This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 388: Infighting

At night, Uchiha Kai put on a black trench coat.

A person walked towards the address obtained from Kazuma's memory.

This type of task is actually not difficult for Uchiha Kai at all.

Although he himself rarely does such a task, what he was best at in the past was sneaking and cooperating with sneak attacks.

Along the way, Uchiha Kaito hid himself in the shadows. The capital of the country of fire is still very prosperous at night, which can be compared with that of Konoha.

But all the way down, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a playful smile on his face.

After all, it is still faster than the name, and Uchiha Kai has heard some rumors.

Some rumors about "someone is collecting nine-tailed chakra, and these people may be daimyo ninjas" and so on.

What's even more interesting is that Kakashi is obviously worried that these ordinary people don't know the great relationship of these things, and he deliberately added some popular science to the message.

For example, how harmful is the Nine-Tails Chakra, and what happened to the Konoha that was destroyed by the Nine-Tails.

And secretly collecting nine-tailed chakra will make Konoha angry, and may even make them lose Konoha's shelter and so on.

To put it bluntly, it is a means of creating panic, and it is also a means with certain factual basis.

Uchiha Kai gave Kakashi earlier time to prepare than Daimyo, although the difference was only half a day, but the effect was also reflected.

After all, the information war still needs to be faster, especially the superposition of rumors needs to be faster.

With these nine-tailed chakras as a foreshadowing, plus the daimyo himself to find someone to promote the topic of 'the Konoha ninja came to the capital and behaved badly'.

These ordinary people naturally have a "preconceived" conclusion.

That is 'the ninja around Daimyo's collection of nine-tailed chakra angered Konoha, so this happened'.

As long as this kind of argument continues to ferment, I am afraid that in a few days, the entire country of Fire will be out of control.

And when these rumors returned to Konoha through various channels, it even reached the point where Kai Uchiha wanted to happen.

If things are going to make a big fuss, the daimyo can only stay calm and be a 'big name' unique to this world.

Aki Uchiha pulled the hood of his cloak a little lower, and then he quickened his pace.

This time, I went to get the nine-tailed chakra first. Although it was a little out of his original plan, it was enough to get it anyway.

The reason why a plan is a plan is because in the actual process, there will always be various accidents.

And such an accidental leakage will make the whole plan go bankrupt.

Therefore, in the process of executing the plan, various changes are required.

After spending some time, Uchiha Kai came to a grove outside the capital city.

According to He Ma's memory, he and his group of guys with the same "smelling smell" hid the things they collected in a cave in this forest.

"You really know where to go."

Uchiha Kai looked left and right, and then followed the route he remembered.

It's just that he didn't have the time to go far, when he suddenly discovered that there was a ninja not far in front of him, and he was also quietly running towards his destination.

This ninja Uchiha Kai does not know, but he knows that he is a member of the twelve guards.

In the entire so-called Twelve Ninjas, including Asma who did not join, he knew seven people in total, and the others had no impression at all.

"It's all Kishimoto's fault, trying to save trouble to this point, but this is probably the so-called trick, right?"

Uchiha Kai thought silently, but he was also curious about what this guy was here for.

In Uchiha Kai's memory, this guy seems to have been standing with Dilu all the time.

In other words, he is likely to be a guardian ninja who is biased towards Naruto.

It's just that this is Uchiha's personal conjecture, and the position is really not so simple to judge.

Slowing down, Uchiha Qi quietly followed behind him.

But following along, Uchiha Qi noticed that there seemed to be another person following him.

This could not help but slow down Uchiha Kai's speed a lot again.

Uchiha Qi also felt this, and it seemed to become more interesting.

If he's not mistaken, there's a good chance there's going to be a good show here.

But these things have little to do with him.

All he has to do is keep silent and get what he wants smoothly.

If necessary, make some notes.

After the two sides had completely separated some distance, Uchiha Kai began to speed up a little.

In fact, even if you don't follow him, you can find a location. After all, in Ma's memory, he has found a relevant location.

After about ten minutes, Uchiha Kai finally arrived at his destination slowly.

But to his surprise, he did find the hole, but the guy who was following the guarding ninja did not appear.

However, he was not in a hurry, but patiently lurked and waited for the follow-up.

Soon, the guy walked out with a heavy face and a scroll.

And his attention seems to be all on this scroll.

For a moment, the shadow that had been following him suddenly jumped out, and the dark Kuwu stabbed towards his chest fiercely.

Uchiha Qi recognized at first sight that the guy who attacked was Kazuma.

And he also found that the guy who was being followed seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he had used the substitute technique in advance.


"Substitute?" Kazuma frowned, but then a smile appeared on his face: "It should be said, as expected of Kengo, did you discover me long ago?"

"Indeed." Jiujianggo slowly walked out of the woods on the side, his face was still heavy: "Why? Why do you do this!"

Kubo I really didn't expect this to be true, Uchiha Kai's arrival today and his unceremonious posture against Kazuma has already explained some problems.

And Uchiha Kai, who represents Konoha and is also the Minister of the Security Department, forced him to talk to the daimyo alone.

It made Jiujian more aware of the seriousness of the problem.

When Kei Uchiha and others left, Kuboko also walked down the street in a bit of anguish, and he planned to go drink some wine.

Kuboko is a guardian ninja who prefers the "jade" of shadow, but as a ninja and a ninja who protects the daimyo, he naturally feels entangled with all this.

It just so happened that this team was not performing the guardianship task today, and Dilu was a monk, and he would not come to drink, so he set off alone.

It was a coincidence that when he came to a pub, he actually heard a piece of news that made his hair stand on end!

That is 'in the country of fire, someone is collecting nine-tailed chakra', and the news is now spreading like a virus.

When Kubogo heard the news, he immediately became like the other residents.

He seemed to understand why Uchiha Kai came over, and with such an attitude!

The news that made him feel extremely terrifying also instantly made him stop drinking and continue drinking.

After a little recollection, Kubogo immediately thought that in the forest outside the city, there was a cave that seemed to be hiding a secret.

That cave was a 'situation room' chosen by a group of 'like-minded' fellows with Ma.

As a guardian ninja, it is natural to plan all kinds of affairs.

For example, when the daimyo was raided, how to take the daimyo to Konoha, etc., even if they were reluctant to do it.

It's just that the ideas of the two groups of people are really biased, so their actions are basically separated.

Even in a team together, it is rare to communicate something that deviates from the mission.

"Did the rumors make you come here?" Kazuma looked at Kubogo in front of him, and finally shook his head helplessly.

"It's really frustrating, Konoha's eagle dogs are everywhere in the country of fire, and they don't take their big names in their hearts at all!"

"The shadow is the leader of the ninjas, and the daimyo is the leader of ordinary people." Kubogo took a deep breath, and then looked at Kazuma solemnly.

"Let's go, after all, we have been teammates for so many years. Even if we disagree, I don't want to betray you. I will deal with these chakras, and treat this as if it never happened, so that Minister Qi can make it earlier. leave."

"It's really a good idea." He Ma Wenyan nodded, and then slowly walked towards Jiu Jiango: "But..."

He Ma was halfway through talking, he suddenly opened the four-edged iron claw in his hand, and stabbed Jiujiangwu fiercely!

"I think it's better to keep this thing in my hands!"


Kubogo reacted quickly, he rolled over and jumped to avoid Kazuma's attack.

But Kazuma immediately pushed himself in, without giving Kubogo any chance to breathe.

The battle between the two also rose from the collision of Taijutsu at the beginning to the collision of Ninjutsu.

Kazuma, who is good at earth escape, and Kubogo, who is good at fire escape, are constantly fighting.

Uchiha Qi silently opened up a possible distance. Although such a battle would not hurt him, he did not want to be exposed because of this.

It just made him really feel interesting that this guy named Hema looked really crazy.

Although his ambitions are really big, and he looks at things from his point of view.

I'm afraid he has long determined that the so-called Shadow and Ninja Village is actually the source of the disaster that brought the Ninja world.

But unfortunately, no matter what he thinks, his end is doomed after all.

Because of his actions, it also affected the interests of Kai Uchiha!

Silently watching this battle, Uchiha Kai did not intervene, he just watched all this quietly.

In the end, Kuboko was still defeated by Kazuma, and he was completely defeated by Kazuma's Tudun.

And Hema didn't have the slightest scruples about his former friendship, his claws penetrated Jiuyanggou's chest...


"The shot is really ruthless."

Uchiha Qi watched this scene silently in the forest not far away. Although his heart was very calm, he also sentenced this Kazuma to death.

How dark is Uchiha Kai, how many teammates he has let him block ninjutsu or kunai for him, but he has always been sticking to the bottom line.

Whether it is active or passive, he has never beaten his teammates.

He always felt that this kind of thing was really disgusting.

There are not many things that can make a guy like Kei Uchiha feel sick, but Kazuma has done it.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai still did not act.

It was his teammates who killed Ma and had nothing to do with him.

At most, after you get what you want, you can take revenge on this guy by the way.

Anyway, and the horse will die, such a thing can be regarded as a smooth operation.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai frowned, and in an instant his cut jade was unsheathed.

It's just that when he saw the person behind him clearly, the flickering cold light of Qiyu had already disappeared into the scabbard.

Uchiha Qi looked at the man behind him angrily.

If it wasn't for his good response and body control, this guy might have been separated at this moment.

Although his swordsmanship has not improved much, he has copied the swordsmanship of Imai Kenta and Kakashi, and he knows the skills inside.

"Next time, don't make it so mysterious, you will be killed by me when the **** knows."

Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "I haven't beaten my teammates yet, but just watching it gave me a lot of inspiration."

"Qijun is joking."

Hyuga Aya was also wearing a black cloak, and the dark hood was pulled down so low that it almost completely covered her eyes: "I'm just here to join in the fun, after all, it's not so comfortable to be alone in that hotel."

The person who came was Hyuga Aya.

This woman still had a possible smile on her face, but this kind of smile without any smile at all really made Uchiha Kei not like it very much.

This woman is probably really bored in the hotel, there is no experiment to do, Kakashi went to Anbu again, and Uchiha Ke ran out to do some secret operations.

It's better to come out and have a look than to stay in the hotel by yourself doing nothing.

"Forget it, since you're here, let's do something." Uchiha Kai stared at the front: "Look at that Kazuma, where is he going to hide that scroll."

"Is that the scroll that sealed the nine-tailed chakra?"

Hyuga Aya nodded, and then she immediately opened her eyes to observe, and at the same time she asked tentatively: "Qi-jun, your target...I'm afraid that scroll?"

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head slightly: "What did you think of again?"

Uchiha Kai was a little surprised by the sensitivity of this woman, Hyuga Aya.

But it's only a little bit, after all, it's not that Uchiha Kai has left some traces.

Especially since he once asked for the scroll that sealed the three tails from the woman Hyuga Aya, and never returned it.

It's not clear what experiments this woman did, but those are real tailed beasts, Chakras!

Sure enough, as he thought.

Hyuga Aya still said with a smile on her face: "That scroll, the three-tailed chakra that was peeled off from Nohara Rin, maybe those chakras have already been used by you for some experiments, right?"

"Almost." Uchiha Kai didn't mean to deny, he nodded slightly.

"I did find a lot of interesting things, but it's a pity that those chakras have been consumed by me. I can never go to the land of water again, right?"

"Sure enough." Hyuga Aya nodded.

"I will say that it is your style to fight for Kakashi's interests, but this is not enough to make you move, after all, Kakashi is not without a chance to take his time.

People like you will definitely have a deeper purpose here. It turns out that you are eyeing the chakra of the tailed beast, plus there is a way to collect these chakras, right? "

Hyuga Aya really doesn't quite believe that Uchiha Kai came here simply for Kakashi.

Apparently she guessed right.

The reason why Uchiha Qi didn't dare to ask Hokage for the fourth generation of his chakra is very simple, after all, his kaleidoscope can control the tailed beast.

If he is asking for the tailed beast Chakra at this time, it will inevitably lead to some bad guesses.

The person Uchiha Kai absolutely does not want this kind of thing to happen to him.

His control of power and speculation about people's hearts are also very powerful.

"Is the analysis correct, but unfortunately there is no reward." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"My target is indeed the Chakra of the tailed beast. Since I got this news, I have been planning this matter, but with Kakashi to cover up what I want to do, isn't it much simpler? "

"The key question, can you collect the nine-tailed chakra in a very short period of time?" Hyuga Aya didn't care about so many things, she asked directly.

"These nine-tailed chakras have been taken by you for experiments, so how do you go back to make trades?

Even if you get the method of collecting, can you avoid Kakashi and accomplish these things in such a short period of time? "

"I don't need much, it's really not good, I just use some special methods to make these chakras more."

Uchiha Qi said directly: "I don't do things that I am not sure about. As long as the chakras are not all passed away, they can actually be handed over. I just need to say that it is passed for inspection. Maybe there is no problem at all."

He has already considered this aspect, or this is not a problem at all.

He has confirmed that it is possible to feed the chakra of the tailed beast through the chakra of Susanoo.

Although three-tailed and nine-tailed have certain differences, they are both homologous organisms.

Kai Uchiha doesn't believe in the statement that one side is okay and the other isn't.

In this case, the nine-tailed chakra he needs is not much.

The three-tailed chakra left by the three-tailed body in Lin's body at the beginning is also pitiful.

But so what?

Now those three-tailed chakras have been greatly expanded, and it's okay to say that it has been doubled dozens of times!

Therefore, Uchiha Qi felt that even if he absorbed all these nine-tailed chakras, there would be no problem.

At that time, I'm trying to figure out a way to seal it up.

As long as he goes back with nine-tailed chakra, no matter how much, this is enough for him to cross.

This can also make the daimyo fall into the bottom of the evidence!

"I see, just say something, that guy named Hema sealed the scroll."

Hyuga Aya nodded slightly, and then said, "The technique is very strange, but I wrote down the order of the seals."

"Is that guy still alive?" Uchiha Qi asked after thinking for a while.

"I remember when I was watching, I seemed to notice that he wasn't stabbed to the point, and I didn't roll my eyes so I didn't know what the situation was."

"Unfortunately, he's already dead." Hyuga Aya's pupils slightly deflected, and then gave an answer directly: "Although the wound did not go straight to the point, it tore his internal organs, and the bleeding couldn't save him. already."

"Then look at this guy." Uchiha Qi gave an order directly: "It's better to find out where he will bury the body or what he did."

Ninjas have always been relatively cautious in handling corpses. Basically, they are either buried directly, or, like Kai Uchiha, they are burned directly for you.

Uchiha Kai let Hyuga Aya look at it, and the purpose is actually very simple and clear.

That is, when they make a move, there is deadly evidence that can kill them with one blow.

Although the nine-tailed chakra is enough to disintegrate the so-called twelve ninjas.

But it would be great to be able to differentiate from their hearts once again.

"I know, but as a friendly reminder, he set a stronger seal in that cave." Hyuga Aya nodded: "It's not easy to get in."

"It's okay, it's not too difficult for me." Uchiha Qi stood up: "Did that guy come out?"

"Come out." Hyuga Aya nodded: "Now he has to deal with the corpse, but he seems to be more cautious, and it can be said that he is more adventurous."

"Oh? How do you say?" Uchiha Qi asked curiously, but soon he thought of something: "His body is sealed?"

Aya Hyuga didn't say a but glanced at Kai Uchiha somewhat unexpectedly, then nodded, apparently agreeing with what he said.

Uchiha Kai has not forgotten the technique that this guy Kazuma has mastered.

A kind of ninjutsu similar to resurrection, I really didn't find this technique when I searched my memory before.

This can only be said that the illusion of Uchiha Kai is still a bit poor.

But no matter what, Uchiha Kai also plans to take action. As for this technique, he will be thinking about it in the future.

"Are you going to act?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head: "Just right, that guy is going to leave too."

"It can only be said that he has a big heart, or does he think we won't come over?" Uchiha Qi shook his head and walked forward: "Or, it was discovered by his teammates that there are some mental problems now."

"Actually, I'm more inclined, he is fishing." Hyuga Aya followed Uchiha Kai and acted together.

"After all, if one person finds out, more people will notice it.

According to what you said, he probably wants to determine some things, whether there is anyone he can absorb, or whether other people will believe him.

If someone believes that nature is the best, if not, he will kill him again. "

"Don't be so dark in your heart, always use the greatest disgust to speculate on others, it's not good."

Uchiha Qitian said shamelessly, completely ignoring Hyuga Aya's idiot-like eyes and continued to speak.

"Let's go, since you are here, you will naturally have to do something. Those seals are handed over to you."

"How do I feel that I came here, it was a wrong choice?"

"You're not wrong, that's what it is..."



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