This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 278: not recognized

"That is to say, I can find someone later, or report to the mission department myself, right?"

Sitting in Kai Uchiha's underground laboratory, Kenta Imai looked strangely at Kai Uchiha with a calm face.

He, who had communicated with him for a long time, didn't seem to be too surprised to report to the mission department.

It's just that he didn't expect that Uchiha Qi would only spend less than half a day to get this thing done.

I'm afraid it's not even half a day, it only took a few hours.

This also shows that the relationship between Kai Uchiha and Hokage of the fourth generation is really scary.

"Yes, it's up to you to choose." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"Actually, it's not a big problem to go to these places. The question is, can you suppress those guys? Long-term."

Kenta Imai came over early this morning, which basically shows that he has suppressed the affairs of his family.

It remains to be seen what the specific effect will be.

Uchiha Qi didn't want to see something uncontrollable suddenly break out at Imai Kenta's house at a certain point in the future, causing many of his arrangements to go to waste.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Uchiha Kai, so he has to make sure of something.

Even if necessary, he will wait for a suitable time to do something.

"Don't worry, although your forged suicide note can be seen to be wrong at a glance."

Imai Kenta glanced at Uchiha Kai: "But your other work is well done, you didn't kill people, and the current style of the security department makes them angry but not too much action."

"It's mainly because I noticed that Qianshou Xiang really committed suicide." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Forget it, I'm not interested in taking care of your family affairs, but you have to control it."

"Well, I know, not to mention that with this quota, I believe many things will become easier."

Imai Kenta nodded: "Although they are all grassroots positions, they are much better than others. They can block the mouths of many people, but..."

"You don't need to worry about the follow-up questions." Uchiha Qi interrupted him: "I will help you to take care of some things. You can find more time to study with your minister and do it well."

This guy Uchiha Kai is probably used to not speaking too comprehensively.

He will always leave enough space for himself, and he will leave some thoughts for others.

It was the same this time. He didn't tell the truth, even though he had already talked with Minato Namikaze.

It is his ultimate goal to release a little bit to keep Kenta Imai's motivation and vitality.

Kenta Imai nodded, and the promise of Kai Uchiha was enough for him.

Now the situation in his home has been temporarily suppressed, and it can still be maintained, but it is very unsafe.

He didn't have a complete reason to put those people at ease.

But it is different now. The middle-aged group may still be hostile to Uchiha, but they will not be hostile to the current Hokage.

With this win, Imai Kenta made some efforts that he and Uchiha Kai made, but they were completely denied.

It can definitely attract a larger number of young people to support.

With the support of this group of young people, those in the middle-aged generation may have nothing to do.

Imai Kenta is regarded very seriously, and his training level is also very high.

In the future, maybe he does have enough power to control the family.

Although this level has been moved to the present, it is equally effective as long as it is handled well.

Although Kenta Imai is not full of confidence, he is too aware of the life of the Senju family over the years.

He is also too aware of the demands and desires of these people. This is a huge opportunity for him.

"I know, I don't want too many places. Ten people will enter the mission department and break up."

Imai Kenta nodded: "Is this number not excessive?"

"I don't know about that." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Negotiate with Captain Watergate yourself."

"Actually, it's just what you said." Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, and finally sighed helplessly.

"I see, I will negotiate with the Watergate team... Hokage-sama.

Also, I'm preparing the quota for the fourth unit of the security department. I'll send 15 people in, right? "

"You're leaving the security department, still thinking about this side?"

Uchiha Kai shook his head decisively: "Ten, if it was before, I could allow fifteen.

But now I won't allow you to put so many people in, don't forget, I still have a promise with the Hyuga clan. "

Hyuga Hizu let Hyuga Aya's message, Imai Kenta was present at the time.

He also knew that with such a message, Uchiha Kei would never lose the benefits there.

Knowing Uchiha Kai's ambition, it seems that the relationship between this kid and the fourth-generation Hokage seems to be too close.

This made Kenta Imai a little reluctant and broke away from the relationship with the security department.

It's a pity that Qianshou Xiang really changed his mind, which led to Uchiha Kai's retaliatory reduction of the number of places, which also made Imai Kenta somewhat powerless.

Shaking his head, Kenta Imai knew that this was the best result.

They have just started and raised their heads, and some things really need to look at other people's faces.

But with such a partner, everything is still possible.

Although this guy Uchiha Kai has a dark heart, he has nothing to do with the gentle appearance he shows in front of outsiders.

But he's always been fine when it comes to worthy collaborators.

Although I was a little perfunctory before, but I had the identity of a "civilian ninja" as a disguise at that time, this guy was okay with him.

Hyuga Aya is also a woman, although this female lunatic Kenta Imai is not optimistic at all.

But this female lunatic also seems to have shown her own unique talent, and turned this talent into a very practical value embodiment.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai will protect this woman, and he has always been very good to this woman.

However, Kenta Imai seemed to remember something: "Speaking, where is Aya Hyuga? Why didn't you see her?"

"Don't thank you for that?"

Speaking of this question, Uchiha Qi didn't have a good face: "What immortal scroll of yours, this woman is looking at it all day long like a demon.

Could it be that she thinks she can still practice some kind of immortal mode? "

After Imai Kenta brought the fairy magic scroll, Uchiha Qi didn't have time to think about it after reading it again, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

On the contrary, Hyuga Aya, who stayed here, can read and watch this information scroll carefully.

Uchiha Kai came over early this morning, only to find Aya Hyuga sitting there cross-legged in a laboratory.

Her breathing is also very regular. This situation suddenly reminded Uchiha that this woman is not practicing this magic, right?

To be honest, he was still a little worried. Just looking at the pictures of Naruto Uzumaki's cultivation, he knew how dangerous it was.

If this fairy technique directly turns Hyuga Aya into stone, wouldn't it be a big loss?

But after thinking about it, it seems that Aya Hyuga doesn't have toad oil or something like that, which can enhance the perception of natural chakra.

Uchiha Qi also simply put down his mind and was too lazy to pay attention to this woman.

Although he knew that this woman had done something, he was too lazy to expose it...

"Practice immortal mode?" Imai Kenta's face was also a little strange: "Without specific props, this thing is very difficult to practice."

"Speaking, why didn't you practice?" Uchiha Kai suddenly looked at Imai Kenta suspiciously: "Isn't there a problem?"

"How is that possible?" Imai Kenta rolled his eyes: "I didn't practice because...because..."

"Looking at your expression, it seems a little hard to tell?" Uchiha Kai was a little strange: "Tell me, what's going on."

Imai Kenta's expression was indeed a little weird, and it seemed that he was blushing and a little uncomfortable.

Such an expression, Uchiha Kai has really never seen this kid's face again.

Now that it has appeared, Uchiha Kai is particularly curious.

If there is no problem with immortality, what is the reason for this kid not to practice such a terrifying immortal mode?

Suddenly, Uchiha Qi seemed to think of something, and then his face became a little weird.

"Could it be..." Uchiha Kai looked him up and down: "You didn't..."

"I wasn't recognized, I was recognized by slugs..." Kenta Imai seemed to speak at the same time as Kai Uchiha.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned: "How did you know?"

"I didn't say anything." Uchiha Kai's mouth twitched slightly.

"You're laughing? Don't think I can't see it!" Imai Ken too frowned, and finally he sighed helplessly: "Just laugh, as if you can get recognition!"

Uchiha Kei really wanted to laugh, but he knew that this kind of thing was likely to be "laughing and crying".

Imai Kenta is right, he is also probably the type of person who is not recognized by slugs, ghosts know what the standards of slugs' recognition are.

However, Kenta Imai was not recognized, to a large extent because this kid was too dark-hearted, right?

After all, in manga or anime, slug's performance is the kind of character that is very gentle and kind.

Imai Kenta is purely a kind-hearted person, and Uchiha Kai himself is similar.

"Then what should I do?" After thinking about this kind of thing, Uchiha Qi couldn't laugh anymore: "If you don't get approval, and you don't have the special props in your mouth, how do you practice this fairy tale?"

"So we need to figure out a way ourselves." Imai Kenta sighed: "Maybe, those cells and tissues in your hands are the best tools that can be used."

The cells between the thousand hand pillars?

Or is it a white cell?

Uchiha Kai nodded, Uchiha Madara relied on these things to forcibly control the fairy chakra.

It shows that this thing, to a certain extent, may still have a neutralizing or inhibiting effect on Immortal Chakra.

It's just that before Uchiha Kai had time to say anything, suddenly, a strange chakra burst out in the next room.

This chakra suddenly made their eyes widen...


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