This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 424: You are really not a cloud person

The latest website: Konoha forty-nine years, December 27th, the weather is not very good but not bad.

Snowflakes fluttered in the air, dyeing the leaves a thick silver.

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya stood in front of the door of Konoha Village, and behind him were the captains of the four divisions and several members of the security department.

The group of them came to receive the special envoy from Yunyin Village.

Although Kei Uchiha didn't particularly want to come, but out of diplomatic etiquette and the task given to him by Namikaze Minato, he had to come too.

It's just that the specifications of the reception this time are not as exaggerated as in the original book.

In the original book, Konoha lost four generations of Hokage, and such a tragic blow even made Konoha ninjas less confident.

After some conflicts and contests, and after losing a lot of manpower.

Facing the 'olive branch' thrown by Yunyin, the 'grand celebration ceremony' that Hyuga Neji Miku spoke of appeared.

And this 'grand celebration ceremony' made the whole Konoha go up and down, and maybe even Hokage went to participate.

It is conceivable how demoralized and fearful of war Konoha was at that time.

They maintain such high interest even because of this 'peace from charity'.

It can only be said that under the conservative policy of the three generations of Hokage, they almost lost their blood.

Although in such a situation, the choice of the three generations of Hokage can not really be said to be wrong.

But what he did after that really laid the groundwork for his future death, making him a real loner.

"They are here."

Just as Kai Uchiha was comparing the difference between the current Konoha and the original Konoha, Hyuga Aya suddenly whispered beside him.

Looking closely, there was indeed a line of ninjas walking in their direction not far away.

The leader was a ninja who looked like he was in his thirties. He looked very mediocre, even a little ugly.

But this guy is a ruthless man who secretly went to see the three generations of Hokage, and performing such a task shows that he also has the consciousness of mortal death.

At this point, Uchiha Kai really admires him a bit.

"Forget it, just treat this guy as a funeral."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, he stood with his arms around his chest and waited quietly, he had no idea of ​​going out to meet them.

A group of dead people, what qualifications does he have to meet?

Not long after, these Yun Ninjas also collectively approached Konoha's gate.

It's just that after these people approached, they immediately turned their attention to Uchiha Ryukage who was standing behind Uchiha Kai.

This kid's beheading of Troy really made him famous.

"Uchiha Ryukage Joinin, it's really a pleasure to meet." Atsby didn't seem to look at Uchiha Kai.

He looked at Uchiha Ryuying with a smile on his face, and said in a frivolous voice, "I didn't expect you to be a member of the reception group."

Uchiha Kai looked at these guys with some playfulness, if it was said that they were not intentional Uchiha Kai would definitely not believe it.

But he did not speak, but still stood quietly in the same place, Hyuga Aya almost gave Uchiha Kai a look.

Are these guys really naive, or do they feel like they can play a role in it?

Uchiha Liuying raised his head and glanced at them indifferently, and the expression that was like looking at a dead person swept over each of them.

Then he turned his eyes to the front, and seemed to disdain to look at them at all.

"Tsk, is this your Konoha attitude?" Atsby was a little surprised, but his voice was still frivolous: "Do you want to talk about it?"

"You go back." At this moment, a soft voice sounded in Arsby's ear.

The person who spoke was naturally Uchiha Kai, he glanced flatly at Atsby, and then shook his head.

"People like you are not qualified to enter Konoha, everyone, let's go back."

"Yes!" All the members of the security department shouted, and then directly lined up to wait for Uchiha Kai to go first!

Uchiha Qi didn't hesitate at all, he turned around and planned to leave.

This is not a gesture, but because he has such confidence!

In this conflict, Konoha won a more obvious victory. It is Yun Yin who hopes to ease the conflict through negotiation.

No matter what the truth is, at least on the bright side, Konoha is a strong side.

As a strong party, he has given the other party enough diplomatic etiquette, but as a weak party, he seems to be ignorant.

Then he naturally won't be lowly to give other people face!

In doing so, the person who is anxious will naturally not be him, but the guy named Atsby.

This guy is indeed smarter, but his mentality is obviously wrong, and it is outrageously wrong!

It is true that he does think that Yunyin is stronger than Konoha, but he has not completely corrected his mentality at all.

The things that are hidden are not comparable to the things that are visible.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai was a little disappointed.

He knows what Yunyin's purpose for sending the battle ninjas is, but you should arrange some decent characters to come here, right?

"You are Kai Uchiha, the legendary Minister of Security?"

Just as Uchiha Kai turned to leave, Atsby's voice reached his ears.

"Sure enough, but are you sure you want to leave? Is it your Konoha's attitude to keep the messenger out of the door?"

"Emissary?" Uchiha Qi turned his head and glanced at him suspiciously, and then his eyes turned to Aya Hyuga, who was standing beside him: "Aya, have you seen an ambassador?"

"No." Of course Aya Hyuga knew what Uchiha Kai meant, she nodded flatly, and said in a cold voice, "The barking of dogs is disgusting, maybe it's a vicious dog."

"Minister Qi, don't go too far." Atsby's expression became a little gloomy: "Do you hope that we Yun Yin and Konoha will open fire?"

His words changed the expressions of everyone in the security department, and Uchiha Kai turned his head to look at him again.

Uchiha Kai's eyes looked back and forth on Atsby's body, but the charm in his eyes was as if he was looking at an idiot.

This kind of gaze made Arsby very dissatisfied, and he didn't know that he was taking a risk now.

When they meet, try to provoke the interior of the security department, and communicate aggressively with Kai Uchiha, who is receiving him.

This approach is very reckless, but Arsby made such a choice.

Indeed, on the surface, it seems that Yunyin lost to Konoha, but what this shows to everyone is their forbearance.

Indeed, they took the initiative to ask for peace talks, which showed to everyone that they pursued peace.

It's just an approach to reshape Yunyin's political image and the image of the ninja world, but Atsby is more disdainful of such an approach.

If Yun Yin wants to gain an image, he still has to rely more on his own strength, rather than through some other methods to achieve his goals!

And he is a little curious, and the curious person is naturally the three generations of Hokage.

He didn't know what the three Hokage he had seen before did, although he was sure that people like the three Hokage would defect for power.

But even if it fails, it's nothing, it's just laying mines on Konoha.

However, in this way, to test the attitude inside Konoha, you can come to a conclusion.

Uchiha Kai is a person of the fourth generation of Hokage, and naturally he is at odds with the third generation of Hokage.

If Uchiha Kai's performance is tough enough, then I'm afraid it can only explain two things.

The first is that the three generations of Hokage did not defect at all, and he was severely suppressed.

The second is that the three generations of Hokage have defected, but this also angered Uchiha Kai and the others. Does this cause such a state?

Of course, it is right that the three generations of Hokage did not succeed. Otherwise, whoever receives him now may be the great enemy of this three generations of Hokage?

Of course, it does not rule out intentionally sending this guy over to meet him.

After all, he had just contacted them, and he could feel Uchiha Kai's attitude towards them.

To let him is to let him conflict with himself, so that he can win him?

It's just that Atsby quickly denied this, because Kai Uchiha's unscrupulous appearance seemed to ignore them at all.

"Excessive? Full fire?" Uchiha Kai showed a smile, and his voice became softer.

"Are you making decisions on behalf of Raikage? It seems that you and Raikage are not on the same path. Are you planning to use the golden horn and the silver horn as a reference to find a way to kill Raikage?"

"You!" Atsby's face turned sideways, he didn't expect Uchiha Kai to be so open-mouthed!

Did you deliberately say this to get revenge on yourself after obtaining relevant information about him?

It is true that Atsby and Raikage are not the same, and their positions are also different.

Otherwise, he would not have been selected as the first choice for the mortal mission.

And his identity background, the ninjas who came with him are clear, these ninjas who come with him are all loyal fans of Raikage.

Uchiha Kai's words can be said to have pushed him to an extremely embarrassing situation.

I'm afraid Uchiha Kai doesn't even know that his casual remarks can cause so much damage.

"Oh? Did I poke your pain?" Uchiha opened his arms around his chest, his expression indifferent to the extreme.

His soft voice seemed to make people feel unusually cold.

"You said that you were a special envoy, but what you did was completely dragging Yun Yin into the quagmire of Don't forget, you have already lost in the Iron Country, and don't forget, It's you who came to us for peace talks.

What you are doing is completely pushing Raikage into an abyss, making all his efforts in vain. "

"I..." Atsby frowned in the face of such a strong Uchiha Kai.

However, before he could speak, he was interrupted by Uchiha Qi.

"So, are you here to provoke and vent your dissatisfaction with Raikage's decision?" Uchiha Qi looked at him flatly: "Or, are you really going to kill this Raikage who doesn't suit your wishes? "

"So, let me give you a piece of advice. First, clean up the things that you should clean up. You are considering whether to talk about it or maintain such a conflict, but I have to say something..."

"You are really not a cloud person..."


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