This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 418: fairy mode

The latest website: Sarutobi Risho's move really made Uchiha feel disgusting.

But under the current circumstances, neither he nor Namikaze Minato would be hard-pressed to reject this guy.

Although the root has always been the department they are unhappy with, it is even the department they want to control or even replace.

But it is because this department is strong enough and has mastered too many secret things.

They dispatched to help clear out the spies in the village, which would be much better than letting them out of the village.

I have to say that Sarutobi Hijen is really good at grasping people's hearts.

Although he gave up the opportunity to cooperate with Yun Yin, he really had no other way to achieve his goal.

Through the known Yun Yin's pre-planning, some Yun Yin was consumed to a limited extent, and at the same time, it was snatched from the security department and Anbu.

The most crucial point, he can also throw out the security department that he hates.

Of course, he didn't want too many people killed in the security department at this time, after all, the battlefield was about to start.

But it would also be a good thing to consume a little bit to enhance the mood inside Konoha.

I have to say that this guy thinks a lot of things very clearly, and his actions are irresistible.

But one thing is clear to everyone, that is, although the series of operations of Sarutobi has given him a lot of points, he is not a winner at all.

But this is enough to give Uchiha Kai a warning, this nasty old guy really took all my chances.

Although doing things is not hidden, but this effect is more annoying.

"However, the only benefit is that there is an early warning. If there is no warning, it will make people's eyes dark."

Sitting in the office of the Security Department, Kai Uchiha held the roster in his hand and couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Who to send is a question worth thinking about. Now there are many people under Uchiha Kai.

Especially after the relocation and the establishment of the Guard Building, the expansion of the Fourth Division.

Now the ninjas under his command can be regarded as the existence of the largest number of ninjas in Konoha.

Even in the era of Uchiha Fuyake, there were four people in a team, and there were at least ten such teams in a team.

After Uchiha Kai took over the security department, he has now received a huge increase in personnel.

He can't wait to fill up a detachment, and as he takes care of things like civil disputes, the number of guards grows again.

Through the non-combat administrative staff he recruited to cooperate with the management team, a team now has twenty teams to complete the necessary tasks every day, and even sometimes they are too tired.

In other words, a team is now conservatively estimated to have at least eighty people.

If you count the administrative staff assigned in the past, 100 people are normal.

Konoha was divided into four areas by him to station the members of the security department, and the staffing of each area may be somewhat different.

But it has to add up to the Ministry of Security Building, there are more than 400 people!

If you count the people in the security department building, there are now five hundred people in the entire security department.

Five hundred ninjas, fighting a small-scale battle would not be a problem.

Even excluding non-combat ninjas, there are still around 400 fighters here!

Although these people also have a lot of genin, but most of them are still dominated by chunin.

Chunin, although strictly speaking, is still cannon fodder, but this is no longer the worthless existence of Genin.

It can be said that the current Guard is really a fighting machine.

In addition, although Uchiha Kai has shrunk, but according to the current progress, he will definitely be the spy in the future.

A terrifying behemoth can be said to have slowly emerged in front of everyone's eyes.

This is also one of the reasons why Sarutobi Hizan made this proposal and not many people rejected it.

Although Uchiha Kai wanted to refuse, he also knew that this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to hone the strength of the internal staff of the Guard and gain more military exploits.

So he accepted it directly, but now it also gave him some headaches when choosing personnel.

Because he was a little embarrassed to find out that many people here are not so familiar to him.

"What are you struggling with?"

Aya Hyuga walked over to Kai Uchiha with the document, and asked strangely when the guy frowned, "I heard that you guys went to a meeting early in the morning, did the meeting not go well?"

"Not really, it can only be said that it was put together." Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then simply told Hyuga Aya about some of the situation in the meeting.

After speaking, he couldn't help but sigh: "Although I don't think there is anything, but I also think this is an opportunity, but..."

"But you have a headache about the candidates, the main reason is that you don't know who to choose, right?"

Hyuga Aya instantly understood what he meant, which made her roll her eyes: "It's really sad to have a boss like you."

"Really? Then why do you come to the security department to sign up every day, and there are still so many people who hope to join?"

Uchiha Qi tilted his head indifferently, and then he simply stretched: "To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that it was not fully disclosed, or I would have a better way to choose, it's a pity..."

In fact, it is really not difficult for Uchiha Kai to choose people, but the difficulty is that he has not made these things public at all.

It is now in the stage of war mobilization, but Yun Ren has not declared war, and there are still some problems in Konoha that have not been resolved.

So large-scale, straightforward war mobilization is clearly not the best option.

The best way is to be cryptic, through all kinds of deployment and training.

As well as the conflict with Yunyin in the mission, let everyone realize the seriousness of some problems.

Then when Yunyin took the opportunity to attack, they almost prepared everything they could, so it would be good to cooperate in declaring war.

If preparations are made public in advance, this will definitely affect many things inside and outside Konoha.

Even Yunyin, these things are not made public, but all preparations are carried out cryptically.

It can't be made public, and Uchiha Kai naturally can't tell everyone directly, so it can't do anything like voluntary participation.

This caused him some minor trouble.

"You can just let the four sub-captains handle this kind of thing." Hyuga Aya shook her head, and then she said.

"Let them choose the right person, and at the end you give them a briefing to tell them how complicated and troublesome things are. But I'll give you a piece of advice, it's better to choose ninjas from the big family."

"Is it a big family ninja, I will consider it." Uchiha Ki nodded,

Indeed, such tasks are still left to the relatively strict mouths, and the family children who have relatively strict family education are better.

When it comes to gaining honor, they are definitely no worse than commoner ninjas, and to some extent, they are even higher.

The situation in the big family is sometimes like a pool of stagnant water.

If you don't struggle hard, then you will sink in the bottom of the river forever.

Except for families like Hinata, if you are separated, it will not be useful if you struggle, other families can still struggle a little.

Of course, if they were all the same guys as Uchiha Kai, then it would be meaningless.

If possible, the original Uchiha Qi would not choose to go to the battlefield.

The big family is basically like this, and the commoner ninjas actually want to climb up the mind is definitely not low.

They are no worse than the clan ninjas in terms of their stubbornness.

It's just that this time the situation is a bit special, he needs someone who is absolutely strict, and there may be people in the family who know some of the situation.

This is a disguised win, and it may not be very friendly to the ninjas themselves.

But for the family behind them, it is a real benefit.

And, if something goes wrong, there are places to be held accountable.

This is not something that civilian ninjas can think of to compare.

Uchiha Qi thought for a while and quickly made a decision.

In the current situation, it is best to let the family ninjas dispatch, and their special abilities can also give them more chances to survive.

And when the large-scale conflict broke out, these family ninjas let them choose.

Whether it is to save their lives, or to give civilian ninjas more opportunities for meritorious deeds, these are inevitable.

Of course, if they can't get along with themselves at that time, because during the large-scale conflict, it is also the period when Uchiha Kai and the others carry out reforms.

If they were having trouble at that moment, then Uchiha Kei could also start throwing them all on the battlefield.

Almost all the famous family members of Konoha were gathered in the Security Department. If they didn't obey orders and kept adjusting orders, according to the disposal plan during the war, they would have suffered.

"However, if I'm too tough, I'm afraid I won't get better." Uchiha Qi sighed.

"Forget it, why do you think so much. Those who came to the security department, especially those recruited at the beginning, basically belonged to guys with little status in the family.

When the substantive reform comes out, they see greater hope, and I am afraid they will be completely biased towards me. "

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply threw the list on the table and was too lazy to read it.

He turned his head to look at Aya Hyuga, thought for a while, and said, "You go and inform the four of them and ask them to come to me in the afternoon."

"Well, I see." Hyuga Aya nodded: "By the way, I have made a decision."

"Decision?" Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, and he knew what she meant in a moment: "Tell me, do you plan to keep the status quo and ignore everything, or say..."

"The second one." Hyuga Aya raised her head slightly, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Although I don't like this so-called Hyuga clan that much, but after my observation for so long, I think Qijun's approach is probably the most worthy of my reference now."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi heard the words and laughed: "I thought you were planning to be a lone wolf, but I didn't expect you to realize the importance of family power?"

"Don't say that. In fact, you don't have much affection for your family at all. The same is true for me. I just use everything to the best of my ability. Otherwise, Qijun wouldn't be so cruel to people within the family, right?"

"Ah, almost, after all, they are all power..."


Hyuga Aya's choice is not really a surprise.

After all, for her, Uchiha Kai is really a very good reference.

Once upon a time, the saying and existence of "other people's children" existed.

It actually appeared on himself, and this situation made Uchiha Kaidu feel a little dumbfounded.

In the Uchiha clan, he is the most typical 'child from someone else's family'.

I don't know how many unlucky, low-born members of the Uchiha clan help him as his life goal.

This kind of thing happened a long time ago, and as his status got higher and higher, so did his acceptance.

It's just that he never imagined that Hyuga Aya had plans to replicate his route because of his successful route.

Of course, he is not so clear about whether there is a reason for the "Big Three" route he said before.

Anyway, Uchiha Kei will not forget the promise he made, and if necessary and necessary, he will drag the guy Imai Kenta along with him.

The two ministers and people at the level of the patriarch put pressure together, and he did not believe that the Hinata clan would get stuck on the issue of Aya Hinata.

And Uchiha Kai is also very interesting. A branch of Hyuga Aya will have so much power in the future. What will those members of the clan do?

And, if she's lucky enough to be free from the caged bird, what will those splits do?

Anyway, it is conceivable that the Hyuga clan will decide that the interior will be very exciting.

This is also very beneficial for Hyuga Aya to get more things, which is also more in line with the interests of Uchiha Kai and others.

However, although the choice Hyuga Aya made was very interesting, there was another thing that made Uchiha Qi directly dumbfounded.

Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai came to the office to meet his four sub-captains.

Yesterday afternoon, Aya Hyuga had indeed been notified, but the four of them couldn't come over for various reasons.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai had to let them find a way to communicate and report to the headquarters of the Security Department at one time, so they came early this morning.

Kai Uchiha didn't waste their time either, each of them now has a lot of important things to do.

Especially the third team and the fourth team, the management difficulty of these two teams is relatively high.

The third and fourth divisions are a hodgepodge of divisions. These two divisions have the most complex personnel and are also the most difficult to balance and manage.

Therefore, this requires Uchiha Jun and Hyuga Risari to spend more time assigning various tasks.

When Kai Uchiha finished what he had to say, sure enough, the three people from the Uchiha clan fell into deep thought.

And Hyuga Nisari seemed to be prepared, and his expression was the dullest.

War, the word is probably a little distant for Uchiha Jun, but it is normal for the other three.

Because the three of them have all experienced war and entered the battlefield in person.

They also once thought that the war should be over, but they did not expect such a thing to happen now.

But as ninjas, they must trust the judgment and decision-making of top management.

For them, Uchiha Kai is their direct manager.

Since Uchiha Qi agrees with these plans, all they have to do is to obey the orders and execute them unconditionally!

The task that Uchiha Qi gave them is not difficult, that is, let them choose family ninjas.

After their judgment, the family ninjas who are competent for this mission, and then reveal some information to them.

We can't reveal much, but we must let them know the lethality of this mission and the importance of this mission.

Once they agreed to participate in this mission, it was Uchiha Kai who explained it to them in the end.

After explaining this matter, all the four sub-captains said there was no problem.

Even Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage took the initiative to express their desire to participate in it.

This made Uchiha Kai start to think about the feasibility of this matter, but he did not give any positive reply.

Even if they want to go, they must have enough reliable replacements.

Of course, Uchiha Kai will not completely reject this.

If you can really find a few suitable replacements, and be loyal enough to yourself.

Then Uchiha Kai can completely consider letting Uchiha pure enter the management of the headquarters.

Although this will make Uchiha Fuyue lose the management right of a unit, it is not impossible for Uchiha Kai to compensate him elsewhere.

For example, let Uchiha Itachi give him a suitable position after graduating normally, and he will also try to find a suitable teacher for him.

Even if he wants, Uchiha Kai can introduce him to Anbu!

For Kakashi's relationship with himself, it's not a problem for him to take another kid.

Anyway, he is already taking Junma Lu, and it doesn't seem like a big deal to find a partner for Junma Lu.

"The ghost shark is basically out of play, and he may even follow Uchiha Shisui or Uchiha with the soil in the future. Then Junmalu seems to be a good substitute, anyway, is it all the water country fog hidden?"

After dealing with these things, Uchiha Kai was too lazy to stay in the office in the afternoon.

Hyuga Aya showed her head in the morning and disappeared in the afternoon.

The files that Uchiha Qi has to process are basically the same.

The rest he simply ruthless, threw it directly to his subordinates, and then left by himself.

However, what he never expected was that when he came to his underground laboratory, he suddenly felt a terrifying chakra spreading.

He felt this chakra a long time ago, before the Nine-Tails Incident.

But he really has no way to forget such Chakra!

If I am not mistaken, this should be natural chakra, which is commonly known as fairy chakra.

Uchiha Qi didn't have to think about it at all, he could judge that this should be made by Hyuga Aya.

Kenta Imai gave them all the experience, methods, etc. of the first Hokage practice immortality very early.

But unfortunately, neither he nor Imai Kenta seems to be able to learn this stuff for the time being.

Kenta Imai may still have a chance, but Kei Uchiha feels that he may be in trouble.

What he originally hoped was to find Orochimaru to get something like a curse mark.

But then he changed his mind and he planned to learn Madara Uchiha, because Aya Hyuga seems to have succeeded in creating the magic chakra.

However, this matter was completely silent in the following time.

Uchiha Qi didn't ask her too much, but he didn't expect to feel this kind of chakra again now.

"Master Kai." Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking silently, several dead servants of Uchiha Fuyue who were guarding here appeared beside him.

Among them is the acquaintance of Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Sect.

"What's the matter, here." Uchiha Qi asked calmly: "Is it Hyuga Aya?"

"Yes, it's Aya Hyuga." Uchiha Sect nodded and said quickly.

"Okay, I see." Uchiha Qi said in a flat voice: "You go down, the defense work here depends on you."

After that, Uchiha Kai walked directly towards the interior of the laboratory.

These Deadpools have always done a good job, if not they have been guarding here and expanding the laboratory.

There are also various enchantments arranged here, and I am afraid that there are not so many secrets hidden here.

Up to now, the only time that was almost exposed was the ninja of the Youru family at the root.

I have to say that these little bugs can really make people negligent sometimes.

But now these little guys, I am afraid there is no way to enter this area.

After entering the laboratory, Uchiha Kai quickly came to the room where Hyuga Aya was.

Pushing open the door, Uchiha Kai found that the woman was still sitting there.

Her breath looked a little weird, and the most important thing was that weird purple eyeshadow appeared on her clean face.

Uchiha Qi looked at her quietly, her chakra was very strong at this time.

The problem is that her chakra doesn't seem to be stable.

Even though the eye shadow symbolizing the immortal appeared on her face, the erratic atmosphere still made Uchiha Kei feel weird.

"It looks like it's a success, but it's not too successful."

Uchiha Kei thought silently, if it was a complete success, then the situation of Hyuga Aya would definitely not be so weird.

Her so-called natural chakras will not be so violent.

But thinking about it carefully, Hyuga Aya is really amazing.

There were absolutely no auxiliary oils, and no one was around to help her.

She reached this point entirely by her own strength.

For this alone, Uchiha Kai felt that he was definitely no match for her.

Although Uchiha Kai's body coordination is very strong, and the control ability is also very terrible.

The most important thing is that his body also contains Bai Jue's cells.

This also means that Uchiha Qi has the possibility of controlling and mastering fairy magic.

But he was absolutely reluctant to take such a risk to try.

Hyuga Aya chose to do it, and the most important thing is that she was still successful.

With such courage and such luck, Uchiha Qizhen didn't know whether to call her fearless, or was she lucky enough to explode?

But no matter what kind of thing, it makes him envy and admire.

After about an hour, Hyuga Aya seemed to stabilize but her face looked pale.

Condensing natural chakra like this is also unbelievable for her consumption.

However, Uchiha Qi noticed that the purple eye shadow on her face still existed, but it was not clear which kind of fairy magic this eye shadow belonged to.

"Are you awake?" Uchiha Kai asked after waiting for her breath to stabilize completely.

"Hmm..." Hyuga Aya seemed to be still in a trance. She raised her head and looked at Uchiha Kaihou. She seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: "Wake up, when did you come?"

"How was your situation now an hour ago?" Uchiha Ki sat across from her and wiped the sweat off her face with his hand.

"It's okay, just a little dizzy."

"Ah, it was my first attempt after all, but congratulations, you seem to have mastered an amazing technique..."


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