This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 374: You can do it, why can't I

Kai Uchiha really didn't expect that there are still people in Konoha who dare to follow him?

Kai Uchiha is not angry. If the person following him is Hokage III and the others, then Kai Uchiha may be even happier.

Just thinking about it, Uchiha Kei didn't think Sarutobi Hiizan would be so impatient.

If you can handle yourself, then of course it is a good thing.

But now for them, their strength is probably not something they can bear.

When they do this, the biggest possibility is that moths will fly into the flames.

But since someone wants to follow him, no matter who he is or what his purpose is.

Dare to come to find Uchiha Kai, then Uchiha Kai will definitely not make him so comfortable.

As if nothing happened, he continued to walk towards the clan, and Uchiha Qi noticed that the guy behind him seemed to be following him on purpose.

This made Kei Uchiha somewhat baffled. What does it mean to be so swaggering?

All the way forward, at a corner near a Uchiha clan, Uchiha Kai decided not to wait anymore, he wanted to do it directly.

Just as he crossed the corner, Kai Uchiha had already completed his shadow avatar, and at the same time his body also landed on the wall at the corner.

This is one of the simplest sneak attack tricks, and Uchiha Qi naturally uses it with extraordinary proficiency, or in other words, he is very proficient in all kinds of sneak attack tricks.

Standing quietly on this wall, Kai Uchiha held his breath.

Although he didn't do much to hide, but as far as he is concerned, his approach may have prevented many ninjas from discovering him.

To be honest, Uchiha Kei is really envious of these two guys, Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

They all have very powerful detection capabilities, and they can even figure out the hidden characters through various means.

But Uchiha Kai was very embarrassed. It was not the first time he was feeling this question.

He just doesn't have that kind of perception ability, which makes him very helpless.

But now is obviously not the time to worry about this issue, his main energy is still concentrated in front of him.

He was really curious about who was stalking him and was so swaggering.

Could it be that it was the idiot Akai who planned to follow him and fight him?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kei didn't think too much, because the guy who was following him had already approached.

When Kai Uchiha saw clearly what this guy looked like, he was even more stunned, and then he felt a little funny.

He really didn't expect that it would be the little devil Uchiha Shisui following him.

Kei Uchiha remembered that this kid seemed to have been contacted by three generations of Hokage at this time.

This is what Uchiha really took the initiative to reveal, and it's hard to say whether this kid has been instilled by the three generations of Hokage.

"This guy came to follow me. Is it the meaning of the three generations of Hokage? Or is it his own?"

Kei Uchiha was a little confused about what this guy meant, because he really didn't think that the three generations of Hokage would do such a stupid thing.

After thinking about it, he thought it was probably the boy's decision.

I plan to come to him, and I am afraid that I want to have a face-to-face contact with him?

That's why he acted a bit swaggering and followed his whereabouts with almost no cover up.

After thinking about this, I was also thinking about how to deal with this matter.

The boy Uchiha Shisui, his heart can be regarded as the symbol of the "will of fire".

But I am afraid that including the three generations of Hokage, what they do not know is that although this kid agrees with the so-called will of fire.

But what he really hopes in his heart is for the family and the village to live in harmony.

In his heart, the family and the village are almost on the same level.

"I'm afraid the third Megumi Hokage is going to make a mistake. This kid is not Uchiha Itachi."

Kai Uchiha sneered in his heart. Although Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha have a very good relationship, they still collided with sparks in some concepts.

To put it bluntly, Uchiha Itachi was, to some extent, distorted by Uchiha Shisui.

But it is undeniable that Uchiha Shisui, a somewhat cowardly guy, has a completely different view of the relationship between the family and the village than Uchiha Itachi.

He hoped that the village and family would be well, but Uchiha Itachi didn't know what to do, and his emotions were so extreme.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai didn't go out to see this kid for the first time.

He stayed where he was and checked the surroundings a little, made sure that there was no other Anbu and the like following, and then he chased forward.

The shadow clone silently walked forward with Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Kei himself quickly followed, and finally he released the shadow clone in front of him at the next turn.

Uchiha Shisui was taken aback by the permeating smoke, but he soon calmed down. After all, he knew that the person he was following was Kai Uchiha!

"Tell me, kid, what are you doing with me?"

Uchiha's tone came from behind Uchiha Shisui in a very flat tone.

"Better give me an explanation, or I guarantee you will regret it."

"Minister Qi..." Uchiha Zhishui swallowed.

I don't know why, when he faced Kai Uchiha's indifferent tone, he actually had a feeling that he couldn't resist at all.

It was the first time he had seen such a feeling in Kai Uchiha.

Even in the body of the third elder, Makoto Uchiha, he never felt it.

The only thing that can be compared to it seems to be the three generations of Hokage that I haven't seen before.

It's just that compared to the three generations of Hokage-sama, that kind of gentleness has an irresistible power.

Uchiha Keisi is completely dull and cold, and such a state is daunting.

It was as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

Uchiha Shisui knew that this was probably Uchiha Kai's attitude towards the enemy.

This feeling of being locked by a poisonous snake really made Uchiha Shisui feel chills in his heart.

Uchiha Shisui knew that if he didn't say anything, he would give a result that would satisfy the minister in front of him.

I'm afraid this minister won't give him any good fruit at all.

And in the future, if I still want to get close to this minister, and if I talk to him again, I am afraid there will be no chance at all.

"Minister Qi, I do have something I want to see you, but I have never had the opportunity."

After wanting to understand the key, Uchiha Shisui immediately said, "It's just that Minister Qi may not have much time, and I am afraid that he is not willing to see me for some reasons, so..."

"It's all from the Uchiha clan, why do you think I don't want to see you?"

Kai Uchiha looked at the kid in front of him with some playfulness, and then shook his head.

"It's hard for me to believe what you said, or you're hiding something from me. Forget it, kid, tell me, what are you doing with me?"


Uchiha Shishui paused, and then he said with a serious face.

"Master Kai is the pride of our Uchiha clan. I have always admired and wanted to meet Master Kai, and I also have many doubts in my heart, so..."

Do you have doubts in your heart?

Uchiha Kai looked at him strangely. How this kid is like Uchiha Itachi has always been a pile of doubts.

But he didn't speak either, but looked at this guy quietly.

He was thinking, thinking about what this kid wanted to do.

Such an answer obviously did not satisfy Kai Uchiha.

Although this kid came to him, although he had his own doubts, he would definitely do this if someone told him something.

This guy has been in contact with Hokage III, but Uchiha Qi doesn't think that Hokage III will say something nice about him.

Especially, Danzo died in his own hands!

However, it's not like saying good things won't attract Uchiha Shisui's attention.

It's just that Yu He was very curious, what exactly did the third Hokage say.

Or maybe this future Shunshi Shishui is going to say something to himself.

The two definitions are quite different.

"You have three minutes."

Uchiha Kai calmly looked at the young man in front of him with his arms around his chest.

"Treasure your time, I won't waste too long with you, and don't worry, this is already the territory of the Uchiha family, and no one will come in to watch you."

Uchiha Kei is not stupid, he knows if there will be a root or an Anbu person watching on the outside.

Although Anbu has completely entered the hands of Namikaze Minato.

But still be careful, there will be some 'weird' in it.

It is necessary to guard against people, and this is kept in mind by Kai Uchiha.

And the Uchiha clan's clan, basically no Anbu, root and the like will come in.

Even if you come in, you will notify in advance, so as not to cause trouble.

Uchiha Kai deliberately waited for a while, just to wait for this kid to enter the control range of the Uchiha clan.

Especially since their place is relatively remote, they don't need to worry about seeing others who come in because of the openness.

The preliminary work that should be done has been completely done, and the rest is to see what the boy in front of him is going to do.

Three minutes is enough, enough for this kid to ask a question of his own.

If this question can arouse Uchiha's interest, then he is willing to chat with this kid.

By the way, it's also good to test what the old guy Sandai Hokage said.

"Master Qi, I have a lot of questions, but since it's only three minutes, I can only ask simple things."

Uchiha Shisui knew that he couldn't bargain, so he took a deep breath and said directly.

"I don't know Sir Qi, what are your views on the war? Also, what are the views of the family and the village?"


Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Shisui with some amusing, and it took him a long time to shake his head.

"This question of yours has been asked by a kid for more than a year. That kid is the child of the patriarch. I heard that you have a good relationship with him."

"Don't tell me, haven't you asked him?"


Uchiha Shisui's question is very boring, very boring.

So much so that Uchiha Kai didn't answer his desire at all.

Uchiha Itachi had asked this question before, but Uchiha Kai at that time gave him some answers because of Uchiha Itachi's identity.

But what about now?

He doesn't care about Uchiha Shisui at all.

Although he is indeed a genius, and his thinking is much better than Uchiha Itachi.

But as far as the matter is concerned, although Uchiha Itachi has a good relationship with him, in this world Uchiha Itachi has at least not been related to the three generations of Hokage.

And there is Uchiha Fugaku watching, plus he is the young patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

There are more things that he can come into contact with. It is difficult for this kid to have anything to do with the three generations of Hokage.

Now Uchiha is developing so well, and Konoha's relationship has improved so much.

Uchiha Itachi, this kid, no matter how you look at it, there is no chance to get in touch with the three generations of Hokage.

On the other hand, Uchiha Shisui is a relatively qualified ninja before the Uchiha clan has completely reached this point.

In addition, he was originally cultivated by a member of the "Dove School", so his psychology naturally has many ideas that are biased towards Konoha.

Unfortunately, he was too young at the time. No matter how he looked at it mentally, Kei Uchiha thought it was extremely immature.

Therefore, this kid is most likely to be designed by the third generation of Hokage, and was attracted by the third-generation Hokage and others with some 'biased towards Konoha' remarks.

In fact, it's almost the same. Otherwise, if he really had the eyesight of Uchiha, he wouldn't be able to mix with the three generations of Hokage now.

Still, he responded to the words Uchiha Kei himself once said.

Only by standing at a sufficient height can we see many things more clearly.

Uchiha Shisui can't, maybe in the original book, but now he really can't.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai waved his hand at will, gave him a prompt to find Uchiha Itachi, and left.

Such a kid, such a question, three minutes for him is really a waste.

"Master Qi..."

When Uchiha Shisui saw Uchiha Kai's attitude, he was also very anxious: "I have communicated with Itachi, but he didn't want to say these things, he just told me that you don't recognize him."

"That's your own problem, kid."

Uchiha said without turning his head: "As for I don't recognize him, why do I have to recognize him? Besides, including you, I didn't recognize him either."

"Then, can Mr. Qi say that when such a big crisis broke out in Kiriyin, why didn't anyone find you in Konoha?"

Seeing Uchiha Qi leaving, Uchiha Shisui couldn't help it anymore, he suddenly whispered.

And his words really made Uchiha Kai stop.

Then he clearly saw that Uchiha Kai turned back with a playful smile on his face.

It's just that the eyes that seemed to have no emotion at all made Uchiha Shisui instantly feel as if he had fallen into a freezer.

If the feeling just now was being stared at by a poisonous snake, then now it is really being entangled by death!

It is really hard for Shisui Uchiha to imagine such a feeling, such a feeling that he has never experienced before, a feeling that comes from the fear of his soul!

Uchiha Zhishui swallowed, he didn't dare to move at all, his body seemed to freeze.

Although Kai Uchiha in front of him didn't move at all, he was really scared.

I was afraid that if I moved a little, it might lead to unimaginable consequences.

And Uchiha Shisui was also wondering in his heart. Could it be that the head of the security department in front of him really went to the country of water, and he really did everything in the country of water?

"Little devil, do you know what you're talking about?" After a long time, Uchiha Kai finally spoke.

His voice sounded so soft, but it made Uchiha Shisui shudder.

"Master Kai, this is just my personal doubt." Uchiha Shisui said through gritted teeth, he already felt his back was soaked.

"It doesn't matter how big the crisis is in the land of water, I'm just a Konoha ninja."

Uchiha Kai chuckled, he slowly walked to Uchiha Shisui's side, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You have too many ideas, and they are very unreliable.

And I feel that you are questioning and accusing the Minister of the Konoha Security Department for no reason. I think it is necessary for me to take you to the Security Department to check it out.

Look, have you been bewitched by someone? "

"Master Kai, I'm just... just..." Uchiha Shisui shook his head.

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he felt Uchiha Kai's hand on his shoulder began to exert force.

Suddenly, an indescribable pain made Uchiha Shisui tremble.

But he still didn't dare to move, and Uchiha Kei didn't give him a chance to move.

Uchiha Kai's physical quality has already undergone further transformation.

Originally, strength was not his forte, not even now.

But even so, his strength is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear, otherwise he wouldn't have broken Qing's hand lightly!

"There are two kinds of pain, one will make you stronger, and the other will be meaningless and just add to the torment."

Kai Uchiha's voice was still calm, and at the same time his eyes became scarlet, and three hook jade slowly spun in his eyes.

"I have no patience for things that are of no value. Did I tell you to speak, or did you speak it yourself?"

"I can't say..." Uchiha Shisui said with a painful expression: "But I came to you, really from my heart, because I have communicated with Captain Tomohisa..."

"Fujiu Hangping?" When Uchiha Qi heard the boy's words, he involuntarily paused: "How did you meet him?"

"Captain Tomohisa, now it's my guide, Joinin..." Uchiha Shisui said with some difficulty: "I had some exchanges with him, and he was really curious about Minister Kai, so I came here."

Fujiu Hangping became this boy's guide to Junin?

Aki Uchiha was a little puzzled, but then he seemed to have thought of something.

Although the three generations of Hokage have been made a bit miserable, there is absolutely no problem in adjusting the team without knowing it.

However, in Uchiha Kai's memory, although Fujiu Hangping is a very good person, he seems to be a member of the three generations of Hokage loyal to him.

Even though his younger brother is following Uchiha Kai now, there are some positional issues that should not appear in the change no matter how you look at it.

And Fujiu Hangping is also a smart person, a person who accepts the will of fire.

Why would such a person make such an irrational and irrational decision?

What did he say to Uchiha Shisui?

Which aroused the curiosity of Uchiha Shisui?

However, Uchiha Kai could see it very clearly. The moment he opened his Shaker, he had already seen some strange chakras on Uchiha Shisui's tongue.

I'm afraid this kid can't tell any information about the three generations of Hokage. Could it be that he's lying to himself?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai's eyes suddenly burst into strange chakras, and Uchiha Shisui's subconscious eyes became scarlet.

I have to say that this kid is indeed a genius, and at this age he is already a writing wheel of Shuanggouyu.

Apart from the possibility of some stimulation, I am afraid that his talent, physical fitness, and his mental power have reached the standard, so that he can open the wheel of writing, right?

It's just that these eyes were not enough to see in front of him, but Uchiha Shisui became sluggish in an instant.

Uchiha Qi paused slightly, then let go of Uchiha Shisui, he had already got what he wanted.

He really did not expect that he had left so many impressions on Fu Jiu Hangping at the beginning.

Even more unexpected, Fu Jiu Hangping seems to have misunderstood something.

However, he also confirmed some things, but this made him even more puzzled.

This guy, Fujiu Hangping, really doesn't seem to be what he imagined, or maybe he wasn't like that in the first place?

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kei didn't intend to think so much.

Although this incident is full of weirdness, it is definitely worth a good understanding of Uchiha Kai.

But this kind of thing is obviously impossible to do overnight. He needs to take it slow, slowly to understand and investigate.

As for this Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Kaixin already has a lot of ideas.

When prying into his heart, Uchiha Kai obviously felt his entanglement and struggle.

He seems to be influenced by the three generations of Hokage, but he can really feel the changes in the family and the village.

He loves the village and the family, but now he is stuck in the cracks because of his own entanglement.

"It's a real neurosis."

Uchiha Ki looked at Uchiha Shisui with a sluggish expression in front of him.

"What do you really think you can do? What can you change? Think of yourself as the savior of the family village?"

Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi in the original say something nice is called fraternity, but something ugly is a neuropathy.

However, it is not impossible to make good use of this kind of neurosis.

Maybe, this little devil can bring him completely different benefits!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Uchiha Shisui was attracted by Sandai, or he was attracted by Danzo's 'for Konoha's theory'.

It was a long time ago when Minato Namikaze didn't even have a firm seat for Hokage.

But flies don't bite seamless eggs. You don't have some inexplicable and messy thoughts. How can you attract those pesky 'flies'?

And since you have this problem, and you mentally put the family and the village on the same line.

Then the three generations of Hokage and others can make good use of it, why can't I use it?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai simply mentioned Uchiha Shisui,

Then he performed a transformation technique on the boy, and took him away from the corner...



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