Although it may cause trouble for Uchiha Kai, although it may cause trouble for Konoha.

But no matter what, let's deal with the things in front of us first!

It really doesn't work, so I figured out a way to stay alive.

Thinking of this, Uchihagawa's eyes turned scarlet, and the ninja sword in his hand showed no mercy, and slashed directly at the cloud ninja in front of him.

This Yun Ninja's fighting level is still there, and the fighting style is absolutely fierce, he really dare not be careless.

However, what he never expected was that this Yun Ren actually had a weird smile on his face.

Then he gave up the defense directly and let the ninja sword run directly through his body!

Uchiha Chuan was really stunned, what's the situation?

And when this Yun Ren was still alive, he used his last strength to turn his facial expression into panic.

Then he opened his eyes wide and slowly stopped breathing.

to death? Intentionally die!

"Hurry up!" Uchiha Chuan shouted immediately.

However, when he pulled out the ninja sword and turned to check the situation, his face became extremely gloomy.

Because of these Yun Ninjas, they have all died at the hands of the guards' ninjas!

No one alive!

These **** Yun Ren actually chose such a despicable but cruel way to harm Konoha, their security department, these **** fellows!

This battle did not last even a minute.

Perhaps this shouldn't be called a battle at all, but rather a massacre.

"Captain, this..." At this moment, some members of the security department finally reacted: "They....are they sending death? This..."

"Hurry up and inform Lord Qi that something big has happened here."

Uchiha Chuan's mind is a bit messy now, but his professionalism is still very high.

"Also, inform Hokage-sama, hurry up!"

"Yes, Captain!"


"These guys are really..."

Namikaze Minato looked at the corpses all over the floor and finally sighed.

When the members of the Security Department and the members of the Anbu Department arrived at the Hokage Building at the same time to deliver this information, the group of them was still discussing these matters.

To be honest, the decisiveness of these Yun Ren was beyond their imagination.

For a moment, Minato Namikaze really admired them. Even though Kai Uchiha said what kind of choices they would make, he was still a little shocked when he saw it.

"It looks like those guys from Yun Ren have really made up their minds." Three generations of Hokage couldn't help but sighed: "It's a pity, if Minister Shikuji and Minister Qi exchanged information earlier, maybe..."

"No possibility, Lord Hokage." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, as well as Hyuga Aya and Hyuga Hizu who were standing aside, he showed a sneer.

"So what if you know, what if you don't know? If you know, can you really prevent it?

They died on the way back, but it only reduced a little trouble for Konoha's interior, you can't control their hearts begging for death. "

"It's true, Lord Hokage III." Nara Shikahisa bowed slightly, he didn't dare to be like Uchiha Kai.

"The purpose of provoking this incident in the Hyuga clan is just to try to make something happen inside Konoha.

Now to discuss how they are going to die, and it is meaningless to blame Konoha, the most important thing now is to think about how to deal with these things. "

Nara Shikahisa is still very calm and calm. He really feels that it is completely meaningless to be entangled in these things now.

Rather than tangled with these things, it is better to think about how to deal with subsequent events.

And he always had a hunch that Uchiha Kai probably knew these things a long time ago.

It's just that this guy has some purpose and didn't make any moves, but let this thing develop.

Even the fourth generation of Hokage is almost the same!

Although he has been trying his best to do something, in essence it seems to be a step slower, and a step slower on purpose.

And this incident also involves a big family in Konoha, that is, the Hinata family.

After sorting out by Uchiha Kai, they already knew some information, and naturally they could guess where Yun Yin was going to attack.

However, he knew that the Fourth Hokage would never happen because of that falsehood. The actual purpose was to demonstrate and bury a muffled thunder inside Konoha.

And Uchiha Kai will never agree, isn't this woman Hyuga Aya his lover?

As long as this woman speaks a little bit, I am afraid Uchiha Kai will also use his own power.

"Fortunately, we have already made preparations." Minato Namikaze sighed: "I really can't blame the members of the security department for this. These guys are real.... admirable."

"Minister Lujiu, you go to draft the statement." Sandai Hokage also sighed, he raised his head and said seriously: "We are already behind, so the rest of the things can't be left behind any more..."

"There are also statements that remember to be tougher, but things must be completely restored."

Namikaze Minato also said, "Also, call all the ministers, clan chiefs, and Shang Ninjas, and we have something to announce."

Namikaze Minato paused for a while, then turned his head to look at Uchiha Kai.

And Uchiha Kei nodded slightly, which made Minato Namikaze feel a sense of support.

Taking a deep breath, Minato Namikaze's expression became more serious: "Everyone, from today, from now on, we will enter a state of war..."


A state of war is a very dangerous definition.

Especially, it was announced from the mouth of Naruto Minato, Naruto, even more so.

This has pretty much defined, their next course of action and tone.

Although the third Hokage's face was not very good-looking, he did not object.

Perhaps in his heart, he had already decided that this had happened.

Therefore, there is no value to object to. Any unnecessary disputes at this time are the most dangerous thing!

Tonight's Konoha is destined to be a sleepless night.

According to Minato Namikaze's request, almost all the patriarchs, ministers, and those who had reached the position of Joinin came to a conference room in the Hokage Building.

In this conference room, Minato Namikaze told the current situation without any concealment, which immediately made everyone realize the seriousness of the situation.

Although there are also many people who also hope to end such war troubles in some 'special' way,

But most people support the decision of Namikaze Minato.

It has to be said that some of the strategies of Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato are still completely fine.

At a very early time, when they realized that Yun Yin's situation was not right, they had already started to make various preparations.

And this kind of preparation is also very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, they and Yun Ren were in the vicinity of the Iron Country, and the small-scale conflict lasted for nearly half a year, which also deepened the dissatisfaction of these ninjas with Yun Ren.

In addition, most of them have very good political literacy.

After Namikaze Minato's narration, how did they not know that there was really no way to back down.

Concession is to create trouble for Konoha, not to mention how the Hinata clan will view it.

If Konoha gave in completely on this matter alone, everyone knew how much negative impact it would have on the entire ninja world.

And Konoha is not without the power of a battle now, because there is an earlier prediction and preparation.

Coupled with the existence of Konoha and this wave of Feng Minato and his wife, the three generations of Hokage, and Uchiha Fuyue and others, they really don't have to suffer in terms of high-end power.

Moreover, Konoha once experienced the Nine-Tail Incident. Although the blow to Konoha's interior was not fatal, it had a lot of impact.

Konoha really needs a relatively beautiful event to boost his morale.

Those battles in the Iron Country Week, although it seemed that Konoha won, but this incident really did not bring much encouragement to Konoha.

If this war is won, it will definitely bring huge influence to Konoha.

Of course, they all know that such influence is only within Konoha, and they are actually at a loss to the outside world.

Even through this battle, Konoha once again showed his muscles and told everyone how strong they were.

But in fact, for those Yun Yin who touched porcelain and tried to start a war, what they could get was really only a pitiful little.

However, in another way of thinking, through this war, Konoha's current status has been stabilized, and at the same time, he warned others not to 'think wildly, Konoha is still that Konoha', which seems to be a good gain.

At least, this allows Konoha to spend peacefully once again, at least ten years or more.

Taking advantage of these peaceful years, Konoha can completely restore himself to the peak.

It is even difficult to say whether it is possible to recover to a higher peak.

As for losing?

An unconditional concession is also a loss, and a deadly battle is also a loss.

Although the second type seems to have a larger loss, the positive effect it brings is much better.

This is a kind of spiritual inheritance, and this spirit is very important!

Therefore, almost immediately, Konoha's entire machine started running.

Nara Shikahisa has written a diplomatic report with a slightly tough attitude in almost the shortest time.

This report completely explained what Yun Yin's special envoy did in Konoha, and wrote some of their guesses into it, and also warned Yun Yin that it was best not to create fearless incidents.

But unfortunately, Yun Yin also issued a statement to Konoha almost a day later.

The wording of this statement is even more drastic, and it even explains these things from the perspective of a "vulnerable".

However, they also made a proposal, one that Konoha completely unacceptable.

But it seems like an acceptable offer to hand over the murderers of these envoys, and even hold the managers of the relevant departments to account.

If they refuse, then they will take the toughest revenge stance against Konoha!

It is completely conceivable how ambitious such a rhetoric is.

Hand over the murderer of the envoy?

Wouldn't that mean that all the people in the security department who participated in the mission of that day must be handed over?

You must know that the people who participated in the task on a certain day almost included most of the members of Konoha's family!

In addition, Hinata Hizu and Hinata Aya also participated in this incident.

Maybe Yun Yin didn't even think about how terrible and excessive their demands were, and it also involved Kai Uchiha.

Of course, they may have thought of it too.

Therefore, he simply used such a proposal that seemed reasonable, but would never be accepted by Konoha, in order to force Konoha to make a choice.

Either accept their threats and lose their hearts, or just go to war with no nonsense on both sides!

Excessive, but also very practical.

Things have gotten to the point where there is nothing left to discuss.

The only thing Konoha can do is to never declare war directly, and prepare himself at the same time.


"It seems that this winter is not easy this year."

Uchiha Kai stood on the guard building, staring at the snow outside and couldn't help sighing.

And Hyuga Aya stood beside him, also quietly looking at the snow outside.

Time has unknowingly come to this point. It can be said that his proposal with Minato Namifeng has also developed into a huge turning point, but all this is planned.

Although there were a lot of errors in the plan, at least everything was moving forward steadily.

"It's okay, after all, both you and Hokage-sama have been preparing for so long."

Aya Hyuga's voice was very cold, but also very calm: "By the way, what are you going to do with Uchihagawa and the others?"

"Deal with it? Don't you already know my answer?" Uchiha Kai looked at her amusingly.

"Why do you want to deal with them? Do you think I would deal with them for this kind of thing? Stop joking, those guys are simply committing suicide, and they have nothing to do with Uchihagawa."

"I just wanted to confirm." Hyuga Aya nodded: "The same is true for that guy at Artsby, his strength is actually very strong, but he didn't choose too much resistance at all, so he directly lured me to kill him. "

"I know." Uchiha Qi nodded: "I have seen the scene, the strength of soft boxing is very good, it is your technique. But I heard that he wanted to kill Hinata, so you chose to do it? It's enough to take the blame for you, but he didn't embarrass you, right?"

"Don't worry, no." Hyuga Aya nodded: "On the contrary, he was very grateful to me. Although he regretted it later, he didn't say anything after knowing Konoha's handling."

"It seems to have added a lot of impression points." Uchiha smiled: "By the way, how about the little girl from Hyuga's house? I hope that girl won't leave any shadows."

Will Hinata Hinata leave any shadows, Uchiha Kai thinks it may not.

Because in the original book, Atsby died directly at the hands of Hinata Hinata, and was killed in front of Hinata Hinata.

But this matter didn't seem to cast any shadows on her, and Uchiha Qi just said so, and it's enough to express some concerns.

A girl from a big family is bound to receive a good psychological cure.

It's really not good, isn't it possible to use some special methods to make these memories dissipate?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's face became a little weird.

He has been thinking about when he wants to erase the memory of his little princess.

But he was so busy with his business that this matter never materialized.

But this time, Uchiha Kai also made up his mind, and when the war this time is over, he will tell Iori the truth.

People have choices, and Uchiha Kai will naturally give her a choice.

As for the outcome of the choice, he didn't bother to think about it, thinking that forgetting this memory was her best choice.

"By the way, there's one thing I've always wanted to ask you, but I haven't had a chance." Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking, Hyuga Aya suddenly asked.

"You have always emphasized the importance of Shangnin, and constantly filled the ranks of civilian ninjas. Although Kenta Imai and I have a certain level in our hearts, you have never said it in detail. Can I ask now?"

"Is this a problem?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and then his eyes looked out the window again.

"A question for you, I remember that I should have asked you and Kenta Imai. Of course, if I didn't ask, then I'd be wrong."

"What's the problem, tell me." Hyuga Aya asked softly, "I'm really getting more and more curious now."

"If you were an enemy ninja, and when you saw me for the first time, you would think, what kind of ninja am I?"

Uchiha Kai smiled. He had asked Namifeng Minato about this question, and he was sure, but he was not sure if he had asked her and Imai Kenta.

But anyway, this is a very classic problem.

Because of this problem, it perfectly illustrates an important flaw in Konoha's existing system.

What kind of ninja are you?

What are you striving for?

How should your actual identity be distinguished?

These three problems have always plagued Konoha, or this is not just Konoha's problem, but a problem that exists in the entire ninja world!

This question was also a factor that made Uchiha into a desperate situation at the beginning, an important reason for being isolated and What kind of ninja are you? "Hyuga Aya glanced at him inexplicably, and after thinking for a while, she gave her own answer.

"Although I really want to say that you are an extremely insidious and cruel ninja, I don't think that's what you're asking.

Combining some of your practices, are a Konoha ninja of the Uchiha family. "

"Look, didn't you tell the answer?" Uchiha Qi turned his head and looked at her seriously: "Yes, I am a Konoha ninja from the Uchiha family, and you are a Konoha ninja from the Hinata family, Don't you see some problems here?"

"Problem..." Hyuga Aya froze for a moment, then seemed to think of something: "You mean..."

"Actually, you don't need to think too much." Uchiha Qi lightly patted her shoulder: "Don't you think it would be simpler and more direct if everyone was just a 'Konoha Ninja'?"


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