This Uchiha is Too Cautious

: 409 The collision of eternal eyes (3)

Latest URL: "Don't worry, it's me."

Namikaze Minato quietly appeared behind Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai.

His hands were placed on the shoulders of these two people, but his eyes were always locked on the valley like purgatory not far away.

Namikaze Minato was very shocked at this time, is this kind of battle really made by humans?

He was originally working on documents in the office, but suddenly there was a vibration inside Konoha.

And it was accompanied by obvious traces of chakra, which made him realize that this was definitely not an earthquake.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato chose to dispatch almost immediately, and he placed his own Kunai in various remote locations inside Konoha.

This makes it convenient for him to appear in Konoha's hidden and unknown corners to deal with all kinds of special situations that may occur.

The nine tails caused too much damage to Konoha, which can be regarded as the first time Konoha was involved in the war.

Namikaze Minato definitely does not want anything like this to happen again during his term of office.

However, when he came here through the technique of flying thunder god, he suddenly felt two completely different, but he was particularly familiar with the chakra.

The appearance of these two chakras also caused the Nine Tails in his body to burst into a strange emotion.

Of course Minato Namikaze can understand the emotions of the nine tails, because the two masters of chakra, but the existence that has ravaged it severely.

And he also found Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai, as well as two members of the Uchiha clan.

One is the son of Uchiha Fuyue, and the other is the one who has entered Anbu to assist Kakashi, and seems to be Uchiha Fuyue's dead servant.

"Fourth generation Hokage-sama..." Imai Kenta reacted very quickly. He heard this voice and said immediately: "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, they want to test their new abilities, so they will..."

"Oh? Experimenting with new abilities?" Minato Namikaze looked at the purgatory-like valley, and finally sighed helplessly: "Are you preparing for the future?"

"Yes, after all, the Kingdom of Thunder is too active, and the Fuyue Patriarch seems to have made a good improvement. He hopes to have a suitable opponent, and Kai has also made a good improvement..." Hyuga Aya now She also quickly took over the topic, and her logic was no suspense.

The Kingdom of Thunder is indeed too active right now.

Although nothing can be seen from the outside, it is no secret at all for Uchiha Kai, who has access to Anbu.

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai are also teammates and friends of Kai Uchiha.

And Kenta Imai can also get some information, so they definitely know more than others.

In addition, Uchiha Kai's ability cannot be exposed casually, so it is normal for them to choose such a sparsely populated place.

At the same time, it can also let Uchiha Fuyue adapt to his own abilities.

But the movement of these two people is too big, right?

Fortunately, there is Hyuga Aya, a member of the Hyuga clan, who can quickly and clearly find the person who came to investigate.

However, there are also some problems here, that is, what if the people of the Yixiang family run into the visible range?

Namikaze Minato suddenly thought of something, and his eyes turned to Imai Kenta.

According to the information, this guy doesn't seem to be very good at sealing.

But he seems to be learning recently. I'm afraid this is the only loophole that he has filled, right?

Shaking his head, Namikaze Minato was too lazy to ask anything.

His eyes were once again locked in the dark flames in the valley.

He was really curious as to what the strength of his two partners had reached?

Of course, the stronger their strength, the happier Namikaze Minato will naturally be.

Not only for political reasons, but for war they can also contribute more to Konoha.

Especially in the current country of Thunder, it is not at all restless.

At this moment, the dark flames like purgatory suddenly dissipated, revealing the two Susanoos covered by the flames of Amaterasu.

There is no problem with these two Susanoo, and even the two people in Susanoo have not changed in the slightest.

Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Fuyake who was not far away, and he seemed to have guessed some of this guy's abilities.

In other words, it was the ability of this guy, Susanoo.

Having tried the Eternal Eye, of course he knew that the transplanted Eternal Eye was actually his own Susanoo, and his abilities were the same.

Uchiha Kai's Susanoo has his unique characteristics, and he also uses unique weapons, bursting with incredible attack power.

And Uchiha Fugaku's own Susanoo, I'm afraid his fighting style is somewhat similar.

This Susanoo is probably not without a weapon, but its weapon has become an arm.

At the same time, the huge size is also a form of chakra.

Through his own Susanoo, he can enhance the power of the art to an unbelievable extreme, right?

"Looking at it this way, Madara Uchiha is truly terrifying to the extreme."

Uchiha Kai sighed silently.

Uchiha Madara's Susanoo, completely combined him with Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo.

The ultimate improvement of the technique, and the ultimate destructive power in the physical aspect.

No wonder that guy's Susanoo is so big that he can cut through the mountains with a single wave of his ninja sword.

However, Uchiha Qi soon stopped thinking about these things. Although he couldn't cut off the continuous mountains, it was not a problem to cut off a single mountain.

And, this is just the beginning.

"I have to say, the patriarch did give me a big surprise, and even I felt a little bit excited, so..."

Uchiha Qi controlled Susanoo and pulled the ninja sword, and looked down at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Take the call!"

The voice fell, and the pitch-black Susanoo burst out with incredible speed.

This Susanoo is just like Uchiha Kai himself, but in the blink of an eye he came to Uchiha Fugaku!

The dark ninja sword with the flame of Amaterasu fell instantly, and the terrifying blade could be felt by everyone, and once it was hit, it would definitely kill people.

There was also a little cold sweat on Uchiha Fuyue's forehead, but he didn't panic in the slightest. He formed the seal almost as soon as Uchiha activated his hand.

"Tu Dun·Tuliu City Wall!"

The pale-gold Susanoo had four hands tied together, and in the blink of an eye, a huge earth wall swelled up in front of Uchiha Fugaku...

No, calling it an earth wall is a bit underestimating this technique.

Because the uplifted land is completely a huge rock mountain!

This scene once again made the people around look a little dumbfounded, but what made them even more dumbfounded will always be in the next second.

This stone mountain was under the dark Susanoo, and it didn't hold on for a second, it was directly split by a knife!

However, at this moment, Uchiha Fuyue has completed the seal of the next technique.

He can be sure that how he and Uchiha Qi are short-handed, then he will inevitably fail.

He is now an immovable fortress, so he has to play to his advantage.

He can increase the power of the technique geometrically through Susanoo.

In cooperation with the quality of Susanoo's Chakra, this is his most powerful state now!

"Also, I have mastered a lot of the ability of my eyes!" Uchiha Fuyue thought to himself: "Although it is a pity, my chakra seems to be unable to withstand it, but..."

"Yan Dun·Amaterasu·The Great Fire is gone!"

The pale-gold Susanoo raised his head slightly, and the next moment the half-length giant covered in the helmet blew out a dark flame at the oncoming Uchiha Kai!

Although Uchiha Qi also mastered the technique of Amaterasu, and was not hurt by the flame of Amaterasu before.

But Uchiha Fuyue is still keenly aware that Uchiha Kai doesn't seem to control Amaterasu with precision and sensitivity.

It made him feel like an opportunity.

Looking at the dark and huge flames that suddenly erupted on Uchiha Kai's body.

Uchiha Fuyue was keenly aware that the black Susanoo seemed to pause for a while.

This suddenly made him understand that there was nothing wrong with his guess.

This 100-meter-high Susanoo is indeed terrifying, but it is not impossible for him to deal with the power he has mastered!

Thinking of this, the kaleidoscope in Uchiha Fuyue's eyes kept spinning, and blood was constantly overflowing from his eyes.

"Good chance, then... the fire is the fate!"

The flame of Amaterasu, which was already terrifying enough, erupted with unimaginable power under the control of his eyes at this moment.

These dark flames are almost limitless, erupting on Uchiha Kaisusanoo, and spreading wildly towards the other end of the valley!

The terrifying black flame completely swallowed everything around, even the earth was ignited at this moment and kept sinking.

This terrifying power silenced all the five people in a safe position, and they didn't know what to say at this time.

Of course, they are also a little worried, they are worried that this horrible thing will have any effect on Uchiha Kai.

Fortunately, among the five of them, at least three of them have strong detection and perception abilities.

After a little observation, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Uchiha Kai didn't have any problems at all, and they also noticed that Uchiha Kai's Susanoo seemed to explode with more terrifying power.

Far more terrifying power than before!


As the direct opponent of Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Fuyue immediately sensed the crisis.

He immediately formed the seal quickly, but his movements froze, or Uchiha Kai's speed became even more terrifying!

The dark flames scattered in an instant, and a darker and colder Susanoo appeared in front of him in an instant.

Unscathed, and those scarlet eyes are even more penetrating!

With one knife, an earthquake even more terrifying than before erupted at this moment.

The earth seemed to have received a huge impact, and the dark Amaterasu flame was directly divided into two!

The pale gold Susanoo had one arm cut off!

The weird kaleidoscope slowly turned in Uchiha Kai's Susanohu's ninja sword twisted at an incredible speed.

Then quickly cut out the second, third, fourth, and even fifth!

Such a huge Susanoo, the speed displayed at this moment is daunting.

That terrifying and destructive power that is unparalleled in the contemporary era, Lingli has been shown to the fullest!

The earth was trembling constantly, and the surrounding terrain was hit hard at this moment.

And Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo has been completely shattered, and the seemingly hard armor seems to have no effect at all.

It was completely cut off by Uchiha Kai to cut off four arms, as well as the huge head...


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