This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 323: back to the village

In the clan of the Uchiha clan, in an empty warehouse.

With a burst of chakra fluctuations, six figures suddenly appeared.

Five of them, without exception, were wearing black robes and masks on their faces.

The only guy in a coma was a little devil with white hair.

They are Uchiha Ki and the others who were just brought back from the country of water by Minato Namifeng.

At this time, Minato Namikaze was exuding golden chakra all over his body, and it could be seen that he used the chakra of his nine tails.

Otherwise, if he teleports with so many people from such a long distance, no matter how powerful he is, I am afraid he will not be able to bear it at this stage.

"Finally back." Uchiha Ki glanced at the surrounding scene, and then couldn't help sighing.

He completely relaxed all of a sudden, and suddenly he felt a wave of fatigue radiating from his body.

Although it wasn't very serious, he also knew that after such a battle, his body really couldn't bear it.

Indeed, the progress of his fusion evolution is not bad, but it is a pity that his triple fusion rate is only about 50%.

Perhaps in terms of combat performance, Madara Uchiha, who was just revived and was doing warm-up, was not much worse than Madara Uchiha, but he couldn't stand his chakra infinite.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kei has always been envious of Ren Zhuli's existence.

But he knew very well that he had no way to get a tailed beast and seal it in his body.

Whether it's because of his current situation that he can't get it, or because he can't find a suitable one, or because he has some resistance in his heart, he doesn't have too many ideas.

Just imagine that there is an intelligent life watching you all the time in your body.

No matter what you do, he is looking at you, and this feeling is terrifying for him.

But it's okay now, Uchiha Kai has a new experimental project in his heart.

And if it is really feasible, then he can try it further.

Kei Uchiha didn't forget that the three-tailed chakras he let Aya Hyuga strip out were still sealed in a scroll.

Although I don't know how the sealing effect is, I don't know how much chakra has passed, but more or less should still be preserved.

Those chakras can be used to prove Uchiha Kai's conjecture, and then he can prepare and send someone to find the guy named Kazuma.

The so-called guardian ninjas, these guys Uchiha Keiza didn't take them too seriously.

Possibly the more interesting, but also very dangerous things, are the two techniques 'Lei Dun·Lei Meng Lei Ren' and 'Soil Dun Creation·Dead Soil'.

"Lei Dun·Lei Meng Lei Ren" can be regarded as a relatively weakened "Lei Dun· Qilin", while "Tu Dun Creation of Life·Dead Soil" is much more interesting.

This technique is called Earth Dun's ultimate resurrection technique, but this kind of resurrection is a lot worse than reincarnation in the dirt.

Because all the people he summoned were killed by himself, and the resurrection was just a pile of corpses of walking dead.

They have no thoughts and almost no awareness of fighting, but it seems that it is a good ninjutsu that can be used for reference.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Kai stopped thinking about these things for the time being.

He turned to look at Minato Minato, who was still breathing, and then turned to look at Aya Hinata and Kenta Imai.

After the two noticed Uchiha Kai's gaze, they immediately checked Kimmaro, and then nodded towards him.

This made Uchiha Kai feel relieved.

The two were brought back by Uchiha Fuyake, but it was obvious that Uchiha Fuyake could only take care of these two people at that time.

Uchiha Fuyue doesn't care about the kid behind them.

"Captain Minato, are you alright." Seeing the response from the two, Kei Uchiha was relieved.

Then he turned his gaze to Minato Minato Namikaze again: "Is this the chakra of the Nine Tails?"

"Ah, it's okay, it's just a bit expensive."

Namikaze Minato slowly shook his head, and the golden chakras on his body also disappeared.

"The distance is too far, and there are a lot of people. This is the first time I use the nine-tailed mode, and the synchronization rate is not very good, so I am a little tired."

Minato Namikaze glanced at everyone present, and after seeing that they had taken off their masks, he also took off the mask he was wearing on his face.

He did look a little tired. He went back and forth twice at the same time and communicated with Uchiha Obito through some special means, which made him a little tired.

However, I can see that he looks good, it should be some good results in the communication with Obito.

It's not clear what Uchiha Kai said specifically, but no matter how you look at it, it's a good thing.

"By the way, Qi-Jun, what happened to the three tails?"

Namikaze Minato came back to his senses now, he frowned and looked at Kai Uchiha.

"If there is no problem with the information, shouldn't Mitsuo be in the fourth generation of Mizukage, why..."

"I asked him to arrange it for me after I discussed it with him."

Uchiha Kai replied directly, he is not afraid of such a thing and there is no need to hide it.

"And he also taught me some techniques to control the three tails. You know, in such an environment, I'm afraid I really....

And Captain, your support speed..."

After saying that, Uchiha Kai stopped, and Minato Namikaze was a little embarrassed.

This time his support has been considered fast, but because the distance is too far, the transmission speed of this kind of chakra is really too slow.

There is really no way for Minato Namika to do this kind of thing, even if he has found Uchiha Fuyake right away and set off together.

But judging from the scene, they were still a bit ridiculously slow.

He sighed helplessly. Although Na Fengshui looked at it from his senses, he felt that what Uchiha Kei did was a little too much.

Although he didn't care that Kirin was so miserable, he also didn't care about releasing the three tails to fight against the army of Kirin.

After all, he has been on the battlefield, and he doesn't have so much false compassion in it.

But the problem is that now is not a time of war. What he is worried about is whether Uchiha Kai's hand will be exposed and whether it will lead to war.

"Qijun, have you ever thought about it, if your affair is discovered..."

Namikaze Minato asked Uchiha Ki somewhat vaguely, he believed Uchiha Ki would understand what he meant.

"A war?"

Sure enough, Uchiha Kei thought for a moment and it became clear, he said with a nonchalant smile.

"Don't worry, although there are many flaws, I show this gesture to shut up those families.

In the same way, with him in the fog, even if these families report with the greatest sincerity, I am afraid that the result they will get will not be a good result. "

"Is that so?" Minato Namikaze always felt unreliable, but in the end he could only sigh and nod.

"Then, Qi-Jun should keep in touch with him as much as possible. This kind of thing can't be messed up, especially if you made Kiriyin like this."

Naikaze Minato is indeed a big head, but he doesn't know the exact casualties of Kiriyin Village.

But if the tailed beast ran out and made a fuss, I'm afraid it would never be a peaceful thing.

But if you think about it carefully, Minato Namikaze actually feels that Kei Uchiha does the same thing.

The matter with the Hui Ye clan was basically an endless situation.

Fortunately, there is still Obito watching. Although he is an undercover agent, Bo Fengshui can determine the situation of this guy.

Especially in the brief contact before, Minato Namikaze was already certain about Uchiha Obito's situation.



Hei Jue looked at the golden figure suddenly appearing beside him in astonishment, but he didn't react at all.

And this guy's suffering has already pierced into Uchiha Obito's chest!

Fortunately, Uchiha Obito seems to be guarding against this guy.

Although he was stabbed by Kunai, Uchiha Obito did not die and successfully entered the Kamui space.

Pulling away a little, Uchiha Obito also had a kunai in his hands.

The azure blue chakra covered Kunai, and then shot directly at Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato easily followed this kunai, and he looked at the two people in front of him indifferently, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

Suddenly, with the huge three tails behind him, he let out a roar that shook the sky.

The masked Namikaze Minato paused for a moment, and the next moment he disappeared in place.

Only the injured Obito and Heijue with a ghostly face were left.

"Damn, you left a mark on you?" After a long time, Hei Jue responded and asked, "You never said this!"

"The ghost knows how he can be so sensitive. He can detect it."

Uchiha Obito's voice sounded a little low, and blood continued to flow down his chest: "Damn it, you should have killed him in the first place!"

"Forget it, don't think about these things." Hei Jue sighed helplessly: "I'll try to help you clean up these curse marks, that guy is too dangerous."

"Ah, I'll leave it to you." Uchiha Obito sighed, his voice seemed a little unwilling and resentful.

It's just that in his heart, UU Reading has an incomparably excited emotion rippling.

Namikaze Minato crossed, leaving some chakra in his body.

And this chakra conveyed only one message, a message that made Uchiha Obito extremely excited.

"Obito, although you have committed unforgivable sins, you are still my disciple.

Come on, I'll be waiting for you in Konoha. I hope you will still be my disciple Uchiha Obito next time we meet.

And I am still your teacher, Namikaze Minato. "


The figure of Minato Namikaze landed firmly on Sanwei's head. In his hand, he still held the Kunai of Uchiha Obito, but the chakra on Kunai had dissipated.

These chakras are not actually chakras with offensive effects.

Although it looks exactly the same, the actual effect is far worse.

And these chakras have only one effect, and that is to send him a message.

A voice from Uchiha Obito's heart, and a somewhat moving sentence from Namifeng Minato's heart.

"I'm sorry, Minato-sensei..."



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