This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 261: Shisui and Sasuke

Whether this guy is called Imai Kenta or Senju Kenta is actually the same.

He himself didn't have much feeling for this kind of name.

He has followed his father's surname since he was a child, and he has been used to it for more than ten years.

In his opinion, it is not the surname that determines which clan he belongs to, but the blood flowing in his veins and the environment in which he received his education.

This is convenient for Uchiha Kai, he is used to this guy being called Imai Kenta.

Suddenly changing his name, I'm afraid he can't stand it either.

This matter was barely negotiated. In fact, both Imai Kenta and Uchiha Qi knew that they were probably not satisfied with the result of this time.

To put it bluntly, they all feel that they have paid too much, but the return is somewhat small.

But for various purposes, one is to have a stable family ally, and the other is to have no good choices.

They finally took a step back and agreed to the 'cooperation agreement' this time.

Hyuga Aya watched the whole thing happen, but she didn't have much thought about the agreement between the two.

Because she herself is not very interested in such things.

But she is very aware of her importance in this matter, and after the successful cooperation between the two, Hyuga Aya will definitely benefit from it!

Not only will there be two better experimental subjects, but once they cooperate successfully and go right, Hyuga Aya will also get more and better shelter.

After agreeing on these things with Imai Kenta, Imai Kenta directly took out a seal scroll.

He took out a piece of information from this scroll, and placed it in front of Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya.

After opening this document, both Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya were a little stunned.

Because this information is what Imai Kenta said, the immortal art of Qianshouzhuma!

Neither of them thought that Imai Kenta was so bold. Could it be that he was so confident that he could persuade them?

"Just give yourself a firmer determination."

Imai Kenta seemed to understand what the two were thinking, and he said, "And even if you are not good for me, according to Qi-jun's practice, there is no habit of searching for corpses.

In this case....."

"You really know me." Uchiha rolled his eyes.

He found that he seemed to be able to use certain habits, which is not a good thing.

Burning corpses is Uchiha Kai's battlefield guidelines. Doing so will not expose his own situation, and will not leave any traces to others.

Regardless of whether the other party is a blood ninja or not, whether it is of great use to the direction of the war, he never cares about that.

He had no habit of leaving with other people's bodies.

As a result, it was a coincidence that this habit of his own seemed to be thoroughly understood by this kid Imai Kenta, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

And when this information is pulled out, Imai Kenta is probably also very determined.

It is a very expensive deposit, and if it is not used well, this is his life reminder.

Fortunately, his judgment on Uchiha Kai was still correct, and Uchiha Kai did not show any malice.

After handing this information to Aya Hyuga, Keiya Uchiha and Kenta Imai briefly discussed the question about Sho Chiu.

In the end, they decided to find this guy talking before Qianshou Xiangzhen realized that the information was missing.

Imai Kenta has left such an important thing, although Uchiha Kai can completely grab it, and then erase Imai Kenta.

But doing so may leave a bad impression on the woman Hyuga Aya, and at that time the detachment will cause something wrong with his experiment.

And Iori is not qualified at all now, that is, the loss outweighs the gain.

"It's no wonder that the triangle is the most stable form, and there is something like a tripartite confrontation. It's really... unbreakable."


After negotiating this matter with Kenta Imai, Kai Uchiha did not act for the time being.

Because Hyuga Aya began to prepare a new serum based on the data of Orochimaru.

I have to say that Orochimaru is really a rare top scientific talent.

Although his information may not be as useful as it will be, it has also increased the probability of failure of Hyuga Aya's previous experiments by many percentage points.

And the number of one-time fusions has also greatly increased.

After some tests, Hyuga Aya injected the first new version of the serum into Uchiha Kai's body.

And Uchiha Kei once again realized the low-intensity negative reaction in the body.

This kind of feeling is very bad, but Uchiha Kai, who has experienced it for a long time, is still used to it.

And he was satisfied that this time, his skin did not change again.

This time, he could clearly feel that his chakra operation efficiency and the recovery speed of his pupil power had reached a relatively good level.

This is definitely good news for Kai Uchiha, which shows that Orochimaru's information is very valuable.

Although his research is not completely perfect, it is enough for Uchiha Kai to make great progress.

Of course, the price is that Uchiha Kai ushered in a low ebb.

It's just that there is no need for him to fight now. Whether it's family affairs or the situation in the village, it's worthy of his reassurance.

So he just needs to wait in peace.

In the process of waiting, Uchiha Kai also witnessed the occurrence of historical events-that is, Uchiha Sasuke was born.

July 23 is Sasuke's birthday.

This little devil fell to the ground while Uchiha Fuyue waited anxiously.

As the second most powerful figure in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Kai naturally accompanied Uchiha Fuyue to wait outside the delivery room. For him, this is also a memorable event.

In fact, there are many historical events that Uchiha Kai participated in.

Not to mention anything else, the rise of the Kamabashi Bridge and the Fourth Hokage is definitely a major event in the history of Konoha and even the ninja world.

But Uchiha Sasuke is too special, if there is no accident, he will still be the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra.

Indra's chakra and Asura's chakra merge with each other to create everything!

He has always remembered this very clearly. Whether this so-called Senluo Wanxiang is the eye of reincarnation or the power of the six paths remains to be investigated.

But there is one thing he is very clear about, that is, the eye of reincarnation must rely on the intersection of these two special chakras.

Uchiha Qi is not sure whether the white cells in his hands still contain the chakra of the previous generation of Asura.

Although they performed very well in the 'Completion and Activation Plan', Senju Hashima was dead.

Whether his death will invalidate some kind of chakra contained in the cells is really something to be investigated.

But the result doesn't matter, the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura Chakra, Uchiha Kaito is very clear who they are.

If it really fails, then through some small tricks to get the cells or chakras of these two little devils, I am afraid that these failures can also be made up, right?

With all kinds of thoughts, Uchiha Kai followed Uchiha Fuyue into the delivery room, and Uchiha Itachi was with them.

Now this kid seems to be calm, but under his calm appearance there are a pair of extremely excited eyes.

Uchiha Itachi is still young after all, so he doesn't know how to hide his emotions at all.

In fact, Kai Uchiha felt that instead of hiding his emotions so pretentiously, he might as well be happy.

Didn't this kid notice that Uchiha Fuyue was a little lost.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't pay much attention to Uchiha Itachi, and he focused more on another person.

It was a kid who looked eight or nine years old, wearing the standard black combat uniform of the Uchiha clan.

There are some calluses on his hands, and from the distribution position, he is a knife user.

This kid looks very energetic and looks very sunny and confident.

The slightly curly short hair and thick big eyes have basically explained his identity to Uchiha Qi——

This kid is Uchiha Shisui, the Uchiha Shisui who took the initiative to expose his kaleidoscope ability and chose to commit suicide after having one eye taken away.

Uchiha Kai has asked Uchiha Chuan to investigate this kid, and the results are not too many.

It's just that he is a descendant of Uchiha Mirror, his parents died early, and it has nothing to do with Uchiha Obito.

In addition to this, I also know that this kid is the younger generation that the third elder Uchiha really carefully cultivated.

Excellent performance in the ninja school, has already graduated early.

And it is said that this kid seems to already have a writing wheel eye, which can be said to be a gifted little guy.

"Uchiha Shishui, it's quite interesting." Uchiha Qi walked towards the delivery room, thinking silently, this is the first time he has seen this guy.

"What are you thinking about Qi-jun?" At this moment, Uchiha Fuyue's voice suddenly came over: "You just... seem to have been looking at Shishui?"

"Ah, Uchiha Shisui, I've heard of him." Uchiha came back to his senses and nodded casually: "It is said that he is a genius, but the specifics are unknown, and I am also a little curious."

"I heard that he is indeed a genius, but he is a descendant of the third elder."

Uchiha Fuyue said casually: "However, there seems to be some gap compared with you, it should be said that it is far worse."

Hearing Uchiha Fuyue's words, Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

In terms of talent, I am afraid that I am not the opponent of this guy.

But talent is just talent. Uchiha Qi also had a wheel eye when he was about eight years old, and he had been on the battlefield for a year at the age of eight.

The current Uchiha Shisui meets himself of the same age, and I am afraid that he is really not his opponent.

This kid is very strong, but fighting for life and death, his strength is only part of it.

"Ah, maybe, this kid is lucky, at least he doesn't need to go to the battlefield."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, then looked at Uchiha Mikoto, who was lying on the bed, and the baby in her arms.

"Have you thought of the child's name?"

"I thought of a good one." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "However, if Qi-jun has an idea, how about giving some advice?"

"Suggestion." Uchiha Kai smiled: "What do you think of the name Sasuke?"


Since the child in the future is called Uchiha Sasuke, and Uchiha Fugaku is obviously ready.

Asking him is just polite, so Uchiha Kai has no intention to change this piece of history.

Even if Uchiha Sasuke is renamed Uchiha Sangsuke, can it still change the character of 'the rain passes and the sky clears'?

Uchiha Fuyue looked very happy, probably because Uchiha Kai thought of the same name as him.

But he didn't have much time to waste on this kind of thing, and now he was all attracted by this newly born child.

Uchiha Kei stood behind and observed Sasuke secretly. Like an ordinary newborn child, he was wrinkled and had no features at all.

But as parents, Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Mikoto are discussing how this child is like his father and what is his mother.

Maybe they are the only ones who can distinguish these things. Parents' love is generally the greatest and sincere.

Uchiha Qi silently observed Uchiha Sasuke, but unfortunately he did not notice any strange chakra on this little guy.

Maybe it's hidden too deep, maybe it hasn't been activated yet.

"It seems that there is no need to have such a dream at this stage."

Uchiha Kai laughed a little at himself: "But Sasuke has already appeared, and Naruto Uzumaki is not far away.

Maybe it takes these two people to attract each other to activate the hidden chakra. "

After leaving the congratulatory gift, Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue said goodbye.

It's probably better to leave time to this family now than to constantly congratulate them.

Uchiha Fuyue did not keep him either. After thanking him, he personally sent Uchiha Qi away.

The only disappointment is probably Uchiha Itachi, because Uchiha Kai has never spoken to him from beginning to end.

This kid is probably still thinking about the words he once left him, and the sentence; 'I didn't approve of you'.

"Today's harvest is really big, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Shisui." All the way towards the security department, Uchiha Qi thought silently.

"Sasuke doesn't need to pay attention for the time being, there is no Chakra of Indra, and he has just been born, there is nothing to think about. It's Uchiha Shisui..."

Encountering Uchiha Shisui was somewhat unexpected.

Although they are all members of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Kai is not in the same way as Uchiha Shisui and the people behind him, whether he belongs in the past or his current position.

He has also thought about how to deal with this kid many times, but after thinking about it, he is still talking about his development.

Brainwashing is indeed a good method to use, but his beliefs may have been fixed by those "doves".

"However, Danzo is dead, and many things have changed. This kid should keep an eye on it now."

Uchiha Kai thought as he walked: "He is still too young, he can be included in the security department when he is 11 or 12 years old.

Now those doves are very peaceful, I hope you will stay peaceful..."

It didn't take long for Uchiha Kai to arrive at the Security Department.

At this time, there were not many ninjas stationed in the security department, and most of the ninjas had already gone on duty.

When the ninjas who stayed here saw Uchiha Kai coming, they all greeted him immediately, and they were all very respectful.

Uchiha Kai also returned the salute with a smile, and then he slowly walked into his office. He has other things to do today.

Called Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukyo over, and Uchiha Kai assigned them a task.

Uchiha Shisui's monitoring Uchiha Chuan is already doing it, he just needs to wait for the result.

But there is another thing to be prepared for, and that is the fake information about what he needs.

He had already revealed something to Hyuga Aya, so he would never do anything that would slap him in the face.

Complementing things that don't exist at all naturally became one of his tasks.

Uchiha Chuan is a person he can trust. Although Uchiha Ryuying only joined, this kid is very smart in life and work.

He completed the task that Uchiha Kai gave him very well, and now Uchiha Kai has decided to increase his efforts.

If he did a good job in this task and didn't reveal anything, then Uchiha Kai would try to get him to turn on the writing wheel.

After Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage received this task, they did not ask any questions.

Even if it is difficult to understand, their answer is only a "yes".

A good subordinate never asks about the purpose of this matter, but silently completes this matter and does it best, which makes Uchiha Kai very satisfied.

Let them leave and find Imai Kenta, Uchiha Qi simply stretched.

After a period of recuperation, although his body is still in a low-intensity negative reaction period, he is not so weak.

At this time, it was not a problem at all to visit some people with Kenta Imai.

"Are you looking for me?"

Not long after, Kenta Imai knocked on the door of the office and entered with the permission of Kai Uchiha.

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that you have recovered."

"Ah, that's about it. Although there are some negative reactions, it doesn't affect my use of certain abilities."

Uchiha Qi didn't have anything to hide, he nodded directly: "So, it's time to meet your talker."

"Well, I'm going. I'm not very at ease during this time. The elder in my family.... is getting more and more anxious."

Imai Kenta nodded, he was really not feeling well during this time.

The fact that Qianshou Shouzhen let him withdraw from the security department has not been implemented, and he is also worried that he will be found out that he has stolen the scroll of fairy magic.

In addition, this old guy found someone to contact the fourth generation of Hokage, but there has been no news and feedback.

This made Sho Chiu very unhappy. He had asked Kenta Imai to use his identity as a member of the fourth Hokage team to contact the fourth Hokage to express something.

It can be seen that this old guy is very anxious now.

Because time goes by day by day, the vacancies of the four generations of Hokage will only become less and less, and I am afraid that there will be no points for them at all.

"You are uneasy because you are afraid of being discovered. The person in your family is in a hurry, and he has not contacted the fourth-generation Hokage-sama."

Uchiha Qi looked very clearly, and he shrugged indifferently: "Don't worry, I haven't done anything, and I don't dare to go out casually like this."

"Of course I know that you don't dare to go out. Killing Danzo provokes Lord Sandaimu, and you are afraid of death, right?"

Imai Kenta rolled his eyes, and then his face became serious again: "However, give me a thorough understanding of what the four generations of Hokage-sama are planning."

"I plan, he plans to find some people worthy of training." Uchiha Qi did not hide it, he said directly.

Now Kenta Imai has been completely tied to them, and the restoration of his and his family's identities is indeed worthy of Uchiha's actions.

It's no big deal to tell him something. As for whether he has the ability to do this, Kei Uchiha isn't really that worried.

This kid may not have the right to speak so much, but this kid can get the report on the cultivation of immortality, I am afraid he is also a member who has been carefully cultivated.

To a certain extent, he may still be the leader of the young people in the Qianshou clan!

But this is just Uchiha Kai's guess.

Whether it is or not, Kei Uchiha thinks that this kid should have a way. After they kicked some people, he can take over some positions smoothly and have a certain right to speak.

If he didn't have this ability, he would only die when he went to Uchiha Kai, or even worse.

"Actually, this proposal is what I said."

Uchiha Kai smiled and said, "Uchiha's security team is enough, and the third generation of Hokage of the Medical Department won't let go, and we can't do anything about it.

The administrative department has vacated half of the places, and the task center is also in the hands of the fourth generation of Hokage.

He will consider and select some people by himself to stabilize and maintain his circle of interests. "

"Stably maintain your own circle of interests?" Imai Kenta suddenly grasped the key: "Does it mean that some important positions will belong to family ninjas?"

"Not necessarily, but before something is changed, it will be." Uchiha Kai nodded.

Although they have set a direction for reform, there are many things on the road that can be done so quickly.

They are now more, is to maintain a stable situation.

"So that's the case. It seems that you also have a strong right to speak in front of the fourth-generation Hokage-sama."

Ken Imai looked at Kai Uchiha too seriously. Although he had already guessed, he is now almost certain of this fact.

Uchiha Kai smiled and did not answer the question, he did have an incredible right to speak in front of Namikaze Minato.

But this is not something he is proud of. Sometimes it is better to use the right to speak with caution.

Especially when your words can change the fate of a person or even a group, the more cautious the better.

Uchiha Qi had a "Knowing King" in his previous life, and this guy has a lot of power to speak.

As a result, because he fired guns everywhere, many people injected themselves with disinfectant or something.

Even he alone made a country almost lose its credibility.

"By the way, what is the current situation of your Qianshou clan?"

Shaking his head, Uchiha opened his mouth and said other things: "After Qianshou Xiangzhen stepped down, are you sure you can take over the Qianshou family?"

"The current Senju clan is not like your Uchiha clan." Imai Kenta sighed.

"Because of the war, many children lost their parents, and even many families have Young people like me are now the largest number, not many young and middle-aged people, and the elderly. ..."

"I see, it seems that you do mean some young leaders." Uchiha Ki nodded.

The fault in the middle and young generation is very terrifying. It is hard to say why it has become like this, but it can be regarded as an opportunity anyway.

"By the way, once we succeed."

Imai Kenta didn't want to talk about those things anymore, he looked at Uchiha Kai curiously: "Where can you recommend our people to go.

Or what position do you think is more worthy of our struggle and has enough success? "

"I think the mission department is a good fit for you."

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