This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 297: Signal

In this battle between Imai Kenta and Uchiha Kai, the final result was that Uchiha Kai won.

But Uchiha Kai could see that this guy purely used himself as a tool for sparring.

But he doesn't care too much, Imai Kenta is very strong now, really strong.

Even when Uchiha Kai fought, he seemed so understatement, and he defeated Imai Kenta neatly.

But Uchiha Qi knew that this was because he just restrained him!

Imai Kenta's speed is indeed abnormally fast, but Uchiha Kai's writing wheel eyes really became the main reason for Imai Kenta's failure.

A kaleidoscope of agile bias, giving him greater speed and more terrifying insight.

Unless this kid can use Fei Lei Shen like the second-generation Hokage, or this guy really can't force himself to use a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

To be honest, Uchiha Qi really thinks that this kid may have such ninjutsu at home.

As a descendant of the Thousand Hands clan, and it is still in the current decline, but he is trying to rise up the family.

I am afraid that the things in his house will make the whole Konoha a little jealous, right?

Looking at Imai Kenta lying on the ground, Uchiha Kai touched his chin.

Aya Hyuga was recording something on the side, as if she was summarizing the battle between the two.

"It seems that you have a good control of your chakra, and those things have taken effect in your body."

After a long time, Hyuga Aya said: "The power and efficiency of the water and earth are beyond your previous level, and the quality is also terrifyingly high.

It's enough to deal with ordinary ninjas and people who lack information, but to deal with Kai-kun..."

Having said that, Hyuga Aya shook her head, obviously she was not optimistic about Imai Kenta's level.

The technique that Imai Kenta displayed was strong enough and explosive, and its destructive power was a level stronger than those displayed by others.

But all this is nothing to Uchiha Kai.

Even for Hyuga Aya, who already knows this information, I am afraid that as long as you pay attention to the chakra fluctuations, you can avoid the destructive power of these techniques.

"As for Qijun, I'm afraid I can't evaluate it too deeply."

At this moment, Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai: "After all, Kai-kun is not too serious, and I already have statistics on Chakra.

But one thing is certain, that is, Qijun's level is probably not afraid of most ninjas. "

"So what's the use of this report." Imai Kenta lay on the ground and rubbed his head helplessly.

"It doesn't seem to have much effect, other than knowing that the captain hits people more."

"It's not always the case. It's always good to know all aspects of yourself."

Uchiha Qi walked over and sat directly on the ground: "Actually, dealing with you is not as easy as you imagined, your fighting style seems to be closer to the second-generation Hokage.

But you lack some decisive spells, especially those that can match your reaction nerves and speed. "

"I know these things too, but there's nothing I can do."

Imai Kenta sighed, and he was still lying on the ground: "You are talking about the technique of flying thunder gods, right?

But the talent required for this thing is much higher than you think, at least I can't help it now. "

The technique of flying thunder **** is really not a simple ninjutsu.

If you want to learn this technique, you need not only extremely high talent, but also terrifying reaction nerves and balance.

Fei Lei Shen is a space ninjutsu, yes, but the kind of jutsu that suddenly travels through space and then surprises the enemy.

If you don't have enough reaction nerves, it's very likely that you won't be able to react after landing directly.

Not to mention deal a fatal blow to the enemy.

And this technique does not necessarily appear in what kind of posture after the shuttle.

There is not enough balance, and if you fall, you will fall, which is no different from courting death.

It can be said that these two points alone are enough to make many people despair.

Konoha has been inherited for almost fifty years, and has gone through four generations of Hokage.

However, until now, only the second-generation Hokage who has died long ago and the fourth-generation Hokage who is still sitting in the position of Hokage have been quietly changed.

The shadow guard of Namikaze Minato is actually not learned at all.

Because they didn't use the Flying Thunder God as an actual combat possibility at all, and even teleporting some people was very difficult.

If the physical fitness needs of the first stage are met, then there is still a second stage waiting for you to suffer.

The second stage of learning the technique of flying thunder **** is the use of spells.

These spells can be words or patterns, and their effect is a positioning, allowing you to know where you will appear in the vast space.

The use of shuriken, as long as a qualified ninja, basically will not perform too bad.

But these spell seals can be said to be a variation of the sealing technique.

He can only master it through the study of sealing technique, and he wants to be proficient in quickly laying out the spell seal.

Then your sealing technique level really can't be low!

It is indeed feasible to prepare for kunai in advance, but you can't describe your own sealing spell that allows you to locate in the vast space.

Then, you don't really know how to fly Thor!

Uchiha Qi didn't know what kind of situation Imai Kenta belonged to.

Using himself as a comparison, he felt afraid that he would be stuck in the second learning stage.

He knew how difficult the sealing technique was. Seeing that Konoha's sealing class had so many people.

In fact, the number of seal classes in the entire ninja world is not large, and it can be seen in the fourth ninja war.

It can be said that these guys who are good at sealing are really poor in the huge base of ninjas, but they are very precious existences.

Not everyone is a second-generation Hokage, and almost everything is played well.

Not everyone can be as talented as Minato Namikaze, and also has a wife who is good at sealing.

Imai Kenta is very likely to be on the second stage as well.

As for whether it can break through this stage, Uchiha Kai can only shake his head.

Of course, if it really can't break through, it might be a good thing.

If you turn your face, it's better to deal with it, right?

Uchiha Qi felt that he would not be afraid of such a flying thunder god, after all, he mastered the terrifying pupil technique to stop time.

Against Obito has proven this to work, the only thing to watch out for is his speed.

"By the way, you have been here all this time, aren't you worried about the problem at the mission department?"

No longer like these messy things, Uchiha Kai asked curiously.

"It's like you're going to your new guard building." Imai Kenta sat up, his resilience was still terrifying.

"Like you, a shadow clone is enough.

Nothing major happens now, Konoha is all right, and I don't need to run over every day.

Of course, it can't be like this every day. "

Uchiha Kai nodded. Indeed, Konoha is now all stable, and many things do not need them to worry too much.

The new building of the Security Department has now been built, and the ninjas of the engineering team completed the project in less than a month.

The only time delay was due to various foundations and reinforcement of steel bars.

This new Security Department building is only a few dozen meters away from the Hokage Building, and it can be said that it stands in the core area of ​​Konoha.

In addition to the Hokage office in the Hokage Building, the Ministry of Government Affairs is also located in this building.

Next to it is the Mission Department, which now has a Security Department.

It is conceivable what kind of feeling the security department will give people now.

The Security Building is not as tall as the Hokage Building, but it has basically all the facilities it should have.

With the expansion of Uchiha Kai, the vacancy in this building was filled.

In just over a month, the originally cold security building has gained a lot of popularity.

The people he recruited did not have any combat expertise, and they were basically people who were good at handling government affairs.

Probably in order to help Nara Feng Minato win over the people of the Nara clan, Uchiha Kai deliberately selected a lot of Nara clan people.

Of course, he did not forget other candidates, especially civilians, he made the biggest priority.

Although there are not many smart people, but in Konoha's huge population base, you can still find a lot of talents in this area.

As for the three sub-commanders under his command, after the headquarters of the security department was relocated, they began to go to the security department set up in different areas to start their new jobs.

Except for the only area that has not been laid out for the time being, or because the reconstruction work there has not been completed.

Probably also for this reason, Uchiha Qi is not so anxious to appoint, who will be the sub-captain of this sub-team.

Now that area is in charge of the other three teams in turn, everything is fine, and Uchiha Kai doesn't need to worry too much.

"Speak up, who exactly are you Hyuga planning to send over?"

Thinking that his fourth unit has not yet been confirmed, Uchiha Kai couldn't help turning his head to look at Hinata Aya.

"You didn't respond when I asked you last time. Did you really decide to be the sub-captain?"

"I don't know, but I don't think they would choose me."

Hyuga Aya shook her head: "Besides, I don't want to be the captain of this division, isn't it bad to stay in the headquarters and continue to be my management position?"

Hyuga Aya has also left the third unit now, and she followed Uchiha Kai into the Security Building.

It can be said that this is a signal to the Hyuga It's just that these people haven't made a decision yet, which makes Uchiha Kai a little unhappy.

"Tell your patriarch, if a decision has not been made, then I am afraid I will appoint someone I trust."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, his face became a little serious.

"Although I hope to continue to cooperate with them, I don't want to wait until the reconstruction of the remaining areas is completed, and the security department cannot perform its obligations because there is no squad leader."

"I see, I'll go back and deliver the news."

"And, again, as the old saying goes, don't pick someone who's embarrassing me.

For example, that Sun Xiangkong. "


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