In the face of Uchiha Kai's knife, Uchiha Obito was unusually calm, or he had already made preparations.

This knife penetrated his body without exception and did not cause any substantial damage to him.

The moment he avoided the knife, Uchiha Obito launched a counterattack.

Uchiha Kai also fought him without showing weakness.

Close combat is really not a problem for him, and he even wants Uchiha Obito to fight him like this.

Facts have also proved that Uchiha Obito's decision is really wrong.

When he wasn't using his divine power, his physical skills really weren't that strong.

After about a few minutes of playing, he took the initiative to stagger away from Uchiha Kai.

Patting the ashes on his body, Uchiha Obito stared at Uchiha Kai not far away.

This guy's physical skills are really powerful. If it wasn't for his body recovering abnormally fast, I'm afraid he would have lost his fighting power.

He knew that Uchiha Kei wasn't real at all, although neither did he.

It's just that I feel a little embarrassed that I don't seem to use the ability of Kamui, and it seems that I really can't deal with this guy Uchiha Kai.

This guy's speed is really outrageous, and his insight is also exaggerated.

Even though he has already learned a lot during this time, there is a lot of knowledge and use of Sharingan, as well as a lot of ninjutsu.

But in fact, he found that his basic ability and Uchiha Kai were still too far behind.

Taijutsu is one of the basic abilities of a ninja.

At this point, Uchiha Obito found himself, and he really couldn't compare with Uchiha Kai.

Now he has placed a writing wheel eye in the missing eye socket, so that he does not have the problem of missing vision.

But even so, after the confrontation just now, he found that his physical skills were still inferior to this guy.

In addition, it seems that he is not an opponent in the use of Sharinyan.

Whether it is insight or analysis after insight, he is not as good as the guy in front of him, which makes Uchiha Obito very uncomfortable.

"Forget it, so what if he can't compare, even if he is powerful, the outcome of his eyes is already doomed." Uchiha Obito thought silently.

"Since you don't plan to use the kaleidoscope for the time being, then I'll let you take a good look at it. Even if I can't compare to you in basic abilities, you definitely can't compare to me in other abilities!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito dodged directly from Uchiha Kai's next attack.

Then his hands quickly formed a seal, and Chakra surged quickly on his body: "Fire Escape·Booming Dance!"

This algorithm is a fire escape developed by Uchiha Obito himself.

Combine the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with the fire escape ninjutsu, and use the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye to release the power.

Continues to create a vortex, warping space and causing a powerful cyclone.

In conjunction with the fire escape to form a huge vortex-shaped wind, the blessing flames formed a burst of wind and dance.

At this time, although Uchiha Obito did not use the kaleidoscope writing wheel, he could also use it to a good effect.

Uchiha Kai looked at the swirling flames in front of him, and he immediately launched a telescoping technique to retreat backwards. He didn't want to be burned if he was too close.

When he appeared on a treetop again, his seal had also been completed: "Fire Escape Fire Dragon Fire Bomb!"

Filled with chakra like a raging dragon, dancing flames spewed out of his mouth, instantly rushing towards the swirling flames.

For a time, the forest was immediately shrouded in flames, and the intense flames suddenly attracted the attention of many people.

The battle between Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Kai is really not as calm and murderous as his previous battle with Namikaze Minato.

The horror of Namikaze Minato is really not clear in a sentence or two.

He is the kind of person who can play the most terrifying effects with the most common cards.

His analytical ability can even be said to be the best in the ninja world!

And his own strength is not weak. After realizing Uchiha Obito's ability, he directly seized this weakness and launched an almost lore attack.

This caused Uchiha Obito to fail so quickly.

Now Uchiha Obito is a lot more vigilant, and he has been taught a lesson by Uchiha before, so his vigilance is even more extreme.

Since Uchiha Keiwa intends to take it slow, he doesn't mind doing it either.

He is learning, learning the way of Namifeng Minato.

Once he found the space for Uchiha Kai, he immediately launched a lore!

And now, he seems to have found a good opportunity.

The intense fire made the two of them have to move away from each other, and the fire also isolated the sight of the two of them.

It's just that such flames are not a problem for Uchiha Obito at all.

His ability allows him to ignore these flames, and Uchiha Kai obviously cannot be the same as him.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito directly blurred his entire body and rushed into the flames.

It didn't take long for him to see the location of Kai Uchiha.

Then he sneered, and the whole person rushed towards Uchiha Kai.

The speed of a ninja is unimaginable, especially a ninja like Uchiha Obito who is good at space ninjutsu.

In the blink of an eye, he was already in front of Kai Uchiha, and the chain in his hand hit him directly.

Facing such a sudden attack, Uchiha Kai didn't seem to react, he just leaned slightly.

This deflection could indeed evade this surprise attack, but Uchiha Obito knew that his plan was successful.

This guy didn't move for the first time and has already said a lot of questions.

What's more, his chain is still very flexible, just need to adjust slightly, the next attack will be the death of Uchiha Kai!

However, at this moment, a dark chakra suddenly appeared on Uchiha Kai's body.

This dark and cold chakra suddenly made Uchiha Obito feel a crisis, and he seemed to have some bad premonitions.

"This....this is?"

Uchiha Obito glanced at these dark chakras, and he seemed to have guessed what it was.

These dark chakras have spread rapidly at this time, and in the blink of an eye, these dark chakras have become the shape of ribs, tightly wrapping Uchiha Kai.

And above this rib, there is a huge black skeleton arm.

This arm directly hit Uchiha Obito fiercely!

It is completely conceivable what will happen if this punch hits him!

The ninja sword in Uchiha Kai's hand suddenly lifted, and the next moment the ninja sword stabbed directly into the lock of Uchiha Obito's iron chain.

At the same time, his left hand was raised, and the sound bloomed in his ear like a thousand birds chirping.

At this critical moment, Uchiha Obito immediately collapsed.

He knew that if he didn't enter the divine power space quickly, I'm afraid this would be his doom!

Only in this way, his raid basically failed.

This can only show that the sinister poisonous snake Uchiha Kai is expected to attack!


Susanoo, who was in the primary state, punched down, and immediately the treetop where Kai Uchiha was standing was directly interrupted, and he and Uchiha Obito fell from the treetop together.

In the process of whereabouts, Uchiha Kai has also been on guard against Uchiha Obito's sneak attack.

Although Shenwei's pupil technique lacks the eye with the attack attribute, the eye for life-saving and sneak attack is still there.

If he didn't take precautions, he was worried that he would also be tricked, but soon he found himself thinking too much.

"What a sinister viper!"

After Uchiha Obito fell to the ground, the figure quickly retreated. He stared at the dark chakra on Uchiha Kai's body, and a dignified expression appeared on his face blocked by the mask.

But soon the solemnity on his face turned into a sneer, and he seemed to know the ability of this guy's eyes.

I'm afraid, it's nothing more than enhancing Susanoo's ability, right?

Of course Uchiha Obito knew about Susanohu, and through the teaching of Hei Jue, he had already understood the ability of the kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

In addition to improving the effect of Sangou jade in all directions, Kaleidoscope also has some specific pupil techniques.

In addition, it is also the key to contact the Uchiha family's "patron saint".

It is a pity that in order to wake up the patron saint who is sleeping in the Uchiha clan, it is necessary to have enough mental power.

Or the ultimate negative spiritual power, and the second is to have a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels.

After Uchiha Obito learned about these things, he didn't think about his Susanoo anymore.

Because he is missing an eye, and that eye is in Kakashi's eye socket, he has no idea of ​​taking back what he sent out.

Looking at Uchiha Kai, who was constantly spreading the black chakra on his body, Uchiha Obito was a little jealous, but he didn't care too much.

Susanoo, who suddenly appeared, could indeed give him a fatal blow, but he didn't need to worry if it didn't work.

No matter how strong Susanoo is, what if the attack and defense are terrible?

Once you can't hit it, and your attack can pass through the protection of those chakras, then Susanoo's effect will have no effect.

"I didn't expect you to hide such a thing?"

Uchiha Obito said in a low voice: "Susanoh? I seem to know your abilities, boy."

"Oh? A rat like you really knows my abilities?" Uchiha Kai sneered.

"Seriously, it's really boring to play with you. You've always been a mouse in the gutter. What else can you do except rely on that space ninjutsu?"

Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, and his tone became a little weird.

"Insight, it's not bad, it's almost the same for some ordinary ninjas.

Can you do Taijutsu? You can, too. Can you deal with a lot of people with your Space Ninjutsu?

As for analytical skills....sorry, can you give me some hints? "

"Junior, you can stop talking." Uchiha's face became a little gloomy under the mask of Obito: "I haven't gotten serious yet."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head.

"It's a coincidence, so am I. However, I'm really curious, who are you?

senior? With such a rat-like senior, you really lose the face of the Uchiha family! "

"Ki Uchiha, don't think I don't know who you are when you wear a mask!"

At this moment, it seems to be the pain point of Uchiha Obito, this guy directly handed over the name of Uchiha Kai.

"I'm afraid you are the real rat? You hide your abilities, wear a ridiculous mask, and hide yourself in the shadows.

Come on, let me see what kind of abilities you, a rat, have! "

At this point, Uchiha Obito's exposed three-gou jade began to spin frantically, and the next moment they were connected!

Uchiha Qi looked at this guy quietly, and then the three hook jade in his eyes also began to rotate, and a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, the two of them disappeared in place again, and when they appeared, the two had already crossed each other...


"These two guys..."

About a kilometer away from where Uchiha Kai fought, Hyuga Aya, who had been silently watching Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Obito fighting, couldn't help but say something.

Because the battle range between the two began to expand, Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta had to evacuate farther.

And she has been observing the battle between these two people. It can be said that this battle was beyond her understanding from the beginning!

The mysterious masked man is like nothingness, he can let himself avoid all kinds of deadly attacks anytime, anywhere.

This kind of ability is faced by other people, I am afraid I don't even know how to die, right?

But Uchiha Kai, this guy, faced this guy so calmly.

And, according to him, this is not the first time he has faced it.

Hyuga Aya didn't know how the previous battle in the Country of Grass was, but what she knew was that Uchiha Kai won.

And also brought back that white, cell-active trophy.

This time, she actually saw Kai Uchiha's battle.

That kind of light-hearted attack, the melee combat skills are outstanding, even in the face of this kind of virtual ability, it can be easily dealt with.

This made Hyuga Aya have to sigh, Uchiha Kai is really powerful.

In addition to his eyes, the kind of eyes that contain terrifying power are enviable, his fighting skills are not limited by his own eyes at all.

This is even more enviable.

It seems that Uchiha Kai has never regarded the power of his eyes as his main combat power, and he seems to use these eyes as a tool.

Powerful fighting skills, coupled with those more terrifying eyes, made Kei Uchiha not only able to deal with such a difficult and difficult guy with ease.

It can even be said that it has been pressing the opponent to fight!

"What's wrong?" Imai Kenta looked at Aya Hyuga in a strange way: "The battle over there is a bit big, how are the two of them now?"

"It can only be said that these two are really not something that ordinary people can deal with." Hyuga Aya's eyes were still fighting in the distance.

"Even if it's a shadow, I'm afraid it's not easy to fight against the two of them, and even if you don't pay attention, you may fall."

"It's not surprising, the captain's fighting style has always made people wonder, although I don't know what kind of fighting style, it will make you show such an expression."

Imai Kenta shook his head, and then continued: "By the way, did you find anything about the guy the captain called our attention?"

"Not yet." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "If I have a fairy mode, I am afraid I will find out, but I am afraid I will..."

Having said this, Hyuga Aya did not continue to speak.

It was really too coincidental that she could learn the fairy mode, and she didn't even tell some secrets.

That is, in the materials that she experimented with Uchiha Kai, she tried to make some for herself.

But even a small amount made her body very incompetent, so she stopped thinking about continuing.

It just so happened that during that time, Uchiha Kai had a stronger low-intensity reaction, so he didn't notice her situation.

But even if she stopped, she noticed some changes in herself in the following time.

Not like Uchiha Kai, Chakra became stronger or changed in other ways.

But she could vaguely feel some chakras that she couldn't feel at all on weekdays.

At the beginning, Hyuga Aya didn't know what it was, and she didn't have time to pay more attention to those contents because of her in-depth research.

But as Imai Kenta took out the practice manuscript, and Uchiha Kai directly put it there for her to read.

Only then did she know what those chakras she felt were.

She didn't know how Kai Uchiha thought about it, but it seemed that the guy didn't take it too seriously.

Maybe it was because he noticed that he had moved those materials, and he probably had the idea of ​​seeing the effect, so he didn't say much.

Or maybe he found that his so-called fairy mode couldn't cause him any trouble at all, so he didn't say much.

Her current fairy mode is actually not a fairy mode at all, she can only gather natural chakra but cannot use it completely.

Shaking his head, Hyuga Aya didn't think too much about these things.

She looked at the battlefield in the distance, and at this time she could not understand the battle between the two.

Hyuga Aya really can't understand the battle between the two now, or the battle between the two has completely exceeded her expectations.

When the two kaleidoscopes began to use their pupils to fight continuously, this battle can be said to be out of the normal ninja battle mode!

Uchiha Qi stood quietly, and the Susanoo on him had almost reached the third stage.

The dark Chakra giant surrounded him, and the scarlet eyes and thick armor resembled a **** of war.

Every time it swings the sword, the ground shakes, and every time the sword energy passes through, it will be a mess.

And Uchiha Obito was also very calm, and when he opened the kaleidoscope, his control over Shenwei became extremely precise.

It can be said that Uchiha Kai's attack is of no use to him.

On the contrary, he also has no way to take Uchiha Kai.

Because he doesn't know why, Uchiha Kai seems to know his attack methods very well.

Every time he can dodge his own attack accurately, even Mu Dun can't hurt this guy.

Moreover, the Susanoo on this guy is extremely dense, and if he shuttles in and launches an attack, he may be quickly countered.

This way of passing away like a turtle shell really made Uchiha Obito feel extremely embarrassed.

"It seems that your means are limited to times?"

Uchiha Qi controlled this Susanoo with another knife, and the strong knife slashed Obito's body directly, but added a deep mark to the earth behind him.

"What about you? You seem to have nothing to do with me."

Although Uchiha Obito's face was not good-looking, he still said in a low and calm voice.

"I admit that I underestimated you. Your attacking power is indeed very strong, but that question still makes me feel interesting."

"Tell me about it." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"How long can your eyes last?"

Uchiha Obito chuckled lightly, as if he had grasped the lifeblood of Uchiha Kai.

"Susanoo is not an ordinary technique. This is Uchiha's forbidden technique. Can you really stand it now?"

Susanohu's powerful Uchiha Obito has figured it out through the literature, and he also knows how terrifying the consumption of this technique is!

Although he guessed that Uchiha Kai's pupil technique is probably related to Susanoo.

But Susanoo, who has maintained this state for so long, doesn't believe Uchiha Kai's blindness can hold up at all!

Although he lacks offensive means, he does not lack pupil strength and chakra.

Even if he is exhausted with Uchiha, he must be the victor!

Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and the face under the mask couldn't help showing a slight smile.

Then the Susanoo on his body began to slowly disintegrate.

As if to confirm Uchiha Obito's words, the Susanoo on his body has almost retreated to its initial state.

What only made Uchiha Obito frown was that he didn't seem to feel any change in Uchiha Kai's breath.

On the contrary, it seems to him that it is more sharp now.

"Indeed, my eyes may not be able to withstand such a powerful consumption."

Uchiha Kai's voice was slightly cold: "So my strongest combat mode is really not using Susanoo."

"Oh?" Uchiha Obito's expression became a little wary, but his tone remained the same.

"Do you think this fight is better? Or do you think you can win?"

"You know, Rat." Uchiha Qi took out the ninja knife, and the blue chakra appeared on the ninja knife called Qiyu.

"I like the ability of your eyes very much, stay!"

After saying this, Uchiha Kai didn't give Uchiha Obito any room to speak at all, and he rushed directly in front of Uchiha Obito.

The ninja sword in his hand pierced the sky and slashed directly at Uchiha Obito's chest!

Uchiha Obito snorted coldly, but the next moment he was dumbfounded.

Because Uchiha Kai's knife suddenly accelerated, if it was just a horse before, then this moment is a cheetah!

Having lost one eye, he had a slight problem with the speed of blurring.

It's just that as Uchiha, his speed is fast enough, and his insight is also very strong, so he will directly ignore some defects.

But at this moment, he found that his stagnation that didn't last for a second had actually become a flaw?

He couldn't figure out when and how Uchiha Kai discovered it.

He couldn't figure out why Uchiha Kai was so fast, did this **** have something hidden before?

Not to mention Obito was dumbfounded by this sudden acceleration, even Hei Jue, who was hiding in the ground and integrated with the earth, was dumbfounded.

What the **** is this kid, he really couldn't understand at such a speed!

"Isn't this guy's pupil technique enhancing Susanoo?" Hei Jue thought silently.

"No, it should be other aspects of the body, otherwise it won't break out at such a terrifying speed!"

Just as Hei Jue was thinking silently, Uchiha Kai's knife still landed in front of Obito.

At this time, Obito also reacted as a qualified Uchiha He jumped back fiercely, dodging Uchiha Kai's sword dangerously and dangerously!

Seeing the blood coming out of his body, and feeling that his body had entered the Kamui space, Uchiha Obito knew that he might really be in trouble.

This guy is really insidious, how much is he hiding?

Gritting his teeth, Uchiha Obito did not admit defeat.

Today he has already lost to the fourth generation, is he still losing to a guy whose eyes may not be able to hold up?

At such a speed, he firmly believed that Uchiha Kai would not last long.

This guy's body can't hold up, all he has to do is to keep guarding against this guy's attacks, and...

Keep tempting him to attack like this!


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